Chapter 10 PSY 200

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Conscious Architect

Erik Erikson believed that to a large extent a person is __ of his or her own personality.

Psychosocial Development

Erikson labeled the 1st stage of __ as the stage of trust verses mistrust.


Eros is fueled by psychological, or psychic energy, which Freud labeled __.


The __ theories do not predict the sorts of traits and interests we will develop.


The correct sequence of stages of Sigmund Freud's theory of psychosexual development is oral, anal, __, latency and genital.

Psychodynamic Theory

The far-reaching effects of childhood events on personality is a focus of the __.


According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory the __ functions according to the moral principle.


According to Freud, the ego stands for __ ways of coping with frustrations.


According to Freud, the id follows the __ principle.


The Rorschach inkblot test is an example of an __ test.


Alfred Adler's individual psychology focuses on the role of feelings of __ and the creative self in the formation of personality.

Analytical Psychology

Carl Jung developed the psychodynamic theory called __.


Carl Jung's analytical psychology emphasized the collective unconscious and __.


The _ stage of psychosexual development is characterized by repression of sexual impulses.

Electra Complex

Freud believed that the __ develops in the phallic stage of psychosexual development.


Freud labeled the region of the iceberg that pokes into the light of awareness the __ part of the mind.


Freud theorized that the human mind is composed of 3 parts, namely the conscious, __ and unconscious.


In humanistic theory, the innate tendency to strive to realize one's potential is called __.


In psychological testing, __ refers to the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure.


The __ mind contains primitive instincts such as sex and aggression.

Social Cognitive Theory

The __ pays less attention to genetic variation in explaining individual differences in behavior.


Karen Horney believed that the view that girls feel inferior to boys was based on Western culture __.


Skinner believed that the effects of __ on behavior should be emphasized.


Social relationships are a focus of Erikson's theory of personality and __.

Personality Test

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is an example of an objective __.


The humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers defined the __ as the center of experience.


The trait theory focuses on describing traits rather than on tracing their __.


__ agreeableness and openness to experience.


__ are more likely to conform to group judgement.


__ are reasonably stable elements of personality that are inferred from behavior.

Observational Learning

__ is one of the foundations of social cognitive theory.

Objective Test

__ presents respondents with a standardized group of test items.

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