Certified Veterinary Assistant - Level 1: Course 105 Kennel/Cage/Stall Area

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Halter (Equine)

1. Rope halter - has no hardware and less likely to break under strain of a horse. 2. Nylon halter - common due to it's ease of use. Does contain hardware. The halter is used to lead and secure horses to solid objects during exam or minor procedures.


1. The physiology separation of a part, as by tissue culture or by interposition or inert material. 2. The segregation of patients with a communicable disease. 3. The successive propagation of a growth of microorganisms until a pure culture is obtained. 4. The chemical extraction of an unknown substance in pure form from a tissue.

(105.C) Pine shavings should be at least ____-____ deep and ____ if a mare and foal are together.

6-10 inches, More


A V-shaped trough where the pig is placed on its back (dorsal recumbency). Used for castration and teeth trimming.

Push Board

A board with hand holes that is used to "herd" pigs into a specific area. Very short procedures can be done with this method.


A bucket can be used over the head of the pig. By eliminating what it can see, it will calm down and quick procedures such as injections can be done without much resistance.


A canine rabies or restraint pole can be used. The snare is hooked behind the upper canine teeth and over the nose. Slack is removed from the pole and the pig can be led around.

Anal sacs (glands)

A pair of sacs between the internal and external anal sphincter on either side at the mucocutaneous junction of the anus in carnivores. These sacs are subject to hypersecretion, ductal blockage, impaction and abscess formation, which may necessitate surgical removal. Discomfort associated with disease may give rise to "scooting," rubbing or licking of the anal area in dogs.

(105.B) Information about the patient should include (at least 4 answers):

A) Owner name B) Patients name C) Species D) Sex E) Planned Procedure F) Special Information G) Discharge date

(105.A) If you are asked to express the dog's ____ or trim its ____, you should do these procedures ____ the bath.

Anal sacs, Nails, Before

(105.A) It is a good idea to ____ a dog before giving it a bath.

Brush out the coat


Can be used for prevention of biting. Especially helpful on mares or stallions during natural breeding to prevent bite wounds. Horses can drink and have good air flow with these on. Some are made for grazing as well.

Squeeze Chute

Cattle are moved into the chute and the head is caught in the head catch, then if needed the body can be squeezed down to limit the cattle's mobility. Most procedures from blood draws to pregnancy palpation's are done with the animal restrained in the chute.

(105.A) If the animal you were dipping shows any of the reactions, you should rinse the ____ off immediately and alert the ____.

Chemical, Veterinarian

(105.B) Patient information should be on the patients ____ and ____.

Collar, Cage card

Dip Solution

Commonly sodium arsenate, rotenone, synthetic pyrethroids and organophosphorus preparations used during bathing of animals to kill external parasites such as fleas, ticks and mites.

(105.A) Always follow the label ____ when mixing shampoo or chemical dips.


(105.C) The most common bedding material for small animals is ____. It's good qualities include (3 answers):

Disposable A) Inexpensive or cost effective B) Reusable or disposable C) Easily cleaned

(105.D) A notice stating "____" should be posted on broken kennels.

Do Not Use

(105.D) If you notice that a cage ____ is loose, it needs to be repaired, so that animals housed in it do not ____.

Door, Escape

Chemical Restraint

Drugs are used to sedate horses for short procedures such as dental work and castration.

(105.D) ____ wires should be ____ to prevent injury to animals or humans.

Exposed, Removed or Hammered in

(105.B) True or False: Patients may stay in the kennel area with their own collars.


(105.C) Disposing of ____ from large animal stalls commonly means ____ it and hauling it to the ____ pile where it will be ____ away.

Feces Shoveling, Manure pile, Hauled

(105.C) Small animals who are recovering from surgery, fractures or are old may need addition bedding such as ____.

Foam padding

(105.C) The horse stall must be cleaned ____. Always look for ____ in the manure or ____ in the urine. If either of these are noted, inform the ____.

Frequently, Parasites, Blood, RVT or Veterinarian

(105.E) The ____ is the most common form of restraint for horses. With a ____ attached to it, the horse can be led into or tied up,

Halter, Lead rope

(105.E) Leg restraints, or ____ can be used on horses and ____.

Hobbles, Cattle

(105.E) ____ restrain the horse's legs but may still allow the horse to ____.

Hobbles, Walk

(105.C) All reusable small animal bedding should be washed in ____ and ____ to prevent transfer of ____ between patients.

Hot water, Bleach, Organisms

(105.C) What should you do if a horse has been confined in a stall for several hours, yet you find no manure or urine on the floor?

Inform the RVT or the Veterinarian.

(105.D) It is not wise to allow animals to run ____ through the kennel or barn.


(105.A) Instill ____ eye ointment prior to bathing or dipping a patient.


(105.E) Always use the ____amount of restraint to get the job done.



Owners often select a good dog collar and use it on the goats for leading and restraining.

(105.A) Always wear the appropriate ____ when using bath and dip chemicals.

PPE's or attire

(105.A) The dip solution is used to kill external ____ such as ____, ____ and ____.

Parasites, Fleas, Ticks, Mites

(105.C) The bedding recommended for horses is ____, ____ or ____.

Pine, Straw, Pelleted materials, Newspapers, Towel

Mouth Speculum

Placed in the mouth to hold open the mouth during oral procedures done under sedation.

(105.D) Anything that can ____ or ____, the skin such as an exposed nail, needs to be ____ immediately.

Puncture or Lacerate, Repaired

(105.A) The signs of a ____ may not appear for several hours. These signs may include excessive ____, ____, ____, lack of ____ and ____.

Reaction, Salivation, Tremors, Vomiting, Lack of coordination, Convulsions

(105.E) There are two types of equine halters: ____ and ____

Rope, Nylon

(105.A) Dogs should be ____ so they cannot escape the bath.


(105.E) Restraints are seldom used for ____ since a good handler can restrain this animal well enough for most common procedures such as ____ and ____.

Sheep, Tail docking, Castration

Halter (Ovine/Caprine)

Similar to the nylon horse halter. Used to lead and contain both goats and sheep.

(105.E) A ____ can be used to catch a pig in an open area and is placed over the nose.


(105.E) The most common restraint for cattle is the ____.

Squeeze chute

(105.E) A ____ may be used to restrain a cow, if the procedure is quick, such as an injection. This restraint consists of a ____ placed in the cow's nose which serves to distract the animal in the same way a ____ works with a horse.

Squeeze chute, Nose tong, twitch


The act of destroying infection-producing organisms. Disinfectants are usually applied to inanimate objects since they are too strong to be used on living tissues. Chemical disinfectants are not always effective against spore-forming bacteria or viruses.

Hobbles (Bovine)

These are used primarily in dairy cattle to prevent kicking during milking.

Hobbles (Equine)

These come in several styles for both front and rear legs. The purpose is to keep a horse from walking off (although they can hop around with them) and also restrict kicking with back legs.

Bat Twitch

These twitches have either a chain or nylon rope to place around the upper lip. It is then twisted to a snug fit. Do not over-tighten as it can cause damage to the tissue.

Humane Twitch

They distract the horse because they stimulate the nerves in the lips causing him to think about something other than the procedure being performed. The twitch is placed around the upper lip and closed down. It is intended for only short-term procedures. Damage to the lip is possible if applied for too long.

Nose Tong

This device is placed on the inside of the nose while the animal is in the squeeze chute. Used to direct the head during medical procedures.

Nose Ring

This ring is placed permanently in the nose to aid in leading the animal around. Commonly used in bulls, especially show bulls.

(105.A) True or False: It is not always necessary to express the anal sacs.


(105.A) True or False: It is possible to cause harm to animal or yourself if the dipping solution is not used according to instructions.


(105.B) True or False: Horses have the ability to unlock stall gates.


(105.B) If walking an animal in a non-fenced area, it is advisable to use ____.

Two leashes

(105.E) A twitched is used on a horse's ____, and should not be applied too ____ or for ____ periods of time.

Upper lip, Tightly, Long

(105.C) If urine is in contact with skin it may cause ____.

Urine Scalding


Used mostly in laboratory settings. Pig is placed on its abdomen with its legs slipped through openings. They tolerate this fairly well.


Used to perform shearing and other procedures such as dehorning or castration. The sheep is placed on their rump with feet away from restrainer. They seem to relax during castration reducing stress.

Cotton Rope

Usually 1/2-1 inch diameter and soft. Can be used with halter to tie a horse up and can also be used to restrain legs during a procedure.

(105.C) The ____ should be notified if you find ____, ____, or anything else ____ in the small animal's feces.

Veterinarian, Parasites, Unusual

(105.D) Always be ____ of your observation of the animal housing area.


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