Chapter 1 Thermodynamics

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A control volume is a special type of closed system that does not interact in any way with its surroundings.


A vessel holding 0.5 kg of oxygen (O2) contains 16 lb of O2.


Kilogram, second, foot, and newton are all examples of SI units.


Mass is an intensive property.


The composition of a closed system cannot change


A system is at steady state if

none of its properties changes with time.

Absolute pressure is:

pressure with respect to zero pressure of a complete vacuum


Distinguishes the system from its surroundings.


Everything external to the system.

Closed System

A fixed quantity of matter


A macroscopic characteristic of a system to which a numerical value can be assigned at a given time without knowledge of the previous behavior of the system.

Extensive Property

A property whose value for an overall system is the sum of its values for the parts into which the system is divided.

Intensive Property

A property whose value is independent of the size or extent of a system and may vary from place to place within the system at any moment.

Control Volume

A region of space through which mass may flow.


A transformation from one state to another

A special type of system that doesn't interact in any way with its surroundings is a(n) You got it correct

Isolated System

A system is in _______ if none of its properties change with time.

Steady State

1 N equals 1 kg • m/s2 but 1 lbf does NOT equal 1 lb • ft/s2​.


Body organs, such as the human heart, whose shapes change as they perform their normal functions can be studied as control volumes.


Gage pressure indicates the difference between the absolute pressure of a system and the absolute pressure of the atmosphere existing outside the measuring device.


If the value of any property of a system changes with time, that system cannot be at steady state.


In local surroundings at standard atmospheric pressure, a gage will indicate a pressure of 0.2 atm for a refrigerant whose absolute pressure is 1.2 atm.


Pressure is an intensive property.


Specific volume, the volume per unit of mass, is an intensive property whereas volume and mass are extensive properties.


The choice of system boundary system, boundary, and surroundings is arbitrary and depends on the convenience it allows in the subsequent analysis.


The first steps in a thermodynamic analysis are defining the system and identifying relevant interactions with the surroundings


The gage pressure is less than or equal to absolute pressure.


The pressure unit psia indicates an absolute pressure expressed in pounds force per square inch.


The specific volume is the reciprocal of the density


The volume of a closed system can change.


Volume is an extensive property.



The condition of a system as described by its properties.


Whatever is studied.

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