Ch 12-15 Health Promo Final

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organizational; re-integration; increasing; accountability

2000s -the focus on ___ health has been maintained and extended to include a _____ of employee health protection with employee health promotion efforts -____ demand for greater _____ for the effects of work site health promotion and health protection efforts

fitness-to-wellness; programmatic; treatment; prevention

1980s -concurrent with the _____ shift of the mid-1980s was a ____ evolution from a ____ focus to a ___ focus

listen to patient concerns; communicate rather than dictate to patients; respect patient lifestyle

1980s/1990s - patient advocates exerted influence on health care system - wanted health care providers to:

unprecedented; national

1990s -the early 1990s represented a time of _____ growth for work site health promotion on the ____ scene

veterans administration; Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center; US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventative Medicine

3 models for health promotion program staff in health care organizations can be found in the US armed services:

focus on the needs of patients and families; incorporation of evidence into practice; interdisciplinary, collaborative approach; commitment to quality performance, improvement, and continual evaluation

4 qualities are important in planning, implementation, and evaluation of effective patient-focused health promotion programs:

curriculum; lessons; state; national; performance

health promotion program staff should be prepared to talk about links between the ____ or ____ they would like to provide and ___ or ____ education standards and ____ indicators

asthma, overweight and obesity, diabetes, injury, violence

health promotion programs are needed in schools and universities because these children, adolescents, and young adults face a number of serious health threats. these include:

engage in; model; productivity; staff absenteeism; health insurance costs

health promotion services on school and university campuses not only enable staff to _____ and ____ healthy behaviors, but also increase their ____ and reduce _____ and _____.

Quality of Health Care in America; To Err is Human; Quality Chasm; 21st; To Err is Human; Quality Chasm; safe; effective; patient-centered; timely; efficient; equitable

phase 2: -committee on ____ laid out vision of how the health care system must be transformed -reports released during phase 2-_____: Building a Safer Health System and Crossing the _____: A New Health System for the ____ Century - ____ put spotlight on how tens of thousands of Americans die each year from ______ -_____ defined 6 aims- care should be ____, ____, ____, ____, ___, and ____.

physical education

planning, sequential instruction that promotes lifelong physical activity

coordinated school health program

integrated set of planned, sequential, school-affiliated strategies, activities, and services designed to promote the optimal physical, emotional, social, and educational development of students

school nutrition services

integration of nutritious, affordable, and appealing meals and nutrition education


it is important for the health promotion program staff to understand and respect the ___ in schools in order to get permission to work with a particular group of students.

diagnostic; therapeutic; science; technology

medical technology is the ___ or ____ application of ___ and _____ to improve or manage health conditions

institute for family-centered care

nonprofit organization founded in 1992 -provides leadership to advance understanding and practice of patient- and family-centered care -promote collaborative, empowering relationships among patients, families, and health care professionals

family and community involvement

partnerships among schools, families, community groups, and individuals

decentralized; homes; community

in 1980s and 1990s, hospitals ____ many of their functions and began providing programs in ____ and the ___ to promote good health

cancer patient education network

individuals responsible for patient education at NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers constituted the ____'s initial membership

health insurance

industry has embraced health promotion programs and opportunities

physical education; health promotion

initiatives to promote physical activity are integrated into the ____ component of the school health programs and are also an important aspect of _____ in universities

development; career

patient-focused and employee-focused initiatives have most potential for ____ and ___ opportunities

roots in patient and family education; integral component of health care

patient-focused health promotion program includes:

patient; family educated

patient-focused health promotion programs in health care organizations have been strengthened by _____ and _____ standards

patient and family health education; behavioral health promotion; cancer prevention that focuses on minority and underserved populations

patient-focused programs include:

serious; pervasive; quality; IOM; overuse; misuse; underuse

phase 1: -documented ____ and ____ nature of problems with the ____ of health care -_____ created framework that defined nature of the problems as ____, ____, and ____ of health care services

hospitals, clinics, and home health care agencies

-traditional settings for medical care services -patient education, decision making, and staff health promotion

give patients more control over their health information; sets boundaries on the use and release of health records; establishes appropriate safeguards; holds violaters accountable through civil and criminal penalties; enables patients to find out how their information may be used and about certain disclosures of their information that have been made; gives patients the right to examine and obtain a copy of their own health records and request corrections

HIPPA privacy rules:

55.5 million (k12); 18 million(college)

K-12 Student Population and College Student Population

not-for-profit; health care; world; will; change; patient care; ideas; action; programs; materials; conferences

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement -independent ____ organization helping to lead the improvement of ____ throughout the ___ - accelerate improvement by building the ____ for ___, cultivating promising concepts for improving ____, and helping health care systems put ___ into ____ -provides model ____, ____, and ___ related to patient care and health promotion. (triple aim and 100,000 liver campaign)


______ tools have the value of integrating evidence-based practices with patients' personal values. (multimedia tools or booklets)

shattuck report

a landmark public health document recommended that children receive health instruction in schools.

reduction in health disparities; reduction in health risk behaviors

academic achievement is related to:

patient-and-family-centered care

approach to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among health care patients, families and providers -built on four core concepts of dignity, respect, information sharing,participation, and collaboration

health education

classroom instruction to address physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of health

document what partnerships can accomplish; generate precise information; identify special leadership and management skills needed to promote meaningful stakeholder engagement; use valid and reliable measures for assessing whether a collaborative problem solving process is on track; develop products

collaboration formation guides, small group discussion guides, partnerships self-assessments, and medical and public health case studies hep health promotion staff to:

Healthier worksite initiative

developed in 2002 by the CDC for its own employees, with the vision of making the CDC a work site where healthy choices are easy choices and sharing the lessons learned with other federal agencies

american cancer society; american diabetes association; american heart association

examples of interest groups:

health educators; school nurses; physicians; physical educators; counselors; psychologists; social workers; dietitians

examples of variety of professional organizations that have emerged to support health professionals who work in schools:

health care organizations

restoring, maintaining, and promoting health through application of resources

managed; cost containment; service delivery

rising health care costs led to the implementation of ____ health care which focused on ____ and efficient _____

counseling, psychological, and social services

services that prevent and address problems, facilitate positive learning and healthy behavior, and enhance healthy development.

health services

services that promote the health of students

academic success.

the CDC notes that one of the major indicators for the overall well-being of youth and a primary predictor and determinant of adult health outcomes is ______.

integration with the learning mission of higher education; collaborative practice; cultural competence; theory-based practice; evidence-based practice; professional development service

the standards of practice for health promotion in higher education address the following topics:

knowledge; skills; attitudes; personal; families

the university setting is an opportunity to reach a large number of young people and provide them with the ___, ___, and ____ to enhance not only their ___ health but also that of the ____ they will establish and the communities in which they will live.

veterans administration

implemented a VA-wide employee wellness initiative as part of the National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

interdisciplinary, collaborative approach

-vital to patient-focused promotion programs -work in partnership with clinically trained professional teams

department of health and human services; centers for medicare and medicaid services; national institute of health; centers for disease control and prevention

________ employs health educators throughout the nation in state and regional offices. examples:

partnership for prevention

a membership organization of businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies that are advancing policies and practices to prevent disease and improve the health of all Americans -seeks to increase investment in disease prevention and health promotion and to make prevention a national priority

health care organizations

a range of health promotion programs operate within _____

health promotion for staff

assessment, education, and fitness activities for school faculty and staff

health eduction; physical education; health services; nutrition services; counseling, psychological and social services; healthy school environment; health promotion for staff; family and community involvement

components of coordinated school health programs (disciplines and services that most schools have but that are not necessarily organized to work together):

american college health association

created work group to develop ACHA-National college health assessment

institute of medicine

crossing the quality chasm -3 phase assessment to improve the quality of the nations health care

wellness council of america

established as a nonprofit organization in the mid-1980s -the company's mission is to serve business leaders, workplace wellness practitioners, public health professionals, and consultants of all kinds by promoting corporate membership, producing leading-edge work site wellness publications and health information, conducting training sessions that help work site wellness practitioners create and sustain results-oriented wellness programs, and creating resources that promote healthier lifestyles for all working Americans

high-quality; outcome

experts translate research and best practice evidence into practice standards , resulting in _____, ____-oriented patient and family education programs.

improving the health of students; university personnel; widening the community; integrating health into the university's culture, structure, and processes

goals of a health-promoting university are similar to those for coordinated health programs. these include:

operationalizing; environmental level; health care organization level; interface between clinicians and patients level

phase 3 -focus on ____ the vision of a transformed health system -reform at 3 levels of the system:

educational; partnerships; educational; health

the health promotion program staff who work outside the school or university and want to secure instructional time for health promotion must focus on the _____ impact of the intervention and frame the arguments for ____ in terms of ____ outcomes as well as ____ outcomes.

physicians, nurses, health educators, counselors, and psychologists

traditional places for employment in the health care field include:

health educator, patient educator, or health promotion specialist but also, dietitian, tobacco educator, family educator, patient relations coordinator, program specialist, or public health officer

traditional places for employment in the health care field job titles include:

executive fitness

1970s -a handful of employers developed _____ programs to keep their top management team fit for duty

New York Academy of Medicine

-Center for the Advancement of Collaborative Strategies in Health -helps partnerships, funders, and policymakers realize the full potential of collaboration to solve complex problems related to health

school health profiles

-biannual survey that currently assesses secondary school programs, services, and policies related to: health education, physical education and physical activity, health services, healthy and safe school environments, family and community involvement in secondary schools - the survey describes initiatives and identifies long-term and short-term trends related to health programs and policies in secondary schools

school health policies and programs study

-conducted about every 6 years -in-depth evaluation of school health programs and policies in schools, districts, and states -assesses all 8 components of coordinated school health programs by surveying 50 state departments of education and a national, representative sample of districts and elementary, middle, and high schools.

MD anderson cancer center

-education, information needs, privacy of patients and family, and decision making rights -patient safety and positive health outcomes -health needs of staff members -workplace safety -community outreach through health promotion and health education programs on public health matters

guide to community preventive services

-focuses on worksite health promotion as a topic for systematic review -the systematic reviews on various aspects of work site health promotion are intended to give employers and organizations an evidence base to help them determine which available approaches are effective in promoting healthy lifestyles, preventing disease, and increasing the number of people who receive appropriate preventive counseling and screening

national patient safety foundation

-independent nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve safety of patients (sole organization in field with focus; multi-stakeholder approach) -joined forces with partnership for clear health communication -sponsors health promotion patient-focused initiatives

ACHA-National college health assessment

-instrument to collect information on a broad range of student health behaviors and perceptions -collects data about smoking, exercise, contraceptives, mental health, relationship difficulties, sexual behaviors, preventive health practices, perceptions of drug and alcohol use, and health links to academic performance

american hospital association

-national organization that represents and serves hospitals, health care networks, and their patients and communities -provides education for health care leaders and is source of information on health care issues and trends -promotes "A Patient's Bill of Rights"

making your workplace drug free

-offers guidance, specific strategies, and easy-to-follow steps for creating a drug-free workplace program or for enhancing an existing one -the kit suggests low-cost approaches for a health program geared toward preventing alcohol and other drug abuse

national health education standards

-provides a framework for state and local initiatives related to school health education curriculum, instruction, and assessment -the 8 national standards and the performance indicators aligned with each standard identify the important concepts, skills, and attitudes that students need in order to engage in health-enhancing behaviors and avoid health risks

school health index

-self assessment and planning tool that schools can use to improve local initiatives related to coordinated school health programs -includes modules linked to each of the 8 components of coordinated school health programs -elementary school version and a middle and high school version

youth risk behavior survey

-the CDC conducts the biannual survey in odd numbered years -identifies, by state and by some large cities, the extent of high school students' participation in the 6 CDC risk behavior -can be used by local planners to identify local problems and compare their students with other students in their state or in the nation

health education curriculum analysis tool

-tool to help school districts, schools, and others analyze health education curricula on the basis of the national health education standards and the CDC's characteristics of an effective health education curriculum -includes questions to help analyze in the analysis of the overall characteristics of a curriculum as well as the specific health-related behaviors, functional knowledge, skills, and sub-skills addressed in the curriculum

CAS professional standards for higher education

-tool used by health promotion program staff at the college level to compare their campus with the ideal campus and to support the development of health promotion programs -promotes standards for student affairs, student services, and student development funds -standards are meant to foster student learning, development, and achievement

health education specialists; assess; design; implement; health care teams

1970s -______ joined health care teams in hospitals and clinics -able to assess patients' ____ needs and ___ and ____ interventions -ideally suited for roles on _____

1. comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health 2. analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behavior 3. demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services 4. demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills 5. demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills 6. demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills 7. demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors 8. demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health

8 national health education standards:

succinct; jargon

communication with education staff should be ____ and free of health promotion _____

interdisciplinary clinical teams

guide health promotion practice at the institutional level by creating, implementing, and supporting institutional priorities for development and management of patient-focused programs

professionals; assess; plan; implement; evaluate; clinical; university

health promotion and university campuses should be led by ____ who have the skills to ____ health needs and to ___, ____, and ____ interventions, not by _____ health professionals who staff ____ clinics.

planning, implementation, evaluation

health promotion professionals work with health insurance companies in the ____, ____, and ____ of employee health promotion programs

individualization of instruction in order to provide feedback on learning or clinical progress; reinforcement of learning; tailoring of education to needs, interests, and abilities of the learner, use of multiple communication channels; creating capacity for the patient and family members to take action or remove barriers to action

principles of education that yield most promising effects on behavior and clinical outcomes include:

health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 (HIPPA)

privacy rules create national standards to protect individuals' medical records and other personal health information

nonprofit; profession; development; monitoring; professional skills; certification; american public health associations' public health and education and health promotion section; cancer patient education association; american academy of family practitioners

professional associations in medicine and health -organization, usually ____, whose purpose is to further a particular ____ -involvement in ___ and ____ of professional eduction programs, updating of ____, and professional ____ examples:

world health organization

promoted the concept of both health-promoting schools and health-promoting universities

US army center for health promotion and preventative medicine

provide worldwide technical support for the implementation of preventative medicine public health, and health promotion and wellness services in all areas of the US Army

standards of practice for health promotion in higher education

provides guidelines for health promotion in the university setting

navy and marine corps public health center

provides leadership and expertise to ensure mission readiness through disease prevention and health promotion in support of national military strategy

employee health services handbook

provides policy guidance to assist agency managers and program administrators in developing and administering comprehensive employee health services programs

information-print, multimedia, or electronic

publishers of educational materials for patients and family members can be:

shattuck, banks, and abbot

recommended assessing sickness among students enrolled in schools and universities; seeking proof of vaccination as a requirement for school enrollment; using guidelines for the construction of healthy and safe schools; hiring sanitary professors in colleges and medical schools

healthy school environment

setting designed to provide both a safe and physical plant and a healthy supportive environment

National breast cancer coalition's national action plan on breast cancer

significant awareness of disease by increasing funding, implementation of research, dissemination of information and outreached aimed at breast cancer prevention and treatment

education and learning; health

the chief goal of educational institutions is _____ - not _______

hospitals, clinics, and home health agencies

traditional places for employment in the health care field:

sick; injured

traditionally, health care institutions focused on caring for the ___ and ___


used to emphasize the interaction that is needed between the eight components in order to maximize the contributions of each component to the health and learning of students

interest groups

voluntary associations with specific and narrowly defined goals

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