Chapter 12 learning curve questions

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What might explain why, when asked controversial questions, students' answers are more diverse when using anonymous electronic clickers than when raising their hands?

Students may feel as though others in the class are observing their behavior when they have to raise their hands.

When behavior is ascribed to a person's relatively enduring tendency to think, feel, or act in a particular way, this is a(n) _____attribution.


Alexandra is well liked by her friends. When one watches her, one can see that she mimics her friends' gestures and seems to match their moods. Alexandra's behavior would suggest that this automatic mimicry is a component of:


Misinterpreting another person's friendliness as sexual interest is BEST seen as a failure of:


The authors of the textbook ask if the 2018 slaughter of 11 Jewish worshippers at Pittsburgh's Tree of Life synagogue should be ascribed to the shooter's hateful disposition or to America's gun culture. Whichever explanation one favors, it reflects the process of:


The classic electric shock study of obedience is associated with:milgram


In determining the causes of others' behavior, people overemphasize _____ factors; this is the _____.

personality; fundamental attribution error

_____ psychologists investigate human cognition, emotion, and behavior in relation to other people.


An individual working in a group puts forth less effort when they are not personally accountable. This is known as _____.

social loafing

_____ psychologists investigate how people think about, influence, and relate to one another.

social psychologist

Exploring why the same person may act differently in different situations is to investigating why different people act differently in the same situation as _____ psychologists are to _____ psychologists.


People's attitudes about another person are MOST likely to influence the way they treat that person if their attitudes are:


An attitude is LEAST likely to affect action when the attitude is:

subject to many external influences.

In a phenomenon called _____, groups make decisions that are more extreme than would the individual members of the group.

group polarization

The tragic decision to launch the space shuttle Challenger resulted in part from the minimal expression of dissenting views among NASA personnel and advisers. This example illustrates the dangers of:


People are LEAST likely to make the fundamental attribution error if they:

have a long-term friendship with the person they are observing.

People feel happier in the presence of happy people than in the presence of depressed people. Based on the textbook's discussion, which factor BEST explains this phenomenon?

the chameleon effect

The fundamental attribution error involves:

underestimating the situational influences on another person's behavior.

This person proposed cognitive dissonance theory


_____ result(s) from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval, whereas _____ result(s) from a person's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality.

Normative social influence; informational social influence

During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, Dareen believed that self-quarantining was the best way that people could slow the spread of the virus. One night, however, Dareen couldn't resist attending a small dinner party at a friend's home. Thereafter, Dareen asserted that small gatherings of seemingly uninfected people were unlikely to contribute to the virus's spread. Dareen's apparent change in attitude to match her behavior reflects:

cognitive dissonance.

Cultures that focus on "we," on meeting group standards and accommodating others are BEST described as _____ cultures


When people adjust their own behavior or thinking so that it coincides with a group standard, they are exhibiting:


One makes an attribution when one:

decides what is causing an individual's behavior.

Jesiah changes his internet name so that he will feel more comfortable posting comments on what he really thinks. How does this help him feel more comfortable?

he now feels anonymes

In research described in the textbook, students who were explicitly told that a young woman had been instructed to act in a very unfriendly way for the purposes of the experiment concluded that her behavior reflected _____, indicating that they were _____ to the fundamental attribution error.

her personality; susceptible

The fundamental attribution error is more apparent in _____ than it is in _____.

individualist Western countries; East Asian cultures

Even though Wendy disagrees with her boss, she laughs at their jokes anyway to gain their approval. Wendy's behavior illustrates:

normative social influence.

Milgram is to _____ as _____ is to cognitive dissonance.

obedience; Festinger

In explaining one's own behavior or the behavior of those one knows well, one often attributes that behavior to _____, indicating that one is _____ to the fundamental attribution error.

the situation; not susceptible

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