Ch 6 Lipids

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LDL is needed to

transport lipids to tissues, where the nutrients are used to make cell structures and vital compounds

Adipose cells (fat cells), remove fatty acids and glycerol from circulation and reassemble them into _________ for storage.


monoglycerides combine with long chain fatty acids to form



water-soluble structures that transport lipids through the bloodstream.

Linoleic acid

an omega-6 fatty acid. Cells can convert linoleic acid to arachidonic acid (AA)

Bile contains ____ ____, compounds that enhance digestion and absorption by keeping lipids dispersed in small particles, increasing their surface area

bile salts


bone that connects the shoulder to the rib cage (collar bone)

coronary calcium

calcium deposits in arteries of the heart. High amounts of coronary calcium are associated with increased risk of atherosclerosis.

In addition to cholesterol, arterial plaques contain

fat, components of dead cells, and calcium.

In food, lipids enhance intestinal absorption of

fat-soluble vitamins and phytochemicals.

When an artery to a limb is blocked, the tissue in the extremity dies, causing ______ to occur.


Some triglycerides are completely broken down into

glycerol and fatty acid molecules.

The liver responds to certain kinds of inflammation by producing and releasing _____________________________ into the bloodstream

high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)

Unlike triglycerides, phospholipids are partially water soluble because the phosphorus-containing portion of the molecule is


Fatty liver may be reversible;

if the affected person avoids alcohol for an extended period, the liver metabolizes the fat, and the organ eventually heals itself.

Drinking small amounts of alcohol seems to reduce the risk of heart disease, but consuming moderate to excessive amounts is associated with

increased risks of hypertension, stroke, heart failure, and weight gain

The cholesterol carried by HDL (HDL cholesterol) is often called "good" cholesterol because

it does not contribute to plaque formation.

When alcohol is consumed with meals, food delays

its absorption from the stomach and slows the rate at which the drug enters the bloodstream

Bile enhances digestion by

keeping fats and oils in chyme dispersed in the watery environment of the small intestine (emulsification).

If bile is not secreted into the duodenum, lipids clump together in large fatty globules, making lipid digestion

less efficient.

HDL conveys _____ away from tissues and to the liver, where they can be processed and eliminated


As a result of micelle formation,

lipids in chyme remain separated in small particles, which increases the ability of pancreatic lipase to gain access to and digest them.

Cholesterol is produced in the


Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) transports _____cholesterol than HDL in the bloodstream.


People who consume alcohol have an increased risk of cancers of the digestive system. Such cancers include

mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon, and rectal cancers.


oleic acid; A lipid made from fatty acids that has one double bonds between carbon atoms


one-celled(unicellular) fungi that break down (ferment) simple sugars in the absence of oxygen to obtain energy and the metabolic waste product, alcohol.

Diets containing high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly omega-3 fats, may reduce blood levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. In some individuals, however,

polyunsaturated fat also reduces beneficial HDL cholesterol

The body uses EPA, DHA, and AA to make several compounds that have hormonelike functions, including


high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)

protein produced primarily by the liver in response to inflammation; a marker of CVD


the class of lipoproteins that transport lipids from the intestinal cells to the rest of the body

Interfering with enterohepatic circulation can reduce blood cholesterol levels because

the liver must use cholesterol to make new bile salts


the lymphatic vessels of the small intestine that absorb digested fats.

subclavian vein

the vein that provides passageway from the lymphatic system to the vascular system


an amino acid normally found in the blood and used by the body to build and maintain tissues

Alcohol is a diuretic that suppresses the production of _____ _______ by the pituitary gland.

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

polyunsaturated fatty acids tend to be beneficial because they do not promote .


When your body needs energy, ______ cells break down some stored triglycerides into fatty acid and glycerol molecules, and release these substances into your bloodstream. Muscle and other cells then remove the fatty acids from circulation.


polyunsaturated fat

alpha linolenic acid; a fat that has more than one double carbon-to-carbon bond

The body cannot make the two polyunsaturated fatty acids;

alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid. (These lipids are essential fatty acids because they must be supplied by the diet.)

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

an omega-3 fatty acid. The "3" refers to the position of the first double bond that appears in the fatty acid's carbon chain, when you start counting carbons at the omega end of the molecule

A monoglyceride is

A breakdown product of a triglyceride consisting of one fatty acid attached to a glycerol backbone.

subcutaneous fat

fat located under the skin

Alcohol affects every cell in the body, and when consumed in excess, the drug damages every system in the body, particularly the

gastrointestinal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL)

is the smallest and densest kind of lipoprotein because it transports more protein and less lipids than the other lipoproteins.

Without antidiuretic hormone's (ADH) action, the kidneys produce more urine, and the body loses

water and certain vitamins and minerals along with it.

You can determine the percentage of alcohol in hard liquor by

dividing the "proof" declaration on the label by two. Tequila, for example, is "80 proof," or 40% alcohol.


first part of the small intestine

A chylomicron is a type of


fatty liver

Even after a single bout of heavy drinking, fat accumulates in liver cells and causes a condition called "fatty liver."; a condition in which fats build up in the liver and cannot be broken down

risk factors of atherosclerosis

Family history of CVD Increasing age Unhealthy diet Hypertension Pre-diabetes or diabetes Elevated blood cholesterol (especially LDL cholesterol) Excess body fat Physical inactivity Tobacco use or exposure to tobacco smoke Sleep apnea (a breathing disorder)

microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS)

If a person consumes excessive amounts of alcohol such as during a drinking binge, the alcohol overwhelms the liver's ability to metabolize the drug using the dehydrogenase pathway. When this occurs, the second method of processing alcohol, the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS), takes over. Unlike the alcohol dehydrogenase pathway, MEOS wastes energy in the form of body heat that dissipates into the environment. Thus, alcoholics typically gain little weight from their energy intake when alcohol supplies most of their energy.

Excess body fat, especially around the midsection of the body, is associated with unhealthy ___ _______ and ________ levels. Physical inactivity and excess energy consumption contribute to unwanted weight gain.

LDL cholesterol and triglyceride

The cholesterol carried by LDL (LDL cholesterol) is often referred to as "bad" cholesterol because

LDL conveys the lipid to tissues, including cells in the arterial walls that make atherosclerotic plaques.

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant.

Mild alcohol intoxication often produces pleasant sensations and relaxed inhibitions. Consuming large amounts, however, depresses normal motor functioning, including breathing, and death can result.

Certain cooking methods, however, can increase the tenderness of lean cuts of meat

Moist cooking methods, such as pot roasting or tightly covering the baking dish with foil, help tenderize meats without adding fat. In addition to using a moist cooking method, reduce the oven temperature from 350°F to less than 325°F.

very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)

A lipoprotein made in the liver and intestine that functions to transport endogenous lipids, especially triglycerides, to the tissues of the body.


A substance produced by the liver that breaks up fat particles.


A three-carbon alcohol to which fatty acids are covalently bonded to make fats and oils.


have carbons arranged in rings, which makes them a more chemically complex type of lipid than a triglyceride or a phospholipid. Cholesterol is the most well-known sterol.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, binge drinking is defined as

having four or more drinks during an occasion (about 2 hours) for females and five or more drinks during an occasion for males.

Compared to the other types of lipoproteins, chylomicrons carry

much more fat and very little protein

If a thrombus completely blocks blood flow to a section of the heart muscle, the muscle dies and a _____________ __________ occurs.

myocardial infarction (heart attack)

Under normal conditions, the small intestine digests and absorbs

nearly all of the triglycerides and phospholipids in food, but on average, only a little more than half of the dietary cholesterol is absorbed

Alcohol acts as a depressant, slowing the transmission of messages between _____ ____ in the brain

nerve cells (neurons)

Infants require DHA and EPA for

nervous system development, and babies do not grow properly when their diets lack essential fatty acids.

Compared to men who drink heavily, women have a higher risk of serious health problems, especially damage to

their liver, brain, and heart, when they abuse the same amounts of alcohol

The lymphatic system transports chylomicrons to the ________ ____, where they enter the bloodstream through the left subclavian vein in the chest

thoracic duct,

triglyceride has

three fatty acids attached to glycerol; a three-carbon compound that is often referred to as the "backbone" of the triglyceride

A is a fixed bunch of clots that remains in place and disrupts blood flow.



tiny spherical complexes of emulsified fat that arise during digestion; most contain bile salts and the products of lipid digestion, including fatty acids, monoglycerides, and cholesterol

Alcohol requires no digestion and readily passes through the

tissues lining the inside of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small intestine.


(athero = lipid containing; sclerosis [skleh-ro′-sis] = hardening), a chronic process that negatively affects the functioning of arteries

Although triglycerides are widespread in foods, cholesterol is found only in animal foods

. Egg yolk, liver, meat, poultry, whole milk, cheese, and ice cream are rich sources of cholesterol.

In the United States, a BAC of ____% is the legal limit for intoxication for automobile operators who are 21 years of age or older.


steps of lipid digestion in small intestine

1) Fatty Chyme stimulates the release of cholecytokinin 2) Cholecytokin signals the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes, including pacreatic lipase into the duodenum 3) Pancreatic lipase digests triglycerides and converts them into monoglycerides and 2 fatty acid molecules.

The liver relies on two biochemical pathways to metabolize alcohol:

1) the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS) 2) alcohol dehydrogenase pathway

The Adequate Intake (AI) for alpha-linolenic acid (Omega 3) is

1.6 g/day for men and 1.1 g/day for women.

Adults should consume less than __% of their total calories from saturated fatty acids and keep their cholesterol intake to as little as possible, while following a healthy eating pattern.


Alcohol is poisonous (toxic), and yeast die when the concentration of alcohol in the fermenting solution reaches

14 to 16%.

Cells use two vitamins, __ and _____, to convert homocysteine into safer compounds. Deficiencies of certain B vitamins can also cause homocysteine levels to become elevated.

B-6 and folate


a lipid consisting of a glycerol bound to two fatty acids and a phosphate group.

Although the reasons are unclear, chronic alcohol consumption increases the risk of alcoholic pancreatitis,

a painful and sometimes fatal condition characterized by inflammation and destruction of the pancreas.


a substance that keeps water-soluble and water-insoluble compounds mixed together. ex) in salad dressing, cheese, icecream


a two-carbon compound that chemists classify as an alcohol. Alcohols such as ethanol, glycerol, and cholesterol are organic molecules that have one or more hydroxyl (OH) groups in their chemical structures

Most long-chain fatty acids, glycerol, monoglycerides, and phospholipid fragments are reassembled into triglycerides and phospholipids within the _______ ____ of the small intestine

absorptive cells

Most cells in your body contain triglycerides, but _______ cells are designed to store large amounts of fat (triglycerides).


The process of alcohol fermentation requires

certain microbes, warm conditions, and a source of simple sugars. Although some types of bacteria produce alcohol, commercial alcoholic beverage production relies on yeast.

________ signals the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes, including pancreatic lipase, into the duodenum of the small intestine.

cholecystokinin (CCK)

As the fatty chyme leaves the stomach and enters your small intestine, it stimulates certain intestinal cells to release the hormone

cholecystokinin (kol′-e-sis′-toe-kye′-nin) (CCK)

Plants contain substances, such as soluble fiber, that interfere with _______ and ____ absorption

cholesterol and bile

The body's immune system responds to the irritation by producing inflammation within the artery. Inflammation can stimulate healing, but the process can also trigger certain cells within the arterial wall to deposit ______ under the artery's linining. resulting in the formation of

cholesterol; arterial plaque

Cholesterol and the reassembled triglycerides are coated with a thin layer of protein, phospholipids, and cholesterol to form


As chylomicrons circulate through the body, lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme in the walls of capillaries, breaks down

chylomicrons' load of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.

The heart of a person with hypertension must work harder to

circulate blood through abnormally stiff arteries.

If a plaque ruptures (tears open), repairing the damage also involves

clot formation, and such blood clots can be life threatening

plaque roughens the normally smooth surface that lines the artery. The rough lining slows blood flow in the area and makes _____ more likely to form


Cells use alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) to synthesize two other omega-3 fatty acids,:

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). However, the body's ability to make EPA and DHA from alpha-linolenic acid is limited.

excess body fat around the abdomen is associated with

elevated triglycerides and LDL choesterol

A thrombus or part of a plaque that breaks free from where it formed and travels through the bloodstream is an


partial hydrogenation

food manufacturing process that adds hydrogen atoms to liquid vegetable oil, forming trans fats and saturated fats

Eating foods that supply omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of

heart disease and stroke.

Most bile salts are absorbed in the _____, where the compounds enter the bloodstream and travel to the liver.


Thoriac duct

large lymphatic vessel that drains lymph from the lower and left side of the body

Alcoholics are prone to develop hepatitis, inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis increases the risk of

liver cancer.

Foods rich in monounsaturated fat include

peanuts and peanut oil, canola oil, olives and olive oil, almonds, and avocados.

The enzyme ________ removes two fatty acids from a phospholipid molecule.


A phospholipid is chemically similar to a triglyceride, except that one of the fatty acids is replaced by chemical groups that contain

phosphorus and, often, nitrogen

elevated blood pressure can cause hardened arteries to tear or burst, causing

serious bleeding problems and even sudden death, depending on the artery's size and location.

Because large species of fish can contain high amounts of the toxic compound methylmercury, young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and women who are likely to become pregnant should not eat certain kinds of fish, including

shark, king mackerel, marlin, and swordfish.

After being absorbed, _________________ fatty acids can enter the bloodstream directly.

short- and medium-chain


specialized lymph vessels in the small intestine that absorb fat into the bloodstream

According to the Dietary Guidelines, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding can safely consume up to

12 ounces of low-mercury fish and shellfish weekly

long chain fatty acids

14 to 24 carbons.

The Adequate Intake (AI) for linoleic acid (omega 6) is

17 g/day for men and 12 g/day for women who are 19 through 50 years of age

short chain fatty acids

2-4 carbons

Alcohol is soluble in water, and alcoholic beverages generally contain a considerable amount of water;

Beers are typically 3 to 6% alcohol, wines contain about 8 to 14% alcohol, and malt liquors are about 7% alcohol by volume

This action forms a micelle

Bile salts have hydrophilic "heads" and hydrophobic "tails". The tails are oriented inward, so they surround the lipid particle, while the heads face outward and toward the watery components of chyme.

Ethanol formula


A few people have a genetic abnormality that causes the amino acid to accumulate in their bloodstream. These individuals have a higher risk of premature ___ than persons who do not have the genetic defect.


Detoxification of alcohol

Detoxification begins in the stomach, where the enzyme gastric alcohol dehydrogenase metabolizes up to 20% of the alcohol. Most of the remaining alcohol passes through the small intestinal wall and circulates to the liver, the primary site for metabolizing alcohol. Since alcohol is a poison, the liver shifts its metabolic focus from macronutrient metabolism to alcohol detoxification when the compound enters its tissues.

Fish low in methylmercury.

Shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish.

Many alcoholics consume a considerable portion of their energy as alcohol, which often displaces nutrient-dense foods from their diets and increases their risk of malnutrition.

The excess alcohol damages the liver and interferes with the absorption, metabolism, and storage of various micronutrients. Consuming too much alcohol may also increase the excretion of certain minerals, particularly minerals magnesium and zinc.

Monounsaturated fatty acids generally

lower LDL cholesterol without reducing HDL cholesterol levels.


the process of mixing lipid with water by adding an emulsifier

functions of cholesterol in the body

Although cholesterol is not metabolized for energy, cells use the lipid to synthesize a variety of substances, including vitamin D, and steroid hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. The liver uses cholesterol to make bile, an emulsifier that facilitates lipid digestion.

What makes binge drinking so dangerous?

An individual suffering from alcohol poisoning is confused, "passes out" and cannot be aroused (comatose), breathes slowly and irregularly, and has pale or bluish skin. Alcohol poisoning can cause the heartbeat to slow down and the lungs to stop functioning, resulting in death. Additionally, if a comatose person vomits, his or her stomach contents can enter the lungs, causing the person to choke to death.

unsaturated fat

An unsaturated fatty acid has two neighboring carbons within the chain that are missing two hydrogen atoms, and a double bond holds those particular carbons together. can have one or more double bonds within the chain of carbons.

___________ is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis and CVD. A person's genes, for example, may code for various physical conditions that increase risk of heart disease, such as hypertension and diabetes

Genetics (family history)

End products of lipid digestion

Glycerol, fatty acids, monoglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipid fragments

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes diseases of the heart and blood vessels. _____________ and __________, the most common forms of CVD, are among the top five leading causes of death in the United States

Heart disease (coronary artery disease, or CAD) and stroke

Although homocysteine is an amino acid, the substance is not found in human proteins, and higher-than-normal blood levels of homocysteine can be toxic.

High blood levels of homocysteine may injure arterial walls and contribute to atherosclerosis. A few people have a genetic abnormality that causes the amino acid to accumulate in their bloodstream.

When the drinker's BAC reaches 0.25% or higher, his or her brain is unable to process information.

Higher BACs usually result in loss of consciousness ("passing out"). Moreover, coma and even death can occur as the brain loses control over lung and heart functioning.

An infant born with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) has some degree of developmental abnormalities as a result of its mother's consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a devastating form of FASD. A child with FAS is born with

certain facial and heart defects, as well as extensive, irreversible damage to its nervous system that causes intellectual disability

Additionally, alcohol may interact with other drugs, causing serious side effects that do not occur when a drug is consumed alone. For example,

combining alcohol with products that contain the pain-reliever acetaminophen can cause severe liver damage and even death.

A phospholipid molecule also has a ________ portion that avoids watery substances and attracts oily ones.


Arteriosclerosis contributes to the development of __________, a chronic condition characterized by abnormally high blood pressure levels that persist even when the person is relaxed


The primary omega-6 fatty acid, linoleic acid, increases

inflammation and blood clotting.

fats and other lipids are important for

providing and storing energy (fat); maintaining cell membranes; producing certain hormones; insulating the body against cold temperatures; cushioning the body against bumps and blows; contributing to body contours; and absorbing fat-soluble vitamins and phytochemicals.

Consuming light to moderate amounts of alcohol

raises HDL cholesterol levels and decreases platelet stickiness

A person who is dependent on alcohol (an alcoholic) has an

uncontrollable need to drink; is unable to limit his or her alcohol consumption; suffers withdrawal symptoms, such as shakiness and anxiety, when alcohol is unavailable after a period of heavy drinking; and experiences tolerance to the drug.

alcohol increases the risk of

oral cavity, esophageal, stomach, liver, pancreatic, and colorectal cancer

In addition to chylomicrons, the body makes three major types of lipoprotein. Each type carries different proportions of

protein, cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids.

The distilling process increases the alcohol concentration of an alcoholic beverage. Distilled spirits (hard liquors) such as whiskey, bourbon, and vodka are generally % alcohol

40 to 50%

The yolk of a large egg contains _grams of fat and about ___ mg of cholesterol.


medium chain fatty acids

6-12 carbons

Although each gram of alcohol provides __kcal, alcohol is not a nutrient.


Triglycerides comprise about___ of lipids in your body and food. Triglycerides are often referred to as fats and oils. The body stores energy as triglycerides (fat).


villus (villi, plural)

Fingerlike projection of the inner surface of the small intestine that functions in absorbing nutrients

. Why are some people able to drink more alcohol at one time than others? Several factors account for the variability.

In addition to the amount and timing of alcohol consumption, personal characteristics such as sex, body size and composition, age, and prior drinking history affect the body's detoxification rate.

very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)

carries a larger amount of triglycerides than cholesterol. A high level of triglycerides in the bloodstream may stimulate the production of small, dense LDL-cholesterol particles that are prone to becoming oxidized

An ulcer is a sore. Intestinal ulcers can

cause chronic bleeding and may penetrate through the intestinal wall. When this occurs, intestinal contents leak into the abdominal cavity, causing serious and often deadly infections

Platelets are

cell fragments involved in the blood-clotting process.

Fatty acids

comprised of a hydrocarbon chain. The first carbon in the molecule has three hydrogen atoms attached to it. (omega (or methyl) end). The last carbon in the fatty acid molecule forms an acid group. (COOH)

Some inflammation is necessary because it attracts immune system cells to disease-causing microorganisms that have entered the body. Inflammation, however, can also

damage the inside of arteries.


death of tissue caused by loss of blood supply followed by bacterial invasion

To reduce alcohol's harmful effects, the body _________ the simple chemical by converting it into less damaging compounds


The Mediterranean diet recommends

eating more fish and seafood, and smaller amounts of red meat; using heart-healthy unsaturated fatty acids; engaging in regular physical activity; and drinking a glass of wine daily. This diet also emphasizes phytochemical-rich fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts.

Lecithin is the major phospholipid in food; foods such as

egg yolks, liver, wheat germ, peanut butter, and soybeans are rich sources of lecithin.

By having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, a phospholipid can serve as an


After the man drinks a beer, the alcohol diffuses out of his bloodstream and into the water compartments of his body. The woman's body has less water, so more alcohol remains in her bloodstream after she drinks a beer. As a result, her BAC

rises faster, and she becomes more intoxicated after drinking the same amount of alcohol per hour as her male counterpart.

Structurally, trans fatty acids resemble _______ fatty acids and provide properties of long-chain saturated fatty acids to foods that contain them.


Other signs of essential fatty acid deficiency include

scaly skin, hair loss, and poor wound healing.

Cholesterol does not undergo digestion;

small intestinal cells can absorb cholesterol directly from food.

Fats that contain a high proportion of PHOs are more _____ at room temperature than those with a high proportion of cis fatty acids


Saturated fat

stearic acid; A lipid made from fatty acids that have no double bonds between carbon atoms

The hormone, cholecystokinin (CCK)

stimulates the gallbladder to contract; this action forces some bile into the duodenum, where it mixes with chyme

Prostaglandins produce a variety of important effects on the body, such as

stimulating uterine contractions, regulating blood pressure, and promoting the immune system's inflammatory response.

subcutaneous fat health benefits

stores energy, insulates you against cold temperatures, protects you against minor bruising, and contributes to your body's contours. In addition to storing energy, the fat deposits in your abdominal region cushion your vital organs from jarring movements and damaging blows.

A _____ can happen when a clot blocks an artery in the brain and brain cells that are nourished by the vessel die.


When atherosclerosis occurs in the carotid arteries in the neck, blood flow to the brain can be decreased and clots can form that travel to the brain, causing a ______


liver cirrhosis or hardening of the liver

If the person continues to drink, the buildup of fat destroys his or her liver cells, and tough scar tissue replaces them.

the cholesterol in food does not have as much effect on blood cholesterol levels of healthy people as the saturated fat does. Why?

In a healthy person, the liver produces less cholesterol when large amounts of cholesterol are eaten. On the other hand, eating large amounts of saturated fat increases the liver's cholesterol production. Because foods that are high in cholesterol are often rich sources of saturated fat, dietary cholesterol was blamed for raising blood cholesterol levels.


Partially digested, semiliquid food mixed with digestive enzymes and acids in the stomach.

cis fatty acids

Unsaturated fatty acids usually have the two hydrogen atoms of the double-bonded carbons on the same side of the molecule. Cis fatty acids, such as oleic acid, have a "kink" or bend where the double bonds are in the carbon chain

Alcohol is not stored in the body.

Until the liver can detoxify the toxic chemical, it circulates in the bloodstream and diffuses into the watery fluids within and surrounding cells. The lungs and perspiration eliminate some of the alcohol; that's why you can smell alcohol when you're around someone who's been drinking. The kidneys also filter some of the drug from the bloodstream and eliminate it in urine.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, her embryo/fetus also "drinks" alcohol because the drug passes freely from the mother's bloodstream into the embryo/fetus's bloodstream. Alcohol is most devastating when it affects an embryo because organs develop during the first 2 months after conception.

alcohol dehydrogenase pathway

When relatively low doses are consumed, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase converts most of the alcohol to acetaldehyde, a substance that is more toxic than alcohol. Another enzyme, aldehyde dehydrogenase, reacts with acetaldehyde to form acetate, which can also be harmful. Acetate, however, can be metabolized to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O), or the molecule can be used to synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol

Men and women have different physical responses to alcohol

Women tend to become more impaired than men do after drinking the same amount of alcohol, even when differences in body weight are taken into account. The reasons for these sexual differences are unclear, but they probably involve physiological factors including body size and composition.

Poor diets contribute to deficiencies of vitamin A, vitamin C, and the B vitamins thiamin and folate among alcoholics. It is not unusual for chronic alcoholics to become thiamin deficient and develop Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome,

a brain disorder characterized by mental confusion, memory loss, and uncoordinated muscular movements


a class of macronutrients that includes fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, and cholesterol.

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet

a healthy dietary pattern that promotes fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole-grain foods, tree nuts, seeds, fish, poultry, and legumes to reduce blood pressure. High in fiber and low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and refined carbohydrates, such as added sugars. Additionally, the standard DASH diet recommends limiting sodium intake to less than 2300 mg/day

The results from numerous studies conducted over the past 60 years indicate that consuming high amounts of certain lipids may increase the risk of serious health conditions, particularly

cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes heart disease and stroke (the loss of blood flow to a part of the brain; "brain attack").

Pancreatic lipase

digestive enzyme that removes two fatty acids from each triglyceride molecule

The liver uses the bile salts to make new bile. The process of recycling bile from the intestinal tract is called


Not surprisingly, chronic drinking contributes to intestinal ulcer formation, particularly in the

esophagus and stomach.


horomone that induces bile and pancreatic juice stimulation

In general, lipids are _______ in water, but they are _______ in organic solvents such as alcohol and acetone

insoluble; soluble

The lipoprotein, chylomicron is too large to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream and therefore must pass through the larger openings of

lacteals, lymphatic system vessels in each villus.

to estimate the person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

law enforcement officials use special devices to analyze the alcohol in blood, urine, or expired air. BAC is reported as a percentage that indicates the amount of alcohol in the blood.

Triglycerides and phospholipids need to be broken down by special enzymes called_______ before they can be absorbed


Plaque interferes with circulation in the affected area of the artery because it narrows and may even block the opening through which blood flows, called the


alcohol use disorder (AUD)

medical diagnosis for problem drinking that has become severe and is characterized by either abuse or dependence. 6% of Americans who were 18 years of age or older had an AUD.

If a thrombus partially closes off the lumen of an artery that nourishes the heart, the affected section of the heart muscle is unable to receive enough _______ and _______ to function properly.

oxygen and nutrients

The body incorporates omega-3 fatty acids into cell membranes and uses these lipids to make compounds that can

reduce inflammation, serum triglycerides, and blood clotting

Clotting is also an important function of blood, but excess blood clotting can increase the risk of

strokes, heart attacks, and other serious blood vessel disorders.

Although chronic alcohol abuse is associated with an increased risk of bone loss and fractures, light to moderate alcohol drinkers tend to have

stronger bones and lower risk of fractures than nondrinkers, especially among women who are past child bearing age.

trans fatty acids

trans fatty acid, such as elaidic acid, has the two hydrogen atoms of the double-bonded carbons on the opposite sides of the molecule. Having a trans double bond enables the hydrocarbon chain to be relatively straight.

Pancreatic lipase digests

triglycerides by removing two fatty acids from each triglyceride molecule. This action converts most triglycerides into monoglycerides.

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