Chapter 10

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, or vitamin B‒1, is the vitamin component of a coenzyme that is important for energy metabolism as part of thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) - necessary for brakedown of carbohydrates to release energy for the metabolism of branched amino acids - nesecarry for synthesis of neurotransmitters

RDA for riboflavin

1.1 mg women 1.3 mg men

vitamin B-6 content

1.3 for adults

rda for niacin

14mg per day for women 16 mg a day for men

biotin AI

30 micrograms

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

A degenerative brain disorder associated with a deficiency of thiamin• Most commonly caused by excessive alcohol consumption• Symptoms include abnormal eye movements, staggering gait, and distorted thought processes


AI of pantothenic acid


Cow's milk, yogurt, and other dairy products• Enriched cereal• Almonds• Liver• Mushrooms• Broccoli and asparagus• Spinach and other green leafy vegetables

good sources of niacin

Enriched cereals• Beef liver• Tuna• Salmon• Poultry• Pork• Mushrooms

too much niacin

Flushing of skin, usually on face and chest• GI tract upset, such as nausea and vomiting• Liver damage

Food sources of pantothenic acid

Fortified cereals• Liver• Sunflower seeds• Mushrooms• Peas and peas• Walnuts and berries: meat, milk, many kinds of vegetables

Good sources of biotin

Liver• Eggs• Peanuts• Salmon• Pork


Niacin deficiency characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and deaths


PLP helps produce heme, a component of

Good sources of vitamin B-6

Pistachio nuts and walnuts• Chicken• Salmon• Potatoes and bananas• Spinach, sweet red peppers and broccoli

food sources of thiamin

Pork• Whole-grain and enriched breads and cereals• Legumes• Orange juice• Brewer's yeast 1.1 women, 1.2 men

biotin deficiency

Skin rash• Hair loss• Convulsions• Neurological disorders• Developmental delays in infants

35 mg/day

UL for adults of niacin


Vitamin B-6 is involved in the synthesis of

panthothenic acid deficiency

When experimentally induced, signs and symptoms include headache, fatigue, impaired muscle coordination,GI tract disturbances, and burning feet syndrome (seve reaching in the feet)• Alcoholics may develop deficiency of this and other Bvitamins

Vitamin B-6

a vitamin component of the coenzymepyridoxal phosphate (PLP); important for energy metabolism,particularly protein metabolism

peripheral neuropathy

condition characterized by sever sensory nerve damage - can be caused by megadoses of vitamin B-6


is a protein found in raw egg whites that binds biotin, thus preventing absorption of the vitamin30


is a riboflavin deficiency disease characterized by fatigue, inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the mouth and throat, and glossitis

pantothenic acid

is a vitamin component of coenzyme A(CoA)Roles of Coenzyme A:• Helps release energy from carbohydrates, fat, and protein• Necessary for fatty acid synthesis


is the thiamin deficiency disease characterized by weakness, poor muscular coordination, and abnormal functioning of the cardiovascular,digestive, and nervous systems10

heme-02 defiency

microcytic anemia


no alcohol and thiamin shots

60 mg of tryptophan

one mg of niacin


or vitamin B‒3, is important for energy metabolism as part of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP)coenzymes


r vitamin B‒2, is important for energy metabolism as part of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)• The two coenzymes play key roles in enzymatic reactions, including those that are critical to fatty acid and folate metabolism• The liver, kidneys, and heart store small amounts of riboflavin• Any excess intake is rapidly excreted in the urine13


the vitamin component of a coenzyme that participates in chemical reactions that add carbon dioxide toother compounds Roles of the coenzyme form:• Promotes the synthesis of glucose and fatty acids and the breakdown of certain amino acids

dietary dificiency of b-6

• Dermatitis• Anemia• Convulsions• Depression• Confusion

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