Chapter 11 Active Reading Guide

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A proper diet serves you in which two ways?

1. It provides the building materials needed for body's structure. 2. It provides energy needed to maintain the body's functions.

Digestion begins as soon as food hits your mouth. Briefly explain the two kinds of digestion that occur there.

1. Mechanical digestion: Where your mouth breaks up the food into smaller pieces so it's easier to swallow. 2. Chemical digestion: Once swallowed the food is broken down into individual molecules so it is easier to be absorbed by small intestine.

Humans exchanges two gases during respiration. Name both.

1. Oxygen (O2) 2. Carbon dioxide (CO2)

What are three types of human sensory receptors?

1. Pain receptors. 2. thermoreceptors (detect head and cold) 3. mechanoreceptors (touch, pressure, motion, sound, body position) 4. electromagnetic receptors (energy, photoreceptors that detect light) 5. chemoreceptors (chemicals, found in foods and odors.

The cardiovascular system consists of two components. Name both.

1. Pulmonary circuit 2. systemic circuit

There are two types of problems that can occur with the digestive system. Name both.

1. Those caused by a malfunctioning or diseased digestive organ. 2. those caused by improper diet.

List three similarities between the human male and female reproductive system.

1. both have a pair of gonads (sperm/male, egg/female) 2. have system of ducts that store and deliver the gamets for reproduction 3. have structures that facilitate sexual intercourse.

List the four animal tissue types.

1. connective tissue-bone cartilage, blood loss connective tissue, adipose tissue. 2. Epithelium-outer layer of skin, inner and outer linings of blood vessels, (epidermis). 3. Nervous tissue-within your brain, spinal cord, and nerves (neurons)transmit signals along spindly extensions. 4. Muscle tissue-smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle.

What three systems work together to allow humans to run a marathon?

1. nervous system. 2. skeletal system 3. muscular system.

List three functions provided by the skeletal system.

1. supports body, 2. vital organs protected 3. anchors your internal structure

Your body is constantly exchanging substances with the environment in which it lives. List two organ systems that are involved with these exchange processes.

1. urinary system. 2. cardiovascular system

At which point in the pregnancy do substances that the mother ingests (alcohol, drugs, etc.) begin to have the most profound effect? Briefly explain your answer.

3 weeks has umbilical cord now.

Answer the following as you read the module:

A(n) allergy is your immune system overreacting to a(n) allergen as if it were an antigen.

Match the following terms with their descriptions: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and water.

A. Carries oxygen red blood cells. B. The liquid component of blood plasma. C. Required for blood clotting platelets. D. The major component of plasma water. E. Major component of the immune system white blood cells.

Match the following terms to their descriptions: diaphragm, bronchi, pharynx, epiglottis, and larynx.

A. Helps control breathing, diaphragm B. Produces sound as air passes across larynx C. Large tubes that lead to the lungs bronchi D. Prevents foreign substances from entering the windpipe epiglottis E. Where the respiratory system meets the digestive system pharynx

Match the following terms to their description: antigen, antibodies, effector cells, memory cells and clonal selection.

A. Proteins that match specific antigens based on shape antibodies. B. Immune cells that secrete antibodies or destroy pathogens effector cells. C. Lymphocytes that can recognize a pathogen year later memory cells. D. Any molecule that triggers an immune response antigen E. Binding of antigen triggers production of any army of immune cells clonal selection.

Match the following terms to their correct description: endocrine system, endocrine glands, hormones, hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

A. substances that act as chemical messengers pituitary gland B. Gland in the brain that regulates many of the body's functions hypothalamus C. Tissues and glands that work together to regulate functions within the body endocrine system. D. Structures that make the secrete chemical messengers endocrine glands E. Master control center of the endocrine system hormones.

___is the form of energy that your cells require to perform their functions. This form of energy is made in the _____ in a process known as ______.

APT, mitochondria, cellular respiration.

_____directly stimulates skeletal muscle cells to initiate contraction..


What is the single basic difference between the adaptive defenses and innate defenses?

Adaptive defenses must first be primed by exposure to an antigen. Innate defenses are always ready.

The long, hollow tube of your digestive system is call the _____________.

Alimentary carial

You are a biochemist who studied how proteins are digested within the human body. You radioactively label a protein that you are able to track on a monitor as the person consumes and digests it. The protein was a large molecule that consisted of 115 individual molecules bonded together. After digestion has occurred, briefly describe what you expect to see on your monitor.

All the individual molecules bonded together will break apart. There will be a hydrolysis reaction that occurs that will break the protein (molecules) down, then those amino acids will be absorbed by the small intestine.

Which of the following is the liquid that fills the chamber in front of the lens?

Aqueous humor

People usually confuse arteries and veins in terms of what they carry. Briefly describe what each one carries and the direction in which it carries it.

Arteries are oxygen-rich blood that carries blood away from your heart. Veins are oxygen-poor blood that carry blood to the heart

Answer the following as you read the module:

Bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that cause disease are referred to as pathogens and it is the job of your immune system to defend you against them.

The fluid that flows to your circulatory system is called ________.


_____is the region of the brain that controls our "human" characteristics.

Cerebral cortex

_______is the intentional blocking of the ability to get pregnant.


_____is the mechanical filtration of the blood.


True or false: If you develop a viral infection of the pharynx, then you have bronchitis. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, If you develop a viral infection of the bronchioles then you have bronchitis.

True or false: The human body's internal environment is constantly fluctuating in response to fluctuating conditions outside. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, The human body's internal environment is relatively constant in response to fluctuating conditions outside. (homeostasis keeps internal body constant)

True or false: The role of the digestive system is to exchange gases with the environment. If false, make it correct.

False, The role of the digestive system to extract energy and nutrients from the food. (respiratory system exchanges gases with the environment).

True or false: Cells usually work alone. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, cells rarely work alone (most cells work together as a tissue)

True or false: If your innate defenses, like barriers and inflammation, fail to stop infection, you are left completely unguarded against disease. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, if your innate defenses, like barriers and inflammation, fail to stop infection, you are left to your adaptive defenses to guard against disease.

True or false: Rods detect variations in color. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, rods only see shades of gray.

True or false: The egg is usually fertilized by dozens of sperm. If false make it a correct statement.

False, the egg is usually fertilized by one sperm.

True or false: The heart pumps deoxygenated blood and nutrients to the body's cells and oxygenated blood and wastes back to the heart. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, the heart pumps oxygenated blood and nutrients to the body cells and deoxygenated blood and wastes back to the heart.

True or false: The nephron is where urine is formed. If false, make it a correct statement.l

False, the nephron is where blood is filtered.

True or false: Your nervous system consists of your brain. If false, make it a correct statement.

False, your nervous system consists of your brain, spinal cord and nerves.

The _____ acts as a transport system within your body.


The circulatory system centers on the _____________.


Homeostasis literally translates to "steady state." Explain why this is an accurate term for what it describes.

Homeostasis keeps the human body within a range that the body can tolerate. Even when external environment changes drastically, homeostasis keeps the body within a few degrees of normal.

Humans, like most animals, do not tolerate abnormal numbers of chromosomes. In this context, why is it so important for the zygote to have exactly 46 chromosomes?

If it didn't have 46 chromosomes there would be alot of diseases or problems in the persons life.

A person accidentally ingesta a drug that prevents the movement of all substances across capillaries. Briefly explain what effect this drug will have.

If substances cannot move across the capillaries, then the organs would start to shut down because capillaries allow materials to be exchanged from blood to body cells.

A common student misconception is that impotence is the same as male infertility. How would you explain it to a student who has this misconception?

Impotence is just unable to maintain an erection. If a male suffers from impotence there are drugs that can be taken to help with problem.

Which of the follow diseases is an autoimmune disorder.

Multiple sclerosis, rheumattoid arthritis, type I diabetes

_____________ is a mechanism that controls homeostasis.

Negative feedback.

Why is paralysis, as a result of spinal cord injury, always permanent?

Nerves of the spinal cord cannot be repaired.

The body's _____is responsible for communication throughout the body.

Nervous system

The cells of the nervous system whose job is electrical communication are called _____.


After reading this chapter, you decide to go on a rice, broccoli, and sugar snap pea diet. After all, you have always heard that vegetables are good for you. Will this diet be a good, long-term choice for you? Briefly explain your answer either way.

No, this diet is not good for long term use because in a healthy diet, you need some protein, some sugar, salt and fat to live off of.

____is having a(n) that is too high, which is a ration of your weight to height.

Obesity, BMI (body mass index)

____ is the regulation of water, ions, and their gain or less.


Briefly explain how our skeleton contrasts with the exoskeleton of an insect.

Our skelton is intermingled with our soft tissues exoskeletons of insects are hard on the outside.

_________ is the rhythmic contractions of the digestive tract that moves food to your stomach.


Your ____exchanges gases between your body and the environment.

Respiratory system

List the four chambers of the heart.

Right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle and left ventricle.

Which of the following actually shortens during contraction?


Anatomy is to ________ as physiology is to ____________.

Structure and function

How do cells in the deepest areas of your body exchange materials?

The cardiovascular system.

What key event of pregnancy occurs around the seventh day?

The early embryo has reached the uterus and begin to implant in the endometrium lining (dow a blastocyte)

A new genetic disorder is discovered where patients are unable to create memory cells during clonal selection. What would be the effect of this disorder on your immune response?

The immune system isn't as strong as someone who can create memory cells. A person would be getting the same disease from the same virus/bacteria because there isn't any memory of the body fighting it off.

Briefly explain the significance of highly branched air passages.

There is a huge surface area for oxygen (O2) to diffuse into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide (CO2) to diffuse out.

Briefly explain the significance of the villi in absorption.

They increase surface area available in the small intestine so nutrients can get absorbed better.

True or False: At each new level of biological organization, there are functions that did not exist at the previous level. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Essential nutrients are substances that the cell of your body cannot make themselves. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Gas exchange occurs at each individual alveolus. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Infertility is the inability of a couple, whether the male or the female, to conceive. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: LH and FSH spike around day 13 of the female reproductive cycle. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Ligaments are structures that hold bones together across joints. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Neurotransmitters are molecules that move across the synapse and bind to protein receptors on the target cell. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Swollen and red tissue is a hallmark of the inflammatory response. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: The balance of water and ions is maintained by the urinary system. if false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: The endocrine system controls large scale processes such as growth and metabolism. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Your blood carries wastes, nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, proteins and electrolytes. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false:As a generalization, the brain is the central command center of the nervous system, the spinal cord is the superhighway to and from the brain. If false, make it a correct statement.


True or false: Even though the protein in a drumstick is nearly the same as the protein in the leg, your body still breaks the protein down into small molecules. If false, make it a correct statement.

True, (larger nutrients in food are never used directly)

Which of the following structures is responsible for expelling urine?


Briefly explain why viral STD's are more problematic than those caused by bacteria.

Viral STD's last a long time (lifetime) Bacterial STD's can be cured.

Explain how eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia lead to malnutrition.

With both anorexia and bulimia, you are not taking in a healthy number of calories and your body isn't absorbing enough nutrients for the body to function properly.

"The whole is greater than the sum of the parts" is a statement you hear often about sports teams. Briefly explain what the statement means in the context of anatomy and physiology.

Your body is a whole unit, not just individual parts. You wouldn't be able to perform all the functions your body does if the body systems did not work together.

Which of the following is the term given to the single cell that results from fertilization?


What do a ball and socket and saddle joint have in common?

able to move in more than one direction or plane

Place the following levels of biological organization into the proper order from smallest to largest: tissues, cells, organ systems, organs, organism.

cells , tissues, organs, organ system, organism

Which of these includes the other? Cerebrum....cerebral cortex.

cerebral cortex includes the cerebrum.

If you have a diet lacking in fiber and you are inactive, you are at risk for what ailment?


Explain the basic difference between contraception and infertility.

contraception is the deliberate prevention of getting pregnant. Infertility means there is something wrong with the system in the body that will not allow the person to get pregnant.

A common misconception is that, when a muscle contracts, it is actually getting longer. What is actually happening to the muscle? Are you able to explain why the muscle bulges, which gives rise to the misconception?

during a muscle contraction, the thick filaments and the thin filaments slide over each other.

Humans have a (n) _____________-,a structure consisting of bones within our bodies.


_____, the joining of egg and sperm, occurs in the _____.

fertilization and oviducts

One of the most fundamental relationships in biology between____________ and ________

form and function.

Place the steps of the blood's path through the body in order starting with blood entering the heart, lungs, right atrium, left ventricle, left atrium, right atrium, to the body, from the body.

from the body, right atrium, right ventricle, lungs, left atrium, left ventricle, to the body

Organs that produce sex cells are referred to as _____.


List the four stages of food processing in order from beginning to end: absorption, ingestion, elimination and digestion.

ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination

Place the following organs in order with respect to their location along your digestive tract: pharynx, anus, stomach, mouth and small intestine.

mouth, pharynx, stomach, small intestine, anus

Place the following events of contraction in order: ATP binds myosin, causing it to detach from actin: myosin attaches to actin: the myosin head moves back into a favorable position to contact actin:and myosin pulls the actin.

myosin attaches to actin, myosin pulls the actin, ATP binds myosin, causing it to detach from actin, the myosin head moves back into a favorable position to contact actin

A common misconception students have about fertilization is that it occurs in the vagina. However, it usually occurs in the __________.

oviduct (fallopian tube)

What key event of the female reproductive cycle occurs on or around day 14?


Where would you expect to find a high concentration of oxyhemoglobin? What about deoxyhemoglobin?>

oxyhemoglobin would be found mostly in the capillaries surrounding the lungs and deoxyhemoglobin would be found mostly in the capillaries surrounding body cells.

A common misconception is that platelets are cells. What would you say to a student who asks you if platelets are calls?

platelets are not cells, rather pieces of cell fragments. Even though they are formed in the bone marrow like RBC and most WBC, they are formed in a different bone marrow which makes them cell fragments.

Briefly explain how an action, like swinging a baseball bat, involves coordination between the PNS and CNS.

sensory input (seeing the ball) is PNS integration (registering to swing at the ball) is CNS motor output (act of swinging) PNS

All human senses are a result of special cells generally called _____.

sensory receptors.

A(n) _________ is a group of cells with similar structures and functions.


Pregnancy is divided into three ____, each about ____months long.

trimesters, three

Which structure of the male reproductive system is cut during a vasectomy?

vas deferens

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