Ch 14 questions

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Allied Powers: France, Britain, Russia, Italy, US, Romania & Serbia Central Powers: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire

Alliances of WWI

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia (Russia's ally joining) Austria-Hungary sent Serbia an ultimatum

Describe how WWI began

The treaty forced Germany to take full blame for causing the war. Imposed huge reparations for Germany. It limited the size of the German military. Returned Alsace-Lorraine t France which stripped Germany of its overseas colonies. Forced germans who made homes in Russia, etc to return to germany.

Describe the Treaty of versailles

Machine guns: mowed down waves of soldiers. Artillery: killed or wounded even more soldiers Poison Gas: blinded or choked its victims Trench Warfare: opposing armies fight each other in trenches dug Zeppelins: large gas-filled balloons used by Germany U-Boats: german submarine

Describe the new technology being used during WWI.

November 11, 1918

End of WWI

The Western front was best characterized by trench warfare. The armies dug into the ground, both sides constructing elaborate trench networks. This caused them to reach a stalemate for most of the duration of the war. ... The Eastern front was much larger and thus did not result in the trench warfare seen in the West.

How is fighting on the Eastern front differ when fighting with Western Front?

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism

MAIN causes of WWI

Mandates are territories administered by Western powers.

What are mandates? What nations are they today?

Germany: Proud of their military power and industrial leadership France: They were bitter about their 1871 defeat in the Franco-Prussian War and lost the border province of Alsace-Lorraine. Russia: Sponsored a powerful form of nationalism called Pan-Salvism Serbia: They were threatened by the Ottoman Empire, and their dream of a South Slav state could take territory away from both Austria-Hungary and Turkey.

What did nationalism look like prior to WWI? (Germany, England, Serbia, France, Russia)

Germany had resumed unrestricted submarine warfare. Zimmerman Note which caused Mexico to attack the U.S in exchange for Mexican support for germany

What events caused/almost caused the U.S to get involved in WWI?

The colonies had looked into the Paris Peace conference with high hopes, hoping it would bring new respected and end to imperial rule

What happens to the colonies in Africa, Asia , and the Pacific after the WWI?

A stalemate is a deadlock in which neither side is strong enough to defeat the other. The Allied and Central powers launched massive offensives.

What is a Stalemate? How do we see it on the Western Front?

A convoy is a group of merchant ships protected by warships.

What is a convoy? Why are they used?

Total war is channeling all of a nation's entire resources into the war effort

What is involved in total war?

Unrestricted submarine warfare is the practice of using submarines to attack and sink all forms of enemy shipping, whether they are military or civilian. Germany announced that it would start a commerce war against those nations trading with Britain.

What is restricted submarine warfare? Why is Germany practicing this?

A world organization established in 1920 to promote international cooperation and peace. It was first proposed in 1918 by President Woodrow Wilson, although the United States never joined the League.

What is the League of Nations

Proposed that Germany help Mexico "reconquer the lost territory in NM, AZ, TX" in return for Mexican support against the U.S

What is the Zimmerman Note?

This was the "war-guilt clause" in the Treaty of Versailles that placed total responsibility for World War I on Germany.

What is the article of 231?

The Allies wanted to open up the Dardanelles to establish a supply line to Russia. Only 6 months, they withdrew

What is the significance of the Battle of Gallipoli?

This battle ended Germanys hopes for a quick victory on the Western Front

What is the significance of the First Battle of the MARne?

Serbian terrorist group

What was the Black Hand?

The Schlieffen plan was to avoid a two-front war, against France and Russia. It reasoned that Germany move against France first because Russias military would be slow to mobilize.

What was the Schlieffen Plan? What does it attempt to do?


Whats going on with Italy at the start of the war? 1915?

In the years leading up to WWI, many European leaders called the Balkans the "powder keg of Europe." They would be proven right in 1914, when events in the Balkans lit the fuse that started the war.

Where are the Balkans? Why are they the powder keg of Europe?

Austrialian and New Zealanders

Who are the Anzacs?

Franz Ferdinand was the archduke, and he visited Sarajevo where he was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip

Who was Franz Ferdinand? What happens to him?

colonial subjects were eager to participate in the war because they believed they would gain independence

Why are colonial subjects eager to join the war?

Britain's navy formed a blockade in the North Sea to keep ships from carrying supplies in and out of Germany. (Contraband)

Why are the British blockading Germany's ports?

Britain had to protect its vast overseas empire, and increased naval spending journalism.

Why did England have a powerful navy prior to WWI

German armies had to march through NEUTRAL Belgium to fight France, but instead they invaded Belgium. Britain and the other European powers signed a treaty guaranteeing Britain's neutrality, and Britain was outraged by the invasion so they declared war on Germany (August 4)

Why does England join WWI?

The Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers to form the Triple Alliance with the signing of the August 1914 Turco-German Alliance. Turkey formally entered World War I on 28 October 1914 with the bombing of Russian Black Sea ports.

Why does the Ottoman Empire join the war as a Central Power?

Russia had mobilized quickly then they thought they would, and British & French troops pushed back the Germans drvie alone the Marne River. (First battle of the Marne)

Why does the Schlieffen Plan fail?

Weaken France so that they could never threaten France again.

what is France's goal for germany post WWI?

many overlapping claims to territory

which problem threatened the peace in postwar Europe?

They hope it would lead to a step toward citizen/independence

why were people living outside of Europe fighting in World War I? What did they hope their service would lead to?

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