Chapter 12 PSYCH

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altruistic behavior

A prosocial behavior that is done with no expectation of reward and may involve the risk of harm to oneself is known as __________ __________.


A set of characteristics that people believe is shared by all members of a particular social category is known as a __________.

prosocial behavior

A socially desirable behavior that benefits others is called a __________ __________.

door-in-the-face technique

Asking for a large commitment and being refused, and then asking for a smaller commitment is known as __________ __________.

lowball technique

The __________ __________ is getting a commitment from a person and then raising the cost of that commitment.

norm of reciprocity

The assumption that if someone does something for a person, that person should do something for the other in return is called the __________ __________ __________.

consumer psychology

The branch of psychology that studies the habits of consumers in the marketplace, including compliance is known as __________ __________.


The changing one's behavior at the command of an authority figure is called __________.

social comparison

The comparison of oneself to others in ways that raise one's self-esteem is called __________ __________.

jigsaw classroom

The educational technique in which each individual is given only part of the information needed to solve a problem, causing the separate individuals to be forced to work together to find the solution is called the __________ __________.


The kind of thinking that occurs when people place more importance on maintaining group cohesiveness than on assessing the facts of the problem with which the group is concerned is called __________.

social cognition

The mental processes that people use to make sense of the social world around them are called __________ __________.


The negative attitude held by a person about the members of a particular social group is called a __________.


The process by which one person tries to change the belief, opinion, position, or course of action of another person through argument, pleading, or explanation is known as __________.


The process of explaining one's own behavior and the behavior of others is called __________.

social psychology

The scientific study of how a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the real, imagined, or implied presence of others is called __________ __________.

social loafing

The tendency for people to put less effort into a simple task when working with others on that task is called __________ __________.


The tendency to direct prejudice and discrimination at out-group members who have little social power or influence is frequently known as __________.

primacy effect

The very first impression one has about a person that tends to persist even in the face of evidence to the contrary is known as the __________ __________.

emotional (affective), cognitive, behavioral

There are three components to an attitude: __________, __________, and __________.


When you treat people differently because of prejudice toward the social group to which they belong it is called __________.

fundamental attribution theory

__________ __________ __________ is the tendency to overestimate the influence of internal factors in determining behavior while underestimating situational factors.

diffusion of responsibility

__________ __________ __________ occurs when a person fails to take responsibility for actions or for inaction because of the presence of other people who are seen to share the responsibility.

foot-in-the-door technique

__________ __________ is asking for a small commitment and, after gaining compliance, asking for a bigger commitment.

social identity

__________ __________ is the part of the self-concept including one's view of self as a member of a particular social category.

social role

__________ __________ is the pattern of behavior that is expected of a person who is in a particular social position.

social influence

__________ __________ is the process through which the real or implied presence of others can directly or indirectly influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of an individual.

social facilitation

__________ __________ is the tendency for the presence of other people to have a positive impact on the performance of an easy task.

self-fulfilling prophecy

__________ __________ is the tendency of one's expectations to affect one's behavior in such a way as to make the expectation more likely to occur.


__________ is a behavior intended to hurt or destroy another person.


__________ is a tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a certain person, object, idea, or situation.


__________ is physical or geographical nearness.


__________ is the changing one's behavior as a result of other people directing or asking for the change.


__________ is the process of changing one's own behavior to match that of other people.


. A strong affection for another person due to kinship, personal ties, sexual attraction, admiration, or common interests is called __________.

bystander effect

. __________ __________ refers to the effect that the presence of other people has on the decision to help or not help, with help becoming less likely as the number of bystanders increases.

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