Ch 6 Integumentry system

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Sensory reception ( match the specific functions of the hair)

Hair root plexuses

The main functions of the subcutaneous layer are which of the following?

Protects the body Acts as an energy reservoir Provides thermal insulation

In the first steps of wound healing, the blood brings which of the following?

WBC (leukocytes) antibodies clotting proteins

In thin and tick skin, the layers that contain living cells are the stratum ____________, stratum__________, and stratum _______________

basale spinosum granulosum

in the second step of wound healing, a ______ forms

blood clot

In the nails, the lunula appears whitish because a thickened underlying stratum basale obscures the underlying _____________.

blood vessels

Body temperature is influenced by two structures located in the dermis_________and ____________

blood vessels/sweat glands

women often accumulate subcutaneous fat in the ______, ______, hips and thighs

breast , buttocks

which are functions of the skin?

calcitriol production barrier to water loss heat regulation

many cells in the epidermis produce _______ when exposed to UV radiation

cholecalciferol (aka: Vit D3) Vitamin D3 ( aka: cholecalciferol)

In the first step of wound healing, blood brings _________ proteins, numerous white blood cells, and antibodies to the site


The epidermis lacks which of the following?

collagen fibers adipose tissue blood vessels

The specific orientation of ________________ fiber bundles in the dermis is a result of the direction of applied __________________ during routine movements.


papillary layer ( match the individual sublayer of the dermis and subcutaneous layer with its structure)

conposed of areolar connective tissue; contains dermal papillae

reticular layer ( match the individual sublayer of the dermis and subcutaneous layer with its structure)

dense irregular connective tissue surrounding blood vessels, hair follicles, nerves, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands

Nerve fibers in the skin monitor sensory receptors in the ________________ and _______________

dermis and epidermis

Merocrine sweat production ______________ during the aging process


Third-degree burns involve the _______, dermis, and _______, layer which often are destroyed

epidermis and subcutaneous

People most likely to develop skin cancer are those with ________________

fair skin

In wound healing, if regeneration is not possible, connective tissue ___________ occurs


Friction ridges are located on the skin in four regions of the body: ______________, _______________, _________________, and toes

fingers, palms, soles, and toes

Potential complications of a wound under repair include __________ loss and ___________

fluid loss and infection

Scattered among the keratinocytes of the stratum basale are pigment producing cells called _________________. These cells manufacture the pigment _________________ and package the pigment into granules called _________________.


The appendages of the epidermis are : hair, ____________,___________ glands and sebaceous glands

nails, exocrine glands

subcutaneous layer ( match the individual sublayer of the dermis and subcutaneous layer with its structure)

not considered part of the integument

During the process of keratinization, the _______________ and organelles of teh cells disintegrate and the cells start to die


Mammary glands only become functional in which of the following comditions

pregnant females lactating females

Hemoglobin is an oxygen-binding protein present within ____________ blood cells. Upon binding oxygen, hemoglobin exhibits a bright __________________ color, giving blood vessels in the dermis a reddish tint that is most easily observed in the skin of lightly pigmented individuals.


In the third step of wound healing, the cut blood vessels ___________and grown in the wound


damaged tissues are normally repaired in one of two ways:_____________ and_______________formation

regeneration and scar

when part of the skin is too severely damaged or its cells lack the capacity to divide, the body fills in the gap with ______ tissue. This process is known as ______


The sebaceous glands of the skin secrete an oily material called_______________


Repetitive mechanical stresses applied to the integuments stimulate mitotic activity in the _____________ cells of the stratum_____________


in aging skin, the reduced ______ cell activity in the epidermis results in ______ skin that is less likely to protect against mechanical trauma


The skin houses two types of general exocrine glands:________ glands and _____________ glands

sweat and sebaceous

Friction ridges assume the shape of complex arches and whorls in ___________ skin


The delivery of drugs through the skin through the uses of an adhesive patch is called ________________ administration


At puberty, terminal hair replaces ______________ hair in the ___________ and pubic regions of the body

vellus, axillary

Vernix caseosa

waterproof protective covering composed of sebum and sloughed off cells

Which is a possible description of the skin's form and function?

Barrier Indicator of health Self renewing

The net effect of vasoconstriction of the dermal blood vessels is a shunting of ____________________ away from the ______________ of the body


Merocrine ( match the glands with its location)

Distributed throughout body

True or false: The acidic pH of merocrine sweat helps prevent the growth of some pathogenic bacteria


The skin is classified as either thick or thin based on two parameters: the number of epidermal________________ in the epidermis and the relative _________________________ of the epidermis, rather than the thickness of the entire integument

strata thickness

In thick skin, the layers of epidermis that contain dead keratinocytes are the stratum _________ and stratum ___________

stratum comeum and stratum lucidum

Nodule ( match the acne lesion with its description)

Similar to a pustule, but extending into the deeper skin layers

the major functions of merocrine sweat glands are__________

secretion thermoregulation protection

sebaceous glands are activated primarily by _______ during puberty in both sexes

sex hormones

Mammary ( match the glands with its location)


Visual identification ( match the specific functions of the hair)

Color and density of hairs of scalp

Ceruminous ( match the glands with its location)

External acoustic meatus

Basal cell carcinoma ( match the type of skin cancer with its description)

Most common type of skin cancer

Malgnant melanoma ( match the acne lesion with its description)

Most deadly type of skin cancer due to aggressive growth and metastasis

Protection ( match the specific functions of the hair)

Scalp hair covers the scalp and shields it from sunburn and injury

True or false: Skin cancer can develop in people of any age?


Among the stimuli detected by the sensory receptors of the skin are ___________

cold pressure vibration

The release of water vapor from sweat glands when we are not sweating is a process called



layer of embryonic cells that develops into the dermis

As a result of the aging process, hair follicles can actually ___________ production of hairs


The hair follicle is an oblique tube that surrounds the hair ___________


The color of hair is the result of _______________

melanin production

Healing of second degree burns takes approximately _______________ weeks, and slight scarring may occur.

2-4 weeks

In first degree burns, the healing time averages about _____________ days, and typically no scarring results.

3-5 days

Whitehead ( match the acne lesion with its description)

A closed comedo

Blackhead ( match the acne lesion with its description)

An open comedo

Squamous cell carcinoma ( match the acne lesion with its description)

Arises from keratinocytes of stratum spinosum

Sebaceous ( match the glands with its location)

Associated with hair follicles over much of the skin

Heat retention ( match the specific functions of the hair)

Blanket of thick hair on scalp

The cells of the stratum corneum contain large amounts of the protein _______.



layer of cells covering the developing embryonic epithelium

Apocrine ( match the glands with its location)

Axillary, anal, areolar, and pubic regions

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