Chapter 10: Human Resources Management

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___________ resources is the quantity and quality of human effort directed toward producing goods and services.


Which of the following statements about a job description are correct?

It describes the job that is be filled it states the skills and capabilities that the employee needs. it provides information on benefits

The Equal Pay Act requires employers ________.

not to discriminate in pay to men and women who do the same job

Whether hiring for a line worker or a first line manager, an owner should devote the same amount of time in checking references.


Which of the following laws prohibits discrimination in hiring, dismissal, or promotion on the basis of race, color, gender, religious beliefs, or national origins?

The Civil Rights Act

Which of the following statements is true of a performance review in an entrepreneurial business?

The formal conversation with a worker who is doing a good job and appreciating his or her work is a form of compensation.

________ rewards employees based on their performance.

a bonus

Entrepreneurs should always ask candidates to fill out a(n) _____ for employment.


A hybrid compensation systems _______.

pays a salary along with commission

Business owners should _____________

write a job ad that sells the job and business honestly

A _______ is a set amount of compensation for a given time period.


Which of the following is the first step in the hiring process?

writing a job desciption

The details of the ________ should be developed prior to the conversation with the candidates.

job offer

Entrepreneurs should remember to ______ when writing an advertisement for a new hire.

be concise and oriented toward the basic information needed

_________ is an example of a hybrid compensation system where the employee is paid a small salary but earns a percentage of the profits at the end of the year.

profit sharing

Title VII of Civil Rights Act prohibits employees from discriminating in hiring, dismissing, determining level of pay, or promoting based on an employee's __________


Once the candidate pool has been created, business owners should ____________.

reduce the number of candidates to be interviewed

Entrepreneurs should ask applications to submit their _______ and list of references by the deadline.


Ways that entrepreneurs can ensure that they avoid discrimination or the appearance of discrimination are to do which of the following?

Advertise jobs widely to include many potential groups give everyone an equal opportunity to be considered. Write job description so they do not include terms such as "salesman" "handyman" "young" or "counter girl"

Which of the following is the next step in the hiring process after the job description has been created?

Advertising the position

Which of the following questions are examples of questions that employers may not ask?

gender religion age

The _________ process ends when the candidate returns a signed original offer letter.


A(n) _______ is the amount that a business pays an employee per hour of work performed.

hourly wage

Business owners will want to conduct a second interview after checking references to ___________.

make sure that the applicant is right for the firm and the firm is right for the person.

Promoting a drug-free workplace may be made more difficult in states like Colorado and Washington where _____________.

marijuana laws and drug-free workplace programs may conflict

In a family business, the founder needs to choose a(n) _____ and prepare that person to take over the business.


Which of the following statements regarding changing the commission system as the company grows are correct?

New hires do not think it is fair to be paid a lower commission than older sales staff Existing salespeople do not like changes to compensation systems that decrease commissions. Business owners need to think about the sales commission long term when creating it.

Which of the following need to be avoided by a business owner, or an interviewer, to provide a job candidate with a realistic preview of the job and company?

Overpromising what the job will be Underselling the job expectations

An entrepreneur should keep continuous records of all advertisements that have been run whether a physical publication or on Internet, who responded, and the criteria for a job.


Which of the following are part of the hiring process?

Writing a job description advertising for a job position

Negotiations are primarily a(n) ________


Which of the following steps are included in a systematic employee review?

Defined objectives for the next year plans for future employee growth through experience and training how employees perform related to their objectives.

A(n) ________ description describes the skills and capabilities that a candidate should have.


Some major cities pay what has been called a ________ wage that is indexed to what someone who works 40 hours per week needs to stay above the poverty line.


Equity theory states that employees judge _________

how well they are treated in the context of how well others are being treated.

It is perfectly acceptable for companies to test their job candidates ___________.

if there is a direct link between performance on the test and the skill required for success on the job.

One action a small business owner might take to establish that the firm is not discriminatory would be to advertise the job widely in several publications.


The government closely regulates children who work under the age of ____


A commission _______.

An amount paid to an employee based on a percentage of the employee's sales

Which of the following statements about the FLSA requirements regarding nonexempt employees are correct?

Compensatory time is not typically allowed from one pay period to the next. Nonexempt employees who work over 40 hours per week must be paid time and a half. Firms that pay employees on a weekly basis cannot use compensatory time.

Which of the following statements regarding commission compensation systems are correct?

Employees may make sales to customers who are financially weak and do not pay their bill They sometimes cause employees to focus on commission instead of the overall good for the firm Sometimes, employees figure out how to abuse the system

The ________ established a minimum wage for workers.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Workers' compensation insurance rates are regulated by the federal government and are uniform across the country.


John reviews Michael's performance on the goals and outcomes that were set 12 months ago. This is called a goal review.


Marc and James were hired at the same time. They graduated from the same school with the same grade point average. They both work in the same department doing similar jobs. During their last review, both received similar performance ratings. James is paid $500 more than Marc. According to equity theory, how would Marc feel if he found out?

He would feel that he is compensated unfairly in comparison to James.

Which of the following describe the roles that human resources management plays in business?

Hiring new employees managing employees inspiring employees

Which of the following statements is true of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

It provides that each and every business must provide unfettered access to all differently abled people.

Which of the following statements are true of the American with Disabilities Act?

It requires businesses to provide unfettered access to both employees and customers who are disabled. the Act requires Braille signs to be provided in a business. It requires special accommodations to be made for employees who need physical adaption to work at a business.

Which of the following statements regarding the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are correct?

Small firms with less than 10 employees do not have the record-keeping regulations that larger firms have. it has tried to be more lenient toward small businesses. fines are lower for businesses that have fewer than 25 employees.

Which of the following statements regarding drug testing employees are correct?

Some states offer discounts on workers' compensation insurance for businesses that have a drug-free workplace program. Business owners have a right insist on drug testing. The employees' privacy rights can come into conflict with a drug=free workplace policy.

Identify the important pieces of information that need to be considered by an entrepreneur who seeks to place an advertisement on a job-placement website.

Statistics on reply rates. Readership and viewership of the website. Rates charged for placing the advertisement.

Which of the following statements regarding negotiating the deal with a job candidate are correct?

The offer should require a fairly prompt response from the candidate. The business owner should decide the points for which he or she is willing to negotiate. The business owner should finalize the agreed offer in writing.

Which of the following are likely to affect a small business when an employee becomes a problem?

The organization does not fully benefit from the unhappy employee. The problem may cause other employees to have problems. The owner loses time dealing with the situation.

Recruiting companies do an extremely good job recruiting and placing people with companies that have unique skill requirement.


A job offer is finalized by _____.

candidate signs the offer

Business owners should _________

check as many of the candidates' references as possible

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) ____________.

covers virtually all workers except those who work on small farms and administrative employees.

Business owners are guilty of _________ when they base the hiring, dismissing, determining the level of pay, or promoting of an employee based on his or her race, color, gender, religious belief, or national origin.


Antidiscrimination laws __________

do not require business owners to hire any one particular person.

Human resources is defined in economics terms as the _____ and _____ of human effort directed toward producing goods and services.

quantity; quality

Unemployment compensation is financial assistance for some period for people _________.

who lose their job through no fault of their own.

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