Chapter 11: The Prokaryotes: Domains Bacteria and Archaea

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which of the following bacteria does NOT fix nitrogen?


Azospirillum, Azotobacter, and Azomonas share which of the following?

nitrogen-fixing ability

due to their commercial value as a source of antibiotics, over 500 species of the genus ____________ have been described.



no peptidoglycan in the cell wall, grow intracellularly, chlamydia and chlamydophila form an elementary body that is infective

which disease is caused by a bacterium that does NOT have peptidoglycan in its cell wall?

nongonococcal urethritis

some members of the domain archaea are included in the normal microbiota of the human body.


the lactobacilli are used in the commercial production of yogurt, buttermilk, and sauerkraut.


how many different bacterial species have been described?


alphaproteobacteria examples

Azospirillum, Rickettsia, Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium, Agrobacterium

the human intestinal tract contains enteric bacteria but is an unlikely environment in which to find Bacteroides.


which of the following is an endospore-forming bacterium?


which of the following organisms produce endospores?

Bacillus species

all of the following can form filaments EXCEPT



Causes relapsing fever and Lyme disease; transmitted by ticks or lice


Class of diverse Gram-negative bacteria in the phylum Proteobacteria capable of growing at very low nutrient levels.

which organism is an obligate anaerobe?

Clostridium perfringens

which of these bacteria does NOT belong with the others? all organisms, except one, belong to the Firmicutes



E. cloacae and E. aerogenes cause UTI's and nosocomial infections; opportunistic microbes

which of these bacteria is NOT associated with foodborne illness?


Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium

Fix nitrogen in the roots of leguminous plants; Known by the common name of rhizobia


Helical or curved; microaerophilic ex. helicobacter

which of the following bacteria does NOT belong with the others? All organisms, except one, are all in the phylum Spirochaetes.


which of the following is an example of a helical bacterium that does NOT make a complete twist?


Why is Burkholderia a frequent cause of nosocomial infections?

It grows on unusual carbon sources and some antiseptics


L. monocytogenes contaminates food


Largest and most diverse class of proteobacteria

which member of the gammaproteobacteria is a potential cause of pneumonia and can be found in warm-water supply lines and air conditioning cooling towers?


which of the following genera contains organisms that are psychrotrophic?



N. gonorrhoeae: cause of gonorrhoea; N. meningitidis: causes meningococcal meningitis

which of these bacteria is NOT in the phylum Actinobacteria?


which of the following bacteria are INCORRECTLY matched with gram reaction and morphology?

Neisseria; gram-positive coccus

a bacterium isolated from the soil has the following characteristics: it is a gram-negative straight rod, it is aerobic and motile, it produces water-soluble pigment, and it readily grows on several common laboratory media. Ribosomal RNA analysis places this bacterium with the gammaproteobacteria. This organism is most likely in the genus ___________.



mycoplasm; lack a cell wall, pleomorphic (it can change shape); M. pneumoniae causes mild pneumonia


Non-motile rods; B. pertussis: causes whooping cough

which of the following statements is NOT true for Pelagibacter?

Pelagibacter's photosynthetic capability makes it a key produces in marine ecosystems


most are capable of growing with very low levels of nutrients; many have stalks or buds known as prosthecae

which organism is NOT correctly matched to its motility

Spirillum; axial filaments

Rickettsias are different from most other bacteria in that they _____________

are obligate intracellular parasites

which of the following is NOT a member of domain archaea?


which of the following bacteria does NOT belong with the others? Some of these organisms belong to the Enterobacteriales (enterics).



Y. pestis causes plague; transmitted via fleas


attacks other gram-negative bacteria; lives between peptidoglycan and outer membrane of gram-negative cells


aerotolerant anaerobes, produce lactic acid from simple carbohydrates, Lactobacillus colonize the body and are used commercially in food production ex. used in yogurt and gives it the sour taste


always live in extreme environments, distinct taxonomic grouping, lack peptidoglycan, non-pathogenic


anaerobic and produce methane


anaerobic, are found in the mouth, cause dental abscesses, biofilms

deltaproteobacteria examples



multiple flagella, causes peptic ulcers and stomach cancer


carry out oxygenic photosynthesis, many contain heterocysts that can fix nitrogen, gas vesicles that provide buoyancy, unicellular or filamentous

Firmicutes examples

clostridium, bacillus, staphylococcus, lactobacillales, streptococcus, enterococcus, listeria


coiled and move via axial filaments (endoflagella)


commonly called enterics; inhabit the intestinal tract; ferment carbohydrates, facultative anaerobes, peritrichous flagella (all over the cell)

all of the following groups include bacteria that are pathogenic for humans EXCEPT


which of these bacteria does NOT belong with the others? These organisms are different because they perform oxygenic photosynthesis


which answer is NOT true of bacterial photosynthesis and/or photosynthetic bacteria?

cyanobacteria deposit sulfur derived from the splitting of hydrogen sulfide outside of the cells

nonproteobacteria examples

cyanobacteria, chlamydiae, fusobacteria, spirochaetes, borrelia, deinococcus radiodurans

The Mycoplasmas appear to have evolved from gram-positive bacteria that have lost the genes that encode enzymes for peptidoglycan production. This evolutionary loss of genetic material is known as

degenerative evolution

which group of bacteria is known for containing organisms that are predators on other bacteria?


For reproduction in Chlamydia, the bacterial cells are released from host cells as ______________ bodies.



endospore-producing rods, B. anthracis causes anthrax, B. thuringiensis is an insert pathogen, B. cereus causes food poisoning (opportunistic pathogen)


endospore-producing; obligate anaerobes; includes disease-causing C. tetani, C. botulinum, C. perfringens, and C. difficile

members of the order enterobacteriales are commonly referred to as the


enterics are __________

facultatively anaerobic; gram-negative rods

almost all microorganisms in the environment have been identified.


nitrogen fixation and nitrification are two names for the same chemical process


nitrogen fixation can occur only in bacteria that live in a symbiotic relationship with legumes.


prokaryotes in the Domain Archaea have peptidoglycan that is indistinguishable from that of prokaryotes in the Domain Bacteria.


gram-positive bacterial groups

firmicutes, tenericutes, actinobacteria

some members of the genus Rhizobium are notable for their ability to

form nodules in plant roots that allow nitrogen fixation


forms propionic acid; P. acnes causes severe and infected acne


found in aquatic habitats, curved with flagella, pops up in tsunamis and hurricanes


found in freshwater, move via flagella, curved shape


found in the intestinal tract, hospital contaminants, E. faecalis and E. faccium infect surgical wounds and the urinary tract

the ________________ constitute the largest subgroup of the proteobacteria.



gram negative, predators on other bacteria

enterics are

gram-negative facultative anaerobes that are found in the intestines of animals


grapelike clusters, S. aureus causes wound infections, is often antibiotic resistant, and produces an enterotoxin


grow in soil, using nutrients excreted by plants; forms associations with roots; fixes nitrogen


halophiles, thermophiles

Borrelia, the causative agent of Lyme disease, is a spirochete similar to the causative agent of syphilis, Treponema. Both bacteria _______________.

have axial filaments

which of the following statements concerning Mycobacterium tuberculosis is true?

it is aerobic


high G+C gram positive bacteria


high G+C; gram-positive; often pleomorphic, branching filaments, often common inhabitants of soil

which of these descriptive terms best fits organisms growing near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor?


which type of organism might be found growing near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor?


enteric bacteria would most likely be found in which environment?

intestinal tract of an animal


isolated from soil, produce most antibiotics

actinobacteria examples

mycobacterium, propionibacterium, streptomyces


low G+C gram positive bacteria


low G+C gram positive bacteria

deinococcus radiodurans

more resistant to radiation than endospores


obligate intracellular parasites, cause spotted fevers, transmitted by insect and tick bites, dependent upon a host cell


opportunistic pathogens, nosocomial infections; metabolically diverse; polar flagella, common in soil, live in hospital environments, use some cleaning agents as a nutrient


outermost layer of mycolic acids that is waxy and water-resistant, often slow-growing, M. tuberculosis causes tuberculosis, M. leprae causes leprosy

the cyanobacteria are believed to have played a key role in changing Earth's atmosphere due to their production of _________.



plant pathogen, causes crown gall; inserts a plasmid into plant cells, inducing a tumor

Erwinia bacteria produce an enzyme that breaks down pectin. You would expect Erwinia to cause diseases in which type of organism?


some actinomycetes are similar to filamentous fungi because they _________

produce aseuxal reproductive spores


produces red pigment, common cause of nosocomial infections

gram-negative bacteria groups

proteobacteria; alphaproteobacteria; betaproteobacteria; gammaproteobacteria; deltaproteobacteria; epsilonproteobacteria; nonproteobacteria

Gammaproteobacteria examples

pseudomonas; vibrionales; enterobacteriales; serratia; yersinia; enterobacter; haemophilus


require X factor (heme) and V factor (NAD+, NADP+); H. influenzae causes meningitis, caraches and epiglottis


require growth temperatures of > 80 degrees celcius


requires a salt concentration of >25%

Salmonella enterica is divided into many groups or "varieties," known as _______________, based on serological tests.



spherical shaped in chains, produce enzymes that destroy tissue, beta-hemolytic streptococci hemolyze blood agar, non-beta-hemolytic streptococci include S. pneumoniae and S. mutans, which causes dental caries

betaproteobacteria examples

spirillum, bordetella, neisseria

a new microorganism has been discovered that resides in the mouths of dogs. this microorganism lacks a nucleus, has a cell wall consisting of peptidoglycan and an outer membrane of lipopolysaccharide, is shaped like a corkscrew, and is motile by means of an axial filament. this organism is most likely related to _____________.


which of the following statements concerning Pseudomonas is true?

the bacteria can metabolize a wide variety of substrates

what is true of the Mycoplasma genus?

they are genetically related to gram-positive bacteria; they may produce filaments that resemble fungi; they are unusually small bacteria; they are highly pleomorphic

which of the following statements is NOT true of the genus Mycoplasma?

they are obligate intracellular pathogens

why are cyanobacteria classified as bacteria, rather than algae?

they are prokaryotic cells

which of the following statements is true of members of the order Lactobacillales?

they do not perform aerobic or anaerobic respiration

which is NOT true of the rickettsias?

they reproduce by fragmentation

mycobacteria are acid-fast


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