Ch.6 Practice Test Questions

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The concept of equipotentiality suggests what?

All conditioned responses will equally predict all unconditioned responses.

Extinction occurs when the ________ no longer produces the ________.


The research into the usefulness of considering an individual's learning style has found which of the following?

Certain teaching approaches tend to be the most effective irrespective of individual learning styles.

Every time Maricella goes to work in the morning, she notices that her dog sulks in the corner of the room and looks very sad. Over several weeks, she notices that the dog get unhappy when she picks up her car keys, immediately before leaving the house. What phenomenon of learning best describes the dog's behavior?

Classical conditioing

Which of the following is true concerning Bandura's classic "Bobo doll" study?

Exposure to aggressive models led to increased aggression in nursery school children.

Bob has learned that he can usually get what he wants from his parents if he keeps whining for something. One day Bob starts whining in the toy store because he wants a GI Joe action figure. His father refuses to give it to him and ignores his whining. What will happen?


Which of the following is true concerning operant conditioning principles?

Fading involves gradually decreasing the frequency of reinforcement for "not-exactly-right" behaviors.

The "aha!" experience is known as?

Insight learning

What theory provides the safest strategies for teaching a child to cross a bust street?

Observational learning

In S-O-R learning, what does 'O' stand for?


What will weaken the likelihood of behavior in the future?


Which theorist believed that most of learning occurred by trial and error?


Because dogs do not need to be conditioned to salivate to food, salvation to food is?

Unconditioned response

The abbreviation UCR stands for?

Unconditioned response

The reappearance of a learned response after extinction has occurred is called ______.

spontaneous recovery

_______ is an example of a primary reinforcer, whereas _______ is an example of a secondary reinforcer.

A cupcake; a certificate of achievement given to a student

Regarding operant conditioning, which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

A student is exempted from a weekly quiz for exemplary homework

Regarding operant conditioning, what is an example of negative reinforcement?

A student is exempted from a weekly quiz for exemplary homework.

What represents the findings of David Premack?

Allowing a child to have ice cream only if she/he eats their vegetables

The precursor to Pavlov's groundbreaking work on classical conditioning came from a group of scholars called the British ________, who believed that we acquire all of our knowledge by forming associations between stimuli.


Watson's experiment with Little Albert demonstrated that fears might be?

Based on classical conditioning

Bill hates to clean up after dinner. One night, he volunteers to bathe the dog before cleaning up. When he finishes with the dog and returns to the kitchen, his wife has cleaned everything up for him. Which of the following statements is accurate?

Bill's wife has negatively reinforced him for bathing the dog.

As an infant, Stephanie received many penicillin injections from the doctor. When she later saw a photographer in a white coat that was similar to the doctor's coat, she started to cry. This is an example of?

Classical conditioning

A _______ is a mental representation of how a physical space is laid out or organized.

Cognitive map

Studies of latent learning emphasize the importance of _____ on learning.

Cognitive processes

Young Albert is initially not afraid of white rats, but if white rats and loud noises are presented in a sequence Albert may learn to fear rats. In this example, white rats would be the?

Conditioned Stimulus(CS)

John Watson offered a live, white rat to Little Albert and then made a loud noise behind his head by striking a gong with a steel hammer. After several pairings, the child came to fear with the white rat. This white rat served as the _____ in his study.

Conditioned stimulus

What is reflective of Seigman's research on conditioned taste aversion?

Contrary to most classical conditioned reactions, only one pairing of the CS with the UCS is needed to produce a taste aversion.

Research into the effects of "physical punishment" (e.g., spanking a child) has found that such discipline is associated with more behavioral problems in children. Reading these findings, you might be tempted to tell your parents, "see, I told you that if you spanked me you would regret it!" Unfortunately for you, your parents are both psychologists, and they are familiar with which of the six principles of scientific thinking?

Correlation v. Causation

According to the research of David Klahr, what type of instruction/learning results in the greatest and most immediate ability to solve problems?

Direct instruction

According to the theory of classical conditioning, an unconditioned stimulus is a stimulus that elicits?

Elicits an automatic response.

S-O-R psychology adds the concept of _____ into the complex recipe of learning, suggesting that our thought processes intercede in what would otherwise be an automatic process.


Lanissa has decided that the best way to study for her upcoming chemistry exam to read the formulas she needs to memorize into an mp3 file on her computer, upload it to her mp3 player, and listen to it while sleeping. She has read that it is possible to learn vast amounts of information while asleep. Unfortunately, Lanissa does not realize that there is no scientific evidence to support the concept of sleep-assisted learning. Which scientific principle is this?

Extraordinary claims

The situation of a student's final grade improving one letter grade for every three books read represents which schedule of reinforcement?

Fixed ratio

Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?

Giving a child candy for completing their homework

After a CS comes to elicit the CR, the CS now can be paired with a new neutral stimulus and this second neutral stimulus will start to elicit a CR. This process is classed?

Higher-order conditioning

What is a good example of observational learning?

Ingrid swam poorly until she noticed the efficient stroke of the man in the next lane; now her swimming is greatly improved.

The sudden appearance of an answer to a question or puzzle after having contemplated the issue for a period of time illustrates ______.

Insight learning

What statement is supported by research concerning classical conditioning and advertising appeals for well-known products?

It is easier to classically condition novel brands versus familiar brands.

Who was the first person to describe learning as acquired through classical conditioning while studying the digestive process of dogs?

Ivan Pavlov

Who is best known for studying the phenomenon of insight in animals?


__________ refers to a change in an organism's behavior or thinking that is a direct result of experience.


According to research, what group of individuals is most likely to act aggressively in adulthood?

Males who watched a lot of violent television as a children

The early work into the phenomenon called instinctive drift was performed by

Marian and Keller Breland

Which type of neuron becomes active when we engage in observational learning?

Mirror neurons

Which of the following describes the main difference between observational learning and operant conditioning?

Observational learning uses punishment and reinforcement of models to condition the behaviors of observers whereas operant conditioning deals directly with the individual being trained

Olivia is punished for spilling her cereal. Her parents give her a spanking and send her to her room where she cries. Later, her dog makes a mess on the floor. Olivia kicks the puppy and outs it out on the yard where it whines sadly. What explains her behavior toward the puppy?

Olivia is modeling the aggressive behavior her parents demonstrated to her.

A Skinner box is most likely to be used in research on?

Operant conditioning

The kind of learning that applies to voluntary behavior is called?

Operant conditioning

If parents handle discipline by employing mainly a punishment approach, what can be assumed?

Parents are interested in eliminating bad behaviors by presenting unpleasant consequences after bad behavior.

Learned behavior is less prone to extinction if it is conditioned by _______ reinforcement.


What describes the resistance to extinction of behaviors learned with the different schedules of reinforcement used in operant conditioning?

Partial reinforcement leads to behaviors that will persist longer than behavior learned through continuous reinforcement.

What term refers to the fact that animals and human beings may be evolutionary predisposed to fear stimuli that threaten their survival?


What is true concerning the treatment of phobias using classical conditioning?

Persons fearful of flying with something pleasurable to reduce fear.

Regarding the two-processes of operant and classical conditioning, which is true?`

Phobias are likely caused by classical conditioning maintained by operant conditioning.

A stimulus presented to a person or animal that lowers the chance of a particular response re-occuring is known as __________.

Positive punishment

Thorndike's law of effect is most closely associated with which operant conditioning principle?

Positive reinforcement

What refers to the fact that animals and human beings may be evolutionarily predisposed to fear certain stimuli that threaten their survival?


A ______ reinforcer is any reward that naturally increases the frequency of a target behavior.


When Bobby is hungry, tired, and thirsty, he resolves this by getting food, water, and sleep. These are examples of?

Primary reinforcement

What is true concerning intermittent schedules of reinforcement?

Ratio schedule yield higher rates of responding as compared to interval schedules.

What is true concerning Tolman and Honzik's classic study of latent learning?

Rats were able to learn even when they were not receiving reinforcement.

Which of the following is true concerning Tolman and Honzik's classic study of latent learning?

Rats were able to learn even when they were not receiving reinforcement.

In 2000, neurophysiologist Eric Kandel was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research demonstrating that the process of habituation occurs even in very unsophisticated animals. What sort of organism did he use in this research?

Sea slugs

What theorist is responsible for suggesting that the distribution of phobias in the human population can be explained by biological preparedness?


Applied behavior analysis (ABA) has been used with children diagnosed with autism. The basic principle of this form of behavior modification is?


A discriminative stimulus is a stimulus that?

Signals the presence of reinforcement.

A small chamber used in operant conditioning of animals that limits the available response and, thus, increases the likelihood that the desired response will occur is called a?

Skinner box

Which of the following statements concerning sleep learning is true?

Sleep learning tapes work because we are likely not asleep the entire time they listen to the tapes

Julio served in the war in Iraq and was severely traumatized when a rocket-propelled grenade exploded next to his Humvee. Recently, Julio was studying in the library and a large book fell off a high shelf and banged on the floor. The noise brought Julio instantly to his feet. In terms of classical conditioning, his response can best be explained by?

Stimulus generalization

While on a cruise ship, Kevin became sick after eating a seafood dinner. His food poisoning coupled with sea sickness led to a terrible vacation and consequently Kevin shivers at the mere sight of a cruise ship. Kevin's behavior illustrates the process of?

Stimulus generalization

What does SALTT stand for?

Suggestive Accelerative Learning and Teaching Techniques

What describes the situation of chaining?

Teaching a child to play tennis by providing reinforcement in steps for learning to serve, volley, and use the forehand and backhand until the child can play the complete game of tennis.

Concerning cognitive maps, what is true?

Teens allowed to view a maze from 10 feet above before beginning will be just as capable of working their way through the maze as compared to teens given a practice run through the maze before beginning.

What statement is true about taste aversions?

The delay between CS and UCS in a conditioned tasted aversion can be as long as 6 to even 8 hours.

Mark and Kathy take their 2-year-old son to the supermarket every Saturday. Each week, the same sequence of events unfolds: Their son screams, demanding that they buy him treats. Although they refuse to give in to his demands, he continues to scream. Finally, either Mark or Kathy gets in their son's face and yells at the top of their lungs "Shut up!" He stops screaming instantly. What operant conditioning concepts are illustrated in this story?

The parents are using punishment to suppress the screaming; their use of punishment is negatively reinforced by the cessation of screaming.

The conditioned stimulus is defined as?

The previously neutral stimulus that has acquired the capacity to produce the conditioned response.

Which two theorists laid the groundwork for the theory of operant conditioning?

Thorndlike and Skinner

Which of the following is true of token economies?

Token economies have proven to be effective in conditioning behavior in hospitals, group homes, and juvenile detention centers.

The concept of latent learning was developed by __________.


The concept of latent learning was developed by?


A behavioral psychologist tries to train a bird to climb a tree to get a reward of a piece of fruit. At first, the bird learns how to climb the tree with its legs and beak. After a while, it starts flapping its wings and hopping around before it starts to climb. Eventually, the bird flies up to the piece of fruit, even though the use of its wings prevents it from being reinforced with the fruit. According to the Brelands' analysis of biological constraints, the bird is demonstrating __________.

a reversion to behavior that was instinctual for it

An example of a discriminative stimulus might be __________.

a stop sign

For several weeks Allen had to clean the men's restroom at the restaurant where he worked. The task always made him nauseated. He has since gone on to better things, but still cannot walk by the door to a men's restroom without becoming slightly queasy. For Allen, the door to the men's room has become a(n) __________

conditioned stimulus

A farmer is being troubled by coyotes eating his sheep. In an attempt to solve the problem, he kills a sheep and laces its body with a nausea-inducing drug. He leaves the sheep out where he knows the coyotes roam. He hopes they will learn not to eat the sheep. The farmer is attempting to apply the principle of _____________ to accomplish this.

conditioned taste aversions

When you learned that red lights mean "stop," and green lights mean "go," you were being trained to use a classical conditioning concept called stimulus __________.


Most employees work eight hours per day from Monday through Friday, and are paid once every two weeks. Therefore, most employees are paid on a ________ schedule of reinforcement.

fixed interval

Omar and Patrick sell magazine subscriptions by telephone. Omar is paid $1.00 for every 5 calls he makes, while Patrick is paid $1.00 for every subscription he sells. Omar is paid on a _____________ schedule while Patrick is paid on a ____________schedule.

fixed ratio; variable ratio

A fixed ratio of reinforcement involves?

giving reinforcement after a specific number of responses has occurred.

Operant conditioning is also known as

instrumental conditioning

Sarah has just received her drivers' license and is now ready to drive to school. Although she's never driven to her school before, Sarah knows the way. The fact that Sarah can drive herself to school suggests that ________ has occurred.

latent learning

Wearing shorts on a hot summer day is a behavior that is established by way of

negative reinforcement

The ________ effect refers to the sudden reemergence of a conditioned response following extinction when an animal is returned to the environment in which the conditioned response was first acquired.


Albert Bandura and his colleagues were able to get the same findings in their observational learning research when children watched aggressive models on film as they did when children watched aggressive models in person. This lent additional support for Bandura's claims that observational learning represents a significant process by which certain behaviors are acquired. This demonstrates the critical thinking concept of


Token economies are reinforcement-based strategies that use points, tokens, and chips as ________ reinforcers.


As a child, Blaine was attacked by a goose and subsequently developed a severe fear of waterfowl. As he got older, the fear gradually faded until it was all but forgotten. Blaine is now in his early twenties and recently went strolling through a park by the river where he came across a flock of geese. The geese gave him a stare, and Blaine experienced a sudden surge of fear. Blaine's fear response is an example of__________.

spontaneous recovery

Ken's mouth waters every time he hears the ice cream truck's familiar song in the distance. One day a slightly different song is heard in the distance and Ken's mouth waters. Ken's behavior illustrates

stimulus generalization

Acquisition can be described as the process in which

the conditioned response is established

You spend days wandering aimlessly around a park with many different paths that end at different parts of the park. One day when you arrive at the park you get a call on your cell phone from your cousin whom you haven't seen for years, and she says she is waiting for you in a particular section of the park. Even though the paths are complicated and twisted, you manage to find the shortest route to your cousin. Tolman would explain your efficient passage through the park as an example of __________.

the formation of a cognitive map

When Keller and Marian Breland, two psychologists who became animal trainers, decided to train raccoons to drop tokens into a piggy bank, they found that?

the raccoons displayed instinctive drift by rubbing the coins together, dropping them, and rubbing them together again.

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