Ch. 16-21 Modern World Civilizations for Exam One

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The majority of the Jewish population in Granada was force to emigrate by ____________.


An estimated ______________ Spaniards emigrated from Europe to the Americas between 1500 and 1800.


When the Portuguese conquered Brazil, the indigenous population was estimated to be nearly ______________ inhabitants.


After staying 3 months on the first Bahaman island he found, Christopher Columbus returned to Iberia with _____________ and a small quantity of gold.

7 captured Caribbean islanders

Both Habsburgs and Ottomans renewed traditional Islamic-Christian imperialism..... given way of the Muslim and Christian commonwealth of _______________.


As colonial Brazil grew, the Portuguese created a council in Lisbon to deal with all New World appointments and established a high court for all judicial affairs in the city of ________________ in northern Brazil.


A mathematician and assistant of Galileo, Evangelista Torricelli experimented with mercury-filled tubes to lay the groundwork for the first _____________.


On St. ____________'s Day in August 1572, the Catholic king and aristocracy of France perpetrated wholescale slaughter of Huguenots.


When Catholic Reformation drove the New Sciences to northwestern Europe, the Italian-style academies gave way to chartered royal societies, the first of which was founded in ___________ in 1660.


All of the following is true of the period called "The Renaissance", EXCEPT

Byzantine, or Eastern Orthodox, Christianity became more influential in Western Europe, weakening the Roman papacy and leaving it vulnerable to Protestant incursions

Acquiring wealth with the help of money and thereby perhaps gaining a glimpse of one's fate became on of the hallmarks of ____________.


The ___________ was a small and slender 60-foot-long ship with a stern rudder, square and lateen sails, and a magnetic compass (of Chinese origin).


____________ inherited Habsburg territories throughout Europe and the Inca and Aztec Empires in the Americas when he became emperor in 1516.

Charles V

As part of his reforms, Tsar Peter I "the Great" __________________ the remaining free farmers outside the estate system of the aristocracy.

Classified and taxed as serfs

The outstanding painter of Spain during Philip II's reign was El Greco, who had received his early training from his native ______________.


The Spanish quest for the mythical ____________ or "golden city" were fruitless.

El Dordao

"Renaissance" thinkers and artists considered their period a time of "rebirth" ( the literal meaning of the word in the ____________ language).


Because ______________ universities and scientific academies refused to admit women, the salon became a bastion of well-placed and respected female scholars


The alliance between the Ottomans and the _____________ horrified west Europe in 1534 because it indicated that the Ottoman Empire was a player in European politics.


Humanism was an intellectual movement focused on human culture, in such fields as philosophy, philology, and literature, and based on the corpus of ___________ texts.

Greek and Roman

A member of the ____________ family of rulers, Frederick II "the Great" of Prussia enlarged his army and pursued an aggressive foreign policy.


The establishment of the _____________ in Virginia in 1619 was an indication that the British would not follow the same policy in the New World as their Spanish counterparts.

House of Burgesses

In France, Protestants were known as:


In 1690, the bishop of Puebla criticized the analysis of the Biblical incident of ______________ by Juana Ines de la Cruz in her own treatise.

Jesus's washing the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper

As a proponent of Copernican heliocentrism, Galileo seemed to contradict the passage of ______________.


Copernicus began his studies at the University of _____________ the only eastern European school to offer courses in astronomy.


After being kidnapped by Christian pirates, Al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan was baptised under the name of Pope ______.

Leo X

Fought in the Eastern Mediterranean in 1571, the Christians won the Battle of ___________ thanks to their superior naval attacks.


Having laid waste to Cuzco, Pizarro founded a new Andean capital at _______________ in 1535.


By the late 13th and early 14th centuries, native shipwrights and their teachers from Genoa teamed up in the port of ____________ to develop new ships suited to the stormy Atlantic.


Isaac Newton's __________ Principles of Natural Philosophy, published in 1687, was the towering achievement of the New Sciences.


Juana Ines de la Cruz secretly studied Latin, Greek, and _____________ in her maternal grandfather's library.


"Auto-da-fe" means "act of faith" in ____________ language.


Peter the Great ruled which country?


The Ottomans protected Muslim commercial interests in the Indian Ocean by, in part, strengthening the sultan of Aceh on the island of _____________.


When the city of _____________ was captured in November 1519, the emperor Moctezuma II was forced to swear allegiance to Emperor Charles V.


The following sequence of events is correct:

The first formulation of heliocentrism, Discovery of elliptical paths of planets, Newton's unification of physics and astronomy, first steam engine

The incursion of ___________ into Ottoman territory brought time for the Byzantine emperors in the early 15th century.

Timur the Great

The ______________ Sarayi or "Palace of the Gun Gate", begun in 1459, incorporated a royal residence, etc.


In the early 17th century, the French, English, and Dutch started occupying smaller unclaimed Caribbean islands which they then used to launch raids on Spanish colonies in order to disrupt Spain's monopoly on shipping between Europe and it Caribbean possessions, eventually taking some of these Spanish outposts. Most notable among these conquered Spanish outposts was Jamaica, taken by the English, and _____________ taken by the French.

Western Hispaniola

Under difficult conditions during the 30 Years War, Maria Cunitz wrote a treatise on ____________ that corrected the calculations of previous scholars but, given its controversial nature, had to be published privately.


The Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans was possible through the use of ____________.


In his preface, Cervantes claimed he had written Don Quixote of La Mancha to "ridicule the absurdity" of notions of _______.


Unlike his counterparts like Isabella, Ferdinand, the Ottoman sultan:

could prevent noble sons from inheriting lands from their fathers

By means of land-labor grants called _______________ Spanish entrepreneurs were entitled to use forced indigenous or imported slaved labor to exploit natural resources in the New World.


Louis XIV sent salaried, itinerant intendants around the provinces to:

ensure that governmental activities functioned properly

The "conquistadors" Francisco Pizarro, Hernan Cortes, and Alonso Ortiz all originated in the Spanish region of ________________.


The formulation of his "law of falling bodies", Galileo systematically combined imagination with empirical research and _______________.


All the following are true of the development of "New Science" and the Enlightenment EXCEPT:

from 1450 until after 1750, the ideas of the Enlightenment and New Science were the major force shaping policies of the rulers of Western Europe

The portolan (nautical chart) drawn by Pedro Reinel is the earliest known map to include ___________.

line of latitude

In a much-publicized statement, the Diggers insisted they were:

merely cultivating public land, which was "the treasure of all people"

Iberian Muslims were known as ______________.


Dubbed Dona Marina, Malinche was:

nahuatl-speaking woman who acted as translator for Hernan Cortes

The "Patterns of Evidence" documents are examples of what?

primary sources

Between 250,000 and 1 million Tainos were killed when the Spanish came due to:

the Native Americans' lack of immunity against smallpox

All of the following were the result of the Peace of Westphalia EXCEPT:

the Protestants gained considerable territory in northern Germany

Losses to the Spanish empire came in the mid-17th century, beginning with,

the capture of Jamaica by the British in 1655

Descartes concluded that a person, including himself, was composed of two radically different substances, a material substance that can be understood with the senses and another that consisted of:

the thinking mind

In Brazil, black freedmen and mulattoes:

were equal in percentage of the population of Creoles

Of the approximately 144,000 estimated Native Americans in New England in 1600, fewer than 15,000 remained by _______________.


Stationary theaters with stages, main floors, balconies, and boxes appeared in the main cities of Spain during the ___________ century.


The following sequence of events is correct:

Beginning of Luther's Reformation, French War of Religion, 30 Years' War, "Glorious Revolution" in England

A Native American reported an appearance of Our Lady of _______________ in 1531, in a places where the native goddess Tonantzin used to be venerated.


_______________ was the first institution of higher learning in North America, devoted to teaching the "correct" balanced Calvinist Protestantism.

Harvard College

An expedition sent out the Portuguese king, ___________ the Navigator captured the city of Ceuta on the North African coast in 1415.


Leading a motely force of about 530 Spanish men, _________________ defeated a much larger indigenous force at Tabasco in 1518.

Hernan Cortes

In 1649, a group of 70 mostly landless farmers and day laborers occupied "common" land about 25 miles south of _____________ and set up a communal farm there.


Despite the appearance of his beaming benevolent at Versailles, the "absolutist" rule of _____________ was a complex mixture of centralized and decentralized forces.

Louis XIV

The ruler with the longest reign in France was:

Louis XIV

The main goal of Gustavus II Adolphus's intervention in the 30 Years' War was the creation of a Swedish-_______________ centralized state around the Baltic Sea.


The El Escorial palace complex was built by Juan Bautista de Toledo in __________


The Ottomans defeated the ____________ and took control of western Arabia, including the pilgrimage city of Mecca, in 1517.


Which of following was NOT a theater of confrontation in the Muslim-Christian struggle for dominance?

North Sea

All of the following are true of Calvinism in France EXCEPT:

Peasants, overtaxed and oppressed, made up the largest segment of French Protestants

The English Civil War (1642-1651) resulted in:

a short-lived theocracy

From the middle of the 17th century, the pueblos de indios were fully functional, self-administering units, with councils (___________), churches, schools, communal lands, and family parcels.


The work of German ______________ Martin Waldseemuller probably had an effect on the scientific theories of Nicolaus Copernicus.


The innovations of Desiderius Erasmus helped lay the foundation for modern:

critical textual research

Coffeehouses allowed the literate urban public to meet, read ___________, and exchange ideas.

daily newspapers

Constantine XI, the last Byzantine emperor ______________ after Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.

died in the general massacre and pillaging

Among most countries of Europe, the Netherlands was exceptional in its finances in that:

its urban residents were wiling to pay higher taxes on manufacturers and farming

In the 1540s the Spanish government introduced _______________ called repartimientos, which was a continuation of the mit'a system devised by the Inca for taxation.

rotating labor assignments

The Karagoz was a ____________.

shadow puppet theater

The central objective of the "Glorious Revolution" in Britain was:

to remove the unpopular Stuart king and replace him with his daughter and her husband

The most original contribution of Sinan to Ottoman architecture was:

to use up to 8 slender pillars as hidden internal supports of the dome

All the following are true of Galileo Galilei, EXCEPT:

using mathematics, he was able to prove that Archimedes was wrong in his theory of falling bodies

During the first 3 decades of the 16th century, which of the following was not a pressing issue for Emperor Charles V?

war with England

By the second half of the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire was a vast multiethnic and multireligious state of some _________ inhabitants.

15 million

Martin Luther protested the sale of indulgences in ____________ with 95 theses addressed to his archbishop.


The Spaniards would not take full control of the Inca Empire until ______________.


Cortes captured the last emperor of the Aztecs, _______________, in 1521 and executed him in 1525.


The following Kingdom was not inherited from his parents by Habsburg Emperor Charles V:


In 1498, the king of Portugal sent Vasco da Gama on a voyage to __________.


Under Suleyman "the Magnificent" most of the Janissaries were stationed in barracks in and near the ____________.

Topkapi Palace

The Columbian Exchange characterizes the transfer of plants, animals, and ________________ between the Americas and the rest of the world.


The following statement is true about John Calvin:

he believed that all humans were predestined for heaven or hell before their birth

Philip II was forced to declare bankruptcy in 1575 and sue for peace for the Ottomans in 1580 because:

he had failed to suppress a ruinously expensive rebellion in the Netherlands

The lasting achievement in the Marquise de Chatelet was:

her translation of Newton's Mathematical Principles from Latin to French

After the demise of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty, and in an effort to regain control over Spain's American possessions, the new French -descended Bourbons put into practice a series of reforms aimed at ________________.

improving Spain's naval connections and administrative control in the New World

Among most of the countries of Europe, the Netherlands was exceptional in its finances in that:

its urban residents were willing to pay higher taxes on manufactures and farming

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