Chaper 8: The Skeletal System

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Word Origins In coronal, corona- means "crown"


The thumb

C. pollex

Has a unique structure called the dens or odontoid process

D. axis

Word Origins In mastoid, mast- means "lump"

No, breast

The bones of the fingers and toes are called the ___.


At the inferior end of the sternum is a small, pointed bone called the ___.

xyphoid process

Word Origins In dura mater, dura means "deepest."

No, tough

The space on the posterior surface of the scapula inferior to the scapular spine is called the ___.

infraspinous fossa

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Radial notch, ulna

F. lateral edge, radial head

True/False The fibula is medial to the tibia.


True/False The lambdoid suture separates the frontal bone from the parietal bones.


True/False The temporalis muscles originates mainly on the temporal bone.


True/False The zygomatic arch is made up of the zygomatic process of the zygomatic bone and the temporal process of the temporal bone.


True/False Thoracic vertebrae can be distinguished from others by their costal facets and bifid spinous processes.


Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Atlas, superior articulating facet

M. occipital condyles

Word Origins In crista galli, crista means "groove."

No, crest

Word Origins In costal, costa- means "shoreline, edge."

No, rib

Word Origins In scapula, scap- means "scrape."

No, spade/shovel

Word Origins In temporal, tempor- means "side"

No, time

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Inferior manubrium

O. gladiolus

Word Origins In acromion, acr- means "peak, extemity."


Word Origins In pterygoid, pteryg- means "wing."


Word Origins In zygomatic, zygo- means "joined."


When you are sitting, your body weight is supported on the right and left ___, which are thick, rough areas of the hip bones.

iscial tuberosities

Spinal nerves pass through gaps between adjacent vertebrae called the ___.

intervertebral foramina

The cartilaginous pads between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae are called ___.

invertebral disks

Word Origins capit -

Head capitulum

All of the following are bones of the wrist EXCEPT the ___, which is a bone of the ankle. a) hamate b) capitate c) trapezoid d) cuboid e) pisiform

d) cuboid

The lateral malleolus is a process of the: a) humerus b) ulna c) radius d) fibula e) tibia

d) fibula

The cranial bones are held together by joints called ___.


Word Origins supra -

Above supraorbital foramen

Word Origins lamina -

Layer, plate laminectomy

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Acetabulum

A. femoral head

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Radius, proximal head

B. capitulum, humerus

Word Origins ante -

Befor antebrachium

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Talus (superior)

C. distal tibia

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Femoral condyles

D. proximal tibia

The point of your elbow where you rest it on a table

E. olecranon

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Trochlear notch, ulna

E. trochlea, humerus

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Mandibular condyle

G. mandibular fossa

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Vomer (superior)

H. perpendicular plate, ethmoid bone

Word Origins clav -

Hammer, club, key clavicle

Its distal end has a capitulum and a trochlea

I. humerus

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Talus (distal)

I. navicular

Suture named for the Greek letter (upside down y)

M. lambdoid

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Humerus, head

J. glenoid cavity, scapula

Contains the acetabulum, greater sciatic notch, and iliac crest

J. hip bones

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Clavicle, sternal end

K. manubrium

Knobs on an inferior bone of the skull that articulate with the atlas

L. occipital condyles

Vertebrae whose superior articular processes face medially

P. lumbar

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Rib, tubercle

P. transverse process, thoracic vertebrae

Matching Articulations and Bone Markings Lateral sacrum

R. hip bone

Consists of a manubrium, gladiolus, and xiphoid process

S. sternum

True/False Each half of a hip bone consists of three bones in a child but only one bone is an adult.


True/False Only the femur has trochanters.


True/False The capitulum of the humerus articulates with the proximal end of the radial head.


True/False The mandibular notch is between the condylar and coronoid processes.


True/False Unlike other cranial foramina, the foramen lacerum is closed to life, and it provides passage for no major nerves or blood vessels.


Bone that contains the stylomastoid foramen

U. temporal

Which of these is/are true? 1. The hard palate allows mammals to chew food and breathe at the same time. 2. Anosmia is caused by a break in the sella turcica. 3. Kyphosis is often a result of osteoporosis. 4. Bulging fontanels of a newborn indicate severe hydrocephalus. a) 1 & 3 b) 2 & 4 c) 1,2, & 3 d) 4 only e) all of the above

a) 1 & 3

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Capitulum a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

a) humerus

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Greater tubercle a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

a) humerus

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Intertubercular sulcus a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

a) humerus

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Olecranon fossa a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

a) humerus

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Trochlea a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

a) humerus

The sesamoid bone embedded in the quadriceps femoris tendon is the : a) patella b) hamate c) medial malleolus d) parital e) navicular

a) patella

Which One Doesn't Belong? a) sternum b) clavicle c) ulna d) femur

a) sternum, is the only axial skeleton bone and is the only flat bone listed.

The apex of your shoulder is formed by a plate-like extension of the scapular spine called the ___.


Which of these is/are correct articulation(s) 1. coracoid process, mandible/mandibular fossa, temporal bone 2. manubrium/clavicle 3. acromion, scapula/humeral head 4. tubercles of rib/transverse costal facets, thoracic vertebrae a) 1 & 3 b) 2 & 4 c) 1,2, & 3 d) 4 only e) all of the above

b) 2 & 4

The coracoid process is found on the same bone as the: a) styloid process b) acromion c) supra sternal notch d) olecranon fossa e) gluteal fossa

b) acromion

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Greater trochanter a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

b) femur

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Intercondylar notch a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

b) femur

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Intertrochanteric crest a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

b) femur

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Linea aspera a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

b) femur

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Patellar surface a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

b) femur

Of the eight carpal bones, the ___ is easily recognized by its distinctive hook. a) pisiform b) hamate c) triquetral d) lunate e) navicular

b) hamate

The jelly-like center of an intervertebral disc is called: a) the gelatinus centralis b) the nucleus pulposus c) synovial fluid d) vitreous humor e) tissue gel

b) the nucleus pulposus

Costal facets are found on the: a) cervical vertebrae b) thoracic vertebrae c) all vertebrae d) true ribs e) all ridb

b) thoracic vertebrae

The talus articulates superiorly with the: a) scapula b) tibia c) femur d) navicular e) fibula

b) tibia

Skeletal adaptations for bipedal locomotion include: 1. the distinct shape of the arch of the human foot 2. the inferior placement of the foramen magnum of the occipital bone 3. the shape and angle of the hip bones 4. the nearly vertical position of the femur in the human thigh a) 1 & 3 b) 2 & 4 c) 1,2, & 3 d) 4 only e) all of the above

c) 1,2, & 3

Which of these is/are associated with the appendicular skeleton? 1. intercondylar fossa 2. calcaneus 3. phalanges 4. transverse process a) 1 & 3 b) 2 & 4 c) 1,2, & 3 d) 4 only e) all of the above

c) 1,2, & 3

The ___ bone contains numerous air cells, contributes the upper half of the nasal septum, and has pores for the passage of olfactory nerves. a) frontal b) vomer c) ethmoid d) sphenoid e) nasal

c) ethmoid

The linea aspera is unique to the: a) ulna b) atlas c) femur d) fibula e) hip bone

c) femur

The bone(s) that lack(s) a body or centrum is/are the: a) first lumbar vertebra b) sacral vertebrae c) first cervical vertebra d) 12 thoracic vertebrae e) axis

c) first cervical vertebra

Which One Doesn't Belong? a) stylomastoid foramen b) petrous part c) foramen magnum d) carotid canal

c) foramen magnum, is on the occipital bone; the rest are on the temporal bone

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Acetabulum a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

c) hip bone

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Anterior superior iliac spine a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

c) hip bone

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Gluteal lines a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

c) hip bone

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Inferior pubic ramus a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

c) hip bone

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Obturator foramen a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

c) hip bone

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Sciatic notches a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

c) hip bone

Features of the sphenoid bone include all EXCEPT the: a) Foramen rotundum b) optic canal c) hypoglossal canal d) greater wings e) pterygoid plates

c) hypoglossal canal

All of the following are paranasal sinuses EXCEPT the: a) maxillary sinus b) frontal sinus c) temporal sinus d) ethmoid sinus e) sphenoid sinus

c) temporal sinus

The squamous suture surrounds: a) a squamous epithelium b) the parietal bone c) the temporal bone d) the sphenoid bone e) the ethmoid bone

c) the temporal bone

The joint between the ___ is marked by an auricular surface on each bone. a) atlas and axis b) last thoracic and first lumbar vertebrae c) clavicle and sternum d) hipbone and sacrum e) coccyx and sacrum

d) hipbone and sacrum

Which One Doesn't Belong? a) radial notch b) trochlear notch c) styloid process d) intertubercular sulcus

d) intertubercular sulcus, is found on the humerus; the rest are on the ulna

The ___ both have styloid processes: a) scapula and clavicle b) malleus and incus c) tibia and fibula d) radius and temporal bones e) humerus and femur

d) radius and temporal bones

The spinal column has all of the following curvatures EXCEPT a: a) cervical curvature b) thoracic curvature c) lumbar curvature d) sacral curvature e) pelvic curvature

d) sacral curvature

All of the following can be palpated on a living person EXCEPT the: a) mastoid process b) mental protuberance c) suprasternal notch d) sella turcica e) olecranon

d) sella turcica

Which One Doesn't Belong? a) intercondylar notch b) intertrochanteric crest c) linea aspera d) trochlea

d) trochlea, is on the humerus; the others are found on the femur.

Which One Doesn't Belong? a) greater trochanter b) radial tuberosity c) deltoid tuberosity d) trochlear notch

d) trochlear notch, is an articulation site with the humerus; others are muscle attachment sites.

Which of these is/are true about the interactions between the skeletal system and other organ systems? 1. Bones provide calcium for normal muscle and neural function. 2. Hormones regulate blood calcium levels and bone growth. 3. Some bones of the skull form respiratory passages. 4. The kidneys help to regulate blood calcium and phosphate levels. a) 1 & 3 b) 2 & 4 c) 1,2, & 3 d) 4 only e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Where it meets the tibia, the distal end of the femur is covered with: a) a spongy bone b) a synovial membrane c) a snyostosis d) the periosteum e) articular cartilage

e) articular cartilage

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Acromion a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

e) scapula

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Axillary border a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

e) scapula

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Coracoid process a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

e) scapula

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Glenoid cavity a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

e) scapula

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Infraspinous fossa a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

e) scapula

The fetal skull has a small gap where the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones meet called the: a) anterior fontanel b) posterior fontanel c) mastoid fontanel d) parietofrontal fontanel e) sphenoid fontanel

e) sphenoid fontanel

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Coronoid process a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

f) ulna

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Olecranon a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

f) ulna

Match the bone marking with the correct bone: Trochlear notch a) humerus b) femur c) hip bone d) radius e) scapula f) ulna

f) ulna

Cranial nerves and blood vessels pass through openings in the skull called ___.


The bony prominences on the sides of your ankle, just above the top of a dress shoe, are the lateral and medial ___.


The bony palate is composed of two ___ bones and the palatine processes of the ___.

palatine maxillae

The right and left hip bones are held together anteriorly by a fibrocartilage pad called the ___.

pubic symphysis

The pelvic girdle is made up of the ___ and ___.

sacrum and hip bones

The pituitary gland lies in a depression of the ___ bone, a complex cranial bone with greater and lesser wings.


The medial bone of the forearm is the ___.


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