Chapter 12, 14

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9) Rivers east of the continental divide in the Rockies drain into the

Gulf/Atlantic drainage.

39) As a stream's carrying capacity decreases, which of the following sizes of sediments will be deposited last?


30) Which of the following are erosional landforms created by alpine glaciation?

cols and horns

10) A continuous mass of ice covering a large landmass is known as a

continental glacier.

31) Which of the following is a continental depositional feature?


12) The process of calving produces


53) Thoreau's Walden Pond is an example of which of the following?


28) As the discharge of a stream increases, which of the following also happens?

Width, depth, and velocity all increase.

57) Natural levees are created during


14) Rectangular drainage patterns form as a result of ________.

flow through a faulted landscape

75) Viking colonies in Iceland apparently were deserted because of a

B) drop in temperature that occurred during the "Little Ice Age."C) decline in food production.

23) John Wesley Powell put forward the idea of base level, which refers to

A) an imagined surface that extends inland from sea level, and is inclined gently upward.B) a level below which a stream cannot erode its valley.

17) The transformation of snow into glacial ice in Antarctica takes ________ than in midlatitude alpine glaciers because ________.

A) longer; less snow falls per year in polar regionsB) longer; less melting and refreezing occurs in Antarctica

11) Stream drainage patterns are determined by which of the following?

A) slopeB) differing rock resistanceC) climatic and hydrologic variability

3) Of the world's largest rivers, which has the greatest discharge?

Amazon River

4) The bulk of ice on Earth is sitting in

Greenland and Antarctica

6) Which of the following is true of the snowline?

It decreases in elevation with increasing latitude.

60) Which of the following is true regarding permafrost?

It develops where soil or rock temperatures are below freezing for at least two years.

15) Why, specifically, is glacial ice analogous to a metamorphic rock?

It forms as a result of recrystallization caused by pressure.

53) Which of the following is true of the longitudinal profile of most rivers?

It is concave in shape.

21) The zone where positive gains end and losses begin in the glacial mass balance is called

an equilibrium line.

14) Melting and refreezing of snow acts to ________ ice density and ________ the sphericity (roundness) of the original snowflakes.

increase; increase

5) Which of the following lists of processes are in the correct sequence as to their occurrence in nature?

weathering, erosion, transport, deposition

40) As base level is approached by a stream, the ability of a stream to erode its bed


15) Which of the following stream channel types is likely to develop on gently sloping surfaces composed of rocks or sediments with approximately the same resistance to erosion? (Also assume that there are no structural controls on the pattern's development.


68) Glaciation takes about ________ years to develop, whereas an deglaciation requires about ________ years.

) 90,000; 10,000

48) The maximum velocity line in a stream is

) at the center and near the surface, corresponding with the deepest parts of the stream channel

32) Stream transport involves all of the following except

) sheet flow.

3) Approximately what percentage of the world's freshwater is frozen?

77 percent

37) A specific landform produced by the deposition of glacial till is known as

a moraine

20) The opposite of the accumulation zone in a glacier is the

ablation zone.

33) The largest material that can be carried by a stream is carried as

bed load

43) Which of the following stream channel forms is likely to develop when aggradation greatly exceeds erosion?

braided channels

34) The suspended load of a stream consists of particles that are

held aloft in the stream flow.

20) A central peak, or a dome of a volcanic mountain, generally produces ________ drainage patterns.


24) The ultimate base level is

sea level.

38) The total possible load a stream can transport is its ________, whereas a stream's ability to move particles of specific size is its ________.

capacity; competence

39) Drowned glacial valleys are known as


66) If you live in an area that was flooded by the 100-‐‐year flood last year, you can conclude that

you could be flooded by the 100-‐‐year flood again this year.

58) Which of these statements is correct?

A) Periglacial regions occupy about 20 percent of Earth's land area.B) Subarctic climate regions with seasonally snow-‐‐free ground are periglacial regions.C) Permanently frozen subsurface ground is called permafrost.D) Periglacial regions can sometimes feature polygonal rock formations.

5) A general term for a mass of perennial ice, resting on land or floating shelf-‐‐like in the sea adjacent to land is

a glacier.

38) A pyramidal peak formed in glaciated mountains is

a horn.

42) The construction of a dam across a river is likely to cause ________ upstream and ________ downstream.

aggradation; erosion

6) The general term for clay, silt, and sand deposited by running water is


51) A cutoff on a meandering stream results in the formation of

an oxbow lake

8) A glacier that is confined in a bowl-‐‐shaped recess is called a

cirque glacier

54) An interruption in a stream's graded profile of equilibrium is called a


69) Which of the following is true regarding the flooding of New Orleans in 2005?

The city is almost entirely below the level of the Mississippi, with parts actually below sea level.

47) Which of the following is likely to occur if the gradient of a stream increases? (Assume that the discharge and sediment load remain unchanged.)

The stream will begin to erode its channel and/or its banks.

56) Which of the following is false regarding floodplains?

They are characterized by rapids and low waterfalls.

34) Unlike a stream-‐‐cut valley that assumes a characteristic ________-‐‐shape, a glacially-‐‐ carved valley evidences a characteristic ________-‐‐shape.

V; U

26) The degradation of a landscape by weathering, erosion, and transportation has an ultimate "goal" of reducing the landscape down to

base level, namely sea level.

65) The effect of urbanization on a typical stream hydrograph is to

decrease lag time between storm peak and peak stream discharge.

21) The glaciated shield regions of Canada and northern Europe have disrupted surface drainage patterns that are called ________ patterns.


7) Watersheds are defined by

drainage divides.

51) Louis Agassiz called glacially deposited boulders that differ in composition and origin from the ground on which they rest


47) A winding hill of sorted sand and gravel deposits is known as a/an ________ and is deposited by a/an ________ glacier.

esker; continental

4) Stream-‐‐related processes are termed


59) Flowing soil in an area of frozen ground is known as

gelifluction, or the more general term solifluction

22) Stream capture refers to

the process by which one channel erodes through a drainage divide and captures the headwater regions of another stream.

12) Which of the following landforms is incorrectly matched with a drainage pattern?

topographically disrupted areas — parallel

16) Which drainage pattern is controlled by rock structures of variable resistance and folded strata?


76) It is now virtually certain that the dominant cause of recent ice ages is

variations in Earth-‐‐Sun orbital relationships.

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