Ch 8: socioemotional development in middle and late childhood

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In the postconventional reasoning level, morality is more


As compared to younger children, children in the middle to late childhood would be more likely to describe themselves as


In terms of peer status, a ________ Child, receives few nominations of any kind, is seldom nominated as a best friend, but is not actively disliked


In terms of peer status, the ______ child has social skills, gives out reinforcements, listens, and maintains lines of communication with others.


______ reasoning is the lowest level of moral reasoning, according to Kohlberg


What are the three levels of moral thinking according to Kohlberg

preconventional, conventional, postconventional

In terms of peer status, ___________ children are seldom nominated by others and are actively disliked by their peers.


According to Kohlberg, which of the following are true of the timing of the three levels of moral development

- Conventional reasoning begins to appear in early adolescence. - The levels occur in a sequence. - Only a small number of individuals in early adulthood reason in postconventional ways.

Which are characteristics of controversial children

- Frequently nominated as someone's best friend - Frequently disliked by their peers

In a ________ Step family structure, both parents bring children from previous marriages to live in the newly formed step family


Which of the following is true of autonomy in middle and late childhood

Control is coregulated by both child and parent.

Kohlberg's conventional reasoning level is characterized by which of the following

Expectations about social roles

Regarding Gilligan's argument that Kohlberg's theory is based on a male norm, what does recent research indicate regarding potential differences between boys and girls

Girls moral orientations are somewhat more likely to focus on care for others than on abstract principles of justice


Individuals abide by the standards of others such as parents or society


Individuals moral reasoning is controlled primarily by external rewards and punishments

Post conventional

Individuals recognize alternative moral courses, explore the options, and then decide on a personal moral code

In terms of Eric Erikson's fourth stage of development, the term __________ summarizes children's interest in how things are made and how they work


Which of Erik Erikson's stages typically occurs during middle to late childhood

Industry versus inferiority

Which of the following accurately describes carol Gilligan's criticisms of Kohlberg's theory

It is based on a male norm it sees the individual standing alone, independently making moral decisions It puts abstract principles above relationships

Carol Gilligan questioned Kohlberg's ________ perspective of moral development and argued for a _____ perspective which views people in terms of their connectedness with others

Justice; care

Which of Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning has not been found in all cultures

Level 3

Popular children tend to display which of the following traits

Listening carefully Peer communication Showing enthusiasm

The fact that not all of Kohlberg's levels have been found in all cultures indicates that

Moral reasoning may be more culture specific than he thought

______ cognitive stages of development serve as the underpinnings for ______ theory, but in the latter model there are three levels of moral development.

Piaget's; Kohlberg's

Who is most likely to be a victim of bullying

Roberto, who is in his first year of middle school

Between the ages of eight and 11, children's descriptions of themselves become more psychological unless concrete, demonstrating the development of

Self understanding

According to critics, Kohlberg's theory ignored which of the following

The role of emotion The importance of gender Whether moral reasoning is conscious or automatic

What is a major criticism of Kohlberg's theory

There is too much emphasis on moral thought, not moral behavior

The preconventional reasoning has sometimes been described as

What's in it for me?

The term ______ Refers to verbal or physical behavior intended to disturb someone less powerful


Which of the following types of children tend to get bullied

children who are anxious children who are socially withdrawn children who are aggressive

What two executive functions are most called on when children engage in perspective taking?

cognitive inhibition and cognitive flexibility

Perspective taking is thought to be important in determining whether children will

develop prosocial or antisocial attitudes and behaviors.

Children who bully others are more likely to do which of the following

drink alcohol earn poor grades in school smoke

A broad category that reflects generalizations and widely held beliefs about females and males is known as a

gender stereotype

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