Chapter 12 - The Forces of Evolutionary Change

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Essay on the Principle of Population

A book written by Thomas Malthus that influenced Charles Darwin's formulation of natural selection was titled

a) a population.

A gene pool is the collection of all of the genes and alleles of a) a population. b) a community. c) all species d) an individual


Fitness of an organism depends on


Fossils present in ____ layers of rock are older.

artificial selection

If humans are involved in perpetuating desired traits in organisms, the result is

b) gradual changes occured in some organisms and that these could be preserved in the fossil record.

Lyell's idea about fossils and the age of the Earth led to the conclusion that a) fossils found in higher rock layers are older than fossils found in lower rock layers. b) gradual changes occured in some organisms and that these could be preserved in the fossil record. c) fossils are only formed during catastrophic geological events, which do not occur today. d) catastrophic changes have occured on Earth over a very short time period and thus fossils would not be preserved

c) nonadaptive phenotypes

Natural selection can act to eliminate a) adaptive phenotypes. b) phenotypes that increase reproductive success c) nonadaptive phenotypes d) phenotypes that are common


The entire collection of the genes and their alleles in a population is called the gene _____.


The genetic contribution of an organism to the next generation is referred to as

c) Organisms evolve the traits they need and lose the traits they don't need.

What is a common misconception about natural selection? a) A phenotype can be adaptive in one environment and non adaptive in another environment b) Natural selection does not operate with the goal of a perfect organism c) Organisms evolve the traits they need and lose the traits they don't need. d) Prototypes that decrease and organisms reproductive success can be selected against


What type of reproduction amplifies genetic variation by shuffling alleles and producing genetically different offspring? a) sexual b) budding c) asexual d) cloning

b) Buffon

Who was one of the first scientists to suggest that species arose from ancestors and were changing? a) Hutton b) Buffon c) Cuvier d) Wallace


____ flow is the movement of individuals or gametes into or out of a population.

b) interbreeding members of the same species.

A population consists of a) the immature individuals in a given habitat. b) interbreeding members of the same species. c) the interacting species within a given habitat. d) the male members of the same species.

individual; population Evolution is defined as genetic changes in a population over multiple generations.

A(n) ____ does not evolve because allele do not change; however, a(n) ____ can evolve because allele frequencies can change.


A(n) _____ is a change in a DNA sequence that occurs at random.

c) geological processes such as erosion and sedimentation that act in modern times also occurred in the past.

AS proposed by James Hutton, the theory of uniformitarianism states that a) physical processes such as gravity and magnetism are present in all of Earth's environments b) speciation takes place gradually rather than in bursts. c) geological processes such as erosion and sedimentation that act in modern times also occurred in the past. d) biological processes such as development and evolution apply to both plants and animals.

natural selection

Charles Darwin's book titled On the Origin of the Species proposed ____ as an evolutionary mechanism.


Cuvier thought that lower layers of rock were older than those above them. This principle describes

some traits are different among organisms in a population and those differences can be inherited.

Darwin noted that natural selection occurs because

"descent with modification"

Darwin reasoned that the variety of finch species found on the Galapagos Islands descended from a common ancestor. He used the phrases "____ with _____" to describe gradual genetic changes from the ancestral type.


Descent with modification describes the process of

c) Birds with different heritable differences were able to better survive and reproduce in different habitats.

How did natural selection shape the evolution of finches on the Galapagos islands? a) Several different bird species migrated from the mainland to the Galapagos Islands and occupied the habitats to which they were best suited. b) Birds that used their beaks to crack bigger seeds acquired larger beaks in their lifetime and passed this trait on to their offspring c) Birds with different heritable differences were able to better survive and reproduce in different habitats.

d) convergent evolution

If two species that live on opposite sides of the planet share common characteristics and live in similar habitats, then these two species have undergone a) coevolution b) artificial selection c) microevolution d) convergent evolution


In a population of 1,000 individuals with a gene that has two alleles, there are 2,000 alleles total for this gene. If there are 800 copies of allele a, what is the frequency of allele a in the population?


In order for natural selection to take place, natural resources, like food and water, must be

a) modern evolutionary synthesis

In the 1930s, scientists unified natural selection and genetics into the a) modern evolutionary synthesis b) theory of uniformitarianism c) genetic variation synthesis d) heritable synthesis

population A biological species is often defined as a population or group of populations whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

Interbreeding members of the same species compose a _____.


One definition of _____ is "changes in traits from generation to generation."

b) gene flow c) natural selection e) mutation

Select all of the following that are mechanisms of evolution and that can alter allele frequencies. a) Hardy-Weinberg equilibirum b) gene flow c) natural selection d) mitosis e) mutation

a) occurs due to variation in environmental factors c) results in differential reproductive success of individuals

Select all of the following that are true about natural selection. a) occurs due to variation in environmental factors b) occurs by random chance c) results in differential reproductive success of individuals d) results in individuals that are not adapted to local conditiions

b) There is a variation in a population. d) More individuals are born into a population than the habitat can support. e) Some individuals in a population are better able to obtain resources than others.

Select all the reasoning's of Charles Darwin that were influenced by Thomas Malthus's Essay. a) All individuals in a population can adapt to the habitat. b) There is a variation in a population. c) All members of a population are well-adapted to obtaining resources d) More individuals are born into a population than the habitat can support. e) Some individuals in a population are better able to obtain resources than others.

b) Any physical changes that happen to the parents during their lives can be passed on to the next generation. c) Organisms that use a body part repeatedly increase their abilities.

Select all the statements that describe Lamarck's ideas about the origin of species. a) organisms do not change over time, and members of a species are identical b) Any physical changes that happen to the parents during their lives can be passed on to the next generation. c) Organisms that use a body part repeatedly increase their abilities. d) Variation in a population leads to some individuals that reproduce more often than other individuals

a) There is competition among individuals for limited resources c) Organisms are varied and some variations are inherited e) Natural selection can change the characteristics of a population over many generations f) Some individuals due to their inherited characteristics survive, making them more likely to reproduce g) More individuals are born than can survive to reproduce

Select observations and inferences Charles Darwin made in support of natural selection. a) There is competition among individuals for limited resources b) Resources are usually available in unlimited supply c) Organisms are varied and some variations are inherited d) Individuals in a population share all of the same characteristics; thus, no variation can occur in future generations. e) Natural selection can change the characteristics of a population over many generations f) Some individuals due to their inherited characteristics survive, making them more likely to reproduce g) More individuals are born than can survive to reproduce

b) Natural selection does not have a goal of a perfect organism

Select the correct statement about natural selection. a) Natural selection produces new phenotypes when a species needs them b) Natural selection does not have a goal of a perfect organism c) Natural selection acts to produce successively more complex and bigger species over time.

artificial; natural

Selection of dairy cows that produce more milk for human consumption is an example of ____ slection, and selection of light-colored moths over dark-colored moths by a bird predator is an example of ____ selection.

c) macroevolutionary Macroevolution describes large-scale evolutionary events, such as as the appearance of new species. In contrast, microevolution refers to short-term genetic changes within a population or a species.

The appearance of a new species of oak tree would be called a(n) _____ event. a) equillibrium b) microevolutionary c) macroevolutionary d) polygenic

c) allele frequency

The number of copies of an allele divided by the total number of alleles in a population is the a) gene pool b) genotypic frequency c) allele frequency d) Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

c) allele frequency

The number of copies of an allele divided by the total number of alleles in a population is the a) genotypic frequency b) Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium c) allele frequency d) gene pool

c) microevolution

The relatively short-term, genetic changes within a population or species that occur on a small scale are called a) equillibrium b) dimorphism c) microevolution d) macroevolution

a) microevolution

The relatively short-term, genetic changes within a population or species that occur on a small scale are called a) microevolution b) dimorphism c) equilibrium d) macroevolution

d) 0.9 If there are 100 individuals, then there are 200 alleles (each individual has two alleles for a given gene). Then to calculate the frequency of the B allele, 180/200=0.9

There is a population of 100 diploid individuals with a gene that has 2 different alleles (B and b). If 180 of the alleles in the population are B, then the frequency of the allele B in that populations is _____. a) 0.2 b) 0.1 c) 0.8 d) 0.9 e) 1.8


True or false: some features can persist in organisms even though they are not needed or used.

b) Evolution is a change in allele frequencies in a population over multiple generations.

What is the most precise definition of evolution? a) Evolution is the change in population size over multiple generations b) Evolution is a change in allele frequencies in a population over multiple generations. c) Evolution is the change in physical characteristics of an individual in its lifetime d) Evolution is the change in a phenotype toward a more advanced form of the trait


_____ is defined as a change in allele frequencies in a population over time.

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