Ch 4- Membrane Bound Organelles- EUKARYOTES ONLY

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Cells can't survive without _____


Composed of DNA and protein Chromatin


Not all _______ cells have chloroplast

Semiautonomous organelles

Play a role in their own structure and in the structure and organization of the entire cell


Recycling of worn-out organelles through endocytosis

Golgi apparatus

Three overlapping functions of ____ Secretion, processing, and protein sorting


_____ (food) vacuoles in protists and white blood cells for degradation -"hold starch"


_____ can also be made in the cytosol


_____ vacuoles in plants for storage and support -"finds plant cells -mostly water"


_____ vacuoles in protists for expelling excess water -"spits out water"


- a form of Glycosylation -Carbohydrate attaches to nitrogen atom of asparagine in polypeptide chain in ER lumen -Occurs in cell membrane surface proteins Role in cell-to-cell signaling


- a form of Glycosylation -String of sugars attaches to oxygen of serine or threonine in polypeptide -Occurs only in the Golgi apparatus -Important in extracellular matrix proteins


-Attachment of a carbohydrate to a protein >Glycoprotein -May aid in protein folding, extracellular protection, and protein sorting -2 types

Plasma membrane

-Boundary between the cell and the extracellular environment -Selectively permeable >____ _____ transport in and out of cell -Cell signaling using receptors -Cell adhesion -"fluid active barrier for things going in and out of cell"


-Chromosomes >Composed of DNA and protein >Chromatin -Primary function involves the protection, organization, and expression of the genetic material -Ribosome assembly occurs in the nucleolus


-Contain acid hydrolases that perform hydrolysis -Many different types of acid hydrolases to break down proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and lipids -Autophagy -"stomach of the cell; cellular digestion"


-Cytosol is central coordinating region for many metabolic activities of eukaryotic cells -Catabolism- breakdown of a molecule into smaller components -Anabolism- synthesis of cellular molecules and macromolecules

Nuclear envelope

-Double-membrane structure enclosing nucleus -Outer membrane of the nuclear envelope is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane -Nuclear pores provide passageways -Materials within the nucleus are not part of the endomembrane system

Machines in a factory

-Four systems work together 1-Interior of the nucleus 2-Cytosol 3-Endomembrane system 4-Semiautonomous organelles >Play a role in their own structure and in the structure and organization of the entire cell


-Functions of vacuoles are extremely varied, and they differ among cell types and even environmental conditions -3 types -"large like suitcase/dufflebag"


-Genome produces the proteome that is responsible for the structure and function of the entire cell -Gene regulation important in creating specific cell types and enabling response to environmental change - _____ organizes itself with the nuclear matrix >Collection of filamentous proteins -Contain genetic material

Endomembrane system (EMS)

-Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, secretory vesicles, and plasma membrane are all members of the ___ ____ ____ -The ____ ____ _____ Reside in cytosol -Much of its activity related to transport between compartments -Critical for lipid synthesis, protein synthesis and sorting, and the attachment of carbohydrates to lipids and proteins -Lipids and proteins made and sorted -Storage and recycling >Vacuoles and lysosomes

Smooth ER

-Lacks ribosomes -Detoxification, carbohydrate metabolism, calcium balance, synthesis and modification of lipids -"inside liver cells"

Lipid transfer

-Lipids made in the ER membrane can be transferred to other membranes by... >Lateral diffusion >Vesicle transport >Lipid exchange proteins -smooth ER produces lipids


-Mitochondria and chloroplasts are derived from ancient symbiotic relationships -______- a smaller species lives symbiotically inside a larger species >Beneficial for both species -Genes of mitochondria and chloroplasts very similar to bacterial genes -Modern mitochondria and chloroplasts have lost most of their genes through transfer to nucleus -Origins of peroxisomes unclear but may be same path

Semiautonomous organelles

-Mitochondria, chloroplasts, and peroxisomes >close to survive outside of cell wall but don't >produces own proteins/energy -Somewhat independent >Genetic material, synthesize some proteins, divide independently of cell -Can grow and divide to reproduce themselves, but they are not completely autonomous because they depend on other parts of the cell for their internal components, mostly proteins -They divide by fission to produce more of themselves

Endo-membrane system

-Network of membranes enclosing the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and vacuoles -Also includes plasma membrane -May be directly connected to each other or pass materials via vesicles

Endoplasmic Reticulum

-Network of membranes that form flattened, fluid-filled tubules or cistern - ____ ________membrane encloses a single compartment called the ____ ____ lumen


-Outer and inner membrane >Intermembrane space and mitochondrial matrix -Primary role is to make ATP -Also involved in the synthesis, modification, and breakdown of several types of cellular molecules -Can also generate heat in brown fat cells


-Photosynthesis >capture light energy and use some of that energy to synthesize organic molecules such as glucose -Found in nearly all species of plants and algae -Outer and inner membrane with an intermembrane space -Third membrane, the thylakoid membrane, forms flattened tubules that stack to form a granum (plural, grana)


-Region of a eukaryotic cell that is outside the cell organelles but inside the plasma membrane -Cytoplasm without any organisms in it -Cytoplasm includes everything inside the plasma membrane >____, the endomembrane system and the semiautonomous organelles >Cytoplasm is in any cell, but in Eukaryotes, you can be more precise and say _____ -Site of metabolism


-Relatively small organelles found in all eukaryotic cells -Origin remains controversial -General function to catalyze certain chemical reactions, typically those that break down molecules by removing hydrogen or adding oxygen -Reaction by-product is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) -Catalase breaks down H2O2 without forming dangerous free radicals -"contains enzyme catalyst that breaks down H peroxide (waste product)

Endomembrane system (EMS)

-Secretory pathway to move substances in and out of the cell >Secretory and endocytic pathways -Membranes are dynamic and change over time >Nuclear membrane during cell division >Plasma membrane during exocytosis -"transports structures in/out of cell"

Golgi apparatus

-Stack of flattened, membrane-bounded compartments, which are not continuous with the ER -Vesicles transport materials between stacks -"like UPS- package & ships cells"

Rough ER

-Studded with ribosomes -Involved in protein synthesis and sorting - Ribosomes get stuck to ______ _______ -modify protein

Mitochondria, chloroplasts

-_____ and _____ derived from ancient symbiotic relationships -Endosymbiosis- a smaller species lives symbiotically inside a larger species >Beneficial for both species -Genes of mitochondria and chloroplasts very similar to bacterial genes -Modern mitochondria and chloroplasts have lost most of their genes through transfer to nucleus -Origins of peroxisomes unclear but may be same path


-______ "bacteria use binary fission -structure splits in middle


-a semiautonomous organelle -makes ATP (energy currency of the cell) >crucial for cell organization -ALL Eukaryotic cells contain _____


-a smaller species lives symbiotically inside a larger species >Beneficial for both species


-captures light to store energy for later use


-enzyme that allows lipids to pass through ER (needs it for ER's barrier) -hydrophillic but inside is hydrophobic

Mitochondria, chloroplasts

-organelles hypothesized to have come through endosymboisis -Two traits exist that are similar to bacteria 1)Contain DNA separate from the nuclear genome >Single small circular double stranded chromosome ->Similar to bacterial chromosomes 2)Reproduce via binary fission >Like bacteria >divide daughter cell

Golgi apparatus

Also called the Golgi body, Golgi complex, or simply Golgi

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