Chapter 12: Attraction, Intimacy and Love

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Arranged marriage

marriage in which family members, typically parents, choose a partner for a person to marry

Passionate love

A state of intense longing for union with another

Pick-up line

A verbal statement made by someone in order to initiate a romantic encounter


*True or False*: In general, people seem to be most attracted to faces that are asymmetrical.


*True or False*: The two most common types of love are passionate love and companiate love.


A negative emotional response to potential or actual rejection from a partner or to loss of a relationship due to a rival.

B) secure

According to Bartholomew (1990), what attachment pattern will a person who has a positive model of themselves and a positive model of others have? A) dismissing B) secure C) fearful D) preoccupied

Passion and intimacy form romantic love and these types of relationships, which lack commitment, are commonly portrayed in movies and in books.

According to Sternberg, what type of love is characterized by passion and intimacy? Where are we most likely to encounter relationships of this sort?


According to a research study in your text, what percentage of women are *more* distressed by sexual infidelity than emotional infidelity?

Companionate love

Affection and tenderness felt for someone with whom one's life is deeply connected.


Attachment theory states that our childhood attachment experiences have little to do with our adulthood attachments.

Hooking up

Casual sex interactions with no strings attached


Decrease in behavioural response to a repeated stimulus. Sexual (term) occurs when increased accessibility to a partner and predictability in sexual interactions leads to reduced sexual interest.

B) habituation

Decreases in physical attraction to a partner in longer relationships can *best* be attributed to which of the following? A) the partners getting older and less attractive over all. B) habituation. C) the recency effect. D) the familiarity effect.

According to Bartholomew, having a negative model of others can lead to either a dismissing attachment style low in intimacy (if the person has a positive model of themselves) or a fearful attachment style (if the person has a negative model of themselves).

Discuss Bartholomew's theory regarding how a person's view of others affects their ability to form intimate relationships.

Objectùm sexuality

Emotional and physical attraction to and love for an object or objects.


Engaging in sexual and/or emotional relations with someone who is not one's primary partner when in a monogamous relationship


Feelings of closeness and connection that one feels with someone they love.

Optimal sexuality

Having sexual experiences that are (subjectively) extraordinary


In what percentage of couples does *neither* partner monitor the others' internet activity


People who hook up often do so after they have been drinking alcohol.


Of Lee's six types of love, which values the long-term relationship over the short-term one?


Passionate love seems to share brain patterns with other euphoric states such as cocaine-induced euphoria.


Research has suggested that what women perceive as attractive varies at different stages in their menstrual cycles.


Research shows that one in three married couples had at least one partner who had monitored the other's online activities without the other knowing.


Rules outlining acceptable and unacceptable Internet activities


Sexual activity that takes place via the Internet.


Social networking sites are linked with increasing jealousy in relationships.

The mere-repeated-exposure effect

Some of the proximity effect on feelings of attraction has been explained by which of the following?

Love stories

Stories that express different conceptions about what love is like.

According to Hendricks and Hendricks, this would be 'Pragma' love

Suppose a person was most concerned about choosing a love partner their family would approve of: what attitude about love would this be?

C) fatuous love

Ted and Lily met at a bar and eloped the next day, what type of love were they likely feeling? A) consummate love B) empty love C) fatuous love D) romantic love


The principle that we are more likely to have contact and affiliate with people who are similar to us.

Mere-repeated-exposure effect

The tendency for repeated exposure to a stimulus (e.g., another person) to increase our preference for that stimulus.

False. The three components in the triangular theory of love *actually* are intimacy, passion, and commitment.

The three components in the triangular theory of love are intimacy, passion, and attraction.


We tend to be attracted to others who are similar to us.

In general, women who are ovulating rate more masculine male faces as more attractive and women who are not ovulating rate more feminine male faces as more attractive.

What affect does menstruation have on attraction?

One way in which technology can have a negative impact is by increasing jealousy. Another way it can have a negative impact is by increasing the opportunity for infidelity. Another way that technology can have a negative impact is by opening up a potential mate to criticism from peers.

What are two negative ways in which technology can affect the pursuit of a love interest?

More masculine faces may indicate greater immunity, meaning better potential fathers

What is one possible reason for the link between ovulation and ratings of male attractiveness?

Generally, when women are rated, more 'feminine faces' with larger eyes and a smaller nose and chin are rated as more attractive. When men's faces are rated, both 'feminine' men's faces and more 'masculine' men's faces are rated as more attractive depending on the rater.

What is the difference in the types of male and female faces found attractive?

The mere-repeated-exposure-effect is a phenomenon in which women who have been seen more by an observer are rated as more highly attractive. The mere-repeated-exposure effect may be related to findings that we are more likely to be attracted to people which are in close proximity to us.

What is the mere-repeated-exposure effect?

A) homophily

What is the technical term for being attracted to someone who is similar to you? A) homophily B) the mere-repeated-exposure effect C) companiate love D) Pragma love

Research conducted across 33 different countries with very different cultures found similarities in characteristics ranked as 'highly desirable' for a love partner. These characteristics included emotional stability, kindness, understanding, and mutual attraction/love. The similarities across cultures with very different traditions about dating and marriage indicate that all people may prefer certain similar characteristics in a mate.

What support is there for the idea of a species-typical mate preference?

High on avoidance, high on anxiety.

When attachment is thought of in terms of avoidance of intimacy and anxiety about rejection, an insecurely attached person would be which of the following

Misattribution of arousal

When physiological arousal stemming from one state (e.g., fear) is misinterpreted as stemming from another state (e.g., love).

People tend to be attracted to people they see more often and who share characteristics with them, so in that sense, "birds of a feather flock together". However, research has shown that people tend to be attracted to people with the opposite compliment of a chemical called MHC, and in that sense, "opposites attract".

When talking about attraction in what way is the phrase, "birds of a feather flock together," true and in what way is the phrase, "opposites attract," true?

B) they are more likely to rate love as a criteria for marriage

Which is more likely to be true of someone from an individualistic culture than someone from a collectivist culture? A) they are more likely to rate friendship as a criteria for marriage B) they are more likely to rate love as a criteria for marriage C) they are more likely to be comfortable with arranged marriages D) they are more likely to have altruistic reasons for getting marriage

B) We are more likely to be physically attracted to people who have not told us if they are attracted to us

Which is true about how knowledge (or lack of it) can affect attractiveness ratings? A) We are more likely to be physically attracted to people who are more intelligent B) We are more likely to be physically attracted to people who have not told us if they are attracted to us C) We are more likely to be physically attracted to people who we know are attracted to us D) We are more likely to be physically attracted to people we do not know.

Different body types are preferred in different countries

Which is true about ratings of body attractiveness around the world?

A) men respond similarly to all types of lines but prefer direct lines

Which is true about the success of women using various types of 'pick up' lines? A) men respond similarly to all types of lines but prefer direct lines B) men respond better to direct lines and prefer direct lines C) men respond similarly to all types of lines and don't prefer one type over another D) men respond more positively and prefer funny pick up lines

D) it can be found in people in very long term relationships

Which is true of research on romantic love? A) it is only found in the early stages of relationships B) it is only found in the middle stages of relationships C) it is rarely found in people who are married D) it can be found in people in very long term relationships


Which of Sternberg's types of love is comprised of intimacy and commitment?

A) The male's facial symmetry

Which of the following factors tends to increase scores of attractiveness for all types of males by females? A) The male's facial symmetry B) Whether the female is ovulating C) Whether the female is over 25 D) Whether the female has the same/different MHC than then male.

C) intimacy

Which of the following is the most often reported emotion associated with optimal sex? A) attraction B) love C) intimacy D) friendship

A verbal approach that opens conversation.

Which type of approach is a woman most likely to prefer in a social setting such as a club?

Passionate Love

Which type of love is defined in a similar way across cultures?

Assortative mating

tendency to choose a partner who is similar to oneself on one or more characteristics


the short term, the decision that one person loves another. In the long term, the decision to maintain the love that one has for another person.

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