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C) Wikis

76) ________ are collaborative web spaces in which anyone in a group can write, edit, or remove material from the website. A) Blogs B) Podcasts C) Wikis D) Intranets

C) a practice in which executives get out of their offices and learn from others in the organization through casual face-to-face dialogue

77) What is management by wandering around (MBWA)? A) the process used by new executives to get familiar with their new office design and layout B) a communication process that should be used only when executives need to explain corporate decisions to the lower-level employees C) a practice in which executives get out of their offices and learn from others in the organization through casual face-to-face dialogue D) an old strategy that results in ineffective upward communication

A) daily or weekly

78) Done correctly, management by wandering around (MBWA) is most likely to occur on a ________ basis. A) daily or weekly B) semi-annual C) monthly D) quarterly

D) It is important in the decision-making process.

14) Which of the following statements is TRUE about communication within a corporate organization? A) It usually hampers employee well-being as it increases stress in the work environment. B) It hardly influences the behavior of people at a workplace. C) It is typically done through informal rather than formal mediums. D) It is important in the decision-making process.

A) noise

15) In the context of the communication process model, ________ refers to the psychological, social, and structural barriers that distort and obscure the sender's intended message. A) noise B) encoding C) decoding D) feedback

C) the drive to bond

16) Which of the following fundamental drives is highly influenced by effective communication? A) the drive to succeed B) the drive to defend C) the drive to bond D) the drive to acquire

A) Information flows through channels between the sender and receiver.

17) Which of the following is correct according to the communication process model? A) Information flows through channels between the sender and receiver. B) The sender and receiver are at different levels and communicate only when the levels match. C) Communication is recognized as a free-flowing conduit. D) Noise improves the clarity of the sender's message.

D) form message, encode message, and transmit message

18) According to the communication model, which of the following represents the first three steps in sequence? A) decode message, encode message, and provide feedback B) form message, transmit message, and decode message C) encode message, transmit message, and receive message D) form message, encode message, and transmit message

C) The receiver decodes the received message.

19) Which of the following happens immediately after the receiver receives the encoded message in the communication process model? A) The sender receives confirmation that the message has been understood. B) The receiver confirms with the sender that the message sent was intended to be a message. C) The receiver decodes the received message. D) The receiver encodes the message.

B) after the receiver receives the message

20) In the communication process model, when does "decoding the message" occur? A) before the sender forms the message B) after the receiver receives the message C) after the sender forms feedback for the original message D) after the receiver transmits the message

A) It distorts and obscures the sender's intended message

21) What effect does "noise" have in the communication model? A) It distorts and obscures the sender's intended message. B) It prevents the message from being misinterpreted by the receiver. C) It helps the sender to select a more appropriate medium to transmit the message. D) It helps the receiver to decode the message more carefully.

D) codebooks

22) Dictionaries of symbols, language, gestures, idioms and other tools used to convey information are referred to as ________ and help the sender and receiver encode and decode more effectively. A) jargon B) feedback C) channels D) codebooks

D) Communication supports employee well-being.

23) Which of the following is correct regarding the importance of organizational communication? A) Effective communication increases stress among employees. B) Using communication to alter behavior is always an active process. C) Communication hampers coordination. D) Communication supports employee well-being.

D) mental models

24) Which of the following are visual or relational images of the communication setting? A) codebooks B) decoding C) structural barriers D) mental models

A) when they share similar codebooks

26) When would communication participants assign the same or similar meaning to the transmitted symbols and signs? A) when they share similar codebooks B) when they send noise over the channel C) when they do not share mental models D) when they are motivated to use the channel

D) It reduces status differences.

27) Which of the following is an advantage of using digital communication? A) It reduces the problem of information overload. B) It reduces the frequency of flaming. C) It is easier to interpret emotions in digital messages as they are less formal. D) It reduces status differences.

D) medium

28) A central feature of the communication model is the channel, also called the ________, through which information is transmitted. A) link B) message C) transmitter D) medium

C) maintaining relationships

29) Which one of the following functions does the text say that Facebook most strongly emphasizes? A) forming communities/groups B) sharing information C) maintaining relationships D) selling products

D) Digital written communication is asynchronous, hence there is little need to coordinate a communication session.

30) Which of the following statements is TRUE about digital communication? A) In most workplaces, the use of email has been increasing. B) Electronic mail, Twitter tweets, and other online communication channels have significantly deteriorated written communication efficiency. C) The flow of information has remained unaltered since the introduction of digital communication. D) Digital written communication is asynchronous, hence there is little need to coordinate a communication session.

C) an emotionally charged message that communicates strong negative emotions

31) In digital communication, what is flaming? A) telling an employee in front of other people that he or she is fired B) sending complementary messages to a colleague C) an emotionally charged message that communicates strong negative emotions D) using hand gestures during times of emergency

C) It is an attempt to clarify the emotions behind the message.

32) Jose sends a congratulatory text to Martha and uses a happy emoji at the end of the message. What is the purpose of the emoji? A) It is a way to tell Martha that he is just kidding. B) It is an attempt to offset information overload. C) It is an attempt to clarify the emotions behind the message. D) It replaces the need for text.

C) increased noise

33) Which of the following conditions would necessitate the use of nonverbal communication instead of verbal communication? A) low physical distance B) immediate clarification is not needed C) increased noise D) the message is sent via text

A) They are usually inappropriate for ambiguous and novel situations.

34) Which of the following statements is TRUE about digital messages? A) They are usually inappropriate for ambiguous and novel situations. B) They are often more diplomatic than written letters. C) They are a poor medium to use for well-defined situations. D) They reduce information overload.

B) emotional contagion

35) Jake slams his finger while closing a cabinet drawer. Due to ________, Mandy winces and shakes her hand. A) passive listening B) emotional contagion C) emotional intelligence D) tacit knowledge

B) It provides continuous feedback to the sender

36) What effect does emotional contagion have on the communication process? A) It distorts the communication process and causes dissatisfaction to all the parties involved. B) It provides continuous feedback to the sender. C) It reduces the level of actual communication among colleagues. D) It makes it more difficult for the receiver to receive the emotional meaning of the sender's experience.vv

C) because user-generated content creation is a reciprocally interactive social process

37) Why are social media called social? A) because user-generated content is pushed to an audience B) because social media allows employees to chat instead of working C) because user-generated content creation is a reciprocally interactive social process D) because it replaces the need for other types of digital communication

D) share information

38) If the goal of a communication is to ________, a wiki would be preferable to Facebook. A) maintain relationships B) stimulate a conversation C) improve presence D) share information

D) Nonverbal cues are often ambiguous.

39) Which of the following is correct regarding nonverbal communication? A) It is essential for asynchronous digital communication. B) Nonverbal cues are a conscious process. C) There are no universal nonverbal cues. D) Nonverbal cues are often ambiguous.

A) the symbolic meaning of the chosen channel

40) Which of the following is a factor in social acceptance? A) the symbolic meaning of the chosen channel B) the media richness of the selected channel C) the bandwidth of the channel D) the need to influence others

A) it has low social presence

41) Which of the following is NOT a reason that spoken communication is more persuasive than emails, websites, and other forms of written communication? A) it has low social presence B) combining speaking with nonverbal cues provides a "dual punch" C) amplifying the emotional tone signals the vitality of the issue D) speaking provides the sender with high-quality, immediate feedback

D) Synchronicity

42) If an issue is time urgent and complex, which of the following would be the most important factor in choosing a channel? A) social presence B) social acceptance C) management preference D) synchronicity

D) Social presence

43) ________ would be especially important when the purpose of a dialogue is to understand and empathize with the other person or group. A) Social acceptance B) Content sharing C) Media richness D) Social presence

A) Media richness

44) ________ is the capacity of a communication medium to transmit information. A) Media richness B) Information overload C) Channel frequency D) Channel diversity

C) videoconferencing

45) The senior management at a leading global corporation has decided to promote a considerable number of its employees. Since its employees are spread all over the world, the top management is struggling to find an appropriate method to announce these promotions. They are keen on capturing and gauging the emotional joy and delight on the faces of those promoted. In such a case, which of the following would be the most appropriate method in announcing the promotions? A) written documents B) email C) videoconferencing D) bulletin boards

D) high media richness.

46) Department and shift teams in many hospitals have brief stand-up daily huddles during which team members share information and expectations about the day's work. This is an example of A) low media richness. B) low social presence. C) asynchronous communication. D) high media richness.

D) rich

47) At Sunshine Toys, several employees must work together to develop a new product. No one in this group has worked with any of the others before, and the development of this product has not been attempted previously. What would be the most effective medium of communication in this situation? A) informal B) asynchronous C) lean D) rich

C) an effective use of lean media.

48) Safety representatives in each of the six plants of a manufacturing company need to regularly communicate the number and type of health checks and safety incidents occurring in their plant. Each representative has a safety reporting document where he or she notes the type and number of infractions during the previous week. These incidents are well known to other representatives, so there are rarely any surprises. This weekly communication calls for A) an active corporate grapevine. B) high emotional contagion in communication. C) an effective use of lean media. D) increased number of face-to-face meetings.

B) are highly proficient with the communication channel.

49) Employees can expand the data-carrying capacity of lean media channel if they A) avoid emotional contagion. B) are highly proficient with the communication channel. C) are unfamiliar with the receiver of the information. D) avoid using jargon and shorthand symbols in the communication.

D) the ability to multicommunicate

50) Which of the following is a reason digital channels can have more media richness than the media richness theory proposes? A) a lack of communication proficiency with digital channels B) Digital channels are asynchronous. C) Social presence can desensitize each party. D) the ability to multicommunicate

D) a personal face-to-face meeting with the receiver

51) Which of the following communication channels is most effective when the sender wants to persuade the receiver? A) a formal memorandum sent to the receiver B) an informal speech to a large audience C) a personalized letter to the receiver D) a personal face-to-face meeting with the receiver

C) It is better in presenting technical details.

52) Which of the following is an advantage associated with using written communication channels in persuading people? A) It can make better use of the social perceptions of individuals. B) It can be used as a medium for emotionally rich content. C) It is better in presenting technical details. D) It can be used to obtain high-quality immediate feedback.

B) jargon

53) In the context of communication barrier, ________ refers to specialized words and phrases for specific occupations or groups that are used in communication. A) emoji B) jargon C) multicommunicate D) social media

A) jargon that they both understand

54) A sender and receiver belonging to the same group should use ________ when they want to transmit technical information more efficiently. A) jargon that they both understand B) information filtering C) mediators in communication D) nonverbal communication

C) omitting

55) Ilona is a new employee at a leading IT firm. Within a few weeks, she learns that a large number of emails flood her inbox on a daily basis. She redirects emails of no significance to a junk folder. Ilona is using ________ to reduce information overload. A) buffering B) summarizing C) omitting D) neglecting

A) reduce information overload

56) To ________, a person can use buffering, summarizing, and omitting. A) reduce information overload B) avoid digital communications C) avoid the risk of flaming D) improve communication between men and women

B) empathize with

75) To get your message across to the other person, you first need to ________ the receiver, such as being sensitive to words that may be ambiguous or trigger the wrong emotional response. A) evaluate B) empathize with C) categorize D) respond to

B) reduces information load

57) Alphatech Systems Inc. uses software rules to redirect email from distribution lists to folders that may or may not be looked at. Incoming messages are organized into mailboxes and junk mail is identified. Doing this ________. As a result, employees in this company can quickly identify the most important email messages and overlook the junk mail. A) increases media richness B) reduces information load C) reduces information processing capacity D) reduces the use of jargon

D) reading an executive summary

58) In the context of information overload, which of these is an example of summarizing? A) having incoming messages filtered by someone else B) redirecting unwanted messages C) learning to read faster D) reading an executive summary

C) smiling

59) Which of the following has the same meaning around the world? A) silence B) shaking one's head C) smiling D) raising one's eyebrows

C) Women are usually more sensitive than men to the listener's nonverbal cues.

60) How do men and women generally differ in their communication styles in organizational settings? A) Men are more likely than women to communicate to strengthen relationships. B) Women have a more dominant conversation style. C) Women are usually more sensitive than men to the listener's nonverbal cues. D) Men tend to engage less in report talk than women.

B) omitting

61) In the context of information overload, ________ refers to the act of overlooking messages in a communication. A) buffering B) omitting C) summarizing D) information loading

D) symbolizing respect.

62) You have completed an important presentation to several Japanese executives regarding a proposed partnership between your American company and their Japanese firm. The Japanese executives were silent during the presentation. The Japanese executives' silence is most likely a sign A) that they didn't understand what you were saying. B) that they are being impolite. C) symbolizing disagreement. D) symbolizing respect.

D) as a sign of interest

63) How would people in Brazil and France most likely interpret interruptions during a conversation? A) as a source of chaos B) as a sign of disinterest C) as a sign of disrespect D) as a sign of interest

C) The sender's accent can be a barrier to communication.

64) Which of the is correct regarding cross-cultural communication? A) Voice intonation is not a barrier to cross-cultural communication. B) Words have the same meaning across cultures. C) The sender's accent can be a barrier to communication. D) Nonverbal cues are interpreted the same way across cultures.

D) negotiations of power

65) Men view conversations as ________ more often than women. A) a way to build relationships B) an opportunity to apologize C) a way to give indirect advice D) negotiations of power

D) Women have a flexible conversation style.

66) As compared to men, which of the following is correct regarding how women communicate? A) Women are less sensitive to nonverbal cues. B) Women like to engage in report talk. C) Women make more direct requests. D) Women have a flexible conversation style.

C) active

67) Shantal recently went to a communication workshop to improve her workplace performance. She learned that in effective communication she should resist forming an opinion until the speaker has finished, then attempt to empathize with the listener, and, finally, respond effectively to the speaker. She learned techniques regarding maintaining eye contact and sending back channel signals to show interest. Shantal is learning ________ listening. A) intense B) passive C) active D) evaluative

B) evaluating

68) Shantal recently went to a communication workshop to improve her workplace performance. She learned that in effective communication she should resist forming an opinion until the speaker has finished, then attempt to empathize with the listener, and, finally, respond effectively to the speaker. She learned techniques regarding maintaining eye contact and sending back channel signals to show interest. The skills that Shantal learned regarding empathizing with the speaker and organizing information will help her specifically in ________ the message. A) sensing B) evaluating C) understanding D) responding

D) responding

69) Shantal recently went to a communication workshop to improve her workplace performance. She learned that, in effective communication, she should resist forming an opinion until the speaker has finished, then attempt to empathize with the listener, and, finally, respond effectively to the speaker. She learned techniques regarding maintaining eye contact and sending back channel signals to show interest. The techniques she learned with regard to showing interest will help her improve which active listening skill? A) sensing B) evaluating C) understanding D) responding

A) It is a conscious process.

70) Which of the following statements is TRUE of active listening? A) It is a conscious process. B) It is a process where listeners unconsciously sense the sender's signals and evaluate them. C) It is made up of two components of sensing and evaluation. D) It works best when the evaluation of message is formed immediately without postponing it.

B) postponing evaluation of the message

71) By ________, active listeners can improve their sensing activities. A) forming an opinion early in the process B) postponing evaluation of the message C) clarifying the message during presentation D) estimating the learning often

A) organizing the information provided in the speech

72) By ________, active listeners improve their evaluating activities. A) organizing the information provided in the speech B) forming an opinion before presentation C) ignoring emotions and focusing on facts in the message D) interrupting when they disagree with the speaker

D) rephrasing the speaker's ideas at appropriate breaks

73) By ________, active listeners can improve their responding. A) keeping their feedback to themselves B) not making eye contact C) keeping silent D) rephrasing the speaker's ideas at appropriate breaks

B) responding

74) Which of the following active listening processes includes showing interest and clarifying the message of the speaker? A) evaluating B) responding C) persuading D) denying

D) It can reduce productivity.

79) What is a potential communication problem with an open workspace design? A) It reduces line-of-site communication. B) Cubicles reduce privacy. C) The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to adopt open workspaces. D) It can reduce productivity.

A) Team members must leave their isolated pods to pick up their mail, have lunch, or visit the restroom.

80) One of the three organization-wide communication strategies is workspace design. Pixar Animation Studios used workplace design to encourage what it called the "bathroom effect." What is the "bathroom effect"? A) Team members must leave their isolated pods to pick up their mail, have lunch, or visit the restroom. B) Executives encourage employees to hang out in the restrooms to meet people on other teams. C) It's Pixar's version of MBWA. D) It's the 21st-century version of gathering around the water cooler.

C) the grapevine

81) What is the unstructured and informal organizational network that is founded in social relationships rather than organizational charts or job descriptions called? A) a codebook B) the water cooler effect C) the grapevine D) the message vine

D) The typical pattern of a grapevine is a cluster chain, whereby a few people actively transmit rumors to many others.

82) Which of the following is TRUE about an organizational grapevine? A) The grapevine presents a true picture of reality by providing fine details to substantiate the content. B) The grapevine typically works by sending information downward rather than upward through the organizational hierarchy. C) The grapevine is usually founded on organizational charts or job descriptions rather than social relationships. D) The typical pattern of a grapevine is a cluster chain, whereby a few people actively transmit rumors to many others.

D) It bonds employees together and fulfills their need for interaction.

83) How can the organizational grapevine be useful? A) It is an effective way for management to inform employees about future organizational changes. B) It provides detailed information that more formal communication channels tend to ignore. C) It is very credible. D) It bonds employees together and fulfills their need for interaction.

B) Use the grapevine as a signal of employee anxiety and view it as a valid competitor

84) Which of the following should corporate leaders do with the organizational grapevine? A) Try to use the grapevine as a channel of communication from executives to employees as much as possible because of its high speed and low cost. B) Use the grapevine as a signal of employee anxiety and view it as a valid competitor to the company's formal communication system. C) Use the grapevine when the communication requires high media richness, but otherwise use meetings when communicating with employees. D) Make every effort to destroy the grapevine, including firing employees who actively support it.

B) Listen to the grapevine and update employees through a media-rich channel, such as a face-to-face meeting.

85) Janice has worked for Grandma B's Candies in the marketing department for 17 years. Last week, the CEO formally announced that Grandma B's was acquired by a large candy company wanting to expand its business into high-quality gourmet chocolates. Janice heard by way of the company grapevine that layoffs would occur in the days to come. She and her coworkers are very anxious and have gathered in the break room to chat. How could corporate leaders relieve employee anxiety in this situation? A) Keep depending on the grapevine as the best way to communicate with employees. B) Listen to the grapevine and update employees through a media-rich channel, such as a face-to-face meeting. C) Start laying off employees as quickly as possible and blame those employees for not working hard enough. D) Use the grapevine to leak information about early retirement packages and generous severance packages for those who choose to leave.

C) It can easily distort information and increase employee anxiety.

86) Why is the grapevine not a preferred communication medium in organizations? A) No one pays attention to the grapevine. B) It has more credibility than official sources of information. C) It can easily distort information and increase employee anxiety. D) It decreases social interaction.

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