US2 Ch.4 Notes+Videos

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Reasons for US interest in Latin America

1. Keep europeans out of our backyard. 2. Protect US citizens and property 3. Sense of duty and responsibility 4. Desire to connect Atlantic and Pacific with a canal

What are humans are made by opponents of the project in Nicaragua

1. The project was being rushed. 2.Debt of the Chinese government, believe Wang Jing was the front of the Chinese government 3. Environmental problems such as polluted water and the volcanoes becoming active 4. Social damage the project will displace people

1901 Hay-Herran Treaty

16 mile strip of land 99 year lease 10 mill up front 250,000 year rent

What is the cost of the project and Nicaragua and where will the money come from

50 billion and the money would come from wang jing a Chinese billionaire

Lingda Bol

A 19-year-old girl. Human face on social problems.


A patriot with strong foreign-policy even pursue more if need be. Believed in imperialism

El Tule

A small town in the path of the canal

Senator Coberson

Against the annexation of the Philippines.

December 31, 1999

America gave the canal to Panama but still hold the right to defend the neutrality


American gunboat that blocked Colombian soldiers from getting into panama

Protect US citizens and property

Americans owned 40% of Mexico's property

Senator Hoar

Anti-annexation. Believe that annexing the Philippines would cause war with Japan and a nation cannot be happy without a government of their own choice.

Mark Twain

Anti-annexation. Was believed it later because he was against the bad treatment of the Filipinos and if the US were to go to war the flag should be changed to skull and cross bones and become black.

Francisco José Urrutica

Colombian foreign minister

What was the obstacle in building The Panama Canal


How was the matter resolved

Compensating Columbia with 25 million

Colombia demands ___________


Why did Delesseps company fail

Costs were out of hand and the time was over extended. Panama being a deathtrap also could not attract workers.

Roosevelt was described as "_______________" after Panama agrees.

Cowboy diplomacy

Corporal William Smith

Did the water treatment. Served with honor but did not believe that he was honorable and burned houses filled with native men women and children.

Why was Panama considered to be a deathtrap

Disease, harsh terrain, heat, mud, rain, ticks chiggers and snakes

Why connect the oceans?

Economic and military


Enormous lake and mountains or shorter

What was the previous relationship between US and Columbia

Friendly and goodwill

Canal workers

From Barbados and west Indies received $.10 in our work 10 hours a day for six days a week. They were already acclimated to the heat.

Rule of railroads

Hauled away dirt from construction site and brought equipment and people

What is Roosevelt doing in the cartoon?

He is digging the canal himself, throwing dirt on Columbia to disrespect them because they refused to sign the treaty.

Roosevelts trip

He was the first president to leave the US while in office and went to prove that it was safe.

"Chinese planting the flag"

If the Chinese pay for the canal they would claim control of it.

John Stevens

Influenced the use of locks, Rail road system, improved living conditions

What will the advantage of the Nicaraguan canal be over the Panama Canal

It is more current so attract larger vessels because there is a Panamax. Some vessels cannot fit in the Panama Canal.

Why did interest in a central American canal increase with the coming of steamships?

It was more practical, traveling longer distances than ever before so it saved money and time.

Emilio Aguinaldo

Leader of the Filipino revolt. Vouches for Filipino freedom because America is denying them independence.

What causes geographic blindness?

Making a decision on the distance and not the topography.

Keep europeans out of our backyard

Monroe doctrine 1820 Latin America was closed to colonization Matter of national security

Where to build?

Nicaragua Panama

Private Richard O'Brien

Order to shoot rebels and take no prisoners. There were no shots from the Filipinos, the American soldiers just shot civilians and were told to burn the village to leave no evidence.

Conspiracy Theories

Ortega just one of the land and would use it for Chinese industry

What has the Panama Canal done for the nation of Panama

Panama has become the most prosperous in the region, it provides jobs and generates revenue.

Panamanian revolt

Panama was angry at Columbia for not taking the agreement with United States. The building of the Canal would have created jobs and produce a lot of money. And won their independence to buy the Canal.

Daniel Ortega

President of Nicaragua

Bishop Thoburn

Pro annexation. Believe that the Filipinos were our little brown brothers and that they could not be self governed. He believed that the Filipinos were not equal to the Anglo-Saxons. He only spent two weeks in the Philippines so it lessens his credibility.

Alfred Mahan

Pro annexation. Believed the Philippines was needed to complete the stepping stone to Asia. An admiral in the Navy..

Senator Beveridge

Pro annexation. Believes that Filipinos were less than US people, that God gave the US a mission to help the underdeveloped in they have the right to conquer.

Senator Parker

Pro annexation. Right of conquest.

"uplift civilize christianize"

Said by McKinley God's grace to do all they could with the Philippines.

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

Same terms as herran except perpetual (forever)


Shorten and cheap in trade routes through 2000 miles to 5000 miles Lower shipping wages and shorter trips


Shortest distance between the lakes, 50 miles Permission was needed from Columbia

Construction date Nicaraguan canal

Starts December 2014 and end in five years

Why is there a doubt that the canal will ever be build

The Chinese have not been back since I took measurements and there was a struggle to raise finances also a chance of being active volcanos

Pros of the Roosevelt corollary

The US is protecting the Latin American nations of Europe your intrusion, the big brother

Cons of the Roosevelt corollary

The US was not invited this cause bitterness. And was actually used in Cuba Mexico and haiti

Ferdinand Delesseps

The builder of the sea level Suez Canal. Believe he could build the Panama Canal at sea level

August 15, 1914

The grand opening of the Panama Canal. Anton sails from one side to the other.

Francisco Telemaco Talauera

The leader of Nicaragua's Head of gran Canal commission

When the Columbian soldiers arrived to put down the insurrection what happened?

The railroad refused to transport the soldiers.

Why might it be smart for the US to compensate Columbia

The safety of the canal

How did science and technology change history

They had more information about your fever, there were steam powered equipment and electrical components when I have been possible years earlier.


With a worldwide colonies US needs to move US navy quickly Example of the USS Oregon had a 68 days journey during the Spanish-American war and they were not able to make it before the end of the war

For what reasons is Nicaragua interested in building a canal

To get the nation out of dire poverty and creating 50,000 jobs during the building and 200,000 jobs when it's made.


Took over the project after Stevens quit, had a military background and experience with locks and dams. The project was finished ahead of schedule and under cost.

"Might over right"

Trying to force over a long. Example was about to go to the canal by force over do you legally owned by Columbia.

Columbia backs out

U.S. Senate ratifies but Columbia backs out at last minute seeking more money. Columbia believe because President Roosevelt wanted the canal built so bad that they can get more money for it. Colombia is described as dishonorable and greedy.

William Gorgas

US army Doctor Who discovered yellow fever came from mosquitoes

US interests in panama

US claimed to the public that they were neutral but privately they supplied the Rebels this caused Panama to win the revolt and make the deal with US.

Roosevelt corollary 1905

US for service the policeman of the Western Hemisphere, any intervention will be done by US

After Roosevelts death

US pays Columbia 25 million in 1921

Engineering success in US

Western railroads Brooklyn Bridge Skyscrapers

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