Ch. 10-13 Test prep

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1. T/F Patrol units are typically the last respond to a scene of an unusual occurrence.


10.T/F An unfounded case classification is used when the evidence indicates that the alleged act did in fact occur but was legal, proper, and necessary.


10.T/F Morale, espirit la vie, and discipline are interdependent


11. T/F Rating systems are inherently objective since they involve a personal audit by one person of another's conduct or performance.


15. T/F The outstanding employee is rewarded and the marginal one is penalized when the rating officer does not have the personal interest to prepare a proper service rating report.


17. T/F Raters need not be given a deep appreciation of the need to make the evaluation reports valid and reliable indicators of performance if they are to have maximum value as tools of supervision.


2.T/F internal complaints are those that come from persons outside the organization.


20. T/F Supervisors should always utilize the written notice procedure to inform the employee of his overall rating.


3. T/F Evaluation systems are barred in some organizations because of legal requirements.


3. T/F When a command post is needed, the first responding patrol officer should carefully select a suitable site


3.T/F The extent of the action taken any given case is not determined by the infraction itself.


4. T/F The command post's location should be separate from the staging area for personnel and equipment.


4.T/F The threat of punishment and the fear it creates are very effective in changing behavior in the organization.


5. T/F Organizational rules provide little assistance in most cases as to who will be in charge of an operation.


5.T/F punitive action for similar breaches of conduct should not be uniform providing such derelictions occur under like conditions.


6. T/F Refusal to allow the suspect to take the hostage from the scene will increase the danger to the hostage.


6. T/F The memory of the supervisor can store the observations he makes each day on his subordinates, which will be adequate for evaluations.


6.T/F complaints received from second parties on behalf of an alleged victim of police action should be rejected merely because they are not made directly by the person claiming he has been aggrieved.


7. T/F The supervisor's rating form should be constructed to focus the rater's attention on limited traits and characteristics required for a supervisory position.


7.T/F State statutes will dictate the procedure to be followed in receiving and disposing of complaints against personnel


9. T/F Initiative is a personal characteristic noted in the text.


9. T/F When dealing with major disturbances, there is no need to identify access routes to the area.


9.T/F with respondeat adequate, the supervisor's responsibility in making personnel complaint investigations is increased materially.


1. T/F Every supervisor engages constantly in the process of comparatively rating subordinates, whether there is a formal or informal rating system or none at all.


1.T/F The procedures and techniques involved in conducting a personnel complaint investigation and preparing disciplinary action will vary somewhat depending upon the origin and nature of the complaint.


1.T/F subordinates are bound to obey organizational rules regardless of their feelings.


10. T/F Chemical devices and other special weapons should be employed in dispersing groups when such use in indicated.


10. T/F The first line supervisor plays a prime part in setting standards of performance for his subordinates.


12. T/F In a purely arithmetic method, the rater gives a numerical grade to each trait on the rating form according to the degree to which the employee possesses it.


13. T/F In the forced choice standard, once traits are selected that are considered to be the most important indicators of quality performance, the rater must select the option that most closely describes the performance of the person being rated.


14. T/F Lenient supervisors who rate all their subordinates alike are covertly disrespected.


16. T/F The tendency to overrate has many obvious dangers, foremost of which is the damaging effect it has on the morale of the truly outstanding workers.


18. T/F The method selected for rating personnel depends in part upon the individual needs of the organization and the preference of the raters.


19. T/F Some supervisors prefer to rate their subordinates individually with the superior officer of the unit making a composite rating from the several individual appraisals, usually by a process of averaging the ratings.


2. T/F In those agencies where no evaluation system has been adopted, each supervisor is left to his own devices to evaluate his personnel comparatively


2. T/F The nature of the unusual incident includes things like the presence of a fire or flood


2.T/F The ability to maintain a high level of discipline is probably the single most important characteristic of a strong leader.


3.T/F although punishment may produce some undesirable effects, it must be administered at times because no alternative method of coping with a problem of misbehavior is appropriate.


4. T/F One cause of rating system failure includes the failure to train raters.


4.T/F in order to determine if the initial discussion was successful on an investigative matter, the supervisor should discreetly make a follow up inquiry.


5. T/F A cause of rating system failure includes rating shortcuts.


5.T/F supervisors taking complaints against police personnel should listen courteously and attentively and should avoid any body language, facial expressions, or statements indicating disbelief.


6.T/F A common believe exists among a large segment of the public that a civil service employee cannot be fired


7. T/F Preliminary operations when dealing with hostage and barricaded suspect cases include developing an evacuation plan for persons in the area who may be in danger.


7.T/F In serious cases, initial and sometimes follow up statements from parties and witnesses should be tape recorded


8. T/F Job knowledge is an ability trait.


8. T/F Skillful use of negotiation procedures has great potential for successfully resolving hostage situations.


8.T/F The investigative supervisor should avoid drying conclusions regarding the merits of the complaint until all evidence has been collected


8.T/F public confidence in an organization will be fostered if it demonstrates its willingness to accept complaints against its personal forthrightly and to give them prompt attention


9.T/F The investigating supervisor should follow meticulously the statutory and case law in his jurisdiction and past practices in his organization as to whether to grant an accused employee's request for legal counsel before or during the fact-finding interview


19. Which of the below involves the existence of a sense of common endeavor and responsibility within the group that embodies devotion to the group enterprise, cooperation among its members, and pride in its accomplishments? a. Espirit de corps b. Coup de te c. Ceis la vie d. Espirirt la vie

a Espirit de corps

5. Supervisors should avoid acting as _________ when complaints involving the validity of police action are received with no allegation of misconduct. a. Arbiter b. chief of police c. a field officer d. judge

a. Arbiter

23. According to the text, which may take several forms such as mass civil unrest or a small assembly? a. Civil disorders b. Recreational activities c. Parades d. Meetings

a. Civil disorders

5. What word comes from the root definition of one who receives instruction from another or who follows devotedly the expressions and actions of a respected leader? a. Discipline b. supervisor c. chief d. appraiser

a. Discipline

2. Which of the following has been revealed by studies as one of the most important parts of the management process? a. Evaluation and appraisal of employees b. Training and education of employees c. Supervision and coaching of employees d. Rewards of employees

a. Evaluation and appraisal of employees

11. While punishing an employee does not guarantee that his future conduct or performance will improve, it will not demoralize others in the organization if it is sensibly applied and is: a. fair and consistent b. equal and swift c. equal and consistent d. fair and swift

a. Fair and consistent

15. According to the text, who in the police service is the key figure in any rating system, since his job involves the productivity of the officers under his command? a. First-line supervisor b. Chief of Police c. Field supervisor d. Field officer

a. First-line supervisor

13. According to the text, all of the following are reasons for rating system failures except: a. Generalization b. Rating abuses c. Rating shortcuts d. Slipshod procedures

a. Generalization

24. Who will usually direct the police effort to control an extensive civil disturbance? a. High-ranking police officials b. First officer on the scene c. First sergeant on the scene d. Field officer on the scene

a. High-ranking police officials

33. Instead of using selected employees who are representative of certain groups of personnel with varying values to the organization, ___________________ may be developed to avoid the necessity for changing criteria when selected employees leave the unit or their performance becomes such that they can no longer be used as a pattern for ratings. a. Ideal employee descriptions b. Performance categories c. Ratings scales d. Performance guidelines

a. Ideal employee descriptions

40. Which error occurs when the rater marks an inordinately large number of the rating reports in the highest one or two categories such as very good and excellent? a. Leniency b. Personal bias c. Central tendency d. All of the above

a. Leniency

41. What is by far the most common of all errors in the rating of personnel? a. Leniency b. Personal bias c. Central tendency d. Halo effect

a. Leniency

21. Parts of the investigative report may include all the following except: a. listing the employees as a "suspect" b. headings c. summary of investigations d. recommendations, when required

a. Listing the employee as a "suspect"

14. The preferred procedure in dealing with hostage cases that will buy time to the advantage of the police is: a. Negotiation b. Acquiescing to demands c. Honoring some demands d. Communicating with headquarters

a. Negotiation

46. What type of rating error results when the raters have the tendency to be unduly influenced by an occurrence, either good or bad, involving the person rated near the end of the rating period? a. Overweighting or recency b. Related Traits c. Central tendency d. Subjectivity

a. Overweighting or recency

8. Which of the following should serve as a means of providing a degree of recognition that employees desire? a. Personnel evaluation b. Supervision c. Training d. Esprit de Corps

a. Personnel evaluation

17. According to your text, what may be needed in the cases where the acts and threats of the hostage-taking suspect indicate that he realizes he cannot escape and his intent may be to harm a hostage? a. Positive, direct action b. Extreme, tactical action c. Positive, excessive action d. Extreme, with guaranteed results action

a. Positive, direct action

3. In every such instance of an observed breach of discipline, the supervisor should call the matter to the attention of the employee and which manner? a. Promptly and in private b. promptly and immediately c. immediately and in front of others d. immediately and openly

a. Promptly and in private

35. What scale is used as a guide in determining total value points and assigns numerical values to each trait or performance factor and gives each a weight? a. Purely an arithmetic rating scale b. Quantitative rating scale c. Descriptive rating scale d. Qualitative rating scale

a. Purely an arithmetic rating scale

24. Under which doctrine is a public entity now liable for the wrongful acts or omissions of its employees who are acting within the scope of their employment? a. Respondeat superior b. respondeat quality c. respondeat reservation d. respondeat adequate

a. Respondeat superior

18. Minimum requirements of procedural due process reviewed in the text include all of the following except: a. Sealing of evidence to be used against the officer b. a hearing before a neutral and detached body c. written notice served on the officer d. the right to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses

a. Sealing of evidence to be used against the officer

6. In a ________________ agency an informal rating system may serve management well because everyone knows everyone else. a. Small b. Medium c. Large d. Corporate

a. Small

23. Public entities have traditionally been immune from civil liability resulting from wrongful acts of their employees based on which ancient philosophy? a. Sovereign immunity b. sovereign reservation c. sovereign protection d. sovereign exemption

a. Sovereign immunity

7. In recording complaints against police personnel, the supervisor should avoid including as part of the report. a. Subjective observations b. conflicts in the complaint c. intoxication of the complaint d. all of the above

a. Subjective observations

13. The nature of the investigation will dictate whether formal, verbatim statements should be taken from the accused concerning the officer's version of the incident, whether a memorandum report will suffice, or if a(n) ________ is to be used by the interviewer to record the statement. a. Summary report b. sworn statement c. affidavit d. audio tape recording

a. Summary report

28. The biggest problem in the selection of a rating method within large groups where functions vary widely is: a. That it will yield reliable results b. That it will be applicable across jobs c. That it will be used correctly d. That supervisors will learn the system

a. That it will yield reliable results

47. A report is said to be _____________ when it is an accurate measurement of the ability it purports to measure. a. Valid b. Reliable c. Useful d. Clinical

a. Valid

7. The form of training and attitudinal conditioning which is used to correct deficiencies without invoking punishment is known as: a. positive discipline b. retraining c. specialized training d. corrective discipline

a. positive discipline

13. Which practice should not only serve as a the deterrent to the employee against who it is applied, but should be a form of training for other employees to orient them to the types of acts the organization cannot and will not tolerate? a. Punitive action b. discipline c. re-training d. reassignment

a. punitive action

22. When the facts obtained support the complaint, the case is classified as: a. sustained b. exonerated c. unfounded d. not sustained

a. sustained

15. When a subordinate can exercise a form of discipline against their supervisor this is known as: a. upward discipline b. upward appraisal c. upward evaluation d. all of the above

a. upward discipline

18. When a decision is made to force entry into the hostage-taking suspect's position, the entry team typically consists of: a. 2-5 officers b. 3-5 officers c. 2-4 officers d. 2-6 officers

b. 3-5 officers

18. Rating forms will usually list how many characteristics that must be considered by the rater? a. 4-10 traits b. 4-12 traits c. 5-10 traits d. 6-12 traits

b. 4-12 traits

31. What may be improved when the rater compares each employee with others who have been selected as having the greatest value to the organizations, who are in the middle group with average value, and who are considered as having the least value? a. Utility b. Accuracy c. Discipline d. Morale

b. Accuracy

1. The allocation of field personnel according to the normal needs for their services by time of day, day of week, and area involves the simple a. Computations b. Analysis c. Research and analysis d. Analysis and review

b. Analysis

34. When quantity of production is most important to an organization, _________________ may be used to an advantage in measuring accomplishments and are often expressed numerically. a. Qualifying standards b. Descriptive standards c. Qualitative standards d. Analysis standards

b. Descriptive standards

20. Which practice is usually used, such as talking over a loud speaker, in order to occupy a hostage-taking suspect's attention, or divert it, to allow the approach team to take their positions without being observed? a. Negotiations b. Diversionary tactics c. Strategic plans d. Tactical operations

b. Diversionary tactics

8. The protections given an employee by provisions in the law and in the collective bargaining agreement must be meticulously observed by the investigating supervisor. a. Policy and procedure b. due process c. rules and regulations d. investigative regulations

b. Due Process

24. What type of classification is used when the evidence indicates that the alleged act did in fact occur but was legal, proper, and necessary? a. sustained b. exonerated c. unfounded d. not sustained

b. Exonerated

7. When a command post is needed, all of the following were considerations presented in the text except: a. Easily identifiable on maps b. Free of trees or overhead roadways c. Located upwind from the event d. Near a power supply

b. Free of trees or overhead roadways

3. The principal responsibility for maintaining an appropriate level of discipline in the unit should rest upon whom? a. Chief of police b. line supervisor c. mayor d. all of the above

b. Line Supervisor

15. The negotiator should proceed upon the premise that every issue is negotiations except that he/she must not agree to provide the suspect with which of the following? a. Transportation b. Offensive weapons c. Food d. A communication device

b. Offensive weapons

19. Evaluation reports for probationary officers of all ranks should be made at least how often? a. Once per week b. Once per month c. Once per quarter d. Once per year

b. Once per month

2. Which of the below almost invariably are the first to respond to the scene of an unusual occurrence. a. Field Lieutenants b. Patrol units c. Staff sergeants d. Field sergeants

b. Patrol units

42. What rating error occurs when raters tend to rate higher than is justified those persons they know well and like, and those who subscribe to the same opinions as the supervisor? a. Leniency b. Personal bias c. Subjectivity d. Overweighting

b. Personal bias

10. The ________ of the accused employee should be carefully scrutinized for evidence that he or she have previously been the subject of similar complaints. a. Attendance history b. personnel file c. internal affairs file d. performance logs

b. Personnel file

16. The first-line supervisor's method of accumulating evidence about his subordinates; performance may be established as a matter of: a. Laws and regulations b. Practice and policy c. Rules and regulations d. Procedure and policy

b. Practice and policy

29. Many of the earlier rating systems used the technique of ___________, which puts employees in a particular group according to their relative overall value to the organization. a. Evaluation b. Ranking c. Military Mapping d. Categorization

b. Ranking

30. What method of rating employees is simple and easy to administer, but it has the disadvantage of lacking common standards of measurement, especially when employees from widely different assignments must be compared? a. Evaluation b. Ranking c. Military d. Categorization

b. Ranking

26. Which of the following is inherently subjective since it involves a personal audit by one person of another's conduct or performance? a. Training Curriculum b. Rating system c. Supervisory management d. All of the above

b. Rating system

45. What type of rating error results when the rater gives similar ratings to traits which seem to be similar? a. Overweighting b. Related Traits c. Central tendency d. Halo effect

b. Related Traits

48. A report is said to be ______________ if it measures consistently and reasonably accurately each time it is used. a. Valid b. Reliable c. Useful d. Clinical

b. Reliable

19 A preferred procedure in drafting charges against the employee for misconduct is to prepare them in terms of the ________ described in the rules and regulations as unbecoming conduct. a. General violations b. Specific Violations c. universal charges d. universal violations

b. Specific Violations

22. According to the text, which of the following are ability rating traits? a. Appearance b. Stability c. Imagination d. All of the above

b. Stability

25. _______________ should be established with headquarters to transmit information regarding the nature and extent of a riot incident and the mood of the rioters a. Protocol b. Strategy c. Communications d. Policies and procedures

b. Strategy

7. Personnel rating systems are inherently unstable because the instruments are: a. Objective b. Subjective c. Dynamic d. Static

b. Subjective

14. According to your text, who should be able to control themselves before they can control others? a. Police officer b. supervisor c. police administrator d. chief of police

b. Supervisor

1. Organizations are judged by their records of achievement. Law enforcement agencies are judged by their ability to: a. Assist the public in domestic disputes b. Suppress unlawful activity c. Avoid negative publicity d. Address racial profiling complaints

b. Suppress unlawful activity

6. The supervisor should be alert for expressions of the complainant indicating the possible motive for complaining as this will assist with ____________. a. The record b. the investigation c. the services to be provided d. the determination of guilt

b. The investigation

4. According to the text, when communicating field intelligence, all of the following should be transmitted as it becomes available except: a. The nature of the incident b. The time it takes to control the situation c. The potential effect of the incident on persons or property d. Need for evacuation

b. The time it takes to control the situation

8. A well disciplined organization is one that is considered highly: a. structured b. trained c. supervised d. regulated

b. Trained

25. In letting subordinates know what is expected of them, the supervisor is performing a/an____________ function that will give them a basis for understanding which standards will be used to measure and evaluate their effectiveness. a. Strategic b. Training c. Over supervision d. Regulatory

b. Training

25. If a death occurred from police action and an inquest was held to determine the cause of death, and investigating supervisor should formally request a transcript of the proceedings from the: a. chief of police b. coroner c. complaint officer d. district Attorney

b. coroner

20. When a disciplinary case is poorly prepared or carelessly investigated, it reflects poorly on the supervisor and the organization. As a result: a. the employee is looked poorly upon b. the employee is usually returned to the job on appeal c. the employee is the focus of future investigation d. all of the above

b. the employee is usually returned to the job on appeal

9. What situation is an officer dealing with when a suspect takes refuge in a building or other structure? a. Hostage situation b. Hide-and-flight c. Barricaded person situation d. Search-and-rescue situation

c. Barricaded person situation

27. It is recognized by most supervisors that if many of the observations are systematically made and recorded for the prime purpose of eliminating _____________, then they will provide an excellent basis for trait evaluation involved in personnel rating systems. a. Rapport b. Poor performance c. Bias d. Poor investigations

c. Bias

44. What type of rating error results when raters group their rating near the center of the rating scale with few ratings at the bottom or at the top? a. Leniency b. Related Traits c. Central tendency d. Halo effect

c. Central tendency

17. Which technique involves the collection of objective data about an employee's performance, which can then be used as a basis for more effective performance ratings? a. Supervisor management technique b. Rater observation technique c. Critical incident technique d. Performance rating technique

c. Critical incident technique

1.What is often thought of in a limited sense meaning punishment or penalty? a. Appraisal b. promotion c. discipline d. assignment

c. Discipline

2. The main purpose of which practice is to facilitate coordination of effort, develop self-control and character, and foster orderliness and efficiency? a. Appraisal b. promotion c. discipline d. assignment

c. Discipline

50. All of the following are parts of the evaluation process when discussing ratings with an employee covered by the text except: a. The interview b. Follow-up to the rating interview c. Employee self-rating process d. Acknowledgment of receipt of rating

c. Employee self-rating process

38. Every supervisor should realize that he is evaluated _____________ by each subordinate on the basis of how his personnel evaluation duties and responsibilities are performed. a. Annually b. Continually c. Informally d. Formally

c. Informally

9. The form of discipline which is exemplified by punishment or chastisement is known as: a. re-training b. specialized training c. negative discipline d. reassignment

c. Negative discipline

21. Which of the following will dictate the procedure to be followed in receiving and disposing of complaints against personnel? a. Laws b. regulations c. organizational policy d. state statutes

c. Organization policy

10. Rating reports are valuable to afford a basis for calling attention to inadequate _____________________ when used as clinical instruments. a. Compensation b. Discipline c. Performance d. Morale

c. Performance

8. Who can be of great value in maintaining good media relations by collecting information and coordinating current news releases? a. Liaison officer b. Field officer c. Public relations officer d. Tactical officer.

c. Public relations officer

10. What act, in and of itself, or the prospect of it, may cause a hostile, negative attitude on the job? a. Retraining b. reassignment c. punishment d. all of the above

c. Punishment

4. Except in very minor cases, a record of the circumstances of every incident in the action taken should be made where a breach of discipline requires what kind of action by the supervisors? a. Private b. immediate c. punitive d. prompt

c. Punitive

37. According to the text, which of the following make the best raters(because they are more diligent in carrying out their rating responsibilities and are less likely to commit the error of leniency by overrating the poor performers)? a. Chief of police or command staff b. Police administrators c. The best supervisors d. The best field officers

c. The best supervisors

23. Which classification on a case is used to indicate that the alleged act did not in fact occur and that the complaint was false? a. sustained b. exonerated c. unfounded d. not sustained

c. Unfounded

11. A supervisor should make it clear to all personnel that he reserves the right to decide how and when organized force may be used to rush a suspect who holds a hostage and that if he enforces such directions he is maintain: a. Strategic practice b. Tactical operations c. Unity of command d. Field operations

c. Unity of command

14. One of the most distasteful of the supervisors investigative responsibilities include: a. interviewing family members b. interviewing children c. conducting searches of employee property d. dealing with the union representatives on the matter

c. conducting searches of employee property

17. Morale is considered to be what kind of condition? a. Stable b. static c. fluctuating d. inert

c. fluctuating

15. According to the text, what form of lineup is becoming more and more prevalent? a. Physical lineup b. drive-by lineup c. photo lineup d. on the scene lineup

c. photo lineup

16. While this type of test does not yet have enough reliability to justify the admission of expert testimony based on results and courts, _______ are commonly used by law enforcement agencies in the investigation and detection of crime. a. Personality tests b. psychological tests c. polygraph test d. performance tests

c. polygraph tests

12. There are many causes for rating system failures including: a. Indifference b. Employee pressures c. Failure to train raters d. All of the above

d. All of the above

24. According to the text, suitability fort promotion rating traits include all of the following except: a. Leadership Ability b. Job Knowledge c. Command presence d. Ability to avoid complaints

d. Ability to avoid complaints

20. Basic to all police reports, but of special importance to complaint investigation reports, are the requisites of: a. accuracy and timeliness b. timeliness and completeness c. Completeness and relevance d. Accuracy and Completeness

d. Accuracy and Completeness

12. The investigating supervisor should approach contact with the accused employee as/with: a. an interview process although it may end as an interrogation b. a matter-of-fact manner with the full opportunity to explain their side c. An objective unbiased attitude with no notion of preconceived conclusions d. all of the above

d. All of the Above

1.The general procedures for handling minor in fractions observed by the supervisor in the course of activities include: a. discussion of the incident with the concerned employee b. An on the spot warning or admonishment given when appropriate c. a record made of the incident for future reference d. all of the above

d. All of the above

11. Properly administered personnel evaluation programs can be useful to administrators in research activities and these systems are helpful in: a. Evaluating the selection and testing program b. Evaluating the effectiveness of a training program at the operating level c. Determining as one basis for promotion d. All of the above

d. All of the above

11. Which source from an officer may reveal evidence of false statements with regard to duty activities. a. Time sheets b. attendance records c. daily performance logs d. all the above

d. All of the above

12. In the preliminary operations in hostage and barricaded suspect cases, the supervisor should perform or designate an aide to perform which of the following tasks? a. Secure the premises b. Report on injured persons c. Establish a command post d. All of the above

d. All of the above

12.Which of the following is a requisite for punishment? a. Certainty of punishment b. swiftness of punishment c. consistent punishment d. all of the above

d. All of the above

14. The competence of the rater, the effort he expends in observing and recording evidence of the behavior of his subordinates, his judgement in weighing and evaluating this evidence, and his fairness in applying it to the service rating procedure directly reflect: a. The type of training he has received b. The degree of his attitudinal conditioning c. The climate established for the system by management d. All of the above

d. All of the above

18. In a broad framework, morale may be measured by factors such as: a. quality of work b. rate of turnover c. amount of absenteeism d. all of the above

d. All of the above

20. Rating traits and abilities can be grouped into brad categories such as: a. Personal characteristics b. Ability c. Performance d. All of the above

d. All of the above

21. According to the text, which of the following are personal characteristic rating traits? a. Honesty b. Attitude c. Loyalty d. All of the above

d. All of the above

21. During a building search for a barricaded suspect, as each room is secured, officers should proceed to others until: a. The suspect is located b. The suspect is neutralized c. The suspect is captured d. All of the above

d. All of the above

22. The primary objective in the administration of an effective personnel complaint investigation policy is: a. To protect the reputation of the force b. to protect public interest c. to protect the accused employee from unjust accusation d. all of the above

d. All of the above

22. When arresting a suspect who has been held-up in a building, the suspect should be ordered to: a. Drop his weapons b. Hold his hands above his head with fingers spread c. Move from the immediate scene toward the officer d. All of the above

d. All of the above

23. According to the text, which of the following are performance rating traits? a. Quality of work b. Quantity of work c. Efficiency d. All of the above

d. All of the above

3. Every supervisor should become familiar with the basic procedures applicable to the procurement and use of ____________ common to the policing of most unusual occurrences. a. Personnel b. Facilities c. Equipment d. All of the above

d. All of the above

32. When using representative employee standards, a rater is able to rank employees by comparing them with other representative employees who have what type of value to the organization? a. The least b. The greatest c. An average d. All of the above

d. All of the above

39. Certain broad characteristics are usually found in supervisors who excel in rating their subordinates. Some of the most common qualities are: a. They are able to distinguish facts from feelings or impressions b. They are able to weigh the performance of their subordinates against a consistent standard c. They are able to base their ratings on objective data whenever possible without allowing subjective emotions d. All of the above

d. All of the above

4. One tool for measuring employee capabilities and giving management an inventory of them is provided by: a. Service ratings b Personnel evaluations c. Merit ratings d. All of the above

d. All of the above

49. Which of the following is a method of rating? a. Composite ratings b. Group ratings c. Individual trait ratings d. All of the above

d. All of the above

5. A properly executed rating system is a valuable tool in: a. Placement and promotion of personnel b. Administration of merit pay or salary increases c. Disciplinary proceedings d. All of the above

d. All of the above

5. In communicating field intelligence, which of the following is a type of unusual circumstance present? a. Unruly crowd b. Barricaded streets c. Explosives d. All of the above

d. All of the above

6. According to the text, when communicating field intelligence which of the following should be transmitted as it becomes available? a. Equipment and supplies b. Number of injured persons c. Personnel Needs d. All of the above

d. All of the above

9. As an administrative tool, the data obtained from personnel evaluations are useful in: a. A progressive personnel management program b. Determining if employees should be granted tenure c. Determining if employees are entitled to earn or retain longevity or merit pay d. All of the above

d. All of the above

10. When a suspect takes a hostage, he/she is most likely trying to: a. Increase his/her bargaining power with the police b. Demand the officers withdraw c. Demand the officers provide him/her with an escape without interference d. All of the above.

d. All of the above.

17. Which of the following tests are often helpful to prove or disprove intoxication when this condition is an issue? a. Blood b. urine c. breath test d. All of the above

d. All of the above.

9. Physical arrest and formal booking of been accused officer should be made only after the has been made fully aware of the circumstances in the matter. a. Field officer b. union representative c. field supervisor d. chief of police

d. Chief of Police

19. When a decision is made to force entry into the hostage-taking suspect's position, what team typically consists of at least two officers? a. Reaction team b. SWAT team c. Hostage team d. Cover team

d. Cover team

36. In what standard of rating does the rater select only one choice at a time for each trait evaluated to avoid an unconscious bias that often creeps into the trait ratings when several traits are considered together? a. Numerical standard b. Ideal employee standard c. Selected employee standard d. Forced choice standard

d. Forced choice standard

43. What type of rating error results when the tendency of raters is to rate in terms of a very general impression rather than on the basis of specific traits? a. Overweighting b. Related Traits c. Central tendency d. Halo effect

d. Halo effect

25. What type of case classification is used when a case is not resolved by an investigation, either because sufficient evidence is not available or because material conflicts and evidence are resolved without further disposition or action? a. sustained b. exonerated c. unfounded d. not sustained

d. Not sustained

16. An attempt should be made to point out the futility of the suspect's actions to the hostage taker, granted the suspect is: a. Coherent b. Troubled c. Suicidal d. Rational

d. Rational

3. Which of the following is not true? a. Every supervisor engages constantly in the process of comparatively rating subordinates, whether there is a formal or informal rating system or none at all. b. In those agencies where no evaluation system has been adopted, each supervisor is left to his own devices to evaluate his personnel comparatively. c. A cause of rating system failure includes rating shortcuts. d. The supervisor's rating form should be constructed to focus the rater's attention on limited traits and characteristics required for a supervisory position.

d. The supervisor's rating form should be constructed to focus the rater's attention on limited traits and characteristics required for a supervisory position.

13. According to the text, all of the following are preliminary operations in operating procedures in hostage and barricaded suspect cases that the supervisor should perform except: a. Communications b. Evacuation c. Staging area d. Training and support

d. Training and support

16. Morale is a state of mind reflecting the degree to which an individual: a. has confidence in the members of his group and organization b. believes in the groups and organizations objectives c. desires to accomplish the objectives of the group and organization d. all of the above

d. all of the above

6. Discipline is a term used in modern administration and management that denotes a form of moral or mental: a. training b. education c. correction d. all of the above

d. all of the above

4. The supervisor is doing an injustice to his organization and other employees if he refuses or neglects to consider _____ an employee. a. Transfer of b. appraisals of c. assignments of d. complaints against

d. complaints against

2. What type of complaints are those received from persons who are not themselves victims but complain on behalf of others? a. Internal b. peripheral c. primary d. secondary

d. secondary

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