CH 8 Teamwork and Team performance
Role ambiguity
Role ambiguity occurs when someone is uncertain about what is expected of him or her.
Types of Role Conflict
Intrasender role conflict occurs when the same person sends conflicting expecta- tions. Example: Team leader—"You need to get the report written right away, but now I need you to help me get the PowerPoints ready." ■ Intersenderroleconflictoccurswhendifferentpeoplesendconflictingandmutually exclusive expectations. Example: Team leader (to you)—"Your job is to criticize our decisions so that we don't make mistakes." Team member (to you)—"You always seem so negative. Can't you be more positive for a change?" ■ Person-roleconflictoccurswhenaperson'svaluesandneedscomeintoconflictwith role expectations. Example: Other team members (showing agreement with each other)—"We didn't get enough questionnaires back, so let's each fill out five more and add them to the data set." You (to yourself)—"Mmm, I don't think this is right." ■ Inter-role conflict occurs when the expectations of two or more roles held by the same individual become incompatible, such as the conflict between work and family demands. Example: Team leader—"Don't forget the big meeting we have scheduled for Thursday evening." You (to yourself )—"But my daughter is playing in her first little-league soccer game at that same time."
. Role conflict
Role conflict occurs when someone is unable to respond to role expectations that conflict with one another.
Role overload
Role overload occurs when too much work is expected of the individual.
Role underload
Role underload occurs when too little work is expected of the individual.
Team building
Team building is a collaborative way to gather and analyze data to improve teamwork.
Team or group dynamics
Team or group dynamics are the forces operating in teams that affect the ways members work together