Chapter 12: Humanistic Psychology, Positive Psychology, and the Science of Happiness

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Bad faith's three problems

1. by ignoring existential issues, you still will not achieve happiness 2. by choosing t o ignore life's tough choices, you are still inherently making a choice 3. by living in bad faith, you sell your soul for comfort

Existentialists argue that a head-in-the-sand approach to life's anxieties, which they call living in bad faith, has three problems. Which of the following is not one of these problems?

By living an examined life, you contribute nothing to the greater good of society or humanity at large.

Humanistic psychologists are often placed into categories: existentialists (who focus on one's conscious experience of existence) and positive psychologists (who focus on positive subjective experience and pursuits toward happiness). Which of the following are existential psychologists?

Existential Psychologist(s) Nietzsche Sartre Binswanger Existentialists Binswanger, Nietzsche, and Sartre focused on individuals' conscious experience of the external world, social experience, and introspective experience-of-experiencing. Existentialism also claims that existence has no meaning beyond what each person gives it.

Which two individuals believed that a person's ultimate need is to self-actualize?

Maslow & Rogers

George Kelly

Personal Construct Theory

The three primary sources of happiness (With estimate percentage for chart)

Set point 50% Intentional activity 40% Circumstances 10%

Ludwig Binswanger

The experience of Umwelt, Mitwelt, and Eigenwelt

From an existential perspective, what is the key question with which every individual is faced?

What is the nature of existence?


an individual's particular experience of the world their unique view of the world & forms the basis of how they live their life, including goals pursued, obstacles & opportunities perceived

The key tenet of Buddhism is _______, which is the idea that the independent, singular self you sense inside your mind is merely an illusion. Similar to existentialists, Buddhists believe that this illusion leads to feelings of ________.

anatta; isolation

Kelly's idea of personal constructs: define chronically accessible constructs

certain constructs that are more readily brought to mind for certain individuals

Friedrich Nietzsche

existentialist superman

According to Carl Rogers, you can become a ___________ person only if you experience_________________ from important others in your life.

fully functioning; unconditional positive regard

Research suggests that individuals high in what personality attribute are most likely to experience flow?

locus of control


maximize pleasure and minimize pain

The essential insight of humanistic psychology is that one's conscious experience of the world is psychologically more important than the world itself. What is this concept of an individual's immediate, conscious experience called?


Match element of humanistic psychology to its definition joy,fruitful activities, and virtuous actions and attributes


Match element of humanistic psychology to its definition a person in nature, society, and culture, not just the experimental lab

real life


seeking a meaningful life

Carl Rogers


Positive psychology seeks to study human s_____ rather than _____ and states that true happiness comes from overcoming important challenges. This idea is quite similar to Sartre's conception of _______________.

strengths; faults; optimistic toughness

Why do humanistic psychologists argue that the study of the mind is fundamentally different from other sciences?

the human mind is aware

Mihayli Cziksentmahuyli

the theory of flow

Heidegger used what term to refer to the time, place, and circumstances into which a person happens to be born?


The psychological state of flow involves?

tremendous concentration a focused state of consciousness a disrupted sense of time

Match element of humanistic psychology to its definition a philosophy of life that describes what is desirable


Match element of humanistic psychology to its definition choices, decisions, and voluntary actions


Which of the following are examples of Rogerian psychotherapy?

Therapists should ask a client to describe their ideal self and their actual self. Therapists should not attempt to change or modify anything about a client. Therapists acknowledge and appreciate each and every one of a client's viewpoints.

According to Carl Rogers, what is the therapist's main function?

To make the client feel appreciated no matter what he thinks, says, or does

Which of the following topics would a humanist likely study? free will animal behavior happiness brain chemistry instincts self-awareness

Correct Answer(s) free will self-awareness happiness

Which are the core virtues identified by positive psychology?

Courage Justice Humanity (compassion) Temperance Wisdom Transcendence

What idea about an individual's experience of reality does Kelly's theory of personal constructs emphasize?

Kelly believed that your personal construct system is the framework for your perceptions and thoughts about the world. This system is determined not by your past experience but by your (freely chosen) interpretation of past experience. Individuals build the experience of reality through unique sets of ideas about the world


Mari realizes she and she alone is responsible for her actions.

The basic tenet of phenomenology is that a person's mental experiences combine in different ways at every moment of his life and that these combinations give rise to his ongoing conscious experience. Onto this philosophy, Carl Rogers added what idea?

People have a basic need to maintain and enhance life

According to a study reported in the text that evaluated Rogerian psychotherapy, what is one concrete result of Rogerian psychotherapy?

People report feeling like they become closer to their ideal self

Humanistic psychologists are often placed into categories: existentialists (who focus on one's conscious experience of existence) and positive psychologists (who focus on positive subjective experience and pursuits toward happiness). Which of the following are positive psychologists?

Positive Psychologist(s) Csikszentmihalyi Rogers Maslow Positive psychologists Maslow, Rogers, and Csikszentmihalyi, on the other hand, focused on the experience of, the pursuit toward, and the mechanisms of happiness and well-being.

Which of the following philosophers or psychologists are credited with turning existentialism into a more optimistic view of life?

Rogers & Maslow

According to existential psychologist Ludwig Binswanger, the conscious experience of being alive has three components: _______ consists of your biological experiences, _______ consists of your psychological experiences, and ________ consists of your physical experiences.

Umwelt; Eigenwelt; Mitwelt

What virtue is least important in Eastern traditions?


According to Self-determination Theory, to achieve true happiness, one should maximize __________ and minimize ___________.

eudaimonic well-being; hedonic well-being. Self-determination theory states that individuals should work to achieve a meaningful life through the pursuit of intrinsic goals (eudaimonic well-being), and not through goals to maximize pleasure and minimize pain (hedonic happiness).

When it comes to defining happiness, modern humanistic psychologists distinguish the two types of well-being as __________, involving maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain, and __________, involving seeking a deeper meaning to life.

hedonic; eudaimonic

Abraham Moslow

hierarchy of needs

Match element of humanistic psychology to its definition the whole person from birth to death


Match element of humanistic psychology to its definition the human system is greater than the sum of its parts


Match element of humanistic psychology to its definition study of humans, not animals


Jean-Paul Sartre

optimistic toughness

According to Kelly, individuals have a ______________ that is organized in terms of ____________ and is assessed using the ______________.

personal construct system; bipolar dimensions; Role Construct Repertory Test.

According to Rogers's humanistic theory, a person can be understood only from the perspective of her _____________ __________, which is the entire scope of conscious experience, and people have a basic need to ________________ (that is, to maintain and enhance) this experience.

phenomenal field; actualize

Match element of humanistic psychology to its definition the focus on interior, experiential, and existential aspects of personality


Kelly's idea of personal constructs: define sociality corollary

the idea that to understand a person, you need to understand their personal construct system

Kelly's idea of personal constructs: define principle of parsimony

the idea that, all other things being equal, the simplest theory is the best

Rogers believed that the goal of psychotherapy is to help the client realize the difference between their ideal and actual selves, and work toward becoming a fully functioning person. Which of the following are concerns when evaluating the apparent benefits of Rogerian psychotherapy?

The sole criterion used for determining adjustment could lead us to consider people with obvious disorders as being well adjusted. The results may be due to clients' changing their ideal views. It is not clear that the match between the perceived and ideal selves is an adequate criterion for psychological adjustment.

According to research on happiness, three aspects of one's life contribute to happiness to varying degrees. Place the contributors in order from biggest to smallest contributor to one's happiness.

1.genetic makeup 2.writing a letter of gratitude to your significant other 3.being a young adult The largest contributor to one's happiness is their set point, or their genetic predisposition toward happiness. The second contributor to one's happiness is what one does intentionally, such as writing a letter of gratitude. Finally, a relatively small influence on happiness is objective life circumstances, including getting married.

Match each humanism-related philosophical concept to the common business or economic practice it would most likely be associated with. 1. George realizes that if he moves his food truck to a different neighborhood, he'll make twice the profit. He immediately moves to the new, more profitable neighborhood. 2.Walter just bought a big screen TV, but he isn't as satisfied with his purchase as he expected he would be. 3.A company works to maximize its employees' feelings of security so that the employees can pursue higher goals and better identify with the organization.

1.optimizing goal 2. source of happiness 3. Maslow's hierarchy of needs

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