Ch1 Le Capybara Botté
La Guyane française se trouve en amérique du sud
French Guiana is located in South America
Il peut sauter
He can jump
Il n'a pas les pattes palmées.
He does not have webbed paws
Il ne nage pas bien.
He does not swim well
il a une maman et il a un papa
He has a mom and a dad
Il est de Guyane française
He is from French Guiana
Il habite dans une forêt tropicale
He lives in a rain forest
Son papa est un grand capybara
His dad is a big capybara
Son papa est cruel
His dad is cruel
Sa maman est une grande capybara
His mom is a big capybara
Sa maman n'est pas cruelle
His mom is not cruel
Sa mère est sympa.
His mother is nice
Rémy est un capybara botté
Remy is a capybara in boots