ch 7 pg 45 Final Check. A Phony Friend

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between himself and the granddaughter he'd never met. "It's too late for Henry," said Seth, "but I think he'd want me to offer you my friendship. In his later years, he regretted his earlier (2). to quarrel with his family."

Believing that Seth had been my grandfather's friend made me (3)_ to like him, and it gave me (4)_ to speak to someone who had known my grandfather. Still, I was puzzled because Seth wasn't able to give me much information. For example, when I asked some questions about Grandfather's second wife, Seth seemed to (5) saying, "All I can say is that she was quite woman." On the other hand, Seth appeared genuinely (6). about my welfare, and his manners were (7) I had never met anyone so perfectly polite.

When my grandfather, Henry Altman, died, he left me a large sum of money. This was very surprising because he and my father had become estranged years before, after a quarrel, and the old man had never even seen me. I was sad that he had died before we could meet.

Soon after the news of my inheritance, a young man named showed up to offer me his sympathy. Seth said he had been a friend of my grandfather's and that when the old man had become ill, he'd asked Seth to act as a (1)_ liaison

he'd want grandfather's because


I really didn't know what to make of him until, one day, I had a(n) (8) meeting with an old school friend I hadn't seen in years. When I told her about Seth and showed her his online profile picture, my friend looked startled and said, "I know that guy. He's a phony, a charlatan°-a complete (9). sham . He's after the money, and I bet he never even knew your grandfather." When I checked, my friend's story was corroborated° by reports of how Seth had tricked several other women out of their inheritances. The next time he called, I told him I knew about his (10)_ reprehensible behavior and would notify the police if he ever tried to contact me again.

When my grandfather,

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