Ch.1/2 Practice Test

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A substance with specific properties that cannot be broken down or converted into another substance is called a(n): A) ion. B) mixture. C) molecule. D) element. E) compound.


A typical animal is Characterized by all of the following except: A) the innate ability to maintain homeostasis B)being Composed of prokaryotic cells C) ingestion of organic matter to acquire nutrients. D)The potential to grow and reproduce.


After you drink a glass of acidic lemonade your body's pH does not change.This is an example of how humans and other organisms: A) evolve in response to the environment B) maintain cellular organization C) are immune to weak acids D) maintain homeostasis


All of the following are features of the scientific method except: A)inductive and deductive reasoning B)supernatural causes C)formulation of conclusions D)observations and experiments


All of the following are scientific principles that underline scientific inquiry except: A)common perception B)natural causality C)uniformity in space and time D)natural selection


An atom of nitrogen attracts electrons more strongly than an atom of hydrogen. Which of the following BEST describes ammonia (NH3)? A) The hydrogens are strongly negative. B) The nitrogen is more slightly positive. C) The hydrogens are more slightly positive. D) Charges balance out and none of the atoms has any charge. E) The nitrogen is strongly negative.


An example of national casualty is: A) a existence of elves. B) That epilepsy is a disease of the brain. C) That mice arise from discarded garbage. D) That maggots appear spontaneously on rotting meat.


An organism's ability to maintain its internal stability when the external environment changes is called: A) homeostasis. B) mutation. C) metabolism. D) responsiveness. E) natural selection.


Atoms or molecules that have gained or lost electrons are called: A) polymers. B) bases. C) acids. D) buffers. E) ions.


in Bacteria and Eukarya domains are distinguished by: A) the fact that only Eukarya have the ability to grow and reproduce. B) all Bacteria getting nutrients via absorption and all Eukarya by photosynthesis. C) all members of Bacteria being single-celled and all members of Eukarya being multicellular. D) in Bacteria, the absence or presence of organelles, such as a nucleus.


Carbon-14 is often used for carbon dating, where scientists measure the rate of carbon-14 decay to determine the age of items. Carbon-14 contains six protons and eight neutrons. During the process of carbon-14 decay, one of its eight neutrons becomes a proton and an electron is emitted. Which of the following is the BEST explanation of what has occurred? A) The resulting atom still has an unstable nucleus. B) The resulting atom is now a different element because the number of protons has changed. C) An ionic bond has formed. D) The resulting atom is still carbon-14.


For an atom to achieve maximum stability and become chemically inert, what must occur? A) The number of electrons must equal the number of protons. B) Its outermost energy shell must be filled with electrons. C) Ionization occurs. D) Electron pairs are shared.


Francesco Redi designed an experiment to test the notion of spontaneous generation. He left the first jar of meat open to the air and covered the second jar. The first jar would be called the ________ jar. A) experimental B) conclusive C) control D) hypothetical

Moral values differ among individuals

Science cannot answer certain moral questions because:


Scientists recommend a diet rich in antioxidants to stay healthy. What occurs at the atomic level to explain this recommendation? A) Antioxidants stop the chain reaction of cellular damage caused by free radicals. B) Antioxidants are inert and do not interact with free radicals. C) Antioxidants cause an increase in pH, which is necessary for neutrality in cells. D) Antioxidants steal electrons, which gives cells extra energy.


Sodium (Na), atomic number 11, has a tendency to lose an electron in the presence of chlorine. After losing the electron, Na has ________ protons in its nucleus. A) 21 B) 12 C) 22 D) 11 E) 10


A scientific explanation that is tentative and requires more investigation is called a(n): A) fact. B) control. C) observation. D) theory. E) hypothesis.


Unlike a rock, a reptile can sit in the hot sunshine without its body temperature soaring quickly. This is because the water in its body: A) is a good solvent. B) is a poor solvent. C) has a high specific heat. D) has a low specific heat.


Which statement is an accurate description of water molecules? A) They are charged and nonpolar. B) They are ionically bonded. C) They are slightly charged and polar. D) They are uncharged and nonpolar.


A scientific theory: A) is an educated guess. B) is less reliable than a hypothesis. C) is a general explanation for natural phenomena. D) will never be changed.


A cell that lacks organelles is a: A) prokaryotic cell. B) member of the Kingdom Plantae. C) animal cell. D) eukaryotic cell.


A neutral solution: A) has no H+. B) has no OH- . C) has a pH of 0. D) has equal amounts of H+ and OH- . E) is hydrophobic.


A Basic difference between a prokaryotic cell and do you Eukaryotic is that the prokaryotic cell: A) possesses membrane-bound organelles. B) is considerably larger. C) lacks DNA. D) is structurally more complex. E) lacks a nucleus.


A carefully formulated scientific explanation that is based on extensive observations and is in accord with scientific principles is called a: A) postulate. B) theory. C) control. D) hypothesis. E) fact.


How do buffers work? A) They accept or release H+. B) They soak up extra acid and base. C) They monitor the blood pH. D) They convert H+ and OH- to water. E) They accept or release OH- .


Hydrophilic molecules: A) are neutral and nonpolar. B) are repelled by water. C) form hydrogen bonds among themselves. D) readily dissolve in water. E) do not readily dissolve in water.


If a substance measures 7 on the pH scale, that substance: A) probably lacks OH- ions. B) has equal concentrations of H+ and OH- ions. C) has a higher concentration of OH- than H+ ions. D) is basic. E) may be lemon juice.


If you place a paper towel in a dish of water, the water will: A) move away from the towel because water molecules have hydrophobic interactions. B) separate into H+ and OH- ions, which will react with the paper towel molecules. C) move up the towel because water molecules move quickly as it vaporizes. D) dissolve the towel because water is a good solvent. E) move up the towel as the water adheres to the paper towel while the cohesive water molecules stay bound to each other.


Imagine that 1 mm of an experimental drug diluted in a saline solution is injected into 20 pregnant mice to determine possible side effects. Which of the following is a suitable control for this experiment: A) 20 nonpregnant mice injected with 1 mm of the drug B) 20 pregnant mice injected with 1 mm of saline C) 20 male mice injected with a 1 mm of Saline D) 20 pregnant mice injected with 2 mm of the drug E) 20 male mice injected with 1 mm of the drug


Imagine that you have been hired as a chemist and your first task is to examine a newly discoveredatom. The paperwork you are given states that its atomic number is 110. What does this mean? A) The atom contains 55 electrons. B) The atom contains 55 protons and 55 neutrons. C) The atom is an isotope. D) The atom contains 110 protons.


In which kingdom does a multicellular, eukaryotic, photosynthetic, organism belong? A) Protists B) Animalia C) Fungi D) Plantae


Is the formation of sodium chloride is the result of: A) chemical unreactivity. B) covalent bonding. C) the lack of chemical attraction. D) attraction between opposite charges.


Milk of magnesia is often used to treat stomach upset. It has a pH of 10. Based on this information, milk of magnesia: A) is stable. B) shares one pair of electrons. C) is polar. D) is covalently bonded.


Most biological molecules are joined by: A) ionic bonds. B) disulfide bonds. C) covalent bonds. D) hydrogen bonds. E) peptide bonds.


Of the following levels of organization, Archaea have: A) molecules only. B) atoms, molecules, and organs. C) atoms and molecules. D) atoms only. E) organs only.


Suppose you are testing a treatment for AIDS patients and find that 75% respond very well whereas 25% show no improvement or decline in health. You should: A) conclude that you have proven the effectiveness of the drug. B) review the results, modify the drug or the dosage, and repeat the experiment. C) discontinue experimentation with this treatment because 25% of patients did not improve. D) conclude that only 75% of AIDS patients should be treated. E) begin work on developing a new drug.


Sweating is a useful cooling mechanism for humans because water: A) is an outstanding solvent. B) can exist in two states at temperatures common on Earth. C) ionizes readily. D) takes up a great deal of heat in changing from its solid state to its liquid state. E) takes up a great deal of heat in changing from its liquid state to its gaseous state.


The atomic number of an atoms is described as the: A) number of protons in the atomic nucleus. B) arrangement of neutrons in the atomic nucleus. C) total number of electrons and neutrons. D) number of electrons in the outermost energy level. E) total number of energy shells.


The atomic number of hydrogen is 1. Based on this fact, all of the following must be true of 73) hydrogen gas (H2) EXCEPT that it: A) is stable. B) shares one pair of electrons. C) is polar. D) is covalently bonded.


The fact that salt dissolves in water is BEST explained by the: A) slightly charged nature of water molecules. B) ionic nature of water molecules. C) hydrophobic nature of salt. D) polar nature of water molecules. E) hydrophobic nature of the water.


The formation of ions involves the: A) sharing of protons. B) sharing of electrons. C) gain or loss of neutrons. D) gain or loss of electrons. E) gain or loss of protons.


The part of the atom that has the greatest biological interest and influence is the: A) proton. B) innermost electron shell. C) electron D) neutron.


The scientific method includes all of the following EXCEPT: A) experimentation. B) a hypothesis C) conclusions. D) a testable theory. E) an observation.


The smallest units that still retain the characteristics of an element are called: A) organic molecules. B) atoms. C) molecules. D) cells. E) tissues.


The specific heat of water is 10 times greater than that of iron. You place a metal pot full of water on the stove to heat it up. You touch the metal handle of the pot when the water is still only lukewarm. Which of the following BEST describes what happens? A) You determine that metal pots full of water produce acids and bases. B) You find that both the water and the handle are the same temperature. C) You find that the handle is cooler than the water in the pot. D) You burn your finger and pull your hand away from the very hot handle.


The variation among individuals, on which natural selection acts, is: A) random occurrences in the lifetimes of individuals. B) nutritional differences. C) physical training and exercise. D) genetic differences.


To test the effect of vitamin D on growth, two groups of rats were raised under identical conditions and fed the same diet. One of the groups received daily injections of vitamin D. The other group received injections of saline, which did not contain vitamin D. All the rats were weighed weekly for 2 months. In this experiment, the control was the: A) group receiving vitamin D. B) 2-month period of time. C) average weight gain of the rats. D) group receiving saline.


Using it's antennae The male moth finds female moths by following a trail of airborne chemicals called pheromones up twins from the female producing them. This is an example of how living things: A) grow. B) maintain homeostasis. C) reproduce. D) respond to stimuli. E) acquire nutrients.


Water molecules are cohesive because they: A) are repelled by nonpolar molecules. B) form hydrogen bonds. C) create surface tension. D) stick to other polar molecules. E) contain protons.


We use the scientific method every day. Imagine your car doesn't start one morning before school which of these is a reasonable hypothesis regarding the problem. A) I should check whether the lights were left on and drained the battery. B) I'm going to be late. C) I should add a quart of oil. D) I should change the battery or the starter. E) I'm out of gas.


What determines the cohesiveness of water molecules? A) hydrogen bonds B) covalent bonds C) hydrophobic interactions D) ionic bonds


What does H O H represent? A) ionic bonding of water B) a mixture including water C) a molecule of water D) an atom of water


What is meant by the statement that water has a high specific heat? A) It grows hot very quickly. B) The boiling point of water is very low. C) It can absorb a lot of energy without changing temperature. D) Water can heat up to only a certain temperature. E) Water freezes easily.


When the acidic level of human blood increases, how is homeostasis maintained? A) Bicarbonate (HCO3-) accepts H+ ions and forms carbonic acid. B) Carbonic acid eats up the extra OH- ions. C) Bicarbonate (HCO3-) releases H+ ions that combine with excess OH- ions to form H2O. D) H+ ion-donor levels increase.


Which four elements make up approximately 96% of living matter? A) carbon, sodium, chlorine, magnesium B) carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen C) oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, sodium D) carbon, oxygen, sulfur, calcium E) carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, hydrogen


Which group has prokaryotic individuals? A) Kingdom Fungi B) Protist Kingdoms C) Kingdom Plantae D) Domain Archaea E) Kingdom Animalia


Which is the correct sequence of increasing organization? A) organelle, tissue, cell, organ B) organ, tissue, cell, molecule C) cell, tissue, organ, organ system D) molecule, cell, organelle, organ E) atom, molecule, tissue, cell


Which of the following could potentially be a free radical? A) helium (atomic number 2) B) neon (atomic number 10) C) oxygen (atomic number 8)


Which of the following is an example of hydrogen bonding? A) the bond between the H of a water molecule and H of a hydrogen molecule B) the bond between H of one water molecule and H of a second water molecule C) the bond between O and H in a single molecule of water D) the bond between O of one water molecule and O of a second water molecule E) the bond between O of one water molecule and H of a second water molecule


Which of the following is least affected by the presence of water? A) polar covalent bond B) ionic bond C) nonpolar covalent bond D) hydrogen bond E) electronproton interaction


Which of the following is true regarding faith based assertions in scientific theories? A)any and all faith-based assertions can be disproven, but scientific theories cannot. B)Both faith-based assertions and scientific theories can be proven. C)Any and all scientific theories can be disproven, but faith-based assertions cannot. D) Faith based assertions can become scientific theories. E) Scientific theories are not modifiable but faith based assertions are.


Which of the following is/are characteristics of a living organisms? A) have a nucleus B) eat other organisms C) have membrane bound organelles D) maintenance of homeostasis E) ability to produce energy


Which of the following levels of organization is the most inclusive (that is, includes the most life-forms)? A) community B) ecosystem C) population D) biosphere E) organ system


Which of the following often form(s) as a result of polar bonds? A) ionic bonds B) ice C) water D) hydrogen bonds E) peptide bonds


Which of the following pairs has the most similar chemical properties? A) 1H and 22Na B) 12C and 28Si C) 12C and 14C D) 16O and 32S E) 1H and 2He


Which of the following results from a transfer of electron(s) between atoms? A) hydrogen bond B) polar covalent bond C) electron proton interaction D) nonpolar covalent bond E) ionic bond


Which of the following statements is a hypothesis rather than a theory? A) Matter is composed of atoms. B) Living things are made of cells. C) Female birds prefer to meet with male birds that have longer tales. D) Modern organisms descended from pre-existing lifeforms.


Which of these atoms would become inert if it accepted three electrons? A) carbon B) calcium C) hydrogen D) phosphorus


Which of these is not scientific? A)A study determines differences in the species composition into parks. B)People are immunized with different vaccines to determine the relative effectiveness against the flu virus. C) A company uses different advertising methods for a products to determine which one produces the most sales. D)NASA sends tadpoles up in the space shuttle to see how gravity affects their development. E) Consumers are asked which tomato variety produces the best Tuesday spaghetti sauce.


You drop a handful of salt into a glass of water. Which of the following BEST describes what is happening inside the glass at the molecular level? A) Water and sodium form a covalent bond. B) The positively charged hydrogen ends of the water molecules are attracted to sodium ions. C) The positively charged hydrogen ends of the water molecules are attracted to chloride ions. D) Sodium and chloride ions form a covalent bond.


You observe a plant on your windowsill that is growing at an angle toward the outside. This is an example of a living thing: A) responding to stimuli. B) evolving. C) reproducing. D) maintaining homeostasis.

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