Ch. 10
Expecting employees to work long hours in December at retailer.
Adaptive change
Least threatening change
Adaptive change
Any machine or process that enables an org to gain a competitive advantage in changing materials used to produce a finished product.
Human capital & innovation
Certain employee characteristics, such as intrinsic motivation & creativity, are positively associated w/ innovation.
2 factors that contribute to resistance to change
Change agent characteristics & employee characteristics
Your manager ensures you the change won't alter your salary, but you worry he'll only look out for himself
Climate of mistrust
4 Levers of targeting elements are used to
Diagnose problems
Diego has been hired as a consultant.
Diagnostic framework.
5 Close members of a department are reassigned & are no longer part of the same work group.
Disruption of cultural traditions or group relationships
Demographic characteristic that is a force for change outside the org
Internal force for change
Employee problems (NOT: Demo characteristics, market changes, tech advancements)
2 Practices managers can use during "refreezing"
Encourage employees to exhibit the new change. Reinforce desired change.
7 Methods of fostering innovation include:
Establish the required structure & processes. Institute necessary HR policies, practices, & procedures. Create an innovation strategy. Get commitment from top managers
Rewards & innovation goals
Extrinsic reward receipt needs to be tied to creativity & innovation. Reward systems should be aligned w/ innovation goals.
B corporations are ones whose stocks are NOT listed on NASDAQ or as part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Offshore suppliers have resulted in labor savings for cos, but they have only hurt US jobs
New procedures are vastly different from old ones, & you aren't sure you can learn them.
Fear of failure.
Common reasons employees resist change
Fear of the unknown. Loss of status or job security. Peer pressure.
Matthias wants to change the reward system
How any change he made would have an impact across the entire org.
First step in force-field analysis
IDing the thrusters & counterthrusters
Radically innovative
Implementing a practice that is completely new to an entire industry, not just one org
You immediately resist an org change because you have a deep fear of change
Individuals' predisposition toward change
Changing employee schedules to include weekends
Innovative change
"Why do we need to change?"
Alignment w/ the org's mission, vision, & strategic plan are key
Readiness for change is key
The org implements massive structural changes w/ no explanation.
Lack of tact or poor timing
Offshore supplier impacts
Loss of some US jobs; enabled some US jobs to become more productive.
You worry that recent tech changes may eliminate the need for your managerial position.
Loss of status or job security
Org development can be used to
Managed conflict w/in an org.
Demand for organic foods has increased dramatically as Americans become aware of the effects of pesticides & other harmful chemicals in food.
Market changes
All employees now must work 2 extra hours per week w/ no additional pay
Nonreinforcing reward systems
"What results do we want from the change?"
May occur at org, group, or individual level (or all 3)
Your work colleague is upset about a change to the department, therefore you must resist the change, too.
Peer pressure
4 Elements of Change
People, Social factors, Org arrangements, Methods
A notoriously unlikeable manager delivers the news of a change
Personality conflicts
Gabriel told his staff they should repackage the existing products & promote to pro basketball teams.
Process innovation
Posting all assignments & other class materials to a learning management course website instead of creating a packet or printed materials for students to purchase each term.
Process innovation
Adaptive change example:
Reintroduction of a practice familiar to the org
B-corporations are an example of one way ___ have begun to be more active in pressing for org change.
Intervention NOT recommended for use
Single interventions
Org development
Successful org development usually involves multiple interventions
Your boss suddenly & w/out warning announces her resignation & replacement
Surprise & fear of the unknown
Important to remember that changes in 1 element will ripple across the entire org
Target element of change
Included here are people, org arrangements, methods, & social factors
Target element of change
People are ultimately affected, regardless of what the change is
Target element of change
4 levers that managers may use to diagnose problems
Target elements of change
Manufacturing automation & office automation are examples of ___ that are forces for change outside the org.
Tech advancements
What are supertrends that are currently affecting the future of business?
The way we work is being impacted by offshore suppliers & competitive advantage is coming increasingly from knowledge, not info.
Pressure exerted by internal forces for change may be subtle or very dramatic
Procter & Gamble modified a liquid detergent to make it available as concentrated powder in a pouch. Improvement innovation.
An example of innovative change is a department store deciding to adopt a new practice used by competitors by staying open 24 hours a day & requiring employees to work flexible schedules, a change that employees are likely to see as moderately threatening.
Lewin model stages
Unfreezing, Changing, Refreezing
Disruptive innovation
a process by which a product or service takes root initially in simple applications at the bottom of a market and then relentlessly moves up market, eventually displacing established competitors
Manager does NOT have control over
change agents
The intro of the DVD-by-mail business model by Netflix changed the video rental business & caused the demise of Blockbuster. This is...
disruptive innovation
People's reaction to change depends largely on
how they were taught to handle change as children
Innovative change
intro of a practice that is new to the organization & involves moderate complexity & cost
Employees are more likely to resist change if
it is a surprise
Innovative change involves
moderate complexity, cost, & uncertainty
Most difficult to effect at the rog level
Walmart's implementation of RFID
proactive change
Managerial innovation that improves the efficiency of a co's cross-functional teams would be considered a(n)
process innovation
Adaptive change
reintroduction of a familiar practice
Innovation system
set of interdependent processes & structures that dictate how a co seeks out problems & solutions, synthesizes ideas into a business concept & product design, & chooses projects for funding
Increasing segmentation of the marketplace & the need to get products to market faster in light of competitors' specialized solutions are examples of
supertrends currently influencing the future of business.
Employees are introduced to new info, perspectives, & models of behavior during
the changing stage of Lewin's change model