Ch 14 Learn Smart

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The femoral nerve innervates the _____. a) abdominal muscles b) medial thigh muscles c) anterior thigh muscles

anterior thigh muscles

The medial cord is medial to the axillary artery and is formed by the _____ division of the inferior trunk; it contains portions of nerves _____. a) posterior, C8-T1 b) anterior, C8-T1 c) medial, C2-C7 d) medial, C8-T1

anterior, C8-T1

The left and right sacral plexuses are formed from the _____ rami of spinal nerves _____ and are located immediately inferior to the lumbar plexuses. a) posterior, L1-L4 b) anterior, L4-S4 c) lateral, L1-S5

anterior, L4-S4

The median nerve innervates most of the _____ forearm muscles, the thenar muscles, and the lateral two _____. a) medial, lumbricals b) anterior, lumbricals c) lateral, flexors d) posterior, extensors

anterior, lumbricals

The femoral nerve receives sensory information from the _____ and inferomedial thigh as well as the _____ aspect of the leg. a) anterior, medial b) posterior, lateral c) lateral, posterior

anterior, medial

The lumbar plexus is subdivided into a(n) _____ division and a _____ division. a) deep, superficial b) lateral, medial c) anterior, posterior

anterior, posterior

The left and right lumbar plexuses are formed from the _____ rami of spinal nerves L1-L4 located lateral to the L1-L4 vertebrae and along the _____ muscle in the posterior abdominal wall. a) anterior, psoas major b) lateral, longissimus c) posterior, erector spine

anterior, psoas major

Deep to the epidural space is the most external of the meninges, the _____ mater. a) dura b) arachnoid c) pia


The spinal meninges consist of the _____ mater, _____ mater, and _____ mater. (List superficial to deep.)

arachnoid, dura, pia

The receptors in the somatosensory pathways _____. a) are located in the organs of special senses b) are located in the joints, skeletal muscles, and skin c) are located in smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and in glands d) transmit information that maps to locations in the motor homunculus

are located in the joints, skeletal muscles, and skin

Action potentials _____ the brain through sensory pathways. a) descend from b) ascend to

ascend to

Pathways that transmit sensory impulses are also called _____ pathways because the information travels from sensory receptors superiorly through the spinal cord to the brain. a) ascending b) lateral c) medial d) descending


Some of the individual tracts conduct sensory impulses as _____ from the spinal cord to the brain. a) descending tracts b) ascending tracts c) motor tracts

ascending tracts

Each lateral funiculus contains both _____ and _____ tracts. a) lateral, collateral b) ascending, descending c) myelinated, unmyelinated

ascending, descending

The rami communicantes contain axons associated with the _____ nervous system. a) autonomic b) central c) voluntary d) somatic


The lateral horns contain the cell bodies of _____ neurons. a) autonomic sensory b) somatic motor c) autonomic motor d) somatic sensory

autonomic motor

The sulcus limitans represents a dividing point in the neural tube as two specific regions become evident on each side: the _____ plates and the alar plates.


Spinal nerve T12 is called a subcoastal nerve because it arises _____ the ribs. a) above b) lateral to c) below d) medial to


A hyperactive reflex may indicate damage somewhere in either the _____. a) muscle or tendon b) brain or spinal cord c) endomysium or perimysium

brain and spinal cord

As the median nerve enters thee wrist, it passes through the _____. a) carpal tunnel b) metacarpal tunnel c) tarsal tunnel d) cubital tunnel

carpal tunnel

Inferior to conus medullaris, nerve roots collectively called the _____ project inferiorly from the spinal cord. a) ventral root b) cauda equina c) dorsal root d) communicating ramus

cauda equina

The gray commissure is a horizontal bar of gray matter that surrounds a narrow _____. a) central canal b) anterior fissure c) intervertebral foramen d) white commissure

central canal

The neural tube around the neural canal grows at a rapid rate resulting in a tiny hole called the _____ of the spinal cord. a) lateral canal b) central canal c) ventricle

central canal

The names of the principal nerve plexus are the _____ plexuses, _____ plexuses, lumbar plexuses, and sacral plexuses.

cervical, brachial

Rhythmic oscillations between the flexion and extension when the muscle reflex is tested is called _____. a) hypoactive b) clonus c) tone d) tension


During development, the individual vertebrae _____ spinal growth is complete. a) continue to grow after b) stop growing before

continue to grow after

When a stimulus results in the stretching of a muscle, that muscle reflexively _____. a) elongates b) relaxes c) contracts


When the sensory impulses from a receptor organ cross over through the spinal cord to activate effector organs in the opposite limb, the proper term for this phenomenon is _____. a) collateral b) ipsilateral c) contralateral


When decussation occurs, information is processed on the opposite side of the brain or _____ compared to where the information is coming from or the destination of the impulse. a) ipsilaterally b) chiasmatically c) contralaterally


Each brachial plexus is composed of anterior _____, trunks, divisions, and _____ when examined from a medial to lateral perspective.


Each brachial plexus is composed of anterior rami, trunks, divisions, and _____ when examined from a medial to lateral perspective.


The two descending motor tracts of the direct pathway are the _____ and _____ tracts. a) anterior, lateral b) upper motor, lower motor c) corticobulbar, corticospinal d) reticulospinal, rubrospinal

corticobulbar, corticospinal

Axons of lower motor neurons of the corticobulbar tract form parts of the _____ nerves. a) sympathetic b) spinal c) sensory d) cranial


The deep fibular nerve travels in the anterior compartment of the leg and terminates between the _____. a) tibia and fibula b) first and second toes c) talus and calcaneous d) fourth and fifth toes

first and second toes

The term _____ means the same side. Contralateral means the opposite side.


In a spinal cord, the gray matter may be subdivided into the following components: anterior, posterior, and _____ horns, and the gray commissure.


The white matter region on each lateral side of the spinal cord is the _____. a) posterior funiculus b) dorsal funiculus c) anterior funiculus d) lateral funiculus

lateral funiculus

The cell bodies of _____ motor neurons are found within brainstem cranial nerve nuclei or in the anterior horn of the spinal cord. a) lower b) somototopic c) upper d) tertiary


The _____ enlargement of the spinal cord contains axons that extend beyond the conus medullaris, innervating the lower limbs. a) thoracic b) lumbosacral c) cervical


The ulnar nerves wraps posterior to the _____ of the humerus and then runs along the ulnar side of the forearm. a) deltoid tuberosity b) medial epicondyle c) lateral epicondyle d) olecranon process

medial epicondyle

The obturator nerve innervates the _____ thigh muscles and receives sensory information from the _____ skin of the thigh. a) medial, superomedial b) lateral, medial c) lateral, superomedial

medial, superomedial

The spinal cord has two longitudinal depressions. These are the posterior _____ and the anterior _____. a) median fissure, median sulcus b) median sulcus, median fissure c) ramus, tubercle d) fossa, foramen

median sulcus, median fissure

Five major terminal branches emerge from the three cords of the brachial plexus: the axillary, ulnar, radial, _____, and _____.

median, musculocutaneous

All upper motor neurons of the corticospinal tracts pass through the _____. a) cerebellum b) medulla oblongata c) occipital lobe d) corpus callosum

medulla oblongata

The spinal cord is continuous with the _____. a) medulla oblongata b) cerebrum c) cerebellum d) temporal lobe

medulla oblongata

Spinal nerves are considered _____ nerves because they contain both motor and sensory axons. a) segregated b) pure c) mixed d) association


A stretch reflex is a _____ reflex that monitors and regulates skeletal muscle length. a) monosynaptic b) polysynaptic c) oligosynaptic


Interneurons are not involved in processing the _____ reflex. a) monosynaptic b) polysynaptic c) oligosynaptic


The simplest of all reflexes is the _____ reflex. a) polysynaptic b) monosynaptic c) oligosynaptic


A spinal nerve contains _____. a) motor and sensory b) only sensory c) only interneuron d) only motor

motor and sensory

The spinal nerves connect the central nervous system to _____, _____, and receptors. a) conus medullaris, cauda equina b) eyes, ears c) teeth, jaws d) muscles, glands

muscles, glands

Branches of the cervical plexus innervate anterior _____ muscles as well as the skin of the neck and portions of the ______ and shoulders. a) neck, head b) thorax, axilla c) facial, thorax

neck, head

The central nervous system forms primarily from the embryonic _____. a) mesoderm b) neural crest c) neural tube d) endoderm

neural tube

Sensory _____ in the posterior horns contain interneuron cell bodies. a) ganglia b) axons c) nuclei d) dendrites


A collection of neuron cell bodies within the central nervous system is called a _____.


Impulses from lower motor neurons _____ skeletal muscle. a) only inhibit b) only stimulate or excite c) excite or inhibit d) do not influence

only stimulate or excite

The type(s) of sensory information transmitted along the anterolateral pathway include _____. a) discriminative touch b) pain and temperature c) proprioceptive, limb position d) vibration e) precise pressure f) crude touch and pressure

pain and temperature, crude touch and pressure

An example of a stretch reflex is the _____. a) Golgi tendon reflex b) flexor reflex c) patellar reflex

patellar reflex

Each brachial plexus innervates the _____ and the entire _____ of one side. a) intercostasis, ribcage b) pectoral girdle, upper limb c) sternum, chest

pectoral girdle, upper limb

Deep to the subarachnoid space, is a delicate, innermost meningeal layer composed of elastic and collagen fibers. This layer is known as the _____. a) periosteal layer b) meningeal layer c) perichondral layer d) pia mater

pia mater

The tibial nerve travels in the posterior compartment of the leg, where it supplies the _____ of the foot and the toe flexors. a) plantar flexors b) dorsiflexors

plantar flexors

The Golgi tendon reflex is a _____ reflex that prevents skeletal muscles from tensing excessively. a) monosynaptic b) polysynaptic c) single synapse


A posterior funiculus lies between the _____ gray horns on the posterior side of the cord and the posterior median sulcus. a) lateral b) anterior c) posterior


By about the ninth week of development, the alar plates develop into _____ horns of the spinal cord. a) lateral b) anterior c) medial d) posterior


The common fibular nerve is formed from the _____ division of the sciatic nerve. a) lateral b) posterior c) anterior


Upon reaching the axilla, the posterior and anterior divisions of the brachial plexus converge to form three cords, the medial, lateral, and _____ cords.


The cell bodies of the sensory neurons of the posterior root are located in the _____. a) posterior root ganglion b) posterior gray horn c) anterior gray horn d) lateral gray horn

posterior root ganglion

A first-order neuron is also known as a _____ neuron.


The ulnar nerve innervates the anterior forearm muscles, specifically the medial region of the flexor digitorum _____ and all of the _____ carpi ulnaris. a) superficialis, extensor b) profundus, extensor c) superficialis, flexor d) profundus, flexor

profundus, flexor

The types of sensory information transmitted along the posterior funiculus-medial lemniscus pathway include _____. a) pain and temperature b) itch c) crude touch and pressure d) proprioceptive, limb position

proprioceptive, limb position

A phenomenon in which pain or discomfort from one organ is mistakenly referred to a dermatome is called _____. a) referred visceral pain b) myotome pain c) phantom pain d) sclerotome pain

referred visceral pain

Awareness of the stimulus occurs after the _____ action has been completed, in time to correct or avoid a potentially dangerous situation.


The spinal cord and spinal nerves are responsible for _____, which are our quickest reactions to a stimulus. a) reflexes b) intelligence c) cognition


The longest nerve in the body is the _____ nerve. a) obturator b) ilioinguinal c) sciatic d) femoral


A second-order neuron is also known as a _____ neuron.


Each terminal branch of a plexus contains axons from _____ spinal nerves. a) two b) several different c) random d) the same

several different

In sensory pathways, tertiary neurons conduct information to a specific location of the primary _____ cortex. a) somatosensory b) motor c) cerebral


Motor axons in a spinal nerve originate in the _____. a) dorsal root ganglion b) posterior root ganglion c) spinal cord d) anterior root ganglion

spinal cord

Dermatomes are clinically important because they can indicate potential damage to one or more _____. a) spinal nerves b) lobes of the brain c) smooth muscles d) skeletal muscles

spinal nerves

The dura mater provides _____ to the spinal cord. a) excitability b) stability c) flexibility d) elasticity


An impulse from a lower motor neuron _____ a skeletal muscle. a) inhibits b) travels first through an interneuron before reaching c) excites or inhibits d) stimulates or excites

stimulates or excites

A hyperactive reflex refers to an abnormally _____ response. a) weak b) strong c) irregular


A third-order neuron is also known as a _____ neuron.


In sensory pathways, secondary pathways synapse with cell bodies of _____ neurons.


There are five roots of anterior rami that unite to form the superior, middle, and inferior _____ in the posterior triangle of the neck. a) trunks b) collaterals c) divisions d) fasciculi


A stretch reflex is a simple monosynaptic reflex involving _____. a) two tendons b) one neuron c) two muscles d) two neurons

two neurons

The cell bodies of _____ motor neurons are found in the cerebral cortex. a) direct b) lower c) upper d) indirect


The left and right brachial plexuses are networks of nerves that supply the _____. a) thorax b) abdomen c) upper limb d) neck

upper limb

Motor pathways use a(n) _____ motor neuron and a(n) motor neuron. a) upper, lower b) primary, secondary

upper, lower

During the embryonic period, the spinal cord extends the entire length of the _____. a) body b) vertebral canal c) limbs

vertebral canal

The _____ tracts originate within vestibular nuclei of the brain and regulate muscular activity related to maintaining balance during sitting, standing, and walking.


Pathways that transmit information from internal organs to the brain are called _____, whereas pathways that transmit information from proprioceptors and the body wall are called ____.

viscerosensory, somatosensory

Primary motor neurons of the direct motor pathway issue impulses for _____ control of skeletal muscles. a) voluntary, involuntary b) slow, rapid c) involuntary, voluntary d) rapid, slow

voluntary, involuntary

Match the anatomical components of primary or first order neurons of somatosensory pathways with their locations. 1. Axons 2. Cell bodies 3. Dendrites a) Project to secondary or second order neurons in the CNS b) Part of a stimulus-specific receptor c) Posterior root ganglia of spinal nerves, sensory ganglia of cranial nerves

1. Axons a) Project to secondary or second order neurons in the CNS 2. Cell bodies c) Posterior root ganglia of spinal nerves, sensory ganglia of cranial nerves 3. Dendrites b) Part of a stimulus-specific receptor

Match the reflex with its action. 1. Biceps reflex 2. Triceps reflex 3. Cremasteric reflex 4. Patellar reflex 5. Plantar reflex a) Flexes elbow b) Extends knee c) Flexes toes d) Elevates testis e) Extends elbow

1. Biceps reflex a) Flexes elbow 2. Triceps reflex e) Extends elbow 3. Cremasteric reflex d) Elevates testis 4. Patellar reflex b) Extends knee 5. Plantar reflex c) Flexes toes

Each term on the left is descriptive of nervous system pathways. Match each term with its meaning. 1. Decussate 2. Paired tracts 3. Neurons in series a) From origin to destination, sensory pathways consists of three or two neurons, whereas motor pathways consist of two neurons b) For every tract on the left side of the CNS there is a corresponding tract on the right side of the CNS; each tract innervates structures on only one side of the body c) Axons in a tract cross over from one side of the body to the other along the tract

1. Decussate c) Axons in a tract cross over from one side of the body to the other along the tract 2. Paired tracts b) For every tract on the left side of the CNS there is a corresponding tract on the right side of the CNS; each tract innervates structures on only one side of the body 3. Neurons in series a) From origin to destination, sensory pathways consists of three or two neurons, whereas motor pathways consist of two neurons

Match the tract with the functions for which it is responsible. 1. Reticulospinal 2. Rubrospinal 3. Tectospinal 4. Vestibulospinal a) Muscular activity that helps maintain balance during sitting, standing, and walking b) Respond to visual and auditory stimuli by controlling positional changes of upper limbs, eyes, head, and neck c) Unskilled, autonomic movements related to posture and maintaining balance d) Precise, discrete movements and tone in flexor muscles of the limbs

1. Reticulospinal c) Unskilled, autonomic movements related to posture and maintaining balance 2. Rubrospinal d) Precise, discrete movements and tone in flexor muscles of the limbs 3. Tectospinal b) Respond to visual and auditory stimuli by controlling positional changes of upper limbs, eyes, head, and neck 4. Vestibulospinal a) Muscular activity that helps maintain balance during sitting, standing, and walking

Match the reflex with the correct description. 1. Spinal reflex 2. Visceral reflex 3. Polysynaptic reflex 4. Ipsilateral reflex a) The reflex include one or more interneurons. b) The integration center in this type of reflex is the spinal cord. c) A gland may be the effector in this type of reflex. d) The receptor and effector in this reflex are located on the same side of the body.

1. Spinal reflex b) The integration center in this type of reflex is the spinal cord. 2. Visceral reflex c) A gland may be the effector in this type of reflex. 3. Polysynaptic reflex a) The reflex include one or more interneurons. 4. Ipsilateral reflex d) The receptor and effector in this reflex are located on the same side of the body.

The spinal cord contains _____ pairs of cervical nerves, 12 pairs of thoracic nerves, _____ pairs of lumbar nerves, _____ pairs of sacral nerves, and 1 pair of coccygeal nerves.

8, 5, 5

Most of the thoracic spinal nerves, as well as nerves _____, do not form plexuses. a) C2-C8 b) L1-L5 c) S1-S4 d) S5-Co1


All spinal nerves except _____ innervate a segment of skin, and so each of these nerves is associated with a dermatome. a) L1 b) C1 c) T1 d) S1


The _____ horns primarily house the cell bodies of somatic motor neurons. a) dorsal commissure b) anterior c) lateral d) posterior


One important branch of the cervical plexus is the phrenic nerve, which is formed primarily from the _____ nerve and some contributing axons from _____. a) C2, C6 and C7 b) C4, C3 and C5 c) C2, C7

C4, C3 and C5

Each brachial plexus is formed by the anterior rami of spinal nerves _____. a) C2-C6 b) C5-T1 c) C1-C4 d) T2-T5


The eighth spinal nerve exits the intervertebral foramen between the _____ vertebrae. a) C6 and C7 b) T1 and T2 c) C7 and T1 d) C5 and C6

C7 and T1

Which spinal nerves give rise to the inferior trunk of the brachial plexus? a) C7 and C8 b) C8 and T1 c) C6 and C7 d) C5 and C6

C8 and T1

Which are characteristic of somatosensory pathways? a) Each pathway transmits information to different regions of the brain. b) The sensation of an itch and discriminative touch are transmitted in the same pathway. c) They are descending pathways.

Each pathway transmits information to different regions of the brain.

The tibial nerve is formed from the _____ divisions of the sciatic nerve. a) posterior b) anterior


By adulthood, the spinal cord length extends only to the level of the _____ vertebra. a) L3 b) L5 c) T12 d) L1


By the sixth fetal month, the spinal cord is at the level of the _____ vertebra, while a newborn's spinal cord ends at about the _____ vertebra. a) S5, S1 b) S3, S1 c) S1, L3 d) S2, L5

S1, L3

How many pairs of spinal nerves arise from the coccygeal region? a) Four pair b) One pair c) Two pair d) Three pair

One pair

A reflex arc always begins at a receptor in the _____, communicates with the _____, and ends at a peripheral effector, such as a muscle or gland cell. a) PNS, CNS b) skin, PNS c) CNS, PNS


From the list below, identify the type(s) of sensory information transmitted along the spinocerebellar pathway. a) Crude touch and pressure b) Precise pressure and discriminative touch c) Vibration d) Proprioceptive, body movements e) Pain and temperature f) Proprioceptive, limb position g) Itch

Proprioceptive, body movements; Proprioceptive, limb position

The sciatic nerve is actually composed of two divisions wrapped in a common sheath. What are thee two divisions? a) Tibial and common fibular b) Femoral and tibial c) Gluteal and pudendal

Tibial and common fibular

Identify the anatomical component of motor pathways. a) Upper and lower motor neurons b) Ascending projection tracts c) Sensory ganglia d) Primary, secondary, and (sometimes) tertiary motor neurons

Upper and lower motor neurons

A neural pathway consists of _____. a) an axon and dendrite b) a ganglion and axon c) a tract and a nucleus d) a neuron and receptor

a tract and a nucleus

Identify the 4 correct statements about the neurons of a posterior funiculus-medial lemniscus pathway. a) Primary neurons that synapse with secondary neurons in the nucleus gracilis ascend within the fasciculus gracilis. b) Tertiary neurons extend from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory cortex. c) Secondary neurons decussate within the medial lemniscus or the thalamus. d) Secondary neurons transmit sensory information to the thalamus with other axons of the trigeminothalamic tract. e) Primary neurons that synapse with secondary neurons in the nucleus cuneatus ascend within the fasciculus cuneatus.

a) Primary neurons that synapse with secondary neurons in the nucleus gracilis ascend within the fasciculus gracilis. b) Tertiary neurons extend from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory cortex. d) Secondary neurons transmit sensory information to the thalamus with other axons of the trigeminothalamic tract. e) Primary neurons that synapse with secondary neurons in the nucleus cuneatus ascend within the fasciculus cuneatus.

Where do axons of secondary neurons of the anterior spinocerebellar tract decussate? a) Some axons do not decussate. b) None of the secondary neurons of the anterior spinocerebellar tract decussate. c) Some axons decussate in the spinal cord at the level of entry of primary neuron. d) Some axons decussate in the pons.

a) Some axons do not decussate. c) Some axons decussate in the spinal cord at the level of entry of primary neuron. d) Some axons decussate in the pons.

An _____ reflex is one that is developed after birth. a) innate b) acquired


During development, the cranial and spinal nerves form primarily from _____. a) alar and basal plates b) mesoderm c) allantois cells d) endoderm cells

alar and basal plates

Somatic motor nuclei in the _____ horns innervate skeletal muscle. a) posterior gray b) lateral c) posterior d) anterior


The gray matter of the spinal cord is dominated by the _____ and _____ of neurons. a) dendrites, cell bodies b) axons, collaterals c) axons, dendrites

dendrites, cell bodies

Pathways that transmit motor impulses are also called _____ pathways because the information travels inferiorly from the brain, through the spinal cord, to muscles or glands.


The phrenic nerve travels through the thoracic cavity to innervate the _____. a) diaphragm b) lungs c) heart d) aortic itch


Primary motor neurons of the _____ motor pathway originate in the primary motor cortex, whereas primary motor neurons of the _____ motor pathway originate in the brainstem. a) direct, indirect b) indirect, direct c) lower, upper d) upper, lower

direct, indirect

The two main branches of a spinal nerve are the ventral and _____ rami.


Nervous system pathways conduct _____. a) either sensory information or motor impulses b) sensory information c) motor impulses

either sensory information or motor impulses

The _____ space lies between the dura mater and periosteum covering the inner walls of the vertebra. a) subarachnoid b) epidural c) subdural


The superficial fibular nerve innervates the lateral compartment muscles of the leg, specifically those that _____ and the weak plantar flexors. a) invert the foot b) evert the foot c) dorsiflex the foot

evert the foot

The posterior division nerves of the sacral plexus tend to innervate muscles that _____ part of the _____ limb. a) extend, lower b) flex, lower c) plantar flex, lower

extend, lower

In a withdrawal reflex, _____ muscles are inhibited so that the traumatized body part may be quickly withdrawn from the harmful stimulation. a) adductor b) flexor c) depressor d) extensor


The radial nerve innervates the forearm _____ and the posterior forearm muscles. a) pronator b) extensors c) flexors d) supinator


The white matter of the spinal cord is _____ to the gray matter. a) external b) proximal c) internal d) distal


The tract of the posterior funiculus that conducts impulses from sensory neurons in the upper limbs, superior trunk, neck, and posterior of the head is the _____. a) fasciculus gracilis b) medial lemniscus c) fasciculus cuneatus

fasciculus cuneatus

The epidural space contains _____. a) fat b) muscle c) cerebrospinal fluid d) dense regular connective tissue


A thin strand of pia mater that helps anchor thee conus medullaris to the coccyx is called the _____. a) posterior root b) filum terminale c) cauda equina d) anterior root

filum terminale

In general, nerves from the anterior division of the brachial plexus tend to innervate muscles that _____ the parts of the upper limb. Nerves from the posterior division of the brachial plexus tend to innervate muscles that _____ the parts of the upper limb. a) flex, extend b) extend, flex c) extend, supinate

flex, extend

The spinal cord extends inferiorly from the brain through the _____, then through the vertebral canal, and ends at the level of the _____ vertebra. a) foramen lacerum, S1 b) foramen magnum, L1 c) cranial cavity, L4 d) transverse foramina, L5

foramen magnum, L1

The end destination of upper motor neurons in the rubrospinal tract is the lateral _____.


The nerves emerging from a sacral plexus innervate the _____ region, pelvis, perineum, posterior thigh, and almost all of the _____. a) abdominal, small intestine b) gluteal, leg and foot c) pubic, anterior thigh

gluteal, leg and foot

The posterior horns are the left and right posterior masses of _____ matter. a) solid b) fluid c) gray d) white


The basal plates also form the anterior part of the _____. a) gray commissure b) white commissure c) anterior fissure

gray commissure

When viewed in cross section, the diameter of the spinal cord changes along its length because the amount of _____ and _____ and the function of the cord vary in different parts. a) gray matter, white matter b) epithelium, connective tissue c) connective tissue, muscle tissue

gray matter, white matter

The tibial division of the sciatic nerve innervates the _____ and the hamstring part of the _____. a) hamstrings, adductor magnus b) short head of biceps femoris, vastus lateralis c) adductor longus, adductor brevis

hamstrings, adductor magnus

In a clinical setting, a reflex may be normal, hyperactive or _____.


Receptors that transmit sensory information by way of the posterior funiculus-medial lemniscus pathway, regarding limb position, precise pressure, vibration, and discriminative touch, originate _____. a) in the limbs, trunk, neck, and posterior head b) inferior to the diaphragm c) in the upper limbs, neck, and face d) superior to the diaphragm

in the limbs, trunk, neck, and posterior head

The coccygeal region is the most _____ part of the spinal cord. a) inferior b) lateral c) superior d) proximal


The sacral part of the spinal cord lies _____ to the lumbar part and contains the neurons for the _____ spinal nerves. a) cranial, abdominal b) superior, lumbar c) inferior, sacral d) superficial, lumbar

inferior, sacral

In terms of their functional classification in sensory pathways, secondary and tertiary neurons are _____, and primary neurons are sensory neurons. a) sensory neurons b) motor neurons c) interneurons


Polysynaptic reflexes have more complex neural pathways that exhibit a number of synapses involving _____ within the reflex arc. a) motor neurons b) interneurons c) sensory neurons


Impulses transmitted through the direct, pyramidal or corticospinal pathway, pass directly from upper to lower motor neurons (no _____ involved) and are responsible for _____ control of skeletal muscles. a) brainstem, unconscious b) spinal cord, conscious c) interneurons, conscious d) white matter, unconcious

interneurons, conscious

In a withdrawal reflex, _____ receive sensory information and stimulate motor neurons to direct _____ muscles to contract in response. a) interneurons, flexor b) interneurons, extensor c) sensory, extensor

interneurons, flexor

When a Golgi tendon organ is activated, nerve impulse in the Golgi tendon organ signal _____ in the spinal cord, which in turn _____ the actions of the motor neurons. a) interneurons, stimulate b) sensory, stimulate c) interneurons, inhibit

interneurons, inhibit

The dendrites and cell bodies of secondary or second order neurons of somatosensory pathways are found within either the posterior horn of the spinal cord or within a brainstem nucleus, whereas the axon of a secondary neuron projects either to the _____ or cerebellum. a) parietal lobe b) thalamus c) frontal lobe d) spinal cord


The dendrites and cell body of a tertiary neuron in a somatosensory pathway are located in the _____. a) spinal cord b) cerebellum c) thalamus d) medulla oblongata


In general, secondary neurons in somatosensory pathways that transmit conscious sensations project to the _____, and those that transmit proprioception project to the _____. a) cerebrum, thalamus b) thalamus, cerebellum c) somatosensory cortex, motor cortex d) limbic system, reticular formation

thalamus, cerebellum

White matter on each side of the cord is also partitioned into _____ regions, each called a _____. a) four, nucleus b) two, nucleus c) three, funiculus d) five, tract

three, funiculus

Communication between the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral body structures occurs along pathways, each of which consists of a CNS axon bundle called a _____. a) branch b) nerve c) tract d) neuron


Features of the descending projection tracts of motor pathways include _____. a) all motor fibers in tracts synapse directly with motor neurons in the CNS b) tract names include prefix indicating origin in the cerebrum or brainstem c) tracts located more posterior and lateral than ascending tracts

tract names include prefix indicating origin in cerebrum or brainstem

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