Chapter 13

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1. An indulgence is a document issued by the Catholic Church lessening penance or time in purgatory and was believed to forgive all sins. 2. This occurred in Rome. 3. This happened in the 1500s. 4. Indulgences are important because they showed how corrupt the Pope was, because he was willing to grant forgiveness for money. 5. No picture.


1. Anabaptists were adults who were "rebaptizers". 2. Groups formed in Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands. 3. Groups began to form in the 1520s. 4. Anabaptists are important because they brought forth the idea of changing religion or becoming a part of a religion at any age. 5. No picture.


1. Anticlericalism is the opposition to the clergy. 2. This happened in Europe. 3. This occurred in the early 1500s. 4. Anticlericalism is important because it brought forth the ignorance of the clergy to the people. 5. No picture.

Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire

1. Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire ruled at the age of 19. 2. He lived in the Holy Roman Empire. 3. He ruled from 1519 to 1556. 4. Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire is important because his election to become ruler shaped the course of the Reformation.

Christian III of Denmark

1. Christian III of Denmark was the king of Denmark. 2. He lived in Denmark. 3. He was king of Denmark from 1536-1559. 4. Christian III of Denmark is important because it was under his rule that Denmark-Norway officially accepted Reformation. 5. No picture.

Elizabeth I of England

1. Elizabeth I of England became the ruler of England after Mary died. 2. She was from England. 3. She ruled from 1558-1603. 4. Elizabeth I of England is important because her reign began religious stability.

Gustavus Vasa of Sweden

1. Gustavus Vasa of Sweden was the king of Sweden during a civil war with Denmark. 2. He was from Sweden. 3. He ruled Sweden from 1523-1560. 4. Gustavus Vasa of Sweden is important because he took over control of church personnel and income. 5. No picture.

Henry VIII of England

1. Henry VIII of England was married to Catherine of Aragon, Ferdinand and Isabella's daughter. 2. He lived in England. 3. He ruled from 1509-1547. 4. Henry VIII is important because he removed the English Church form papal jurisdiction for not wanting to annul his marriage with Catherine.

Holy Office

1. Holy Office was the official Roman Catholic agency founded. 2. It was founded in Rome. 3. It was founded in 1542. 4. The Holy Office is important because it was founded in order to combat international doctrinal heresy. 5. No picture.


1. Huguenots are French Calvinists. 2. They lived in large cities like Paris, Lyon, and Rouen. 3. They began in the mid-1500s. 4. Huguenots are important because they spread Calvinistic ideas in the large cities. 5. No picture.


1. Jesuits are members of the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius Loyola. 2. Jesuits were in Europe. 3. Jesuits began in the mid-1500s. 4. Jesuits are important because they played key role internationally in strengthening Catholicism in Europe and spreading the faith around the world. 5. No picture.

John Calvin

1. John Calvin believed that God had specifically selected him to reform the church. 2. He was bron in Noyon in northwestern France. 3. He lived from 1509-1564. 4. John Calvin is important because he worked assiduously to establish a well-disciplined Christian society in which church and state acted together.

John Knox

1. John Knox was dominated the reform movement and established the state church. 2. He was from Scotland. 3. He lived from 1505-1572. 4. John Knox is important because he was determined to structure the Scottish Church after the model of Geneva.

Martin Luther

1. Martin Luther was a German university professor and priest. 2. He was born in Saxony. 3. He lived from 1483- 1546. 4. Martin Luther is important because he began the Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church through his criticisms.

Ninety-five Theses on the Power of Indulgences

1. Ninety-five Theses on the Power of Indulgences was written by Martin Luther to argue the concept of indulgences. 2. They were written in Europe. 3. It was written in 1517. 4. The Ninety-five Theses on the Power of Indulgences was important because it argued that indulgences undermined the seriousness of penance, competed with preaching of the Gospel, and downplayed the importance of charity in the Christian life. 5. No picture.


1. Politiques are Catholic and Protestant moderates who held that only a strong monarchy could save France from total collapse. 2. They were from France. 3. They began in the 1500s. 4. Politiques are important because they favored the acceptance of Huguenots as an officially recognized and organized group. 5. No picture.


1. Predestination is the teaching that God has determined the salvation or damnation of individuals based on his will and purpose. 2. This came about in France. 3. It came about ini the late 1500s. 4. Predestination is important because it stated that people cannot work for their salvation. 5. No picture.


1. Protestant was a name given to followers of Luther and meant all non-Catholic Western Christian groups. 2. Protestants could be found in Rome and other places in Europe. 3. Protestants came about in the early 1500s. 4. Protestants are important because with their help people like Luther and Zwingli were able to accomplish their goals of reforming the Roman Catholic Church. 5. No picture.

Spanish Armada (1588)

1. Spanish Armada was the fleet sent by Phillip II of Spain against England as a religious crusade against Protestantism. 2. This took place in the Channel. 3. This took place in 1588. 4. The Spanish Armada is important because the Spanish fleet was defeated by the weather and the English fleet. 5. No picture.

Augsburg Confession

1. The Augsburg Confession is a Lutheran developed statement of faith. 2. It was developed in Augsburg. 3. It was developed around 1530. 4. The Augsburg Confession is important because through this people formed alliances in order take down the emperor's commands. 5. No picture.

Council of Trent

1. The Council of Trent was called to reform the Catholic Church and also secure reconciliation with the Protestants. 2. It took place in Trent, Italy. 3. It went on from 1545-1563. 4. The Council of Trent is important because laid a solid basis for the spiritual renewal of the Catholic Church, although they could not all agree. 5. No picture.

Edict of Nantes

1. The Edict of Nantes is a document issued by Henry IV of France that granted liberty of conscience and of public worship to Calvinists. 2. It was written in France. 3. It was written in 1598. 4. The Edict of Nantes is important because it helped to restore peace in France. 5. No picture.

Institutes of the Christian Religion

1. The Institutes of the Christian Religion is Calvin's formulation of Christian doctrine. 2. He wrote it in France. 3. He wrote it in 1536 and the final form came out in 1559. 4. The Institutes of the Christian Religion is important because it became the systematic theology for Protestantism. 5. No picture.

Peace of Augsburg

1. The Peace of Augsburg was a treaty that Charles agreed on in order to bring peace to the Holy Roman Empire. 2. It was signed in Augsburg. 3. The Peace of Augsburg was signed in 1555. 4. The Peace of Augsburg is important because through this treaty Lutheranism was recognized. 5. No picture.

Union of Utrecht

1. The Union of Utrecht was the alliance of seven northern provinces that declared its independence from Spain and formed the United Provinces of the Netherlands. 2. This union was formed in Holland. 3. This union was formed in 1581. 4. The Union of Utrecht is important because Holland declared its independence from Spain in it, but Philip did not accept t and war continued. 5. No picture.

Ulrich Zwingli

1. Ulrich Zwingli was a Swiss humanist, priest and admirer of Erasmus. 2. He was from Zurich. 3. He lived from 1484 to 1531. 4. Ulrich Zwingli was important because he believed that Cristian life rested on the Scriptures. 5. No picture.

Witch Panic

1. Witch panic was when a small group would hunt down a person who was being accused of witchcraft. 2. This occurred in all of Europe mostly: the Holy Roman Empire, Switzerland. and parts of France. 3. This happened in late 1500s and throughout the 1600s. 4. Witch panics are important because they showed that no one was safe from being accused of being a witch or participating in witch craft. 5. No picture.

Chapter 13

Ann Marie Fernandez Period 1

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