Chapter 11 - 15 Unit Test

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A major economic consequence of the transportation and marketing revolutions was A) a lessening of the gap between great wealth and poverty. B) a stabilization of the work force in industrial cities. C) the declining significance of American agriculture. D) a steady improvement in average wages and standards of living. E) the growing realization of the "rags-to-riches" American dream.


After the War of 1812, Europe A) became more democratic and liberal. B) developed very close ties to the United States. C) continued to have an important impact on American shipping. D) returned to conservativism, illiberalism, and reaction. E) sought more trade with China.


All of the following were results of the Missouri Compromise except that A) extremists in both the North and South were not satisfied. B) Missouri entered the Union as a slave state. C) Maine entered the Union as a free state. D) sectionalism was reduced. E) the balance between the North and South was kept even.


Andrew Jackson based his veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States on A) constitutional grounds exclusively. B) advice from Henry Clay. C) the Supreme Court's McCulloch v. Maryland decision. D) the fact that he found the bill harmful to the nation. E) all of the above.


Andrew Jackson made all of the following charges against the Bank of the United States except that A) the bank was antiwestern. B) it was controlled by an elite moneyed aristocracy. C) the bank was autocratic and tyrannical. D) it refused to lend money to politicians. E) profit, not public service, was its first priority.


Britain opposed Spain's reestablishing its authority in Latin American countries that had successfully revolted because A) Britain had now allied itself with France. B) Britain had great sympathy toward democratic revolutions. C) the United States had asked for such a policy. D) the ports of these nations were now open to lucrative trade. E) it wanted to take control of these nations.


Deists like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin endorsed the concept of A) revelation. B) original sin. C) the deity of Christ. D) a Supreme Being who created the universe. E) the imminent end of the world.


In an effort to assimilate themselves into white society, the Cherokees did all of the following except A) adopt a system of settled agriculture. B) develop a written constitution. C) become cotton planters. D) refuse to own slaves. E) develop a notion of private property.


In the 1820s and 1830s the public's attitude regarding political parties A) grew more negative. B) saw little change from the early years of our nation. C) reinforced the belief of the Era of Good Feelings. D) accepted the sometimes wild contentiousness of political life. E) none of the above.


In the election of 1800, the Federalists accused Thomas Jefferson of all of the following except A) having robbed a widow. B) having fathered numerous mulatto children by his own slave women. C) being an atheist. D) supporting high taxes. E) having robbed children of their trust funds.


John C. Calhoun's "South Carolina Exposition" was an argument for A) secession. B) protective tariffs. C) majority rule. D) states' rights. E) trade with England.


John Marshall's rulings upheld a defense of property rights against public pressure in A) McCulloch v. Maryland. B) Marbury v. Madison. C) Cohens v. Virginia. D) Fletcher v. Peck. E) Gibbons v. Ogden.


John Quincy Adams could be described as A) an excellent politician. B) a man who sought popular support. C) a politician with great tact. D) possessing almost none of the arts of the politician. E) a man of limited intelligence.


Match each individual below with the correct description. A. Louis Agassiz B. Gilbert Stuart C. John J. Audubon 1. author of Birds of America 2. portrait artist 3. romantic novelist 4. Harvard biologist A) A-3, B-2, C-4 B) A-4, B-3, C-1 C) A-2, B-1, C-3 D) A-4, B-2, C-1 E) A-1, B-4, C-2


New England opposed the American System's federally constructed roads because A) they cost too much. B) the Democratic-Republicans favored them. C) canals were a superior means of transportation. D) they would drain away needed population to the West. E) they were poorly constructed.


Once begun, the War of 1812 was supported strongly by A) practically all Americans. B) New England and the seaboard states. C) very few people. D) the West and South. E) Native Americans.


One American writer who did not believe in human goodness and social progress was A) James Russell Lowell. B) Henry David Thoreau. C) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. D) Edgar Allan Poe. E) Walt Whitman.


One characteristic of the Mormons that angered many non-Mormons was their A) highly individualistic life-styles. B) unwillingness to vote. C) refusal to take up arms and defend themselves. D) emphasis on cooperative or group effort. E) flirtation with foreign governments.


Sexual differences were strongly emphasized in nineteenth-century America because A) frontier life necessitated these distinctions. B) men were regarded as morally superior beings. C) it was the duty of men to teach the young how to be good, productive citizens D) the market economy increasingly separated men and women into distinct economic roles. E) women believed this emphasis brought them greater respect.


Texans won their independence as a result of the victory over Mexican armies at the Battle of A) Santa Anna. B) Goliad. C) the Alamo. D) San Jacinto. E) the Rio Grande.


The "Father of the Factory System" in the United States was A) Robert Fulton. B) Samuel F. B. Morse. C) Eli Whitney. D) Samuel Slater. E) Thomas Edison.


The "cult of domesticity" A) gave women more opportunity to seek employment outside the home. B) resulted in more pregnancies for women. C) restricted women's moral influence on the family. D) glorified the traditional role of women as homemakers. E) was especially strong among rural women.


The Chesapeake incident involved the flagrant use of A) patronage. B) impeachment. C) judicial view. D) impressment. E) naval blockades.


The Era of Good Feelings A) was characterized by the absence of any serious problems. B) was noted for cooperation between the Democratic-Republicans and the Federalists. C) marked a temporary end to sectionalism by uniting all parts of the country. D) was a misnomer, because the period was a troubled one. E) saw the start of the Whig political party.


The Monroe Doctrine was A) a striking new departure in American foreign policy. B) quickly codified into international law. C) a binding pledge on each subsequent presidential administration. D) an expression of the illusion of deepening American isolationism from world affairs. E) a commitment by the United States to internationalism.


The beliefs advocated by John Humphrey Noyes included all of the following except A) no private property. B) sharing of all material goods. C) belief in a vengeful deity. D) strictly monogamous marriages. E) improvement of the human race through eugenics.


The greatest of the revival preachers of the Second Great Awakening was A) Joseph Smith. B) Horace Greeley. C) Carl Schurz. D) Charles G. Finney. E) Angelina Grimke.


The influx of immigrants to the United States tripled, then quadrupled, in the A) 1810s and 1820s. B) 1820s and 1830s. C) 1830s and 1840s. D) 1840s and 1850s. E) 1860s and 1870s.


The nullification crisis of 1833 resulted in a clear-cut victory for A) South Carolina. B) Andrew Jackson and the Union. C) states' rights. D) neither Andrew Jackson nor the nullifiers. E) the industrialists.


The nullification crisis started by South Carolina over the Tariff of 1828 ended when A) Andrew Jackson used the court system to force compliance. B) the federal army crushed all resistance. C) Congress used the provisions of the Force Bill. D) Congress passed the compromise Tariff of 1833. E) South Carolina took over the collection of tariffs.


The section of the United States most hurt by the Tariff of 1828 was A) New England. B) the West. C) the Southwest. D) the South. E) the middle states


The spoils system under Andrew Jackson resulted in A) a clean sweep of federal job holders. B) the replacement of insecurity by security in employment. C) the destruction of the personalized political machine. D) the appointment of many corrupt and incompetent officials to federal jobs. E) the same actions of those taken by John Quincy Adams.


The two political parties of the Jacksonian era tended to A) promote sectionalism over nationalism. B) take radical and extreme positions on issues. C) take similar positions on issues such as banking. D) be socially and geographically diverse. E) be socially exclusive but geographically diverse.


The war hawks demanded war with Britain because they wanted to do all of the following except A) wipe out renewed Indian resistance. B) defend American rights. C) gain more territory. D) retaliate for the British burning of Washington, D.C. E) revenge the manhandling of American sailors.


Thomas Jefferson and his followers opposed John Adams's last-minute appointment of new federal judges mainly because A) the men appointed were of poor quality. B) they believed that the appointments were unconstitutional. C) they did not want a showdown with the Supreme Court. D) it was an attempt by a defeated party to entrench itself in the government. E) these judges were not needed.


Thomas Jefferson saw navies as less dangerous than armies because A) they were generally smaller in numbers. B) they had little chance of starting a war. ) they were in less contact with foreign powers. D) they could not march inland and endanger liberties. E) all of the above.


Western road building faced all of the following problems except A) the expense. B) states' rights advocates' opposition. C) eastern states' opposition. D) competition from canals. E) wartime interruptions.


When German immigrants came to the United States, they A) often became Baptist or Methodists. B) mixed well with other Americans. C) remained mostly in the Northeast. D) prospered with astonishing ease. E) dropped most of their German customs.


When it came to scientific achievement, America in the 1800s was A) a world leader. B) a nation from which other countries borrowed. C) most noted for its successes in medicine. D) more interested in practical matters. E) focused primarily on biology and chemistry.


When the "famine Irish" came to America, they A) moved to the West. B) mostly became farmers. C) moved up the economic ladder quickly. D) mostly remained in the port cities of the Northeast. E) formed alliances with Yankees against the Germans.


When the Irish flocked to the United States in the 1840s, they stayed in the larger seaboard cities because they A) preferred urban life. B) were offered high-paying jobs. C) were welcomed by the people living there. D) were too poor to move west and buy land. E) had experience in urban politics.


With Thomas Jefferson's election as president, the Democratic-Republican party A) grew stronger and more unified. B) removed many Federalists from government jobs. C) soon resented its leaders' lavish life-style. D) grew less unified as the Federalist party began to fade and lose power. E) sought to extend the Alien and Sedition Acts to punish their enemies.


"Civil Disobedience," an essay that later influenced both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., was written by the transcendentalist A) Louisa May Alcott. B) Ralph Waldo Emerson. C) James Fenimore Cooper. D) Margaret Fuller. E) Henry David Thoreau.


After killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel, Aaron Burr A) fled to France. B) fled to England. C) was arrested and found guilty of murder. D) was arrested and found innocent of murder. E) plotted to divide the United States.


All of the following were legal questions raised as a result of the new market economy except A) how tightly should patents protect inventions? B) should the government regulate monopolies? C) can a democratic government still support slavery? D) who should own these new technologies? E) who should own the new transportation network?


All the following are true of the Second Great Awakening except that it A) resulted in the conversion of countless souls. B) encouraged a variety of humanitarian reforms. C) strengthened democratic denominations like the Baptists and Methodists. D) was a reaction against the growing liberalism in religion. E) was not as large as the First Great Awakening.


Andrew Jackson and his supporters disliked the Bank of the United States for all of the following reasons except it A) minted gold and silver coins but issued no paper money. B) controlled much of the nation's gold and silver. C) was a private institution. D) foreclosed on many western farms. E) put public service first, not profits.


As a revivalist preacher, Charles Grandison Finney advocated A) opposition to slavery. B) a perfect Christian kingdom on earth. C) opposition to alcohol. D) public prayer by women. E) all of the above.


At the peace conference at Ghent, the British began to withdraw many of its earlier demands for all of the following reasons except A) reverses in upper New York. B) a loss at Baltimore. C) increasing war weariness in Britain. D) concern about the still dangerous France. E) the American victory at New Orleans.


By the 1840s voter participation in the presidential election reached A) nearly 50 percent. B) 25 percent. C) 40 percent. D) 15 percent. E) nearly 80 percent.


Compared with canals, railroads A) were more expensive to construct. B) transported freight more slowly. C) were generally safer. D) were susceptible to weather delays. E) could be built almost anywhere.


Early-nineteenth-century American families A) were becoming more loosely knit and less affectionate. B) usually included three generations in the same household. C) taught their children to be unquestioningly obedient. D) usually allowed parents to determine choice of marriage partners. E) were getting smaller.


George Catlin advocated A) placing Indians on reservations. B) efforts to protect America's endangered species. C) continuing the "rendezvous" system. D) keeping white settlers out of the West. E) the preservation of nature as a national policy.


German immigrants in the early nineteenth century tended to A) settle in eastern industrial cities. B) assimilated themselves well into American culture . C) become slave-owners. D) join the temperance movement. E) preserve their own language and culture.


Immigrants coming to the United States before 1860 A) depressed the economy due to their poverty. B) found themselves involved in few cultural conflicts. C) had little impact on society until after the Civil War. D) settled mostly in the South. E) helped to fuel economic expansion.


In 1812, James Madison turned to war A) to help him win re-election. B) due to his hatred of Great Britain. C) to fulfill alliance obligations with France. D) to fulfill alliance obligations with Spain. E) to restore confidence in the republican experiment.


In order to purchase New Orleans from France, Thomas Jefferson A) threatened to form an alliance with France's enemy, Spain. B) was unwilling to go to war. C) proposed to break away from all alliances to prove our neutrality. D) was willing to use funds from private individuals if Congress would not authorize enough money for the purchase. E) decided to make an alliance with his old enemy, Britain.


In the 1790's a major transportation project linking the East to the trans-Allegheny West was the A) Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. B) National (Cumberland) Road. C) Erie Canal. D) St. Lawrence Seaway. E) Lancaster Turnpike.


In the 1820s and 1830s one issue that greatly raised the political stakes was A) economic prosperity. B) the Peggy Eaton affair. C) a lessening of political party organizations. D) the demise of the Whig Party. E) slavery.


Match each writer below with his work. A. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow B. Edgar Allan Poe C. Nathaniel Hawthorne D. Herman Melville 1. The Scarlet Letter 2. Moby Dick 3. "Hiawatha" A) A-3, B-2, C-l B) A-1, B-3, D-2 C) A-1, C-3, D-2 D) B-2, C-1, D-3 E) A-3, C-l, D-2


Most of the utopian communities in pre-1860s America held _________________________ as one of their founding ideals. A) rugged individualism B) pacifism C) capitalism D) opposition to communism E) cooperative social and economic practices


Napoleon chose to sell Louisiana to the United States because A) he had suffered misfortunes in Santo Domingo. B) he hoped that the territory would one day help America to thwart the ambitions of the British. C) he did not want to drive America into the arms of the British. D) yellow fever killed many French troops. E) all of the above.


Neal Dow sponsored the Maine Law of 1851, which called for A) the abolition of capital punishment. B) a ban on war. C) a ban on polygamy. D) woman suffrage. E) a ban on the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor.


One of the first lessons learned by the Jeffersonians after their victory in the 1800 presidential election was A) the need to strengthen diplomatic ties with Britain. B) to go off the gold standard. C) to decrease tariffs. D) to institute an excise tax. E) that it is easier to condemn from the stump than to govern consistently.


One reason that the lot of adult wage earners improved was A) support gained from the United States Supreme Court. B) the passage of minimum wage laws. C) the passage of laws restricting the use of strikebreakers. D) the enactment of immigration restrictions. E) the enfranchisement of the laboring man.


One strong prejudice inhibiting women from obtaining higher education in the early nineteenth century was the belief that A) they would gain political and economic power through education. B) women were inherently conservative and opposed to social reform. C) children should grow up without the influence of educated women. D) the Constitution prohibited women from attending colleges. E) too much learning would injure women's brains and ruin their health.


People moved into the Old Northwest for all of the following reasons except A) better transportation. B) the Indian threat was gone. C) to achieve better social position. D) to get their own democratic community. E) as a haven for runaway slaves.


Pioneering Americans marooned by geography A) remained well informed despite the barriers. B) grew to depend on other people for most of their clothing. C) abandoned the "rugged individualism" of colonial Americans. D) looked to state governments for economic help. E) became ill informed and individualistic in their attitudes.


Seafaring New England opposed the War of 1812 because of all of the following except A) the Northeast Federalists sympathized with England. B) it resented the Republican's sympathy with Napoleon. C) Federalists opposed the acquisition of Canada. D) it could result in more agrarian states. E) their strong trade ties with France.


Settlers from the South who moved into the Old Northwest territory were known as A) Yankees. B) carpet baggers. C) planters. D) slave holders. E) Butternuts.


Tax-supported public education A) existed mainly for the wealthy. B) eliminated private and parochial education in the U.S. C) began in the South as early as 1800. D) provided little opportunity for the poor. E) was deemed essential for social stability and democracy.


The "canal era" of American history began with the construction of the A) Mainline Canal in Pennsylvania. B) James River and Kanasha Canal from Virginia to Ohio. C) Wabash Canal in Indiana. D) Suez Canal in Illinois. E) Erie Canal in New York.


The Battle of New Orleans A) saw the British win another victory. B) followed a British defeat at Washington, D.C. C) was fought by the United States only for material gain. D) resulted in the British seeking peace. E) unleashed a wave of nationalism and self-confidence.


The Force Bill of 1833 provided that A) the Congress could use the military for Indian removal. B) the Congress would employ the navy to stop smuggling. C) the President could use the army to collect excise taxes. D) the military could force citizens to track down runaway slaves. E) the President could use the army and navy to collect federal tariff duties.


The Hudson River school excelled in the art of painting A) portraits. B) classical Frescos. C) still life. D) daguerreotypes. E) landscapes.


The Mormon religion originated in A) Utah. B) New England. C) Nauvoo, Illinois. D) Ireland. E) the Burned-Over District of New York.


The Panic of 1837 was caused by all of the following except A) rampant speculation. B) the Bank War. C) financial problems abroad. D) failure of wheat crops. E) taking the country off the gold standard.


The battle of Tippecanoe resulted in A) defeat of the British by the hands of the Indian confederacy. B) a Shawnee loss and a Creek victory. C) a declaration of war by the United States on Great Britain. D) the expulsion of the British from Florida. E) the death of the dream of an Indian confederacy.


The excessive consumption of alcohol by Americans in the 1800s A) was not recognized as a social problem. B) did not involve women. C) held little threat for the family because everyone drank. D) had little impact on the efficiency of labor. E) stemmed from the hard and monotonous life of many.


The first state entirely west of the Mississippi River to be carved out of the Louisiana Territory was A) Kansas. B) Louisiana. C) Texas. D) Arkansas. E) Missouri.


The new two party political system that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s A) divided the nation further. B) was seen at the time as a weakening of democracy. C) resulted in the Civil War. D) fulfilled the wishes of the founding fathers. E) became an important part of the nation's checks and balances.


The original prophet of the Mormon religion was A) Ralph Waldo Emerson. B) Brigham Young. C) Charles G. Finney. D) the angel Moroni. E) Joseph Smith.


The performance of the United States' Navy in the War of 1812 could be best described as A) poor because of their lack of skill. B) good but not as good as the army. C) non-existent. D) excellent due to the use of press gang crews. E) much better than that of the army.


The person most responsible for defusing the tariff controversy that began in 1828 was A) Andrew Jackson. B) John C. Calhoun. C) John Quincy Adams. D) Daniel Webster. E) Henry Clay.


The western land boom resulted from all of the following except A) it was a continuation of the old westward movement. B) land exhaustion in older tobacco states. C) speculators accepted small down payments. D) the frontier was pacified with the defeat of the Indians. E) the construction of railroad lines west of the Mississippi River.


Thomas Jefferson saw his election and his mission as president to include all of the following except A) to return to the original spirit of the revolution. B) restore the republican experiment. C) check the growth of the republican experiment. D) halt the decay of virtue. E) support the establishment of a strong army.


Transcendentalists believed that all knowledge came through A) the writings of John Locke. B) the senses. C) observation. D) inherent rational capacity. E) an inner light.


A genuinely American literature received a strong boost from the A) wave of nationalism that followed the War of 1812. B) writing of Charles Wilson Peale. C) religious writings of the Second Great Awakening. D) federal support for the arts. E) none of the above.


An early-nineteenth-century religious rationalist sect devoted to the rule of reason and free will was the A) Unitarians. B) Seventh-Day Adventists C) Methodists. D) Mormons. E) Roman Catholics.


As a result of the development of the cotton gin, A) slavery revived and expanded. B) American industry bought more southern cotton than did British manufacturers. C) a nationwide depression ensued. D) the South diversified its economy. E) the textile industry moved to the South.


At the time it was issued, the Monroe Doctrine was A) incapable of being enforced by the United States. B) greeted with enthusiasm and gratitude in South America. C) universally acclaimed in Britain as a great act of statesmanship. D) welcomed with relief by European powers who feared British power in the Western Hemisphere. E) opposed by both the Whigs and the Democratic-Republicans.


Construction of the Erie Canal A) forced some New England farmers to move or change occupations. B) showed how long-established local markets could survive a continental economy. C) helped farmers so much that industrialization was slowed. D) was aided by federal money. E) created political tensions between the Northeast and the Midwest.


In McCulloch v. Maryland, Cohens v. Virginia, and Gibbons v. Ogden, Chief Justice Marshall's rulings limited the extent of A) states' rights. B) judicial review. C) federalism. D) constitutionalism. E) federal authority.


In general, _________ tended to bind the West and South together, while _________ and _________ connected West to East. A) steamboats, canals, railroads B) railroads, canals, steamboats C) canals, steamboats, turnpikes D) turnpikes, steamboats, canals E) turnpikes, railroads, steamboats


In interpreting the Constitution, John Marshall A) favored "loose construction." B) supported "strict construction." C) supported an unchanging document. D) advocated state control of interstate commerce. E) set few precedents.


In the first half of the nineteenth century, tax-supported schools were A) chiefly available to educate the children of the poor. B) most in evidence in the South. C) continuously opposed by wealthy, conservative whites. D) open only to tuition-paying children of the well-to-do. E) more academically demanding than private academies.


Ireland's great export in the 1840s was A) people. B) potatoes. C) wool. D) whiskey. E) music.


Jefferson had authorized American negotiators to purchase only ____________________ from France. A) New Orleans and the Floridas B) New Orleans and St. Louis C) Santo Domingo D) the Missouri River basin E) the entire Louisiana Territory


Match each individual below with the correct description. A. Andrew Jackson B. Henry Clay C. John C. Calhoun D. William Crawford 1. was vice president on the ticket of two presidential candidates in 1824 2. received more popular votes than any other candidate in 1824 3. was eliminated as a candidate when the election of 1824 was thrown into the House of Representatives A) A-2, B-3, C-1 B) A-2, B-1, D-3 C) B-1, C-3, D-2 D) A-3, C-2, D-1 E) A-1, B-2, D-3


Most early railroads in the United States were built in the A) North. B) Old South. C) lower Mississippi Valley. D) Far West. E) Appalachian Mountains.


New England reformer Dorothea Dix is most notable for her efforts on behalf of A) prison and asylum reform. B) the peace movement. C) the temperance movement. D) abolitionism. E) women's education.


One of the main reasons Andrew Jackson decided to weaken the Bank of the United States after the 1832 election was A) his fear that Nicholas Biddle might try to manipulate the bank to force its recharter. B) his desire to halt the rising inflation rate that the bank had created before 1832. C) his desire to fight the Specie Circular, which hurt the West. D) that he lost money he had invested in it. E) all of the above.


One of the nationally recognized American authors in the 1820s was A) Washington Irving. B) Edgar Allan Poe. C) Walt Whitman. D) Stephen Decatur. E) Stephen Douglas.


One result of the American naval victories during the War of 1812 was A) a British naval blockade of the American coast. B) the improvement of the American fishing industry. C) an increase in British naval operations in Canadian waters. D) the final elimination of British raiding parties landing on America's east coast. E) more warships being built.


President James Madison made a major foreign-policy mistake when he A) accepted Napoleon's promise to recognize America's rights. B) vetoed Macon's Bill No. 2. C) allied the United States with Britain. D) refused to trust Napoleon. E) declared war on France.


Spanish authorities allowed Moses Austin to settle in Texas because A) they believed that Austin and his settlers might be able to civilize the territory. B) they believed that the militarily powerful Austin would otherwise have taken the land by force. C) Spanish control of the territory was a subject of dispute between Spain and the United States. D) Spain planned to sell the land to the United States. E) he paid them a sizeable sum of money.


Supporters of the Whig party included all of the following except A) opponents of public education. B) backers of southern states' rights. C) large northern industrialists. D) many evangelical Protestants. E) backers of the American System.


The "cement" that held the Whig party together in its formative days was A) hatred of Andrew Jackson. B) support of the American System. C) opposition to the Anti-Masonic party. D) the desire for a strong president. E) opposition to the tariff.


The American medical profession by 1860 was noted for A) its still primitive standards. B) having abandoned the practice of bleeding. C) its discovery of germs as the cause of illness. D) pioneer work in dentistry. E) its well established medical schools.


The American work force in the early nineteenth century was characterized by A) substantial employment of women and children in factories. B) strikes by workers that were few in number but usually effective. C) a general lengthening of the workday from ten to fourteen hours. D) extensive political activity among workers. E) reliance on the system of apprentices and masters.


The Deist faith embraced all of the following except A) the concept of original sin. B) the reliance on reason rather than revolution. C) belief in a Supreme Being. D) belief in human beings' capacity for moral behavior. E) denial of the divinity of Jesus.


The House of Representatives decided the 1824 presidential election when A) no candidate received a majority of the vote in the Electoral College. B) William Crawford suffered a stroke and was forced to drop out of the race. C) the House was forced to do so by "King Caucus." D) Henry Clay, as Speaker of the House, made the request. E) widespread voter fraud was discovered.


The Irish immigrants to early nineteenth-century America A) were mostly Roman Catholics and hated the British. B) tended to settle on western farmlands. C) were warmly welcomed by American workers. D) identified and sympathized with American free blacks. E) were often members of the Irish Republican Army.


The Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans presented themselves as all of the following except A) believers in a strong central government. B) strict constructionists. C) protectors of agrarian purity. D) believers of political and economic liberty. E) strong supporters of state's rights.


The Oneida colony declined due to A) widespread criticism of its sexual practices. B) a decline in animal trapping. C) their adoption of capitalism. D) the loss of Noyes's leadership. E) all of the above.


The Russo-American Treaty of 1824 fixed the southernmost limits of Russian occupation of North America at A) 54° 40. B) 36° 30. C) the forty-second parallel. D) the forty-ninth parallel. E) the fifty-first parallel.


The Second Great Awakening tended to A) promote religious diversity. B) reduce social class differences. C) blur regional differences. D) discourage church membership. E) weaken women's social position.


The Second Great Awakening tended to A) widen the lines between classes and regions. B) open Episcopal and Presbyterian churches to the poor. C) unite southern Baptists and southern Methodists against slavery. D) bring the more prosperous and conservative eastern churches into the revivalist camps. E) increase the influence of educated clergy.


The delegates of the Hartford Convention adopted resolutions that included a call for A) a Constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds vote in Congress before war was declared. B) New England's secession from the Union. C) a separate peace treaty between New England and the British. D) the dissolution of the Federalist party. E) war with England.


The early factory system distributed its benefits A) mostly to the owners. B) evenly to all. C) primarily in the South. D) to workers represented by unions. E) to overseas investors.


The effect of early-nineteenth-century industrialization on the trans-Allegheny West was to encourage A) specialized, cash-crop agriculture. B) slavery. C) self-sufficient farming. D) heavy industry. E) higher tariffs.


The most devastating defeat suffered by the British during the War of 1812 took place at the Battle of A) New Orleans. B) Horseshoe Bend. C) Tippecanoe. D) the Thames. E) Fallen Timbers.


The most noteworthy southern novelist before the Civil War was A) William Gilmore Simms. B) John C. Calhoun. C) James Russell Lowell. D) Oliver Wendell Holmes. E) William Faulkner.


The panic of 1819 brought with it all of the following except A) inflation. B) unemployment. C) bank failures. D) debtor's prisons. E) bankruptcie


The resolutions from the Hartford Convention A) helped to cause the death of the Federalist party. B) resulted in the resurgence of states' rights. C) called for southern secession from the union. D) supported use of state militias against the British. E) called for the West to join the War of 1812.


The strong regional support for the Tariff of 1833 came from A) the South. B) New England. C) the middle Atlantic states. D) the West. E) the frontier.


Thomas Jefferson ceased his opposition to the expansion of the navy when the A) Pasha of Tripoli declared war on the United States. B) U.S. Marine Corps was established. C) "mosquito fleet" was defeated by the pirates at Tripoli. D) army was disbanded. E) British blockaded the east coast.


Thomas Jefferson received the bulk of his support from the A) South and West. B) North. C) large cities. D) East. E) New England.


Thomas Jefferson was elected president by the House of Representatives when A) a few Federalists refrained from voting. B) Aaron Burr withdrew from the race. C) Jefferson agreed to appoint John Marshall to the Supreme Court. D) additional Jeffersonians became members of the House. E) the electoral college gave up its responsibility.


Those who were frightened by the rapid influx of Irish immigrants organized A) the Order of the Star-Spangled Banner. B) the "Molly Maguires." C) Tammany Hall. D) the Ancient Order of Hibernians. E) the Ku Klux Klan.


When it came to the major Federalist economic programs, Thomas Jefferson as president A) left practically all of them intact. B) quickly dismantled them. C) slowly undid everything the Federalists achieved. D) attacked only the Bank of the United States. E) vetoed any new tariffs.


When the House of Representatives passed the Tallmadge Amendment in response to Missouri's request for admission to the Union, the South thought that the amendment A) would threaten the sectional balance. B) might keep alive the institution of slavery. C) would slow the growth of the West. D) would silence the abolitionists. E) would keep Maine out of the union.


While in existence, the second Bank of the United States A) was the depository of the funds of the national government. B) irresponsibly inflated the national currency by issuing federal bank notes. C) limited economic growth by extending public credit. D) forced an ever-increasing number of bank failures. E) did little to help the economy.


With the demise of the Federalist party, A) the Democratic-Republicans established one-party rule. B) another party arose very quickly to take its place. C) little political trouble ensued. D) sectionalism disappeared. E) the Whig party rose to take its place.


Women became especially active in the social reforms stimulated by the Second Great Awakening because A) evangelical religion emphasized their spiritual dignity and religious social reform legitimized their activity outside the home. B) they refused to accept the idea that there was a special female role in society. C) they were looking to obtain as much power as possible. D) many of the leading preachers and evangelists were women. E) they saw the churches as the first institutions that needed to be reformed.


When the United States entered the War of 1812, it was A) militarily unprepared. B) allied with France. C) united in support of the war. D) fortunate to have a strong and assertive commander in chief. E) New England that pushed for the conflict.

A.) militarily unprepared

"Ecological imperialism" can best be described as A) the efforts of white settlers to take land from Native Americans. B) the aggressive exploitation of the West's bounty. C) a desire for the United States to acquire California. D) the spread of technology and industry. E) none of the above.


According to John Humphrey Noyes, the key to happiness is A) acceptance of a sinful mankind. B) the suppression of selfishness. C) the abandonment of "complex" marriages. D) a rejection of Bible communism. E) political reform.


America's artistic achievements in the first half of the nineteenth century A) were remarkable for their creativity. B) were least notable in architecture. C) built on the achievements of the Puritans. D) took very little from Europe. E) were closely linked to democratic ideals.


America's campaign against Canada in the War of 1812 was A) unusual for its brilliant military leadership. B) poorly conceived because it split-up the military. C) marked by good coordination of a complicated strategy. D) a failure because they focused all their attention on Montreal. E) a success on land but a failure on the water.


Americans moved into Texas A) when invited by the Spanish government. B) after an agreement was concluded between Mexican authorities and Stephen Austin. C) on Sam Houston's defeat of General Santa Anna. D) to spread Protestantism. E) after the Battle of San Jacinto.


Andrew Jackson's inauguration as president symbolized the A) return of Jeffersonian simplicity. B) newly won ascendancy of the masses. C) supremacy of states' rights over federal power. D) involvement of state governments in the economy. E) act of style over substance.


Andrew Jackson's military exploits were instrumental in the United States gaining A) a favorable border with Canada from the Great Lakes to the Rocky Mountains. B) possession of Florida from the Spanish. C) joint fishing rights in Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. D) naval limitations on the Great Lakes. E) gaining control of eastern Texas.


Andrew Jackson's veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States was A) the first presidential veto. B) a major expansion of presidential power. C) unconstitutional. D) overturned by a two-thirds vote in Congress. E) supported by the Anti-Mason party.


Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) war hawks enter Congress, (B) declaration of war on Britain, (C) Embargo Act, (D) Battle of Tippecanoe. (A) A, B, C, D (B) C, A, D, B (C) B, C, A, D (D) B, A, D, C (E) B, C, D, A


As president, Thomas Jefferson's stand on several political issues that he had previously championed A) remained unchanged. B) was reversed. C) grew even more rigid. D) compelled him to repeal the Alien and Sedition Acts. E) caused him to reject slavery.


As the new continental market economy grew, A) individual households became increasingly self-sufficient. B) the home came to be viewed as a refuge from the workday world. C) traditional women's work became more highly valued and increasingly important. D) respect for women as homemakers declined. E) the home lost most of its importance for family life.


By 1810, the most insistent demand for a declaration of war against Britain came from A) New England merchants. B) the West and South. C) Federalists. D) the middle Atlantic states. E) southern states.


During the War of 1812, the New England states A) supported the United States' war effort. B) lent more money and sent more food to the British army than to the American army. C) gave no support to either the Americans or the British. D) allowed their militias to fight wherever the federal government requested. E) declared their independence from the United States.


Eli Whitney was instrumental in the invention of the A) steamboat. B) cotton gin. C) railroad locomotive. D) telegraph. E) repeating revolver.


German immigrants to the United States A) quickly became a powerful political force. B) came to escape economic hardships and autocratic government. C) were as poor as the Irish. D) contributed little to American life. E) were almost all Roman Catholics.


In early-nineteenth-century America, A) the annual population growth rate was much higher than in colonial days. B) the urban population was growing at an unprecedented rate. C) the birthrate was rapidly declining. D) the death rate was increasing. E) the center of population moved northward.


In response to South Carolina's nullification of the Tariff of 1828, Andrew Jackson A) hanged several of the nullifiers. B) dispatched military forces to South Carolina. C) asked Henry Clay for help. D) said nothing about nullification. E) sought help from the Supreme Court.


In the 1800 election Thomas Jefferson won the state of New York because A) of a reaction against Alexander Hamilton, Jefferson's enemy. B) Aaron Burr used his influence to turn the state to Jefferson. C) of the high taxes passed by the Adams administration. D) Napoleon promised to sell the Louisiana Territory only to Jefferson. E) all of the above.


In the case of Commonwealth v. Hunt, the supreme court of Massachusetts ruled that A) corporations were unconstitutional. B) labor unions were not illegal conspiracies. C) labor strikes were illegal by violating the Fair Labor Acts. D) the Boston Associates employment of young women in their factories was inhumane. E) the state could regulate factory wages and working conditions.


In their treatment of Native Americans, white Americans did all of the following except A) recognize the tribes as separate nations. B) argue that Indians could not be assimilated into the larger society. C) try to civilize them. D) trick them into ceding land to whites. E) promise to acquire land only through formal treaties.


Innovations in the election of 1832 included A) direct election of the president. B) adoption of written party platforms. C) election of the president by the House of Representatives. D) presidential nominations of "favorite sons" by state legislatures. E) abandonment of party conventions.


John Marshall, as chief justice of the United States, helped to strengthen the judicial branch of government by A) applying Jeffersonian principles in all of his decisions. B) asserting the doctrine of judicial review of congressional legislation. C) overriding presidential vetoes. D) listening carefully to and heeding the advice of lawyers arguing cases before the Supreme Court. E) increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court.


Lewis and Clark demonstrated the viability of A) travel across the isthmus of Panama. B) an overland trail to the Pacific. C) settlement in the southern portion of the Louisiana territory. D) using Indian guides. E) all of the above.


Lewis and Clark's expedition through the Louisiana Purchase territory yielded all of the following except A) a rich harvest of scientific observations. B) treaties with several Indian nations. C) maps. D) hair-raising adventure stories. E) knowledge of the Indians of the region.


Macon's Bill No. 2 A) forbade American ships from leaving port. B) permitted trade with all nations but promised that if either Britain or France lifted its commercial restrictions on American trade, the United States would stop trading with the other. C) forbade American trade with Britain and France but promised to open trade with either country if it would cease its violations of American neutrality rights. D) repealed the Embargo Act of 1807. E) halted trade with Britain.


Many of the denominational liberal arts colleges founded as a result of the Second Great Awakening A) were academically distinguished institutions. B) lacked much intellectual vitality. C) eventually gained tax-supported status. D) offered a new, nontraditional curriculum. E) opened their doors to Catholic students.


Match each individual below with the correct invention. A. Samuel Morse B. Cyrus McCormick C. Elias Howe D. Robert Fulton 1. telegraph 2. mower-reaper 3. steamboat 4. sewing machine A) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 B) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 C) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3 D) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1 E) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3


Match each writer below with his work. A. Washington Irving B. James Fenimore Cooper C. Ralph Waldo Emerson 1. Walden 2. Leatherstocking Tales 3. The Sketch Book, with "Rip Van Winkle" 4. "The American Scholar" A) A-1, B-2, C-3 B) A-3, B-2, C-4 C) A-2, B-3, C-1 D) A-3, B-1, C-4 E) A-4, B-2, C-1


Most of the cotton produced in the American South after the invention of the cotton gin was A) produced by free labor. B) sold to England. C) grown on the tidewater plains. D) consumed by the southern textile industry. E) of the long-staple variety.


Most of the early American settlers in Texas came from A) New England. B) the South and Southwest. C) the Old Northwest. D) the middle Atlantic states. E) the Ohio Territory.


Native American leader Tecumseh was killed in 1813 at the A) Battle of Tippecanoe. B) Battle of the Thames. C) Battle of Horseshoe Bend. D) Battle of New Orleans. E) Battle of Fallen Timbers.


Noah Webster's dictionary A) had little impact until the twentieth century. B) helped to standardize the American language. C) was used to educate nineteenth-century slaves. D) came to the United States from Britain in the 1800s. E) gave legitimacy to American slang.


Of the following, the most successful of the early-nineteenth-century communitarian experiments was at A) Brook Farm, Massachusetts. B) Oneida, New York. C) New Harmony, Indiana. D) Seneca Falls, New York. E) Shaker Heights, Ohio.


One of the major causes of the panic of 1819 was A) bankruptcies. B) overspeculation in frontier lands. C) deflation. D) the failure to recharter the Bank of the United States. E) a drought that resulted in poor agricultural production.


One of the most important by-products of the War of 1812 was A) a renewed commitment to states' rights. B) a heightened spirit of nationalism. C) a resurgence of the Federalist party. D) increased economic dependence on Europe. E) the subjugation of the Indians.


Perhaps the key battle of the War of 1812, because it protected the United States from full-scale invasion and possible dissolution, was the Battle of A) Mackinac. B) Plattsburgh. C) the Thames. D) Horseshoe Bend. E) Fallen Timbers.


Post-War of 1812 nationalism could be seen in all of the following except A) the way in which American painters depicted the beauty of American landscapes. B) a revival of American religion. C) the building of a more handsome national capital. D) an expanded army and navy. E) development of a national literature.


Presidents Jackson and Van Buren hesitated to extend recognition to and to annex the new Texas Republic because A) Texans did not want to be annexed to the United States. B) antislavery groups in the United States opposed the expansion of slavery. C) they were old political opponents of the Texas president, Sam Houston. D) public opinion in the United States opposed annexation. E) they feared war with Mexico's ally, Spain.


Religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening resulted in A) little increase in church membership. B) a strong religious influence in many areas of American life. C) surprisingly few humanitarian reforms. D) greater attention to church history and doctrine. E) all of the above.


Southerners feared the Tariff of 1828 because A) it would hurt their manufacturing sector. B) this same power could be used to suppress slavery. C) it might hurt Andrew Jackson's political career. D) they were convinced that it would destroy the American woolen industry. E) it could damage the chances of the American System's success.


Spain sold Florida to the United States because it A) wanted to help America to become a rival to Britain. B) could not defend the area and would lose it in any case. C) received America's promise to give up claims to Oregon. D) was pulling out of the Western Hemisphere. E) decided to concentrate its efforts in Mexico.


The American phase of the industrial revolution first blossomed A) on southern plantations. B) with textile mills. C) in rapidly growing Chicago. D) with shipbuilding. E) in coal-mining regions.


The Anti-Masonic party of 1832 appealed to A) the supporters of Andrew Jackson. B) American suspicions of secret societies. C) those who wished to keep the government from meddling in social and economic life. D) people opposed to the growing political power of evangelical Protestants. E) supporters of the American System.


The British impressed American sailors into the British navy because A) the Americans took the Chesapeake. B) they needed more men. C) Parliament passed a law. D) of the XYZ affair. E) they wanted to punish the United States.


The Whigs offered all of the following proposals for the remedies of the economic ills facing America in 1837 except A) expansion of bank credit. B) proposal of the "Divorce Bill." C) proposal of higher tariffs. D) proposal of subsidies for internal improvements. E) more active involvement on the part of the government.


The doctrine of non-colonization in the Monroe Doctrine was A) applicable only to Central and South America. B) a response to the apparent designs of the Russians in Alaska and Oregon. C) included in the doctrine only over the opposition of Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. D) mostly a symbolic gesture of goodwill to the Latin American republics. E) aimed at British efforts to gain control over Cuba.


The legal precedent for judicial review was established when A) the House of Representatives impeached Justice Samuel Chase. B) the Supreme Court declared the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional. C) Congress repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801. D) President Adams appointed several "midnight judges" to the federal courts. E) the Judiciary Act of 1801 was passed.


The major application for steamboats transporting freight and passengers in the United States was on A) New England streams. B) western and southern rivers. C) the Great Lakes. D) the Gulf of Mexico. E) coastal waterways.


The outcome of the War of 1812 was A) a decisive victory for the United States. B) a stimulus to patriotic nationalism in the United States. C) an embarrassment for American diplomacy. D) a heavy blow to American manufacturing. E) a decisive victory for the British.


The presidential election of 1824 A) was the first to use the electoral college. B) was the first one to see the election of a minority president. C) saw a record high voter turn-out show up at the polls. D) saw the formulation of well-organized political parties. E) was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.


The sentiment of fear and opposition to open immigration was called A) the cult of domesticity. B) nativism. C) Unitarianism. D) rugged individualism. E) patriotism.


Thomas Jefferson had strong misgivings about the wisdom of A) states' rights. B) maintaining a large standing army. C) having the presidency and Congress controlled by the same party. D) removing federal judges by the process of impeachment. E) judicial review.


Thomas Jefferson was conscience-stricken about the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France because A) the Federalists supported his action. B) he believed that the purchase was unconstitutional. C) he felt that the purchase was not a fair deal for France. D) war with Spain might occur. E) he feared the British might use it as an exercise to declare war on the United States.


Thomas Jefferson's "Revolution of 1800" was remarkable in that it A) moved the United States away from its democratic ideals. B) marked the peaceful and orderly transfer of power on the basis of election results accepted by all parties. C) occurred after he left the presidency. ) caused America to do what the British had been doing for a generation regarding the election of a legislative body. E) was in no way a revolution.


Thomas Jefferson's embargo failed for all of the following reasons except that A) he underestimated the determination of the British. B) he underestimated Britain's dependence on American trade. C) Britain produced a bumper grain crop. D) Latin America opened its ports for commerce. E) he miscalculated the difficulty of enforcing it.


Thomas Jefferson's failed attempt to impeach and convict Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase for "high crimes and misdemeanors" meant that A) no federal judge could ever be removed from office. B) judicial independence and the separation of powers had been preserved. C) Jefferson's effectiveness as president had been lost. D) an unfortunate precedent had been established. E) Aaron Burr would go free.


Thomas Jefferson's first major foreign-policy decision was to A) purchase Louisiana from France. B) send a naval squadron to the Mediterranean. C) drive the British out of the northwest forts. D) purchase Florida from Spain. E) form an alliance with Spain.


To deal with British and French violations of America's neutrality, Thomas Jefferson A) declared war on Britain. B) enacted an economic embargo. C) declared war on France. D) did nothing. E) sought trade relations with Spain and Holland.


Two areas where women in the nineteenth century were widely thought to be superior to men were A) physical strength and mental vigor. B) moral sensibility and artistic refinement. C) political ability and organizational shrewdness. D) sexual appetite and physical desire. E) economic competitiveness and capacity for education.


Which one of the following is least related to the other four? A) Brigham Young B) William Miller C) The Book of Mormon D) Salt Lake City E) polygamy


All of the following influenced transcendental thought except A) German philosophers. B) Oriental religions. C) Catholic belief. D) individualism. E) love of nature.


Andrew Jackson's administration supported the removal of Native Americans from the eastern states because A) the Indians assimilated too easily into white society. B) the Supreme Court ruled in favor of this policy. C) whites wanted the Indians' lands. D) Georgia and Florida tried to protect the Indians and their lands. E) they continued their attacks on white settlements.


Andrew Jackson's political philosophy was based on his A) support of a strong central government. B) advocacy of the American System. C) suspicion of the federal government. D) opposition to the old antifederalist ideals. E) family's economic status.


Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) Louisiana Purchase, (B) Chesapeake incident, (C) Burr's trial for treason, (D) Embargo Act. (A) A, B, D, C (B) C, D, A, B (C) A, C, B, D (D) D, B, C, A (E) B, D, C, A


As a result of the transportation revolution, A) division of labor became a thing of the past. B) New Orleans became an even more important port. C) each region in the nation specialized in a particular type of economic activity. D) self-sufficiency became easier to achieve for American families. E) the Midwest became the first industrialized region.


As chief justice of the United States, John Marshall helped to ensure that A) states' rights were protected. B) the programs of Alexander Hamilton were overturned. C) the political and economic systems were based on a strong central government. D) both the Supreme Court and the president could rule a law unconstitutional. E) Aaron Burr was convicted of treason.


As president, John Quincy Adams A) was more successful than as secretary of state B) adjusted to the New Democracy. C) was one of the least successful presidents in American history. D) put many of his supporters on the federal payroll. E) was successful in getting his programs enacted into law.


At the end of the War of 1812, British manufacturers A) discontinued trade with America. B) conducted only limited trade with America. C) began dumping their goods in America at extremely low prices. D) demanded a high tariff against American goods. E) saw their profits fall dramatically.


Before he became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall's service at Valley Forge during the American Revolution convinced him A) to support Thomas Jefferson and his republican principles. B) to give up the life of a soldier and return to law school. C) of the drawbacks of feeble central authority. D) of the futility of opposing Britain. E) all of the above.


Both the Democratic party and the Whig party A) favored a renewed national bank. B) supported federal restraint in social and economic affairs. C) were mass-based political parties. D) clung to states' rights policies. E) feared the rise of the Anti-Masonic party.


British plans for their 1814 campaign did not include action in A) New York. B) the Chesapeake. C) Florida. D) New Orleans. E) Washington.


By 1850, organized religion in America A) retained the rigor of colonial religion. B) was ignored by three-fourths of the people. C) had lost some of its austere Calvinist rigor. D) had grown more conservative. E) had become tied to the upper classes.


By the 1850s, the crusade for women's rights was eclipsed by A) the temperance movement. B) the "Lucy Stoners." C) abolitionism. D) prison reform advocates. E) evangelical revivalism.


Democratic-Republicans opposed Henry Clay's American System because A) it favored only the South. B) it would provide stiff competition to the Erie Canal. C) they believed that it was unconstitutional. D) the Bonus Bill of 1817 made it unnecessary. E) they favored a road system that included Canada.


Federalists opposed the acquisition of Canada because A) there were too many French there. B) Canadian business would prove too competitive. C) it was too agrarian and would give more votes to the Democratic-Republicans. D) they believed that the Canadians could never become Americanized. E) too many Indians lived there.


From a global perspective, the War of 1812 was A) a highly significant conflict. B) more important to Europeans than to Americans. C) of little importance. D) responsible for the defeat of Napoleon. E) more important than the American Revolution.


Henry Clay's call for federally funded roads and canals received whole-hearted endorsement from A) President Madison. B) New England. C) the West. D) Jeffersonian Republicans. E) the South.


In 1800, Thomas Jefferson was chosen president by the A) people. B) Electoral College. C) House of Representatives. D) wealthy. E) business sector.


In diplomatic and economic terms, the War of 1812 A) was a disaster for the United States. B) bred greater American independence. C) was considered a victory for Britain. D) resulted in the fall of the British government that concluded the conflict. E) was a disaster for Britain.


In the new continental economy, each region specialized in a particular economic activity: the South _________ for export; the West grew grains and livestock to feed _________; and the East _________ for the other two regions. A) raised grain, southern slaves, processed meat B) grew cotton, southern slaves, made machines and textiles C) grew cotton, eastern factory workers, made machines and textiles D) raised grain, eastern factory workers, made furniture and tools E) processed meat, southern slaves, raised grain


John Marshall uttered his famous legal dictum that "the power to tax involves the power to destroy" in A) Gibbons v. Ogden. B) Fletcher v. Peck. C) McCulloch v. Maryland. D) Dartmouth College v. Woodward. E) Marbury v. Madison.


John Quincy Adams's weaknesses as president included all of the following except A) a deep nationalistic view. B) only one-third of the voters voted for him. C) his firing good office holders to appoint his own people. D) his sarcastic personality. E) he was tactless.


John Quincy Adams, elected president in 1825, was charged by his political opponents with having struck a "corrupt bargain" when he appointed _______________ to become__________ . A) John C. Calhoun, vice president B) William Crawford, chief justice of the United States C) Henry Clay, secretary of state D) Daniel Webster, secretary of state E) John Eaton, secretary of the navy


Latin America's reaction to the Monroe Doctrine can best be described as A) enthusiastic. B) fearful of the United States. C) unconcerned or unimpressed. D) relying on Britain to void it. E) none of the above.


Native-born Americans feared that Catholic immigrants to the United States would A) want to attend school with Protestants. B) overwhelm the native-born Catholics and control the church. C) "establish" the Catholic church at the expense of Protestantism. D) assume control of the "Know-Nothing" party. E) establish monasteries and convents in the West.


Native-born Protestant Americans distrusted and resented the Irish mostly because these immigrants A) were poor. B) were thought to love alcohol. C) were Roman Catholic. D) frequently became police officers. E) were slow to learn English.


Of the following, the only argument not put forward by the war hawks as a justification for a declaration of war against Britain was that A) the British armed Indians and incited them to raid frontier settlements. B) British impressment policies were an affront to American nationalism. C) Britain's commercial restrictions had come close to destroying America's profitable New England shipping business. D) British Canada and Spanish Florida were attractive and easily obtainable prizes of war. E) the orders in council stopped the flow of Western farm products to Europe.


On becoming president, Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans in Congress immediately repealed A) the Alien and Sedition Acts. B) the charter of the National Bank. C) the excise tax on whiskey. D) the funding and assumption of the national debt. E) money to fund the naval build-up.


One of the demands made by the West to help it to grow was A) sound money. B) a stronger Bank of the United States. C) cheap money. D) the closing of "wildcat" banks. E) higher land prices to gain more revenue for the territories.


One of the goals of the child-centered family of the 1800s was to A) raise children who were obedient to authority. B) allow parents to spoil their children. C) raise independent individuals. D) increase the number of children. E) preserve childhood innocence.


One of the greatest problems that John Adams and the Federalists faced in the election of 1800 was A) Adams's efforts to get America involved in a war with France. B) increased public debt brought on by war preparations. C) Adams's refusal to take the country to war against France. D) Alexander Hamilton's support of Adams. E) the stories circulating about Adams's relationship with a slave woman.


One of the positive aspects of the Bank of the United States was A) its officers' awareness of the bank's responsibilities to society. B) its preservation of the public trust. C) its promotion of economic expansion by making credit abundant. D) its issuance of depreciated paper money. E) that it loaned money to western farmers.


One reason for the Anglo-Texan rebellion against Mexican rule was that A) the Mexicans opposed slavery. B) the Mexican government refused to allow the "Old Three Hundred" to purchase land. C) the Anglo-Texans wanted to break away from a government that had grown too authoritarian. D) the Anglo-Texans objected to the Mexican government's execution of Stephen Austin. E) the Mexicans tried to establish slavery among the Americans.


One sign that women in America were treated better than women in Europe was A) that American women could vote. B) that the law in the U.S. prohibited men from beating them. C) that rape was more severely punished in the U.S. D) that their ideas of equality were well received by American men. E) that American women earned respect by engaging in male activities.


President Jefferson's foreign policy of economic coercion A) underestimated British dependence on American trade. B) adversely affected France's economy more than Britain's. C) stimulated manufacturing in the United States. D) destroyed the Federalist party in New England. E) succeeded in its goal of forcing the British to halt its impressment of American sailors.


Tecumseh argued that Indians should A) never give control of their land to the whites. B) move west of the Mississippi River. C) not cede control of land to whites unless all Indians agreed. D) exchange traditional buckskin clothing for cloth garments. E) fight as individual tribes and not as a confederacy.


Texas gained its independence with A) help from Britain. B) no outside assistance. C) help from Americans. D) the blessing of the Mexican government. E) help from the French.


The "Tippecanoe" in the Whigs' 1840 campaign slogan was A) Daniel Webster. B) Martin Van Buren. C) William Harrison. D) Nicholas Biddle. E) Henry Clay.


The Battle of New Orleans A) resulted in one more American defeat. B) helped the United States to win the War of 1812. C) saw British troops defeated by Andrew Jackson's soldiers. D) prevented America from taking Canada. E) resulted in Louisiana becoming part of the United States.


The British attack on Fort McHenry A) resulted in another British victory. B) made possible the British invasion of Washington, D.C. C) inspired the writing of "The Star-Spangled Banner." D) produced the "Bladensburg Races." E) resulted in the destruction of many British shops.


The British policy of impressment was a kind of A) naval blockade. B) economic boycott. C) forced enlistment. D) diplomatic pressure. E) punishment for the United States.


The Poet Laureate of Democracy, whose emotional and explicit writings expressed a deep love of the masses and enthusiasm for an expanding America, was A) Edgar Allan Poe. B) Emily Dickinson. C) Walt Whitman. D) Herman Melville. E) Elizabeth Cady Stanton.


The Rush-Bagot agreement A) required the Indians to relinquish vast areas of tribal lands north of the Ohio River. B) ended the traditional mutual suspicion and hatred between the United States and Great Britain. C) limited naval armaments on the Great Lakes. D) provided for Canadian independence from Great Britain. E) gave Florida to the United States.


The Tariff of 1816 was the first in American history A) to be enacted without the consent of Congress. B) intended to raise revenue. C) that aimed to protect American industry. D) to impose taxes on American goods. E) designed to protect Southern agriculture.


The Treaty of 1818 with England A) used the watershed of the Missouri River to define the United States' border with Canada as far west as the Rocky Mountains. B) formally recognized America's earlier conquest of West Florida. C) called for a ten-year joint occupation of the Oregon country by both American citizens and British subjects. D) granted Canada exclusive use of Newfoundland fisheries. E) saw the United States forced to give up its tariffs on British goods.


The United States' most successful diplomat in the Era of Good Feelings was A) John C. Calhoun. B) Daniel Webster. C) John Quincy Adams. D) Andrew Jackson. E) James Monroe.


The Whigs hoped to win the 1836 election by A) supporting Henry Clay. B) using smear tactics. C) forcing the election into the House of Representatives. D) emphasizing personality over issues. E) outspending their opponents.


The case of Marbury v. Madison involved the question of who had the right to A) commit the United States to entangling alliances. B) impeach federal officers for "high crimes and misdemeanors." C) declare an act of Congress unconstitutional. D) purchase foreign territory for the United States. E) appoint Supreme Court justices.


The chief justice who carried out, more than any other federal official, the ideas of Alexander Hamilton concerning a powerful federal government was A) James Madison. B) William Marbury. C) John Marshall. D) Samuel Chase. E) John Jay.


The dramatic growth of American cities between 1800 and 1860 A) led to a lower death rate. B) contributed to a decline in the birthrate. C) resulted in unsanitary conditions in many communities. D) forced the federal government to slow immigration. E) created sharp political conflict between farmers and urbanites.


The government of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican-controlled Texas clashed over all of the following issues except A) slavery. B) immigration. C) allegiance to Spain. D) local rights. E) Santa Anna raising an army to use against Texas.


The key to Oneida's financial success was A) its move from Vermont to New York. B) the establishment of Bible communism. C) the manufacture of steel animal traps and silverware. D) its tax-exempt religious status. E) its linkage of religion to free-market capitalism.


The nullification crisis of 1832-1833 erupted over A) banking policy. B) internal improvements. C) tariff policy. D) public land sales. E) Indian policy.


The people who proposed the exceptionally high rates of the Tariff of 1828 were A) supporters of John Quincy Adams. B) abolitionists. C) ardent supporters of Andrew Jackson. D) Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun. E) southern plantation owners.


The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian tribes was A) a war of genocide. B) gradual assimilation. C) forced removal. D) federal protection from state governments. E) to encourage them to preserve their traditional culture.


The purpose behind the spoils system was A) to press those with experience into governmental service. B) to make politics a sideline and not a full-time business. C) to reward political supporters with public office. D) to reverse the trend of rotation in office. E) the widespread encouragement of a bureaucratic office-holding class.


The religious sects that gained most from the revivalism of the Second Great Awakening were the A) Roman Catholics and Episcopalians. B) Unitarians and Adventists. C) Methodists and Baptists. D) Congregationalists and Presbyterians. E) Lutherans and Mennonites


The underlying basis for modern mass production was the A) cotton gin. B) musket. C) use of interchangeable parts. D) principle of limited liability. E) passing of protective tariffs.


Thomas Jefferson distrusted large standing armies because they A) were usually ineffective in battle. B) always developed a destructive rivalry with the navy. C) could be used to establish a dictatorship. D) all of the above. E) none of the above.


Thomas Jefferson's presidency was characterized by his A) unswerving conformity to Republican party principles. B) rigid attention to formal protocol at White House gatherings. C) moderation in the administration of public policy. D) ruthless use of the patronage power to appoint Republicans to federal offices. E) inability to get legislation passed by Congress.


To guard American shores, Thomas Jefferson A) built a fleet of frigates. B) constructed coastal fortifications. C) constructed two hundred tiny gunboats. D) signed a peace treaty with Great Britain. E) enlisted the aid of France.


Unitarians endorsed the concept of A) the deity of Christ. B) original sin. C) salvation through good works. D) predestination. E) the Bible as the norm of doctrine.


Virtually all the distinguished historians of early-nineteenth-century America came from A) the South. B) the middle Atlantic states. C) New England. D) the Midwest. E) the frontier.


When moving to the Old Northwest, settlers from the North wanted to do all of the following except A) tame the land. B) tame the people. C) oppose increased taxes to fund their programs. D) build canals. E) build roads.


William Henry Harrison, the Whig party's presidential candidate in 1840, was A) a true "common man." B) a very effective chief executive. C) made to look like a poor western farmer. D) born in a log cabin. E) the first military officer to become president.


With the development of cash-crop agriculture in the trans-Allegheny West, A) subsistence farming became common. B) farmers began to support the idea of slave labor. C) farmers quickly faced mounting indebtedness. D) the South could harvest a larger crop. E) the issue of farm surpluses came to the fore.


Canada became an important battleground in the War of 1812 because A) it was the economic hub of the New England economy. B) Canadians would be willing to help the Americans overthrow the imperial yoke of British rule. C) British forces were weakest there. D) most of the American regular army was already located in Canada. E) none of the above.

C) British forces were weakest there.

All of the following were true of the American regular army on the eve of the War of 1812 except: A) they were ill-trained and ill-disciplined. B) they were widely scattered. C) their numbers were large enough that they did not have to rely on the militia. D) most of the generals were leftovers from the Revolutionary War and lacked vigor and vision. E) there was no burning national anger to unite them.

C) their numbers were large enough that they did not have to rely on the militia.

All of the following gave rise to a more dynamic, market-oriented, national economy in early nineteenth-century America except A) the push west in search of cheap land. B) government regulation of all major economic industry. C) a vast number of European immigrants settling in the cities. D) newly invented machinery. E) better roads, faster steamboats, further-reaching canals, and tentacle-stretching railroads.


Life on the frontier was A) fairly comfortable for women but not for men. B) downright grim for most pioneer families. C) free of disease and premature death. D) rarely portrayed in popular literature. E) based on tight-knit communities.


As a result of the Missouri Compromise A) there were more slave than free states in the Union. B) slavery was outlawed in all states north of the forty-second parallel. C) slavery was banned north of 36° 30 in the Louisiana Purchase territory. D) Missouri was required to free its slaves when they reached full adulthood. E) there were more free states than slave states in the Union.


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