CH 24

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Inquiry into the disintegrative processes within atoms became a central theme in the new physics in part due to the experimental work of

Marie and Pierre Curie on radium and radiation.

The experimental work of early twentieth-century physicists challenged and ultimately invalidated

Newton's rational, mechanical conception of the universe.

Social Darwinism was

applying the ideas of Darwin to society.

According to Sigmund Freud, behavior was

determined by one's unconscious and by inner drives of which people were generally unaware.

Friedrich Nietzsche

believed that Christianity had deeply undermined the creative power of western civilization.

The quantum theory of energy developed by Max Planck raised fundamental questions about the

subatomic realm of the atom and the basic building blocks of the material world.

Among the notable achievements of the British Liberals under Lloyd George was a. unilateral British disarmament and world peace proposals. b. passage of the National Insurance Act of 1911 providing sickness and unemployment benefits to workers. c. nationalization of all private industry in Britain. d. reductions in the size of the British colonial empire. e. to implement a policy of laissez-faire in economic and welfare matters.


During the Progressive era in the United States, all of the following reforms were adopted except a. Pure Food and Drug Act. b. Civil Rights Acts. c. Meant Inspection Act. d. federal income tax legislation. e. Federal Reserve System.


In his encyclical De Rerum Novarum (1891), Pope Leo XIII a. endorsed Marxist conceptions of materialism. b. asserted that much in socialism was Christian in principle. c. ordered Catholics to turn away from all forms of political activity. d. began to question the necessity of the sacraments. e. condemned "modernism" in all its manifestations.


Modernism in music included all of the following elements except a. attraction to the exotic. b. the exclusive use of extremely regular rhythms. c. nationalist themes. d. folk music. e. the lure of the primative.


The "open door" policy was to allow more freedom of trade in so-called spheres of influence in a. India. b. China. c. Japan. d. the Philippines. e. the Congo.


Which of the following philosophers advocated violence, if necessary, as a means of achieving socialism?

Georges Sorel

The best example of naturalistic literature can be found in the novels of

Emile Zola

Who was responsible for the theory of relativity?


The urbanization of Europe brought religion under attack from all of the following except

Pius IX' Syllabus of Errors.

Explaining his use of naturalism in his novels and his depiction of characters, Emile Zola said

"I have simply done on living bodies the work of analysis which surgeons perform on corpses."

British rule brought all of the following to India in the late nineteenth century except a. political democracy. b. western-style secondary schools. c. western technology, such as railroads and medical knowledge. d. great security and order. e. relatively honest and efficient government.


The Triple Entente before 1914 included which of the following countries? a. Great Britain, France, Russia b. Austria, Germany, the Ottoman Empire c. Turkey, Russia, Germany d. France, Spain, Great Britain e. Great Britain, France, and Italy


The primary antagonists in the Balkans region were a. Serbs and Austrians. b. Russians and French. c. English and Germans. d. Serbs and Croats. e. Russians and Serbs.


Theodor Herzl, the leader of the Zionist movement, a. advocated the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. b. advocated the development of separate Jewish communities European cities. c. argued that Jewish assimilation into western European society would only be complete when Jews renounced their religious beliefs. d. argued that living conditions for Jews were better in eastern Europe than in western Europe. e. demanded that war be declared against the Ottoman Empire.


Which of the following art movements was not prominent in the three decades prior to World War I? a. Surrealism b. Cubism c. Impressionism d. abstract painting e. Post-Impressionism


The Pan-German League advocated a. German withdrawal from world affairs and concentration on internal political reforms. b. anti-liberal policies including the development of a global German colonial empire to unite all classes of citizens at home. c. German leadership in the development of international pacifist organizations. d. strict limitations on development of German industry including far heavier corporate taxation to pay for new state social welfare programs deemed essential by the group. e. a German takeover of eastern France, western Poland, and the Germany-speaking part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


The basis of the Bismarckian System was a. the acquisition of a huge overseas empire. b. the isolation of France through a series of military alliances. c. an enhanced civil service. d. the creation of a German war college. e. the incorporation of Austria-Hungary into the German Empire.


The higher criticism of the Bible championed by the French Catholic scholar Ernst Renan a. confirmed the accuracy of the Bible as a guide to Christian history. b. questioned the historical accuracy of the Bible and denied the divinity of Jesus. c. found the New Testament to be far more recent in composition than previously believed. d. cast doubt on the authenticity of the letters of Paul. e. gave intellectual support for the divine authorship of the Bible.


At its premier, Igor Stravinsky's Rite of Spring, now considered as a classic example of modernism in music and ballet, a. drew great public acclaim as a modern masterwork. b. inspired many authors to write poems using the music. c. caused a riot by the audience because of its sharp dissonance and blatant sensuality. d. restored audiences' faith in music as a rational and soothing art. e. was ignored when first performed and only became recognized as a classic several decades later


During the nineteenth century, Jews a. were persecuted in almost every European country. b. received complete emancipation in France and Germany. c. were emancipated in most countries, but still faced restrictions d. were not allowed into certain professions. e. achieved full social and legal equality in all the countries of Europe except Germany.


Pissarro's statement that "It is the brush stroke with the right value and color which should produce the drawing....Don't proceed with rules and principles, but paint what you observe and feel" refers to which school of painting? a. Romanticism. b. Expressionism. c. Impressionism. d. Post-Impressionism. e. Cubism.


The event which exemplified renewed anti-Semitism in France in the late nineteenth century was the a. Boulanger coup. b. Sorel uprising. c. Dreyfus affair. d. Zola capitulation. e. the fall of the Third Republic.


To advance the cause of women's suffrage, the Women's Social and Political Union founded by Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters a. took a moderate approach to the problem seeking to demonstrate first that women were intelligent and could use political power wisely if given the vote. b. took a conservative approach to the problem and strongly recommended that only upper-class and educated women be considered as potential voters. c. took a radical, public, and well publicized approach to the movement, employing different media and provocative public actions, like pelting male politicians with eggs. d. considered the political situation of women in Europe to be hopeless and advised women seeking the vote to move to other countries, like the U.S., where the chances of gaining political equality were greater. e. formed a peaceful alliance with Britain's Communist Party.


Who said, "All this colonial business is a sham, but we need it for the elections." a. David Lloyd George b. Cecil Rhodes c. Otto von Bismarck d. Leopold II e. Henry Stanley


Britain's Fabian Socialists a. demanded the immediate nationalization of all British industry and transportation facilities. b. as Marxists, urged the Proletariat to begin a revolt against the government. c. refused to participate in the political process. d. favored evolution toward a socialist state by democratic means. e. practiced civil disobedience against the power of Parliament.


By 1890, the richest 9 percent of Americans owned ____ of the wealth. a. 26 percent b. 47 percent c. 60 percent d. 71 percent e. 93 percent


Growing tensions in modern German society were exemplified by a. rapidly rising suicide rates especially in cities. b. refusals by German leaders to enact new welfare legislation. c. the use of military forces to put down urban riots. d. the proliferation of ultra-nationalist right-wing political groups with anti-Semitic, racist, and imperialist beliefs. e. peasant rebellions, particularly in the Rhineland region.


Maria Montessori exemplifies the "new woman" of modern times in that a. she became a leading advocate of the vote for women. b. she entered Italian politics as a liberal. c. she created the International Women's League for Peace and Freedom. d. she obtained a professional degree and applied her expertise to new fields of inquiry like early childhood development. e. she was the first professional woman who received equal pay for equal work.


The Bismarckian System had the ultimate result of a. bringing peace to Europe for over fifty years. b. creating friendship between Germany and England. c. easing tensions between France and Germany. d. dividing Europe into two opposing groups of nations making war more likely. e. ensuring peace in the Balkans.


The decline of the Ottoman Empire a. was peacefully resolved without war. b. fueled the German Empire's ambitions to take over the Balkans. c. saw Imperial Russia honor its commitments to Austria to not support the Serbs. d. led to Austrian-Serbian rivalry. e. caused Austria to retreat west because it already had a minorities problem.


Which of the following was not a pioneer in the field of nursing? a. Clara Barton b. Florence Nightingale c. Amalie Sieveking d. Emmeline Pankhurst e. c and d


Which of the following was not an argument to justify imperialism at the turn of the century? a. the argument of "the white man's burden" b. Social Darwinism c. the need for military bases d. to lessen the burden of excess European population, especially criminals and other "undesirables" e. national prestige


In order to implement the Liberal Party's social reform program, David Lloyd George radically curtailed the power of the a. army and navy. b. Bank of England. c. monarchy. d. House of Commons. e. House of Lords.


Russia's disastrous defeat in the Russo-Japanese war indirectly led to the a. the dismissal of Count Witte. b. the loss of all of Siberia to Japan. c. the enlargement of the Duma. d. an unsuccessful coup by the Tsar. e. the Revolution of 1905.


The Boer War was fought by the British in a. Australia. b. China. c. Zimbabwe. d. Botswana. e. South Africa.


The Meiji Restoration in Japan a. successfully accomplished the expulsion of all foreigners from the country. b. created a political system democratic in form but rigidly authoritarian in practice. c. concentrated on the reestablishment of feudal principles of decentralized government and native Japanese values. d. sent many Japanese abroad to be educated in the ways of the west and adopted many western reforms in political and military organization. e. b and d


The Triple Alliance before 1914 included which of the following countries? a. England, Germany, Italy b. Russia, England, France c. Italy, Turkey, England d. Germany, Austria, Ottoman Empire e. Germany, Austria, Italy


The first professional occupation to be opened up to women was a. factory worker. b. the legal profession. c. business management. d. engineering. e. teaching.


in general, by the late nineteenth century, the worst treatment of the Jews occurred in a. Italy. b. Germany. c. France. d. Western Europe. e. Eastern Europe.


Just prior to World War I, the European intellectual community was marked by

a sense of confusion and anxiety.

Using Darwin's terminology, Herbert Spencer argued that

human societies were organism evolving through time by struggling with their environments

The greatest difference between naturalism and realism in literature was

in general, naturalism was more pessimistic than realism.

The response of religious institutions to the challenges of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries included all of the following except

the Women's Social and Political Union.

According to Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the Aryans were

the real creators of western culture

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