ch 24 hw and quiz items

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Video Field Trip: Solutions: Sustainability on Campus What environmental problem is being addressed by the use of bio swales, large vegetated ditches or depressions, on the campus of Georgia Southern University?

the pollution of streams by oily runoff water from parking lots In addition to reducing the pollution of local streams, bio swales and large runoff ditches help to prevent surges of water into these local systems. Large surges of water can lead to local flooding and erosion problems after a heavy downpour.

QUIZ From a sustainability standpoint, viewing Earth as an island is useful in understanding that __________.

the resources available on the planet are limited just as the resources on an island are limited

Biopesticide Could Defeat Insecticide Resistance in Bedbugs (ScienceDaily, 03/22/2017) The key to the success of this product lies in which of the following?

the spread of fungal pores

Biopesticide Could Defeat Insecticide Resistance in Bedbugs (ScienceDaily, 03/22/2017) Your home is infested with bedbugs. You search for a chemical-free alternative. Which of the following would be your best option?

use of high temperatures.

QUIZ Which of the following efforts to achieve sustainability has been the most successful on college campuses?

using recycled products

Sustainable Solutions The student report estimated $45,500 in electricity savings. What was the approximate cost of electricity in cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) used to calculate this savings?

2.7 cents per kWh

QUIZ The United States contains fewer than 5% of the world's population yet uses __________ of the world's energy resources.


Sustainable Solutions How many megawatt hours (MWh) per year of savings did the students identify for computers at the Penn State Mueller Laboratory Building?

30 MWh The bar for computers is two tick marks above 10, or 30 MWh of potential savings

Sustainable Solutions Estimate the total energy use at the lab building and the total estimated savings. Approximately what percentage of the total electrical energy use do these savings represent?

62% A savings of approximately 1,690 MWh is 62% of the total energy needs (approximately 2,700 MWh).

QUIZ How are economics and environmental concerns related?

A healthy environment can improve our economy.

How Luxury Hotels and Restaurants in Developing Countries Fight Food Waste (National Public Radio, 07/20/2018) Methane and carbon dioxide are both greenhouse gases. Which of the following is true?

An increase in the amount of food decomposing will cause an increase in climate change.

Biopesticide Could Defeat Insecticide Resistance in Bedbugs (ScienceDaily, 03/22/2017) Your cousin has bedbugs. Pyrethroid insecticides failed to eliminate them. Which of the following is most likely true?

Aprehend will likely work to eliminate most of them.

Viewpoints: Strategies for Sustainability You are a member of a student sustainability group. What type of information would be useful for planning a campus sustainability initiative?

Current campus energy use and greenhouse gas emissions Student and administrative willingness to support sustainability initiatives Potential budget savings associated with sustainable practices

QUIZ What is the role of local self-sufficiency in building sustainable societies?

It can be valuable because people are tied more closely to the area where they live.

How to Read Food Labels, From Free-Range to Fair Trade (NPR, 3/10/2020) You are at the grocery store deciding which pasta to purchase. Which of the following labels on pasta is the most highly regulated and enforced?


Viewpoints: Strategies for Sustainability David Orr holds great hope for a sustainable future. What does Orr think is needed to achieve this sustainable future?

People must see the connections between the cars they drive and the wars they fight Orr wants people to understand the links between resource consumption and global conflict.

QUIZ Which statement about coming up with sustainable solutions is true?

We are running out of time.

QUIZ Which of these must we do to promote the "triple bottom line" that is needed to have a truly sustainability development?

We must promote social justice.

Biopesticide Could Defeat Insecticide Resistance in Bedbugs (ScienceDaily, 03/22/2017) Entomopathogenic fungi would likely be most successful in helping with which of the following outbreaks?

Yellow fever, spread by a mosquito vector.

How Luxury Hotels and Restaurants in Developing Countries Fight Food Waste (National Public Radio, 07/20/2018) You are the manager at Soneva Fushi. Based on the results at your resort, would you recommend a food audit to your colleagues at other locations?

Yes, as the food waste your resort produces has decreased dramatically.

Video Field Trip: Solutions: Sustainability on Campus The bioenergy garden at Georgia Southern University is used to show plants that can be used __________.

as biofuels that will not add any extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere Corn is one of the most common biofuels in the world. Grains are commonly used to generate ethanol, which can be added to gasoline or used directly to power internal combustion engines like those in cars.

Video Field Trip: Solutions: Sustainability on Campus LEED standards in the construction of new buildings establishes criteria that __________.

conserve energy and water and improve indoor air quality

Video Field Trip: Solutions: Sustainability on Campus One common way to increase the sustainability of a food system is to buy and consume __________.

foods that are grown locally

QUIZ Which of the following exemplifies the concept that our economy is maximized by conserving natural resources instead of converting them to commercial operations?

keeping a wetland intact

Sustainable Solutions You are a member of a student committee at your college that is evaluating building energy use and potential savings. If your committee finds that your college's potential savings would be similar to those shown for Penn State, action in which area or combination of areas would result in approximately 5% energy savings?


Sustainable Solutions How many MWh per year of savings are possible for HVAC?

1,500 MWh The bar for HVAC savings is approximately two-thirds of the way toward the tick mark for 2,000 MWh. On the logarithmic scale, this is approximately 1,500 MWh.

Viewpoints: Strategies for Sustainability Nan Jenks-Jay describes a number of ways colleges and universities can advance goals for global sustainability. Which examples does she include in her essay?

Certify building design and construction through LEED standards.

Biopesticide Could Defeat Insecticide Resistance in Bedbugs (ScienceDaily, 03/22/2017) Which of the following is true?

Commercial insecticides used to be more effective at eliminating bedbugs.

How Luxury Hotels and Restaurants in Developing Countries Fight Food Waste (National Public Radio, 07/20/2018) Members of the Indian government visit ITC Maurya's BioUrja plant and pass legislation requiring all food waste in India to be managed using the same technique. What would happen?

Food waste would be used to generate electricity.

How Luxury Hotels and Restaurants in Developing Countries Fight Food Waste (National Public Radio, 07/20/2018) You stay at the Island Hideout in Thailand. Which of the following is least likely to be done with the food waste you produce while there?

It will be taken to a landfill.

Viewpoints: Strategies for Sustainability Orr describes a sustainable neighborhood model, whereas Jenks-Jay describes a sustainable campus model. What is prominent in the neighborhood plan but not the campus plan?

Many opportunities for social interaction

QUIZ What is the correlation between family income and happiness?

Money cannot buy us as much happiness as our culture has led us to believe.

How Luxury Hotels and Restaurants in Developing Countries Fight Food Waste (National Public Radio, 07/20/2018) Your friend owns a restaurant in Brazil and wants to give the extra food away to those in need. Which of the following is true?

She cannot give any of the food away.

QUIZ What is a prevalent misconception within our society concerning the protection of our environment?

That environmental protection is in conflict with economic well-being.

Viewpoints: Strategies for Sustainability Although Jenks-Jay focuses on the role of colleges and universities in promoting sustainability, she does not discuss specific educational topics for students. Which topics does Orr consider essential knowledge?

The fundamentals of carrying capacity

QUIZ How economically effective are sustainably managed ecosystems?

They often increase the net value of land by more than 50%.

How to Read Food Labels, From Free-Range to Fair Trade (NPR, 3/10/2020) You purchase a carton of certified organic eggs. Which of the following is guaranteed by that label?

The hens were not given antibiotics.

How to Read Food Labels, From Free-Range to Fair Trade (NPR, 3/10/2020) Which of the following is true regarding the Non-GMO Project label?

The label is left to the decision of the company that made the product.

QUIZ Campus sustainability efforts often start with a(n) ___________.

audit of the current conditions

QUIZ Restoration of native plants and habitats on campuses __________.

can provide ecosystem services such as slowing storm water runoff and filtering pollution

How to Read Food Labels, From Free-Range to Fair Trade (NPR, 3/10/2020) Which of the following items is most likely to be labeled Fair Trade?


Video Field Trip: Solutions: Sustainability on Campus The water reuse system on the campus of Georgia Southern University __________.

conserves water by using treated city wastewater instead of city tap water for irrigation In places like the southwestern United States, where water supplies are very limited, using treated wastewater in this way can make a big difference.

QUIZ How does the United Nations define sustainable development?

development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

How to Read Food Labels, From Free-Range to Fair Trade (NPR, 3/10/2020) You go to a large grocery store. Which of the following products is likely to have the most different labeling options available?


QUIZ What is the purpose of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification

sustainable building design

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