Ch 11

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what were the middle class values associated with the Victorian Age?

felt great confidence in the future. as britain expanded the empire grew as well. the victorian age ideals were honesty, hard work, and respect. Queen victoria embraced a strict code of morals and manners


prime minister

rotten borough

rural town in England that sent members to Parliament despite having few or no voters


legal separation of the races

home rule

local self governing

15th amendment

the right of the citizens the U.S. to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the united states or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude in 1870

describe three reformss that helped the british working class

-free elementary education -outlawed women and children working in mines till after age 10;also changed # of hours & wages -improved tenements -opened govt. jobs based on merit rather than royality

how did immigrants benefit from economic growth in the United States after the Civil War? What problems did workers face?

millions of americans left farms for jobs in the growing industrial cities. Wages were low and conditions were often brutal


one who fought for the end of slavery in the U.S.

abraham lincoln

opposed extending slavery into new territories. during the civil war, he declared that enslaved African Americans in the south were free

penal colony

place where people convicted of crimes are sent


policy of limited involvement in world affairs

why do you think the Chartist demanded a secret ballot and salaries for members of Parliament?

so people wouldn't beg others to vote for who they wanted without them knowing. If members of Parliament didnt get paid then only rich people would serve in the govt


temporary alliance of various political parties

14th amendment

1868, defining national citizenship & forbidding the states to restrict the basic rights of citizens or other persons

william gladstone

"The Whigs" led by Gladstone evolved into the libral party. Both Disraeli and Gladstone alternated as prime minister and fought for important reforms

13th amendment

Abolished Slavery in the united states in 1865

ferdinand de lesseps

french developer of the Suez canal


knowing publication of false and damaging statements

Theodor herzl

a hungarian-jewish journalist living in france. called for jews to form their own separate state, where they would have the rights denied to them in european contries. helped launch modern zionism


a movement devoted to rebuilding a jewish state in Palestine


a petition that demanded universal male suffrage, annual parliamentary elections, and salaries for members of Parliament

describe the govt of france during the second empire

a weak parliament under a strong emperor

alfred dreyfus

accused of spying for Germany

catholic emancipation act

allowed catholics to vote and hold political office


body of people allowed to vote; increased in 1800's

capital offense

crime punishable by death

why did irish nationalist oppose british rule? describe one reform that improved conditions in ireland?

didnt like them, many irish peasants lived in desperate poverty, had to pay tithes the church of England. They reduced the # of capital offenses, public executions outlawed


discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews

louisiana purchase

doubled the size of the nation. bought from France in 1803. President thomas jefferson bought it

Benjamin Disraeli

leading political figure; forced the tories into the modern conservative party

desribe how the U.S. grew in each of the areas in the 1800's, territory, population, and economy

territory- we obtained pieces of land for winning wars, making treaties population- grew due to immigration from europe economy-more jobs were create when we gained more land and bigger pop

describe two reforms enacted in France during the early 1900's

the franco-prussian alliancce of 1894

Queen Victoria

the greatest symbol in British life. longest reign in British history. Exercised little real political power. she set the tone for what is now called the Victorian age

manifest destiny

the idea that america was destined to spread across the entire continent, from sea to sea

explain how the dreyfus affair heightened divisions in France?

there remains in power a faction which supports this heinous act and clings to anti-semitism

what actions did women suffragist take to achieve their goals? how did the actions differ regarding tactics?

they became aggressive , interupted speeches,petitions, public demonstrations. if that didnt work they would become violent;hunger strikes, smashed windows/burned buildings

great hunger

three quarters of irish farmers' farmland was used to grow crops that were imported to england. the potato became the main food source


to withdraw

secret ballot

votes cast without announcing them publicly

frederick douglas

was an abolitionist, had himself escaped slavery, spoke eloquently in the north about the evils of slavery

describe two ways that democracy expanded in the U.S. during the 1800's ?

white men who owned property could vote - pushed for a ban on alcoholic beverges, better treatment for mentally ill, and free elementary schools

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