Ch. 3 or 10/Final Test

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social cognitive theory

a cognitive oriented learning theory in which observational learning and person variables such as values and expectancies play major roles in individual differences; Albert Bandura

oedipus complex

a conflict of the phallic stage in which the boy wishes to possess his mother sexually and perceives his father as a rival in love

response set

a tendency to answer test items according to a bias

creative self

according to adler, the self-aware aspect of personality that strives to achieve its full potential

individual psychology

adler's psychoanalytic theory, which emphasizes feelings of inferiority and the creative self


aims to preserve and perpetuate life, fueled by libido

self efficacy expectations

beliefs that we can accomplish certain things, leads to high self-esteem

oedipus and electra complexes are resolved

by age five or six

anal expulsive

carelessness, messiness, etc.

gordon allport

cataloged 18,000 human traits

incest taboo

causes children to not fixate on their parents, but adults or teenagers that resemble them in some regard

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

contains hundred of items presented in a true-false format, helps diagnose psychological disorders

preconscious mind

contains ideas that are out of awareness but can be made conscious by focusing on them

unconscious mind

contains primitive instincts such as sex and aggression

oral traits

dependency, gullibility, and excessive optimism or pessimism

Thematic Apperception Test

developed by Murray and Morgan, consists of drawings and individuals interpret them. used in research on motivation and in clinical practice.

personal unconscious

developed by jung, contains repressed memories and impulses

Robert McCrae and Paul T. Costa, jr.

developed five factor model: conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness to experience, extraversion, and neuroticism

psychosocial development

erikson's theory of personality and development, which emphasizes social relationships and eight stages of growth

anal retentive

excessive use of self control

inferiority complex

feelings of inferiority hypothesized by adler to serve as a central motivating force


first began labeling traits as humors

penis envy

girls learn that boys have penises and that they do not and they feel inferior


in humanistic theory, the innate tendency to strive to realize one's potential

conditional positive regard

judgement of another person's value on the basis of the acceptability of the person's behaviors

collective unconscious

jung's hypothesized store of vague memories that represent the history of humankind


psychological defense/defense mechanism

Rorschach Inkblot test

psychological test made of inkblots, provides insight to people's intelligence, etc.

psychoanalytic theory

sigmund freud's perspective, which emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and conflicts as forces that determine behavior

oral fixation

smoking, overeating, alcohol abuse, and nail biting

conditions of worth

standards by which the value of a person is judged

objective tests

tests whose items must be answered in a specified, limited manner; tests whose items have concrete answers that are considered correct

Karen Horney was criticized by

the New York Psychoanalytic Institute


the distinct patterns of behavior, thoughts, and feelings that distinguish people from one another


the process by which male and female come to display behavior patterns consistent with stereotypical masculine and feminine gender roles


the second psychic structure to develop, characterized by self-awareness, planning, and delay of gratification

anal stage

the second stage of psychosexual development, when gratification is attained through anal activities


they view that people are capable of free choice, self-fulfillment, and ethical behavior


traits labelled by hippocrates. yellow bile/choleric-quick tempered. blood/sanguine-warm and cheerful. phlegm-sluggish, calm, cool. black bile/melancholic-gloomy, pensive.

erogenous zones

different parts of the body where sexual feelings are expressed

sociocultural perspective

the view that focuses on the roles of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status in personality formation, behavior, and mental processes

phallic stage

the third stage of psychosexual development, characterized by a shift of libido to the phallic region

gender-schema theory

a cognitive view of gender-typing that proposes that once girls and boys become aware of their anatomic sex, they begin to blend their self-expectation and self-esteem with the ways in which they fit the gender roles prescribed in a given culture

electra complex

a conflict of the phallic stage in which the girl longs for her father and resents her mother

ego identity

a firm sense of who one is and what one stands for, people who fail to develop a strong ego identity seem to have problems with intimate relationships later in life

unconditional positive regard

a persistent expression of esteem for the value of a person, but not necessarily an unqualified acceptance of all of the person's behaviors


a person who defines herself in terms of personal traits and gives priority to her own goals


a person who defines herself in terms of relationships to other people and groups and gives priority to group goals


a phase of psychosexual development characterized by repression of sexual impulses

projective test

a psychological test that presents ambiguous stimuli onto which the test taker projects his own personality in making a response


a relatively stable aspect of personality that is inferred from behavior and assumed to give rise to consistent behavior


a trait characterized by intense imagination and the tendency to inhibit impulses


a trait characterized by tendencies to be socially outgoing and to express feelings and impulses freely

psychosexual development

in psychoanalytic theory, the process by which libidinal energy is expressed through different erogenous zones during different stages of development


in psychoanalytic theory, the unconscious adoption of another person's behavior


in psychological testing, the consistency or stability of test scores from one testing to another


in psychological testing, the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure


in psychological testing, the process by which one obtains and organizes test scores from various population groups, so that the results of a person's completing a test can be compared to those of others of his or her sex, in which his or her age group, etc.

forced choice format

in which respondents are asked to indicate which of two or more statements is more true for them

person variables

include knowledge and skills, ways of interpreting experience, and expectancies, emotions, and self-regulatory systems and plans

situational variables

include rewards and punishments

frames of reference

individual's unique ways of viewing themselves


insufficient or excessive gratification in any stage can lead to this

hans j. eysenck

introversion-extraverion and emotional stability-instability (emotional instability is neuroticism)

analytical psychology

jung's psychoanalytical theory, which emphasizes the collective unconscious and archetypes

anal fixation

leads to anal retentive or anal expulsive traits

oral stage

the first stage of psychosexual development, during which gratification is hypothesized to be attained primarily through oral activities

genital stage

the mature stage of psychosexual development, characterized by preferred expression of libido through intercourse with an adult of the other gender


the process of adaptation in which immigrants and native groups identify with a new, dominant culture by learning about that culture and making behavioral and attitudinal changes


the psychic structure, present at birth, that represents physiological drives and is fully unconscious

conscious experience

the strength of the humanistic approach and it's weakness, because each experience is subjective and private


the third psychic structure, which functions as a moral guardian and sets forth high standards for behavior

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