chapter 10

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b. find a reward for good performance that excites the group member.

1. To increase the valence in a particular motivational situation, a leader should a. give the group member assurance that the reward will be forthcoming. b. find a reward for good performance that excites the group member. c. help the group member learn how to perform the task better. d. avoid offering a reward for good performance.

a. focuses on how their work made a contribution.

13. A study showed that workers who perceive themselves to have a technical orientation tend to prefer praise that a. focuses on how their work made a contribution. b. makes a general statement such as "Awesome." c. could be interpreted negatively. d. focuses on their personal characteristics.

b. internal motivator.

14. The feeling of being proud is essentially a(n) a. external motivator. b. internal motivator. c. weak motivator for professional staff. d. weak motivator for leaders.

d. set his or her compass on pride.

15. For pride to work well as a motivator, the manager should a. celebrate only the accomplishment of major goals. b. establish financial rewards for workers being proud. c. set his or compass on money. d. set his or her compass on pride.

c. believe that they are treated equitably.

16. According to equity theory, workers are likely to be motivated when they a. receive higher rewards than people performing similar work. b. have high job satisfaction. c. believe that they are treated equitably. d. compare their inputs with their outputs.

d. perceive themselves to be getting a fair deal.

17. An implication of equity theory for the leader/manager to keep in mind is that subordinates should a. perceive that they are receiving above-average rewards. b. be motivated with a stick rather than a carrot. c. be motivated with a carrot rather than a stick. d. perceive themselves to be getting a fair deal.

c. giving feedback on performance plus suggestions for improvement.

18. A study indicated that many managers fail to coach employees, particularly in the area of a. giving a friendly greeting to employees. b. developing strategic goals with the workers. c. giving feedback on performance plus suggestions for improvement. d. new product development.

c. Coaching is mostly about providing new knowledge and skills.

19. Which one of the following is regarded as a fallacy about coaching? a. Coaching applies to groups as well as to individuals. b. Coaching that deals with personal issues should not be regarded as psychotherapy. c. Coaching is mostly about providing new knowledge and skills. d. Leader/managers can be good coaches even if they are not expert about what they are coaching.

b. build relationships with people.

20. An essential part of coaching is to a. use an autocratic leadership style. b. build relationships with people. c. manipulate the person being coached. d. create challenging obstacles for the person being coached.

b. provide praise and positive feedback to team members.

21. An effective coaching technique to achieve enthusiasm and high performance is for the leader/manager to a. suspend team members who do not display enthusiasm or high performance. b. provide praise and positive feedback to team members. c. use a detached, permissive style. d. keep elevating goals as workers perform well.

a. specific about the area needing improvement.

22. Feedback in coaching should be a. specific about the area needing improvement. b. general to avoid assigning blame. c. confined to the first coaching session. d. avoided unless requested.

c. grasp both facts and feelings.

23. An active listener attempts to a. get in his or her fair share of talking. b. react to each statement made by the other person. c. grasp both facts and feelings. d. take notes during the coaching session.

c. removes obstacles that hinder work accomplishment.

24. A barrier buster is a manager who a. sets unrealistically high goals for group members. b. uses rewards and punishments frequently. c. removes obstacles that hinder work accomplishment. d. recommends group members for promotion.

d. Create more obstacles for the person being coached

25. Which one of the following would be considered the least effective coaching technique? a. Reflect content or meaning during the coaching session b. Gain a commitment to change c. Model desired performance and behavior d. Create more obstacles for the person being coached

b. put your advice in the form of a question.

26. A recommended way of giving advice to employees is to a. wait until the employee has a good day. b. put your advice in the form of a question. c. first make the employee feel guilty. d. offer a reward for accepting advice.

d. demonstrate how a task should be done correctly.

27. An effective way of using modeling in coaching is for the manager to a. set high standards of performance. b. challenge the group member's ethical models. c. sketch a mathematical model of business strategy. d. demonstrate how a task should be done correctly.

b. asking workers to overcome their own obstacles to performance.

28. Donna wants to be an effective coach as a leader, so with respect to people she coaches, Donna should minimize a. active listening. b. asking workers to overcome their own obstacles to performance. c. giving emotional support. d. giving gentle advice and guidance.

b. advise a person about personal improvement and behavioral change.

29. The primary role of the executive (or business) coach is to a. help the person being coached find new employment. b. advise a person about personal improvement and behavioral change. c. give top management a report about the capabilities of the person being coached. d. help the person being coached become a better coach.

c. instrumentality

3. The question, "If I get the job done, will I really get my reward?" illustrates the ____ aspect of expectancy theory. a. valence b. effort-to-performance expectancy c. instrumentality d. calculation of motivation

c. collaborate with the leader's group members.

30. A refinement of the individual approach to executive coaching is for the coach to a. work with a group of leaders with the same developmental needs. b. conduct videoconferences with several leaders from different locations at the same time. c. collaborate with the leader's group members. d. get the group members to report on the leader's mistakes.

b. is highly confident she can perform a particular task.

4. Jodie has high self-efficacy, meaning that she a. gets discouraged when faced with obstacles. b. is highly confident she can perform a particular task. c. has a generalized sense of self-confidence. d. perceives herself to be more effective than most people.

d. workers must clearly understand the task to be done.

5. An important implication of expectancy theory for leadership is that a. the manager must assign valences to group members. b. workers must develop their own links between rewards and performance. c. out-groups and in-groups should be avoided. d. workers must clearly understand the task to be done.

a. the link between rewards and performance should be made explicit.

6. An important implication of expectancy theory for leaders is that a. the link between rewards and performance should be made explicit. b. workers should encourage and train themselves. c. people in the same work unit will usually have the same valences. d. the average worker should not be able to attain the majority of work goals.

a. a promotion stemming from a good performance appraisal.

7. An example of a second-level outcome in expectancy theory would be a. a promotion stemming from a good performance appraisal. b. praise from two levels of management. c. punishment for having violated company policy. d. a salary increase twice the average size.

c. difficult and specific.

8. The sets of goal characteristics that will probably lead to higher levels of performance are a. easy and specific. b. easy and general. c. difficult and specific. d. difficult and general.

b. is likely to inspire workers.

9. An advantage of a goal related to a noble cause is that it a. gives workers step-by-step guidance. b. is likely to inspire workers. c. is geared toward the short range. d. has a relatively low valence.

a. develop new skills during the process of competing.

10. Mindi has a learning goal orientation. While she is competing in a national sales contest, she is strongly motivated to a. develop new skills during the process of competing. b. make the other competitors look good. c. attempt to come in toward the bottom so she can improve in the future. d. impress other people with her skills.

a. use dysfunctional methods to attain goals.

11. A major concern about using goals to boost performance is that some workers, including leaders, will a. use dysfunctional methods to attain goals. b. quit rather than pursue goals. c. set too many difficult goals. d. pursue goals rather than do their other work.

b. most employees feel they do not receive enough recognition.

12. A major reason that recognition is an effective motivator is because a. recognition is closely linked to company strategy. b. most employees feel they do not receive enough recognition. c. most workers have become bored with financial incentives. d. recognition costs so much money to give.

d. expectancy

2. The question, "If I work hard, will I get the job done?" illustrates the ____ aspect of expectancy theory. a. instrumentality b. valence c. performance-to-outcome expectancy d. expectancy

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