SOCI Module CH 3/4

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In 1986, the federal government enacted what law that offered amnesty to illegal immigrants already in the country, but outlawed the hiring of undocumented immigrants to discourage further illegal immigration? a. the Open Door Act b. Immigrant Control and Reform Act c. the Melting Pot Act d. the Dream Act

Immigrant Control and Reform Act

A dimension of gender stratification, which occurs more than 1.5 million times each year, is a. women losing custody of a child. b. an act of violence directed against a woman. c. women sharing housework with men. d. a woman arrested for a violent crime.

an act of violence directed against a woman

A stereotype is defined as a. hostility directed toward people in some category. b. the experience we have dealing with people of some category. c. an exaggerated description applied to every person in some category. d. the fear of people within some category.

an exaggerated description applied to every person in some category.

In Latin, "Homo sapiens" means a. "erect creature." b. "bipedal creature." c. "thinking person." d. "walking man."

"thinking person"

The 2010 median pay for full-time employed workers was $47,715 for men; for women it was a. $25,931. b. $30,931. c. $36,931. d. $40,931.


Women were what percent of the U.S. military fighting in Iraq? a. 0 b. 4 c. 14 d. 44


In recent years, the weak U.S. economy has reduced illegal immigration to the United States from Mexico. Even so, about how many people have crossed this border illegally in recent years? a. 15,000 b. 150,000 c. 1.5 million d. 15 million


Women in the United States gained the right to vote in a. 1789. b. 1865. c. 1920. d. 1965.


A law extending citizenship to American Indians was enacted in what year? a. 1833 b. 1865 c. 1924 d. 1968


The legal segregation of the armed forces of the United States came to an end in what year? a. 1865 b. 1948 c. 1954 d. 1968


If current trends continue, minorities will together make up a majority of the entire U.S. population by about a. 2015. b. 2022. c. 2042. d. 2062.


Overall, Asian Americans represent what share of the U.S. population? a. 4.9 percent b. 10.2 percent c. 14.5 percent d. 24.9 percent

4.9 percent

In the United States, women earn what share of all bachelor's degrees? a. 5% b. 23% c. 48% d. 57%


In the United States, what share of married women with children under age six are working for income? a. 20 b. 40 c. 60 d. 80


Marriage between people of different racial categories now accounts for about what share of all marriages in the United States? a. half of 1 percent b. 1 percent c. 7.5 percent d. 25 percent

7.5 percent

Which of the following statements is correct? a. Today, women and men are equal in U.S. society. b. Most of the full professors and college deans in the United States are women. c. A cultural concern about beauty ends up encouraging women to allow men to control them. d. Patriarchy exists in traditional societies but not in modern societies.

A cultural concern about beauty ends up encouraging women to allow men to control them.

What was the landmark 1954 decision of the United States Supreme Court that rejected the claim that black and white children could receive "separate but equal" schooling? a. Roe v. Wade b. Dred Scott c. Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka (Kansas) d. Miranda v. Arizona

Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka (Kansas)

Statements in support of the traditional dominance of men over women can be found in the prayers and sacred texts for which religions? a. only Christianity b. only Judaism c. only Islam d. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

According to the government, which of the following is this country's largest racial or ethnic minority? a. African Americans b. Hispanic Americans c. Asian Americans d. Arab Americans

Hispanic Americans

Which one of the following categories of full-time employed people, on average, earns the least? a. Hispanic men b. Hispanic women c. White women d. African American women

Hispanic women

Which of the following is a pattern noted in symbolic-interaction research involving gender? a. Men have a tendency to listen politely while women speak. b. Women have a tendency to interrupt men when men are speaking. c. Men have a tendency to interrupt women when women are speaking. d. Women smile less often than men do.

Men have a tendency to interrupt women when women are speaking.

Which of the following nations may well be the least patriarchal of all high-income countries? a. United States b. Great Britain c. Sweden d. Australia


Which of the following is a conservative criticism of affirmative action? a. The policy calls into question the real achievement of minorities. b. The policy has no basis in law. c. Government should do more to make racial and ethnic categories equal. d. There is very little racial or ethnic inequality to begin with.

The policy calls into question the real achievement of minorities

What is the name of the policy that would mandate equal pay for women and men not only for doing the same work, but also for doing different work that has the same value? a. affirmative action b. the policy of comparable worth c. the Equal Rights Amendment d. Title IX

The policy of comparable worth

In the 1830s, the federal government used its superior military powers to force the Cherokee and other Indian nations from their homelands in the southeastern United States and sent them to reservations farther west, causing thousands of deaths along the march that came to be known as the a. Bering Strait. b. Cherokee Death March. c. Inferno Trail. d. Trail of Tears.

Trail of Tears

According to W.E.B. Du Bois in his classic work The Souls of Black Folk, a. since the end of legal slavery, there has been substantial improvement in the lives of most African Americans. b. race does not operate as a master status. c. U.S. society makes whites the standard by which others (including African Americans) should be measured. d. African American people are morally superior to white people.

U.S. society makes whites the standard by which others (including African Americans) should be measured.

What milestone in the feminist movement occurred in 1920? a. Women gained the right to vote. b. The first woman was appointed to the Presidential Cabinet. c. The U.S. congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment. d. The first woman was sworn in as Vice-President of the United States.

Women gained the right to vote

Which major armed conflict marked the first time the government officially opened the military to both sexes? a. the Revolutionary War b. the Civil War c. World War II d. the Iraq War

World War II

A male employee cracks off-color, sexually suggestive jokes that embarrass female employees and prevent them from doing their work. This is an example of a. quid pro quo harassment. b. a hostile working environment. c. de facto sexism. d. de jure discrimination

a hostile working environment

Women, even relatively privileged women, have less income, wealth, and power than men. Consequently, it seems reasonable to conclude that women should be considered to be a. a minority. b. victims of segregation. c. above the glass ceiling. d. a dominant category.

a minority

Which of the following is a clear example of institutional racism? a. a pattern of racial profiling by police b. a professor giving a minority student a "C" on an exam c. intermarriage d. lower rates of voting by poor people

a pattern of racial profiling by police

Scientists devised racial categories (including Caucasian, Negroid, and Mongoloid) at what point in history? a. about 1800 in the early era of science b. with the emergence of human civilization 5,000 years ago c. during the Middle Ages almost 1,000 years ago d. about 1960, during the civil rights movement

about 1800 in the early era of science

If you were wishing to raise the social standing of minorities who have been subject to historical prejudice and discrimination, which of the following policies would you support? a. affirmative action b. segregation c. the melting pot d. Jim Crow laws

affirmative action

Some sociologists who are critical of racial classification argue that dividing humanity into racial categories amounts to a strategy that a. allows some people to dominate others. b. erodes national cultures. c. slows economic development. d. violates the beliefs found in most world religions.

allows some people to dominate others.

According to Vincent Parrillo's recent investigations using the social distance scale, today's college and university students (compared to those in decades past) a. are more accepting of all minorities. b. see greater difference between the various minorities. c. express the most prejudice toward African Americans. d. express the most prejudice toward people from European nations.

are more accepting of all minorities.

Which of the following patterns involves minorities gradually adopting the cultural patterns of the majority population? a. pluralism b. assimilation c. segregation d. acculturation


T.W. Adorno and his colleagues claimed that prejudice is strong in people who feel a lot of hostility, rigidly conform to conventional norms, and see the world in stark contrasts such as "us" versus "them." This statement describes which of the following theories of prejudice? a. authoritarian personality theory b. scapegoat theory c. cultural theory d. multicultural theory

authoritarian personality theory

Which concept refers to subtle discrimination that effectively blocks the movement of women into the highest positions in organizations? a. glass ceiling b. pink-collar ghetto c. blatant gender discrimination d. patriarchy

glass ceiling

In 1972, Congress passed Title IX, an Amendment to the Civil Rights Act, which a. allocated federal funds for scholarships to allow women to attend college. b. insisted upon comparable worth policies in wage schedules for government jobs. c. banned discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program receiving federal funding. d. required men and women to compete in the same college sports.

banned discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program receiving federal funding

Thomas Sowell claims that much of the average racial differences in intelligence test scores reflect a. genetics. b. nutrition. c. cultural patterns. d. bias in tests themselves.

cultural patterns.

The concept that refers to segregation that is supported by law is a. de facto segregation. b. de jure segregation. c. hypersegregation. d. institutional prejudice.

de jure segregation.

In which of the following U.S. jobs are more than 97 percent of workers women? a. college professor b. police officer c. dental assistant d. taxi driver

dental assistant

Gender stereotypes divide humanity by constructing femininity and masculinity in a. completely factual ways. b. different and often opposing terms. c. ways that favor women. d. exactly the same terms.

different and often opposing terms.

Sociologists make use of four models of interaction between majority and minority members of a society. Which of the following is NOT one of these models? a. pluralism b. assimilation c. segregation d. discrimination


Which of the following concepts refers to treating various categories of people unequally? a. discrimination b. segregation c. prejudice d. pluralism


As the rate of immigration increased, nativists made the claim that immigration a. endangered this nation's mostly English culture. b. fueled economic development. c. threatened the system of slavery. d. would bring about the Civil War.

endangered this nation's mostly English culture

Which of the following concepts refers to a shared cultural heritage? a. race b. ethnicity c. multiculturalism d. social class


In 1776, the year the United States declared its independence from Great Britain, slavery was legal in a. only three of the states. b. about half of the states. c. all but three of the states. d. every state.

every state

According to Talcott Parsons, femininity involves a focus on responsiveness, cooperation, and concern for other people and relationships, which he characterized as a. expressive. b. nonrational. c. complimentary. d. instrumental.


Social-conflict theories of gender a. focus on the gender inequalities by which men have had power over women. b. put a human face on gender, showing how gender is at work in everyday life. c. help explain how gender roles have, throughout history, been useful to society's operation. d. promote the integration of society.

focus on the gender inequalities by which men have had power over women.

Symbolic-interaction analysis of gender a. focuses on the gender inequalities by which men have had power over women. b. focuses on the experience of gender in familiar dimensions of everyday life. c. helps explain how gender roles have, throughout history, been useful to society's operation. d. promotes the integration of society.

focuses on the experience of gender in familiar dimensions of everyday life.

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which a. deported all people of Japanese ancestry living within the United States. b. forcibly relocated all people of Japanese ancestry to military camps in remote inland areas. c. placed all people of Japanese ancestry in existing U.S. prisons. d. extended citizenship to all Japanese people in the hope of encouraging their loyalty.

forcibly relocated all people of Japanese ancestry to military camps in remote inland areas.

Which of the following concepts refers to the personal traits and life chances that a society links to being female or male? a. sex b. gender c. patriarchy d. sexual orientation


Which of the following steer(s) women compared to men toward different college majors? a. law b. sexuality c. differences in innate intelligence d. gender stereotyping

gender stereotyping

A society's unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women is called a. patriarchy. b. matriarchy. c. gender stratification. d. sexual orientation.

gender stratification.

Which of the following concepts refers to the systematic killing of one category of people by another? a. infanticide b. genocide c. patricide d. homicide


The liberal solution to racial and ethnic inequality focuses on a. encouraging changes in cultural patterns. b. encouraging individual effort. c. government efforts such as affirmative action. d. changing the capitalist economic system.

government efforts such as affirmative action.

Using a symbolic interaction analysis, race a. has powerful meaning and often operates as a master status. b. is a biologically-rooted cause of social inequality. c. is no longer relevant to today's everyday social experiences. d. has ceased to be a part of people social identity.

has powerful meaning and often operates as a master status

The gender gap in pay is higher in states that a. attract young people (like Oregon). b. are on the coasts (like California). c. have younger populations and stronger economies (like Florida). d. have older and populations and weaker economies (like Michigan).

have older and populations and weaker economies (like Michigan)

In inner-city areas, where African American people have little contact of any kind with people in the larger society, Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton describe which of the following? a. assimilation b. pluralism c. hypersegregation d. institutional prejudice


The remarkable racial and ethnic diversity of the United States is, most of all, a product of a. multiculturalism in colleges. b. intermarriage. c. the formation of subcultures. d. immigration.


The text points out that __________ racism is at work in the operation of the economy, schools, hospitals, the military, and the criminal justice system. a. categorical b. segregated c. discriminatory d. institutional


According to Talcott Parsons, masculinity involves a focus on rationality, competition, and goals, which he described as a. emotional. b. instrumental. c. sensitive. d. sympathetic.


Minority women earn less than white women, and they also earn less than minority men. This pattern is the focus of a. intersection theory. b. structural-functional theory. c. symbolic-interaction theory. d. radical-race theory

intersection theory

The observation that Hispanic women earn much less than white men is one focus of a. the work of Talcott Parsons. b. the research of Friedrich Engels. c. intersection theory. d. symbolic-interaction analysis.

intersection theory

Puerto Rico a. is a United States territory; since 1917 all residents have been U.S. citizens. b. is a Spanish territory; all residents are citizens of Spain. c. is an independent country; all residents are citizens of Puerto Rico. d. is a state; although they are not U.S. citizens, all residents can vote in U.S. elections.

is a Spanish territory; all residents are citizens of Spain.

According to Jessie Bernard, traditional marriage benefits men more than women because a. it puts women under the control of men. b. all marriage is a deeply flawed social institution. c. it gives women power over men. d. fewer women than men ever get married.

it puts women under the control of men

Reforms to ensure that women have the same rights and opportunities as men is the goal of a. radical feminism. b. socialist feminism. c. liberal feminism. d. opponents of feminism.

liberal feminism

Which political viewpoint claims that government programs can combat gender-based prejudice and discrimination just as affirmative action can open more doors to women? a. conservative viewpoint b. liberal viewpoint c. radical left viewpoint d. libertarian viewpoint

liberal viewpoint

Feminism is the study of gender with the goal of a. learning, rather than causing, change. b. avoiding political controversy. c. restoring traditional gender patterns. d. making men and women equal.

making men and women equal

Which of the following concepts refers to a social pattern by which females dominate males? a. matrilineal society b. matrilocal society c. feminism d. matriarchy


The major reason that men earn more than women on average is that a. the law sets higher wages for men in many jobs. b. men have greater financial needs than women do. c. men and women typically hold different types of jobs. d. men have more education than women do.

men and women typically hold different types of jobs

In Joan Albon's analysis, the lower social standing of many American Indians was due to a. prejudice and discrimination. b. non-competitive cultural values that discourage individual achievement. c. institutional discrimination by this country's courts. d. race operating as a master status in everyday life.

non-competitive cultural values that discourage individual achievement.

Complete gender equality has become a reality a. almost everywhere. b. in most European nations. c. in three Nordic nations. d. nowhere in the world.

nowhere in the world.

The claim that people are biologically inferior is a. actually quite rare in human history. b. often used to justify making them socially inferior. c. well supported by scientific research. d. more common among today's students than among students in the past.

often used to justify making them socially inferior.

Naomi Wolf points to what element of our culture in explaining men's power over women? a. our cultural ideas about parenting b. our cultural ideas about sports c. our cultural ideas about beauty d. our cultural ideas about work

our cultural ideas about beauty

In the 1857 Dred Scott case, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that a. people of color were citizens with the full protection of U.S. law. b. people of color were not citizens entitled to the rights and protections of U.S. law. c. public facilities in the United States could no longer be segregated by race. d. private organizations that did not receive government funding could be segregated by race.

people of color were not citizens entitled to the rights and protections of U.S. law.

Which of the following patterns refers to a society in which people of all racial and ethnic categories live with roughly equal social standing? a. assimilation b. pluralism c. segregation d. the melting pot


The commonly heard claim that all members of a certain minority category have reduced intelligence and are therefore less worthy is a clear example of a. prejudice. b. discrimination. c. segregation. d. blaming the victim.


Suppose that a college professor solicits sexual favors from a student and threatens a poor grade if the student refuses. This pattern is referred to as a. quid pro quo sexual harassment. b. de facto sexual harassment. c. de jure sexual harassment. d. mens rea sexual harassment.

quid pro quo sexual harassment

Which of the following concepts refers to a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that a society defines as important? a. ethnicity b. nationality c. race d. subculture


The most serious kind of prejudice is a. racism. b. avoidance. c. discrimination. d. stereotyping.


Which theory claims that prejudice develops among people who are frustrated over a lack of control in their lives? a. authoritarian personality theory b. scapegoat theory c. cultural theory d. multicultural theory

scapegoat theory

Because women do most of it, sociologists sometimes refer to housework as women's a. second shift. b. moonlight job. c. master status. d. homework.

second shift

Following the abolition of slavery, this country enacted so-called Jim Crow laws, which a. guaranteed equal social standing for former slaves. b. established quotas for jobs and college admissions. c. segregated trains, restaurants, hotels, and other public places. d. forced the relocation of thousands of people to government reservations.

segregated trains, restaurants, hotels, and other public places.

Which of the following concepts refers to the physical and social separation of categories of people? a. segregation b. assimilation c. pluralism d. the melting pot


Which concept refers to the biological distinction between females and males? a. sex b. gender c. patriarchy d. sexual orientation


Consider this statement: "Because men have more upper-body strength than women, men are simply more important than women to the life of any society." This assertion reflects a. racism. b. sexism. c. sexual orientation. d. matriarchy.


What concept refers to the assertion that one sex is innately superior to the other? a. sexism b. elitism c. racism d. gender stratification


Which concept refers to unwanted comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature? a. sexual harassment b. stalking c. gender violence d. female sexuality

sexual harassment

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 a. specified that employers cannot discriminate between men and women in hiring or in pay. b. banned discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program receiving federal funding. c. stated that equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. d. stated that any employer or university that contracted with the federal government must set aside a quota to hire women in proportion to those with requisite skills in the local recruiting area.

specified that employers cannot discriminate between men and women in hiring or in pay.

A historical look at gender roles, starting with women experiencing frequent pregnancies and caring for children, and men's greater size and strength placing them in charge of hunting and warfare, is part of which theoretical analysis of differences between men and women? a. social-conflict analysis b. liberal analysis c. structural-functional analysis d. symbolic-interaction analysis

structural-functional analysis

A minority is defined as any category of people a. who have a distinctive cultural identity. b. who live with income below the poverty line. c. that represents less than half the society's population. d. that are physically or culturally distinctive and disadvantaged.

that are physically or culturally distinctive and disadvantaged

What historical event in the United States began at about the end of the Civil War (1865) and lasted until the outbreak of World War I (1914)? a. the quota system b. the spread of slavery c. the "Great Immigration" d. the "back to the land" movement

the "Great Immigration"

Gender is at work in the language we use because a. men typically use male pronouns to describe possessions such as cars or boats. b. women's traditional titles are often more positive than men's. c. the English language tends to treat what is masculine as having more value than what is feminine. d. men are as likely to take a woman's name after marriage as women are to take a man's name.

the English language tends to treat what is masculine as having more value than what is feminine.

Literally, the word patriarchy means a. "the rule of fathers." b. "male lineage." c. "male descendants." d. "paternal heredity."

the rule of fathers.

Because men have more power than women, men typically a. use less space than women. b. use more space than women. c. think little about their use of space. d. think about space in sexual terms.

use more space than women

Eurocentrism refers to a. treating all cultural patterns as equally worthy. b. Europeans adopting cultural patterns from other nations. c. the trend of people moving from low-income nations to European countries. d. using European (especially English) cultural standards to judge everyone.

using European (especially English) cultural standards to judge everyone.

In 2012, for the first time, a majority of children born in the United States a. were born to parents born abroad. b. lived with single fathers. c. were minorities. d. were poor.

were minorities

If you were to view television advertising in the United States, you would NOT expect to see women a. lying down. b. who are taller than the men they are with. c. selling clothing or cleaning products. d. appearing in childlike poses.

who are taller than the men they are with.

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