Ch. 3 Migration Key Issue 1 Where Are the World's Migrants Distributed?

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What percent of the world's population are international migrants?


Define international migration

A permanent move from one country to another

What is Wilbur Zelinsky's Migration Transition Model?

Consists of changes in a society comparable to those in the demographic transition.

Identify two of Ravenstein's most important "laws of migration".

Consists of changes in a society where Most migrants relocate at short distance and remain within the same country, and Long distance migrants to other countries leave for major centers of economic activity.

What are the Three largest regional flow of migrants:

From Latin America to North America, From South Asia to Europe, and From south Asia to southeast Asia

Which is the 2nd highest country that have the most U.S. emigrants migrated?


What one would expect to occur, in terms of migration, in stage 1 of the Demographic Transition Model, as it is applied to a migration transition.

High daily seasonal mobility in search of food.

What one would expect to occur, in terms of migration, in stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model, as it is applied to a migration transition.

High international immigration and intraregional migration from cities to suburbs.

What one would expect to occur, in terms of migration, in stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model, as it is applied to a migration transition.

High international migration and interregional migration from rural to urban areas.

What does a positive number mean and what is the specific term for this?

If there are more immigrants coming in than there are immigrants leaving then it is positive. Net in migration.

What are the two types of internal migration? What has been the main type of each in recent years?

Interregional-moving from one region of a country to a different region in the same country. The main type has been from rural to urban areas in search of jobs. Intraregional-movement within the same region. The main type has been within urban areas from older cities to newer cities.

What does a negative number mean and what is the specific term for this?

It is negative if there are emigrants than immigrants than immigrants. Net out migration

From which country have the most U.S. emigrants migrated?


Differentiate between mobility, migration, and circulation.

Migration is a permanent move to a location, Mobility is a general term that covers all types of movement from one place to another, circulation is a short term repetitive movements that occur on a regular basis.

In what stage of the demographic transition were both European and Latin American countries when they sent the most immigrants to the United States?

Stage 2

What is the largest single country to single country flow of migrants?

The United States from Mexico

WHAT three themes did Geographer E.G. Ravenstein focused the study of migration on?

The distance that migrants typically move, The reasons migrants move, AND The characteristics of migrants

Forced Migration

The migrant has been forced to move by cultural or environmental factors.

Voluntary migration

Usually economic though sometimes for environmental reasons.


a form of relocation diffusion that involves a permanent move to a new location

The world's third most populous country (the USA) is inhabited overwhelming by...

direct descendants of immigrants

WHAT ARE THE three objectives FOR MIGRATING?

economic opportunity, cultural freedom, environmental comfort

How many times have you migrated (moved)? How would you classify the move(s)? Where any of the moves international?

i have moved twice (from Irmo to Blythewood, from Blythewood back to Irmo) These moves were intraregional.

What has the Source of immigrants to the U.S. changed from?

predominantly from Europe to Asia and latin America.

What pattern do the three largest regional flow of migrants demonstrate regarding migration?

reflects the importance of migration from developing countries to developed.

What are the two types of international migration?

voluntary migration and forced migration

Name 3 countries/regions have higher rates of in-migration.

Australia, Canada, South West Asia

What is net migration?

Difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants. If the number of immigrants exceeds the emigrants, the net migration is positive, and the region has net in-migration.

Differentiate between emigration and immigration.

Emigration is migration from a location. Immigration is migration to a location.

Identify the three eras of U.S. immigration:

Us Immigration Independence, Mid 19th to early 20th century, and US immigration late 20th - early 21st century

What country has the most foreign-born residents?

United States

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