ch.9 Endocrine

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This is characterized by enlarged features, especially in the extremities and face and is caused by hypersecretion of the pituitary hormone after puberty.


________ disease is an autoimmune disease leading to decreased adrenocortical steroid production.


Which of the following is the removal of a gland?


A disease of a lymph node or gland is:


What hormone promotes water reabsorption within the body?

Antidiuretic hormone

In the pancreas, __________ cells secrete insulin, which __________ blood levels of glucose.

Beta; lowers

Hypersecretion of cortisol (hydrocortisone) by the adrenal cortex is termed what?

Cushing syndrome

_____ is a kidney disease resulting from serious diabetes.

Diabetic nephropathy

Which of the following diabetic conditions result in the loss of sensation in one or more extremities?

Diabetic neuropathy

adrenal medulla secretes

E and NE in repsone to stress

Bulging of the eyes is __________.


Identify the combining form gluc/o with its closest definition.


The pancreas helps maintain proper levels of blood __________.


What kind of tests track average blood sugar readings over the previous 2 to 3 months? (Select all that apply.)

Glycated hemoglobin A1C

hypothalamus gland HORMONES and FUNCTION

HORMONE -pituitary regulating hormones FUNCTION -stimulates or inhibits pituitary secretions


HORMONES - androgen - testosterone FUNCTIONS - promotes development of male sex characteristics - sperm production

neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary gland) HORMONES and FUNCTIONS

HORMONES - antiduretic hormone (ADH)/vasopressin - oxytocin - melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) FUNCTION - increase water reabsorption - stimulates uterine contractions and lactation - stimulates the production of melanin

adrenal medulla HORMONES and FUNCTIONS

HORMONES - epinephrine (adrenaline) - norepinephrine (noradrenaline) FUNCTIONS - works w/ sympathetic nervous system to react to stress


HORMONES - estrogen (estradiol most powerful ) - progesterone FUNCTIONS - promotes development of female sex characteristics - menstrual cycle - reproductive functions

adrenal cortex HORMONES and FUNCTIONS

HORMONES - glucocorticoids (cortisol & corticosteroids) - mineralocort-icoids (aldosterone) - gonado-corticoids (androgens) FUNCTIONS - affects metabolism and growth - aids in electrolyte and fluid balances

adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary gland) HORMONES and FUNCTIONS

HORMONES - growth hormone (GH) - somatotrophic hormone (STH) - adrenocortico-tropic hormone (ACTH) - Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) - luteinizing hormone (LH) - porlactin FUNCTIONS - stimulates bone and muscle growth - regulates some metabolic functions such as rate at which cells utilize carbs and fats - stimulates thyroid gland to secrete hormones - stimulates secretion of adrenal cortex hormones - stimulates development of ova and production of female hormones - stimulates breast development and milk production

pancreas (islets of Langerhans)

HORMONES - insulin - glucagons FUNCTIONS - maintain homeostasis in blood glucose [ ]

pineal gland HORMONES and FUNCTIONS

HORMONES - melatonin FUNCTIONS - affects sexual functions and wake-sleep cycle

parathyroid gland HORMONES and FUNCTIONS

HORMONES - parathormone - parathroid hormone (PTH) FUNCTIONS - increases blood calcium as necessary to maintain homeostasis

thymus gland HORMONES and FUNCTIONS

HORMONES - thymosin - thymic humoral factor (THF) - factor thymic serum (FTS) FUNCTIONS - aids in development of T cells and some B cells; function not well inderstood

thyroid gland HORMONES and FUNCTIONS

HORMONES - thyroxine (T4) - triiodothyonine (T3) - calcitonin FUNCTIONS - regulates metabolism - stimulates growth - lowers blood calcium as necessary to maintain homeostasis

What is the term for an abnormally high amount of facial and body hair?


Which of the following is a treatment for a hormonal deficiency? (Select all that apply.)

Hormone replacement therapy HRT

The patient has hypersecretion of antidiuretic hormone. The health care provider evaluates the patient for:


Which of the following means the "underactivity of the parathyroid glands"?


Which of the following means "an undersecretion of hormones in the body"?


____________ can be due to a suppressed stimulating hormone or atrophy of a gland.


This disorder is caused by a deficiency of thyroid secretion.


List one thing that the adrenal glands regulate.


Insulin is secreted by the:


Identify the combining form parathyroid/o with its closest definition.


thyroxine =

T4; tetraiodothyronine

One example of a male hormone produced in the testes is __________.


The patient is complaining of excessive fatigue, and weight gain. Which of the following glandular functions does the health care provider assess?


A goiter is an enlargement of the

Thyroid gland

The body uses stored fat to replace glucose that causes


Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland


Responsible for increasing blood calcium as necessary to maintain homeostasis


parts of the adrenal gland that sits atop of kidneys

adrenal cortex; outer portion adrenal medulla; inner portion


adrenal gland

pituitary gland that is a master regulator in

aiding in the secretion of essential hormones

glucagon is produced by what type of cells


The testes also produce male sex hormones called


pituitary gland consist of 2 lobes

anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) and posterior lobe (neurophypophysis)

pituitary gland located

base of brain

insulin produced by what type of cells


the suffix in the term hypoglycemia means ______.

blood condition

Hypothalamus regulates

body temp bp heartbeat metabolism of fats and carbs sugar levels in blood

Symptoms of diabetes include

both polydipsia and polyuria

Lowers blood calcium as necessary to maintain homeostasis


parathyroid regulates

calcium and phosphate levels need for maintenance of homestatsis

Hormone secreted in response to stress


Hormones are only effective in

cells with receptors

Endocrine glands

ductless glands

exocrine glands secrete substances into _______ directed toward a specific location, ___________, or tissue secretes hormones into bloodstream

ducts endocrine glands

Any substance that conducts electricity and is decomposed by it


adrenal glands regulate


hypothalamus serves as an ________ gland bc it analyzes body's condition and directs release of ________ that regulate _______ ______.

endocrine hormones pituitary hormones

Secrete hormones into the bloodstream

endocrine glands

Acromegaly is an endocrine disorder of the pituitary gland leading to _____.

enlargement of the head, face, hands, and feet

Secrete substances into ducts

exocrine glands





insulin stimulation causes

glucose to be sent to bodys cells for energy as needed and to be converted to starchy substance



_______ disease occurs when a thyroid gland becomes overactive.


Aid the nervous system in reacting to stress and are important regulators of growth and development; also, are secreted by glands and carried in the bloodstream to various parts of the body


________ is an overactivity of the parathyroid glands.


The patient had her thyroid removed. The nurse assesses the patient for sign and symptoms of __________.


When someone has low levels of sugar in the blood, they are said to have


Hyposecretion of the parathyroid hormone is _____.


Pituitary gland


another name for pituitary gland


Part of the nervous system that serves as an endocrine gland because it analyzes the body's condition and directs the release of hormones that regulate pituitary hormones


ovaries produce

immature egg cell that fertilizes to become fetus female sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone

hypothalamus location

in brain superior to pituitary gland

The hormones released by the hypothalamus have either a _____ or an _____.

inhibiting factor releasing factor

pancreas secrets

insulin; to lower blood sugar when they rise glucagon; raises blood sugar levels when low

T4, T3, calcitonin are produced in thyroid gland using

iodine from blood that circulates through gland helping stimulate and control various bodily functions- metabolism of carbs, lipids, and proteins

what part of the pancreas acts as the endocrine function

islets of Langerhans

what is w/n the pancreas

islets of Langerhans that are specilaized hormone producing cells

Narrow band of tissue connecting the two lobes of the thyroid gland


thyorid gland lobes are connected by

isthmus; ventral surface of trachea

adrenal glands sit on top of


thyroid gland consist of

left and right lobe over trachea

pancreas helps maintain

level of blood glucose

calcintonin secreted from outside thyroid cells helps

lower blood calcium [ ]

A hormone that is believed to affect sleep and the functioning of the gonads


pineal gland releases

melatonin a hormone that is believed to affect sleep and functioning of gonads

The chemical changes in the cell that provide energy for vital processes and activities and through which new material is assimilated


thyroid secretions control

metabolism and blood calcium concentrations

The root in the term dwarfism means


Posterior lobe of the pituitary gland


The suffix in the term catecholamine means _____.


parathyroid gland has four

oval shaped glands ondorsal side of thyroid




parathyroid gland

________ is an excision of the parathyroid gland.


Secretes melatonin

pineal gland

Acromegaly is caused by an abnormality of the

pituitary gland

Master gland in secretion of hormones

pituitary gland

Target cells that recognize a compatible hormone


hormones released by hypothalamus have either a _________ ________ (allowing secretion of hormones to take place) or an __________ _______(preventing secretion of other hormones).

releasing factor inhibiting factor

thymus is endocrine gland bc

secretes hormone and ductless and part of immune system


sex galnds

testes produce

spermatozoa that fertilizes ova androgen; major testosterone

glucagon stimulation causes

stored glycogen to be transforms into glucose again

pineal gland located

superior and posterior to pituitary gland

The Latin element in the term mellitus means ______.

sweetened with honey

Responsible for metabolism, growth, fluid, and electrolyte balance


Cells with receptors that are compatible with hormones

target cells

endocrine system secretes hormones that are effective one in specific _______________ that have _____________ that recognize compatible hormones

target cells receptors

_______ is a benign tumor of the thymus.


above thyroid gland

thyroid cartilage covering larynx and produces protrusion on the neck known as Adam's Apple

thyr/o, thyroid/o

thyroid gland

______ is the removal of the thyroid.


Helps regulate metabolism


The nurse assesses for symptoms of insulin shock with may include:

tremors, tachycardia, hunger, dizziness, and cool moist skin

Thyroid hormone that stimulates growth

triiodothyronine; T3

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