Ch14 Biology #3 Exam

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which of the following properties of the garden pea were advantagous for Mendel studies of ingeritance

-- True breeding stains were available ----many varieties with different traits were available ---- pre plants can be self fertilized or cross fertilized

which of the following are principles of the chromosome theory of inheritance ?

--- gametes are haploid cells that combine to form a diploid cell during fertilation ---- genes are found in the chromosomes ----during meiosis the homologous pairs segrate independenty and haplod games are produced ---- the nucleus of a diploid cell contains homologous of chromosomes ----- chromosomes are replicated and passes from parnet to offspring and from cell to cell.

According to Mendel explanation ,how many copies of a gene does an individual carry for a given character ?


Each parent carries __________ alles of a gene that will segregate from each other during gamete formation


Female mammals that are hetrozygous for X linked genes and are thus composed of two types of cells ,are known as which of the following


which of the following statements about eukayotic genes is true ?

Most but not all genes are found in the nucleus

The characteristics of an organism that are the result of the explaination of its genes is referred to as its _____________




X inactivation and genomic imprinting are two examples of ________ inheritance



fertilized diploid egg


fruit fly

What is the modern term for Mendel's "unit factors " that are passed on intact from one generation to the next ?


presumed heterozygotes

half shaded

Meiosis results in the production of four ______ daughter cells that each carry a single copy of one of the two original homologues


Meiosis 1

homologs segregate



If heterozygous parents are crossed a 1:2:1 phenotypic ratio will be observed in the offspring when which of the following of heredity is involved ?

incomplete dominance

In a two factors cross , genes that are close together on a chromosome do not follow Mendel's law of __________ ,______________

independent , assortment

A group of genes that are close together on a chromosome and tend to be transmitted together is known as

linkage group

A______ of _______ allele is one that is likely to decrease or eliminate the synthesis of functional activity of a protein

loss of function alleles

The sex chromosomes are a pair of chromosomes that are different in _______ and ____________ individual .

males and females

In humans mitochondria are inherited through a type of uniparental inheritance called ___________ inheritance


The diffrence between a normal allele and one that causes disease is the result of _________.


Offspring that do not differ from the partental generation in thier combination of traits are known as


unaffected individuals

not shaded

In humans and other mammals X chromosomes are counted.This process ensures that any normal somatic cell contains_______active X chromosome.


A hybridization experiment involves mating

two individuals with different characteristics


unfertillized haploid egg

In the X-O which system which operated in many insects females are XX and males are either

x ,XY

in the X-O sex determination which of the following genotypes could be found in a female

xx , xxy

if two genes are linked is it possible for recombinant offspring to occur

yes if crossing over occurs

Mendel chose to study characters of pea plants that occurred in

two discrete variants

Which of the following hypotheses did Thomas Hunt Morgan propose for the unexpected results he obtained when studying transmission of genes in drosophila .

----- Crossing over occurs during meiosis allowing chromosomes to create new allele combinations ------ genes located on the same chromosome are more likey to be inherited together ,violating Mendels law of independent assortment . ---- The likelihood of genes being recombined via crossing over is related to how far apart they are on the chromosome

Which of the following characteristics applying to epigigentic inheritance ?

------- modification of a gene or chromosome during gamete formation -------- modification of a gene or chromosome during early embryonic development

In a eukarytoic cell where are genes found

-----Mitochondria -----The nucleus ---Chloroplast

Which organelles demostrate cytoplasmic inheritance

----Chloroplasts ---- mitochondria

The three important ideas Mendel postulated concerning the transmission of traits from parents to offspring include .

---An individual carries two variants of genes per trait . --- the two alleles of a gene separate duing gamete formation so that each gamete receives a single allele per trait . ---- traits exist in two forms -dominant and recessive

predict the leaf pigment phenotype expressed by offspring with the type of promplastids found in an egg cell

--All normal proplastids *** Green leaves --- All mutant proplastids ***White leaves ------a combination of normal and mutant proplastids **** green white or variegated leaves

place the steps of the Punnett square approach in the correct order

1. write down the genotypes of both parents 2.write down the possible gametes that each parent can make. 3.fill in the possible genotypes of offspring by combining the alleles of the gametes in the empty boxes 4. Determine the relative proportions of genotypes and phenotypes in the offspring .

what proption f2 offspring are expected to have smooth green pods


what ratio is obtained in the F2 generation of a two factor cross when alleles assort independently from one another


What is broadly defined as a unit of heredity

A gene

what us broadly defined as a unit of heredity ?

A gene

What is X-chromosome inactivation

A process that occurs in female mammals when the genes of one X chromosome are not expressed

Simple Medellin inheritance refers to the inheritance pattern of traits affected by ?

A single gene that is found in two variants

A human somatic cell contiains 22 pairs of chromosomes called ________ and one pair of _____________

Autosomes , sex chromosomes

A highly condensed X chromosome is known as a _____ body


In a mammalian cell that contains two X chromomes one of the X chromosomes will become a _________,,_____________

Barr bodies

What is an example of mosaicism

Calico coat pattern in cats

When the true-breeding parents differ in a single character their f1 offspring are called single character hybrids or ____________________.


The genetic material that resides within chromosomes is


when two P generation individuals are crossed the offspring constitute the

F1 generation

Two plants from different true breeding lines are crossed to one another. Their offspring are allowed to self fertilize which results in productions of the ?

F2 Generation


Trait is masked

Mendel proposed that a unit factor now called a __________ codes for a character ,and each individual carries two variant forms , now called ______ of the units factors for a given characters.

Gene, Alleles

Mendel's "unit factors " that are passed intact from one generation to the next are now called ________________


Mendel's unit factors are now called ________ and their variant forms are referred to as ________.

Genes , Alleles

inheritance is Best described as the acquisition of ____ by their transmission from parents to offspring


The phenomenon in which two genes are offten transmitted together because they are located close to one another on a chromosome is called


A gene found on the X chromosomes is designated as an X - ____________genes


The phenomenon in which a trait of offspring is solely determined by the value of that trait in the female parent is known as ____________ inheritance .


In genetic crosses the term "hybrid" refers to

Offspring of a hybridization experiment

what explanation of inheritance suggests that the determinants of hereditary traits are transmitted in discrete units from one generation to the next ?

Particulate inherence

what explaination of inhertance suggests that the determinants of hereditary traits are transmitted in discrete units from one generation to the next

Particulate inheritance

What type of plant did Mendel use for most of his work ?


An _________analysis is the anylysis of an inherited trait over several generations in one family


Human traits that follow simple Medelian patterns are usually studied using

Pedigree analysis

In pea plants the allele T codes for tall plants and the allele T codes for short plants . If a plant is short this would be considered its _____________


An _____ square can be used to predict the outcome of a simple genetic cross

Punnett square

Mendel proposed his laws of inheritance based on

Quantitate experiments

lower case letters are used to represent _______alleles.


In pedigree analysis generations are designated by _____ numerals .


In pea plants a female gamete is normally fertilized by a male gamete from the same plant. This process is called ______-fertilization.

Self -Fertilization

A cross in which an experimenter follows the variants of only one character is called a __________-___________ cross .

Single -Factor cross

Homozygous dominant


If T is a dominant allele for tall which of these woulf phenotypically describe a hetrozygote (Tt)


which of the following states that the ingeritance patterns of traits can be explained by the transmission of chromosomes during meiosis and fertillzation

The chromosome theory of inheritance

what is the norm of reaction

The phenotypic range displayed by individuals with a particular genotype under different environmental conditions

In incomplete dominance ,a cross of two hetrzygotes produces _______ in the offspring.

Three distinct phenotypes


Trait is displayed

In a typical single -factor cross , the individuals that are first crossed are

True breeding and referred to as the P generation



Mendel proposed that each individual carries _____________forms of a gene for a given character ,which are called alleles ,and that the alleles of a gene separate during gamete formation so that each gamete receives ________alleles.

Two , One

An ___________-__________ cross follows the simultaneous inheritance of two diffrent characters

Two - Factor cross

A heterozygous individual carries

Two diffrent alleles of a given genes

An individual who is homozygous for a given gene carries

Two identical alleles of the genes

Each of the seven characters that Mendel studied was found in ________discrete forms called _________.

Two, Trait

The ________chromosome determines maleness in mammals


in pea plants tallow seeds are dominants toe green seeds, and the yellow and green alleles are represented with Y and y respectively . Match each genotype with the correct description of alleles .

YY --- homozygous for the yellow allele Yy- hetroxygous for the yellow and green alleles yy- homozygous for the green allele

In recessive inheritance two unaffected parents produce

affected or unaffected offspring

Some people are born with abnormalites in the number of their sex chromosomes .For example people born with triple X syndrome have X chromosomes and those born linefelter s

all of the X chromosome are inactivated excepted for one

The paired chromosomes that are the same in both sexes are called






pic --- alleles are linked b and c b +and c +


A trait that causes a disease will occur more frequently in males than females if the trait is

recessive and X linked

Affected individuals


when a cell prepares to divide the homologs reicate so that each homolog consists of a pair of _______ chromatids


Meiosis 2

sister chromatids separate



If a true breeding line is allowed to self fertilized for several generations the resulting offspring will have ?

the same traits as the parents

Homozygous recessive


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