Chapter 11

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What are some guidelines for developing a communications campaign for multicultural audiences?

1) organizing a team with an understanding of the customs and values of the specific culture 2) understand that consumers are diverse and they respond to messages that are culturally relevant 3) Remember that culturally diverse consumers are loyal once your products and services become part of their lives 4) use the primary language of the audience 5.) Use spokespersons who represent the audience

How can technology be used to segment audiences?

1. Computer and other technologies can be used to conduct primary and secondary research to better identify the target audiences. 2. Geographic data, social statistics, automobile registrations, voter registrations, sales figures, mailing lists, and membership lists can all be merged into organized databases. 3. Technology has enabled more efficient and effective public relations efforts in regard to reaching audiences beyond geographical boundaries.

What are some of the cultural values of such groups as Hispanics, African-Americans, and Asian Americans?

1. a deep family network, the mother or father as the family figure 2. focus on music, food, religion, and a strong bond between family and friends 3. more loyal to brands that try to reach them through cultural relevance, including language.

What are some characteristics of the gay/lesbian community?

1. a strong per capita buying power ($45,300 per year), being highly educated 2. being highly loyal to a brand 3. tending to purchase products that target advertisements to gay consumers and support gay issues.

Why are women considered an important audience for public relations and marketing personnel?

1. because of their consumer purchasing power. 2. make over 80 percent of household purchase decisions and as a result 3. are being considered the "influentials" for many campaigns. 4. faster to embrace new media and are highly connected through friends where word of mouth influence is paramount.

Why is the senior audience so important in the United States? What are some of the characteristics of this audience?

1. fast-growing audience (36.3 million in 2010) of men and women age 65 and older 2. Its primary characteristics are: (1) not easily convinced by fads, (2) vote in greater numbers and are heavy consumers of mass media, (3) form an excellent source of volunteers and (4) are extremely health- conscious, out of self-interest.

What is the baby boomer generation, and what are some of this group's characteristics?

1. group of men and women born between 1946 and 1964. 2. make up 24% of the U.S. population (approximately 78 million people) and as a result of their influence in the marketplace 3. have been the focus of many marketing and public relations efforts. 4. Characteristics of this audience include being concerned about health care, insurance, retirement planning, and personal investing; being active and socially conscious; having disposable income; and being likely to get involved in a cause.

What is the fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States?

Hispanics. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau predicts that Hispanics will number more than 130 million by 2050.

What racial/ethnic group has the highest median income and percentage of college degrees?

In terms of income and education, Asian Americans are the most affluent and well-educated multicultural group. The median family income, for example, is $66,000 - 28 percent higher than the total median U.S. income. Fifty percent of Asian Americans over the age of 25 have undergraduate degrees compared to 28 percent of the U.S. population.

To what extent are the Internet and social media used by various ethnic and racial groups?

There is virtually no difference between Hispanic youth and the general youth population in regards to heavy use of social media like Facebook. Companies are turning more and more to the Internet to reach multicultural audiences.

Public relations practitioners are cautioned not to think of audiences as monolithic, but very diverse. Why?

because audience interests coincide at times but also conflict at other times and understanding these similarities and differences is critical for reaching audiences effectively. Public relations practitioners need to research their target audience and match the audience to the purpose and the media to reach them.

How do you think the various changes in the racial and ethnic makeup of the United States will impact the future practice of public relations? The future of presidential elections?

minority populations form many target audiences, not a massive monolithic group whose members have identical interests. The notions of targeting (through thorough research) will be critical for these burgeoning publics. More specifically, public relations practitioners will have to understand and embrace different customs, values and languages, recognize the differing characteristics that define each ethnicity, and utilize appropriate ethnic media in reaching diverse audiences. Republicans, in particular, are working to attract more Hispanic voters in the next presidential election.

What are some characteristics of Millennials, also called the E-Generation?

¥ They will spend equal time interacting with friends online and in person. ¥ Initial interaction online will precede most dating and marriages. ¥ They will spend more time online than in interaction with parents by tenfold. ¥ They will be more reserved in social skills. ¥ They will be savvy and skeptical about online identities such as chat participants. ¥ They will not tolerate print forms, slow application processes, or archaic systems. ¥ Millennials value relationships and trust. ¥ Parents still rule when it comes to advice about careers and drugs, and even for product decisions. ¥ Trust in information is derived from relationships. ¥ The top five sources of advice are parents, doctors, clergy, friends, and teachers. ¥ As avid and skilled Internet users, millennials remain savvy about unfiltered and unpoliced content. ¥ Teens also recognize the credibility of editorial content compared to ads and even public service announcements, with television being the most trusted medium for them.

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