Chapter 11 - Quiz

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**37. Ingesting a drug that impairs the user's biological or psychological well-being is referred to as _____.

drug abuse

**36. The extra capacity built into each organ, such as the heart and lungs, that allows a person to cope with extraordinary demands and to withstand organ strain is called _____.

organ reserve

**47. Define homeostasis, and give an example of how it works and how it changes with age.

Homeostasis is a balance between various parts of the body systems that keeps every physical function in sync with every other. Homeostasis works quickest in early adulthood, partly because all the organs have power in reserve for sudden demands. For example, if the air temperature rises, people sweat, move slowly, and thirst for cold drinks—three aspects of body functioning that cool them. Because homeostasis takes longer, the body dissipates heat less efficiently with age. Sometimes the demands temporarily overwhelm the heart, kidneys, or other organs.

**49. Describe Erikson's stage of intimacy versus isolation.

In Erikson's theory, after achieving identity, people experience the intimacy versus isolation crisis. This crisis arises from the powerful desire to share one's personal life with someone else. Without such intimacy, adults suffer from loneliness and isolation. The urge for social connection is a powerful human impulse. Therefore, adults seek to become friends, lovers, companions, and partners.

**46. Your friend has just celebrated her 21st birthday, and she is concerned that "it is all downhill from here." Based on what you have learned, give your friend three positive facts about the physical effects of emerging adulthood.

Positive facts include (1) increased physical strength; (2) that every body system— including the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and sexual-reproductive systems— functions optimally at the beginning of adulthood; and that (3) some childhood ailments are outgrown. (4) Organ reserve is at its peak, and (5) young adults rarely experience serious diseases such as cancer since organ reserve, homeostasis, and allostasis all work in harmony. (6) Emerging adults recover quickly from exercising too long, staying awake all night, or drinking too much alcohol. *LIST THREE*

**48. Give an example of a potential positive outcome of emerging adult's increased willingness to take risks. Give an example of a potential negative outcome of emerging adult's increased willingness to take risks.

The emerging adult's willingness to take chances sometimes is beneficial. For example, enrolling in college, moving to a new state or nation, getting married, and having a baby are all risky behaviors. So is starting a business, filming a documentary, entering an athletic contest, enlisting in the military, or joining the Peace Corps. Emerging adults do all these more than older adults, and societies benefit. However, risk taking is often destructive. Although their bodies are strong and their reactions quick, emerging adults nonetheless have more serious accidents than do people of any other age. The same impulses that are admired by the young in extreme sports also lead to actions that are clearly destructive, not only for individuals but for the community. The most studied of these are sexual risks and drug abuse. Both promiscuity and drug use increase in emerging adulthood, which suggests that one might lead to the other.

**50. What are the differences between women's friendships and men's friendships?

Women's friendships are typically more intimate and emotional. Women expect to share secrets and engage in self-disclosing talk (including difficulties with their health, romances, and relatives) with their friends. Women reveal their weaknesses and problems and receive an attentive and sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on. By contrast, men are less likely to touch each other except in aggressive activities, such as competitive athletics or military combat. The butt-slapping or body- slamming immediately after a sports victory, or the sobbing in a buddy's arms in the aftermath of a battlefield loss, are rare in everyday life. By contrast, many women routinely hug friends in greeting or farewell.

**22. Emerging adult Jaqueline is a heavy social media user. She tends to have _____ face- to-face friends than do nonusers. A) more B) less C) the same amount of D) variable


18. Intimacy is the desire for _____. A) social connection B) generativity C) sexual intercourse D) self-esteem


23. In researching cross-sex friendships, Dr. Danek has found that they are _____. A) common B) rare C) absent D) atypical


3. Emerging adults are in a high-risk category for _____. A) serious injury and violent death B) complications from surgery C) age discrimination D) infertility


8. Which of the following is likely to be a possible reaction to stereotype threat? A) the high school drop-out rate for African American males should increase B) young girls' preferences for playing with dolls over trucks should change C) romantic relationship partners living together without being married should decrease D) women's performance on the math portion of the SAT should increase


**14. Personality traits present at age 18 _____. A) never disappear by age 25 B) rarely disappear by age 25 C) usually disappear by age 25 D) always disappear by age 25


1. Shaunquelle has recently finished high school and is now attending college. After earning her undergraduate degree she plans to continue on to graduate school. In addition, she is not seriously dating anyone and thinks marriage and parenthood are years away. Shaunquelle is at which developmental stage? A) late adolescence B) emerging adulthood C) extended adolescence D) young adulthood


15. During emerging adulthood, self-esteem and happiness _____ for most people. A) decrease B) increase C) stay the same D) do not exist


21. Friendships reach their peak of functional significance during _____. A) adolescence B) emerging adulthood C) middle adulthood D) late adulthood


24. Of the college students below, who is most likely to hook up? A) Alice, who is eager to graduate in one month because she never really fit into the social scene B) Sam, who just started college and is lonely because he hasn't yet made many good friends C) Juanita, who just started college, has made lots of new friends, and has made many connections through activities and classes D) Jasper, who graduates in a few months and already feels sad about leaving the close circle of friends he formed in college


7. Dr. Richman is conducting research on whether women perform worse on a math test when they are asked to indicate their gender prior to taking the text. Dr. Richman is exploring the concept of _____. A) cognitive flexibility B) stereotype threat C) postconventional thinking D) effortful control


**10. The six-year graduation rate at public colleges is _____ percent. A) 30 B) 40 C) 50 D) 60


11. A new pedagogical technique in which students are required to watch videos of a lecture on their computers before class and then participate in discussions in class facilitated by the professor is called _____. A) a MOOC B) a nontraditional student C) a flipped class D) massification


12. Sunny watched a video of her professor's lecture on genes and environment the night before class. In class the next day, her professor facilitated a discussion about the role of nature and nurture with respect to development. Sunny was experiencing _____. A) a MOOC B) a nontraditional student C) a flipped class D) massification


19. A term for parents who hover over their emerging adults, ready to swoop down if any problem arises, is _____ parents. A) hovering B) vigilant C) helicopter D) supportive


2. Many emerging adults want to engage in sexual activity but know that they are not emotionally ready to be parents. Their solution is _____. A) abstinence B) monogamy C) contraception D) early marriage


20. Ian just learned his final grade in history. He was upset because he thought he was going to do better and called his mother to tell her about it. His mother then contacted the professor (without Ian's permission or knowledge) to ask that Ian's grade be changed because he had worked really hard in the class, or at least that he be given a chance to retake the final test. In this example, Ian's mother is a _____ parent. A) hovering B) vigilant C) helicopter D) supportive


4. Malcolm has just taken a position as an emergency room nurse. He is likely to notice _____. A) an absence of emerging adults in the emergency room B) emerging adults who do not respond to typical doses of medications C) emerging adults with a variety of injuries D) emerging adults suffering from heart disease, cancer, and stroke


5. All of the following beliefs reflect cognitive flexibility EXCEPT _____. A) a person's perspective is only one of many B) a problem has many potential solutions C) life plans are static D) knowledge is dynamic


6. Silas was raised in a home where men did not help with housework or cooking because those chores were deemed "women's work." At age 20, he does not agree with that view, but hides his negative reaction to it when visiting his parents' home. Silas is demonstrating _____. A) emotional flexibility B) emotional inflexibility C) cognitive flexibility D) cognitive inflexibility


9. The recent effort by countries around the world to increase the number of young people attending college is prompted by national governments' belief in _____. A) stereotype threat B) moratorium C) massification D) linked lives


**39. The ability to change childhood assumptions—for example, by marrying later— illustrates _____.

cognitive flexibility

13. Bart is 21 years old and is not sure what kind of work he would like to do after college. Like many Americans his age, Bart has not yet developed a _____ identity. A) true B) political C) educational D) vocational


16. According to Erikson, once an emerging adult has established a sense of identity, he or she needs to resolve which crisis? A) trust versus mistrust B) generativity versus stagnation C) identity versus role confusion D) intimacy versus isolation


17. Now that he is in his 20s, Juan wants to find someone to share his life with. Erikson would say that Juan is in the stage of _____. A) trust versus mistrust B) generativity versus stagnation C) identity versus role confusion D) intimacy versus isolation


25. Patricia and Raul live together as a romantic couple but they are not married. Their living arrangement is called _____. A) a dual relationship B) a hookup C) romance D) cohabitation


26. If it gets chilly, allostasis causes pores to constrict and bodies to shiver. A) True B) False


32. Cross-sex friendships are almost always preludes to romance. A) True B) False


34. Hookups always involve sexual intercourse. A) True B) False


38. Postformal thinking differs from earlier thinking in three major ways: It is more _____, more practical, and more dialectical.


44. People who are lonely are more likely to _____, which may be more common for students new to a college.


42. Sally is a 60-year-old retired woman whose son recently had his first child. Sally will be taking care of her grandchild so that her son and daughter-in-law can return to work. The intertwining of the needs and experiences of these family members, all at a different stage of life, is referred to as _____.

linked lives

**43. Western emerging adults rated faithfulness the most important factor for a successful _____.


45. There is a noticeable trend among emerging adults to postpone, but not totally reject, the commitment of _____.


41. The fifth stage of Erikson's stages of development is identity versus _____.

role confusion

40. The possibility that one's appearance or behavior will be misread to confirm another person's oversimplified, prejudiced attitude is referred to as _____.

stereotype threat

27. The characteristics of postformal thought (practical, flexible, dialectical) are evident as the brain matures. A) True B) False


28. The possibility of being negatively stereotyped arouses emotions that could disrupt cognition or emotional regulation. A) True B) False


29. Perry described students' thinking through nine levels of complexity over the four years that lead to a bachelor's degree. A) True B) False


30. An individual is likely to have higher self-esteem while in emerging adulthood than adolescence. A) True B) False


31. Erik Erikson's sixth developmental crisis occurs during emerging adulthood and is known as intimacy versus isolation. A) True B) False


33. In a survey of emerging adults in North America, participants indicated that faithfulness was the most important factor in a successful long-term relationship. A) True B) False


35. Emerging adults of both sexes say that if they want a serious relationship with someone, they are more likely to hook up with them to see if they are sexually compatible. A) True B) False


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