Ch 24 Muscles of the Superficial Back, Shoulder, and Axilla

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subscapularis teres major latissimus dorsi

Anterior view of shoulder (after removal of pectoralis major m.):

supraspinatus subscapularis

Anterior view of shoulder:

deltoid pectoralis major

Anterior view:

pectoralis minor serratus anterior

Anterior view:

articular capsule

At insertions, rotator cuff muscle tendons fuse with fibrous .... of glenohumeral joint

holding head of humerus within glenoid fossa of scapula

In addition to the individual actions, all four rotator cuff muscles also have common action of:

anterior axillary fold

In the anterior wall of the axilla is the pectoralis major muscle, the inferior free edge of this muscle forms ...

posterior axillary fold

In the posterior wall of the axilla is the latissimus and teres major muscles, the inferior free edge of these muscles forms ...

latissimus dorsi pectoralis major anterior axillary fold posterior axillary fold

Lateral view:

line of insertion for serratus anterior serratus anterior

Lateral view:

pectoralis minor

Lateral view:

serratus anterior

Lateral view:

subscapularis (deep side of scapula)

Lateral view:

supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor

Posterior view of shoulder:

supraspinatus m. infraspinatus m. deltoid m. teres minor m. teres major m.

Posterior view of shoulder:


Posterior view:

trapezius latissimus dorsi

Posterior view:

trapezius latissimus dorsi aponeurosis

Posterior view:

superior posterior anterior

Rotator Cuff Muscles cross ... , ... , and ... to shoulder joint

scapula greater or lesser tubercles of humerus

Rotator Cuff Muscles have origins from ... and insert onto ...

ligamentum nuchae trapezius

Superficial back muscles:


Superficial back muscles:

latissimus dorsi

Superficial muscles of the back:

latissimus dorsi aponeurosis

Superficial muscles of the back:

levator scapulae spine of scapula

Superficial muscles of the back:

rhomboids spine of scapula

Superficial muscles of the back:

upper fibers of trapezius lower fibers of trapezius lower fibers of serratus anterior

Superior Rotation of Scapula:


The axilla has a pyramid-shaped space - the floor of the pyramid is the ...

upper limb body trunk

The axilla is the junction between the ... and ...

nerves artery vein

The axilla provides passage for major ..., ..., and ... entering upper limb

trapezius (upper fibers) trapezius (lower fibers) serratus anterior (lower fibers)

The muscles that produce superior rotation of the scapula:

pectoralis major teres major latissimus dorsi subscapularis

The powerful actions of adduction and medial rotation of the arm are used for carrying heavy objects against chest and these actions are produced by four muscles:

axial skeleton to shoulder axial skeleton to humerus pectoral girdle to humerus

There are three group muscles indicating where the superficial back muscles and shoulder muscles run:

latissimus dorsi teres major axilla serratus anterior pectoralis major

View of axilla from above:

serratus anterior muscle

a broad, flat muscle that wraps around lateral and posterior sides of rib cage

superior rotation of scapula

action of both trapezius upper and lower muscle fibers:

flexion of arm at shoulder

action of deltoid anterior muscle fibers: (muscle passes anterior to shoulder joint)

abduction of arm at shoulder

action of deltoid middle muscle fibers: (muscle passes super to (over) shoulder joint)

extension of arm at shoulder

action of deltoid posterior muscle fibers: (muscle passes posterior to shoulder joint)

lateral rotation of arm at shoulder joint

action of infraspinatus muscle:

elevates scapula

action of levator scapulae muscle:

inferior rotation of scapula

action of pectoralis minor muscle:

retracts (adducts) scapula

action of rhomboid muscles:

medial rotation of arm at shoulder joint

action of subscapularis muscle:

abduction of humerus at shoulder

action of supraspinatus muscle:

lateral rotation of arm at shoulder joint

action of teres minor muscle:

depression of scapula

action of trapezius lower muscle fibers only:

retraction of scapula

action of trapezius middle muscle fibers only:

elevation of scapula

action of trapezius upper muscle fibers only:

anterior fibers: flexion of arm at shoulder posterior fibers: extension of arm at shoulder middle fibers: abduction of arm at shoulder

actions of deltoid muscle:

extends, adducts, and medially rotates humerus at shoulder

actions of latissimus dorsi muscle (3):

adduction and medial rotation of arm at shoulder extension of flexed arm

actions of pectoralis major muscle:

superior rotation of scapula

actions of serratus anterior muscle (anterior 1/2 only):

-protraction of scapula (during pushing, punching actions) -holds scapula against posterior body wall

actions of serratus anterior muscle (entire muscle):

extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm at shoulder

actions of teres major muscle:

upper fibers only: elevation of scapula middle fibers: retraction of scapula lower fibers only: depression of scapula upper + lower fibers: superior rotation of scapula

actions of trapezius muscle -upper fibers only -middle fibers only -lower fibers only -upper fibers + lower fibers


anterior view of shoulder:

teres major

anterior view of shoulder:

anterior and posterior axillary folds

axillary fascia is deep investing fascia that spans between ... and ... (forms floor of armpit)

pectoralis major latissimus dorsi teres major

bicipital groove of humerus is the site if insertion for 3 muscles:


deltoid muscle is a triangle-shaped muscle that covers the ... shoulder

anterior fibers posterior fibers middle fibers

deltoid muscle is functionally divided into three parts for its actions:

rotator cuff

four muscle tendons + thickened articular capsule

trapezius latissimus dorsi levator scapulae rhomboid

four superficial back muscles:

glenoid fossa (supports shoulder joint)

infraspinatus muscle also holds the head of humerus in ...

shoulder joint

infraspinatus muscle runs laterally, passing posterior to...

deltoid tuberosity of humerus

insertion of deltoid muscle:

greater tubercle of humerus

insertion of infraspinatus muscle:

bicipital groove of humerus (anterior side)

insertion of latissimus dorsi muscle:

medial border of scapula, above base of scapular spine

insertion of levator scapulae muscle:

bicipital groove of humerus

insertion of pectoralis major muscle:

coracoid process of scapula

insertion of pectoralis minor muscle:

medial border of scapula, at and below base of scapular spine

insertion of rhomboid muscles:

-upper 1/2 of muscle: to medial border of scapula -lower 1/2 of muscle: to inferior angle of scapula

insertion of serratus anterior muscle (upper and lower 1/2's):

lesser tubercle of humerus

insertion of subscapularis muscle:

greater tubercle of humerus

insertion of supraspinatus muscle:

bicipital groove of humerus

insertion of teres major muscle:

greater tubercle of humerus

insertion of teres minor muscle:

-upper fibers: lateral clavicle -middle fibers: acromion -lower fibers: spine of scapula

insertion of trapezius muscle -upper fibers -middle fibers -lower fibers

medial rotation of humerus

latissimus dorsi muscle passes to bicipital groove on anterior side of humerus - pulls anterior side of humerus toward mid-line: ...

adducts arm

latissimus dorsi muscle runs from medial to lateral - ...

arm extension

latissimus dorsi muscle runs from posterior back to anterior humerus - can produce full (maximum) range of ...


levator scapulae muscle is located deep to upper part of ... muscle

rotator cuff muscles

most important muscles for support of shoulder

subscapularis muscle

only muscle that inserts onto lesser tubercle

lateral clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula

origin of deltoid muscle:

infraspinous fossa of scapula

origin of infraspinatus muscle:

spinous processes of lower thoracic (T7-T12) vertebrae, lumbar (L1-L5) vertebrae, posterior sacrum, and posterior iliac crest

origin of latissimus dorsi muscle:

cervical vertebrae

origin of levator scapulae muscle:

clavicle, sternum, upper ribs

origin of pectoralis major muscle:

upper, anterior rib cage

origin of pectoralis minor muscle:

spinous processes of upper thoracic vertebrae

origin of rhomboid muscles:

lateral sides of ribs 1-8

origin of serratus anterior muscle:

subscapular fossa of scapula

origin of subscapularis muscle:

supraspinous fossa of scapula

origin of supraspinatus muscle:

lateral border of scapula

origin of teres major muscle:

lateral border of scapule

origin of teres minor muscle:

posterior skull and spinous processes of cervical (C1-C7) and thoracic (T1-T12) vertebrae

origin of trapezius muscle:

winged scapula

paralysis of serratus anterior muscle produces ... - the medial border of scapula pulls away from body during pushing motion

full extension

pectoralis major muscle does not produce ... of arm at shoulder


posterior view of shoulder:

teres major

posterior view of shoulder:

trapezius deltoid teres major

posterior view:

middle trapzeius

rhomboid muscles are located deep to ... muscle

rhomboid major rhomboid minor

rhomboid muscles are subdivided into ... and ... muscles


serratus anterior muscle acts in combination with upper and lower ... muscle


serratus anterior muscle holds scapula against posterior body wall - anchors the scapula when rotator cuff muscles contract on the ...


serratus anterior muscle passes deep to entire ... before inserting

pectoralis minor muscle

small, thin muscle located deep to the pectoralis major muscle

extends arm (moves it posteriorly)

starting from the flexed position, pectoralis major only ... back to the anatomical position

head of humerus

subscapularis muscle also holds .. in glenoid fossa (supports shoulder joint)

inferior 1/2 of serratus anterior muscle

superior rotation of scapula by the upper and lower muscle fibers of trapezius also involves the ... muscle

glenoid fossa (supports shoulder joint)

supraspinatus muscle also holds the head of humerus in ...

supraspinatus middle fibers of deltoid

supraspinatus muscle passes over (superior to) shoulder joint - only ... and ... product abduction of the arm at the shoulder joint


supraspinatus muscle runs laterally, passing deep to ...

latissimus dorsi

teres major muscle has the same actions as ... muscle

adduction medial rotation extension

teres major muscle is a powerful muscle for ... and ... , but weak muscle for ...

head of humerus

teres minor muscle also holds ... in glenoid fossa (supports shoulder joint)

shoulder joint

teres minor muscle runs laterally, passing posterior to ...


the "armpit area"

pectoralis major muscle -inferior free edge of muscle forms anterior axillary fold

the anterior wall boundary of the axilla consists of:

clavicle pectoralis minor muscle (at its insertion onto coracoid process of scapula)

the apex of pyramid projects inward, deep to ... and ...

axillary fascia

the base boundary of the axilla consists of:


the bicipital groove is located on the ... side of humerus


the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint has ... ligaments that allows a large range of motion

latissimus dorsi

the insertion of teres major muscle with bicipital groove is fused with the insertion of ... muscle


the latissimus dorsi muscle uses broad ... for the origin from thoracic and lumber vertebrae

serratus anterior muscle (passes deep to scapula to insert onto medial border)

the medial wall boundary of the axilla consists of:

middle muscle fibers of deltoid

the muscle fibers that are the most powerful part of deltoid


the origin of serratus anterior muscle is of individual muscle slips off each rib give ... appearance to muscle

latissimus dorsi and teres major muscles -inferior free edge of muscle forms posterior axillary fold

the posterior wall boundary of the axilla consists of:

pectoral girdle (clavicle, scapula) arm at shoulder joint

the superficial back muscles and shoulder muscles are all involved in movements of the ... or the ...

deltoid teres major

there are 2 posterior shoulder muscles:

trapezius levator scapulae rhomboid serratus anterior pectoralis minor muscles

there are five muscles running from axial skeleton into pectoral girdle:

anterior wall posterior wall medial wall base

there are four boundaries of the axilla:

supraspinatus muscle infraspinatus muscle teres minor muscle subscapularis muscle

there are four rotator cuff muscles:

supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor subscapularis deltoid teres major muscles

there are six muscles running from pectoral girdle to humerus:

pectoralis major muscle pectoralis minor muscle serratus anterior muscle

there are three anterior and lateral shoulder muscles:

latissimus dorsi pectoralis major muscles

there are two muscles running from axial skeleton to humerus:

upper fibers middle fibers lower fibers

three parts of trapezius muscle can be used independently for movements:

latissimus dorsi

trapezius is superficial of ... muscle

back-forth swinging

weaker anterior and posterior muscle fibers of deltoid produce ... of upper limb during walking

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