Chapter 13 Heart

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Structures that take blood from the heart to the cells and return blood from the cells back to the heart

arteries, veins, and capillaries

Narrowing of the arteries


This hormone also affects the heart rate


When the heart rhythm breaks down and muscle fibers contract at random without coordination, this is called


To listen to the heart sounds at the apex, place the stethoscope between the

fifth and sixth ribs, middle of left clavicle.

The pump that circulates blood to all parts of the body


The heart is located in the thoracic cavity

posterior to the sternum and superior to the diaphragm.

a test performed on a computed tomography machine that can help evaluate the risk of heart disease. It is able to detect calcified plaque in the arteries of the heart.

Coronary calcium scoring

blood test: measures cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, HDL, and triglyceride levels.

Lipid panel

tiny, webbed, stainless steel devices that hold arteries open after an angioplasty

cardiac stents

Small fibrous strands connecting the edges of the tricuspid valve to the papillary muscle that are projections from the myocardium

chordae tendineae

The longest system of the body

circulatory system

an ultrasonic procedure used to evaluate the structures and motion of the heart


Inflammation of the membrane that lines the heart and covers the valves


Interruption of the AV node message from the SA node

heart block

Cardiac muscle tissue


When the heart feels like its racing


Impulses from the _______system slows down the heart


The tough outer membrane of the heart

parietal or fibrous pericardium

Inflammation of the outer membrane covering the heart


originate in the ventricles and cause contractions ahead of the next anticipated beat. They can be benign or deadly

premature ventricular contractions

When the conduction system of the heart is affected

conduction defect

The principal type if heart disease


The heart receives its blood supply from the

coronary artery

Narrowing of the coronary arteries that supply oxygen and nutrient-filled blood to the heart muscle

coronary artery disease

involves surgery providing a detour or bypass to allow the blood supply to go around the blocked area of a coronary artery

coronary bypass

A large venous channel located on the posterior wall of the heart, it receives blood from the coronary veins and empties the blood into the right atrium

coronary sinus

The SA node sends an electrical impulse to the atria that causes them to

depolarazie (contract)

Sound is heard second and is made by the semilunar valves in the aorta and the main pulmonary artery closing

dupp (S2)

Difficulty breathing


Which diagnostic test uses a wandlike device placed on the chest over the heart to direct ultrasound waves at the heart?


The heart rate is affected by the

endocrine and nervous systems

Thin layer covering the heart


Double layer of fibrous tissue surrounding the heart


The recommended rate of chest compressions in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is ___ per minute.


What part of the ECG tracing is the flat line between the various waves?


Positioned between the right atrium and right ventricle, allows blood to flow from the R atrium to the R ventricle and prevents backward flow

tricuspid valve

The path of blood flow through the deoxygenated side of the heart is

vena cava->right atrium->Tricuspid valve-> Right ventricle-> Pulmonary semilunar valve-> pulmonary artery

The AV node stimulates the contraction of the


The QRS wave represents

ventricular depolarization

During rest muscles receive ____of cardiac output


The heart has how many valves that permit the blood to flow in one direction only?


The average adult contains ______ of blood


During exercise muscles receive ____ of cardiac output


The average adult heart rate at rest is ___ beats per minute.


an X-ray that uses dye injected into the coronary arteries to study the circulation of the blood through the arteries. This test is often done along with a cardiac catheterization test.


blood test: measure the amount of oxygen in the blood (should be high) and the amount of carbon dioxide (should be low).

Arterial blood gases

occurs when abnormal impulses from the atria bombard the AV node. The AV node blocks many of the extra signals from reaching the ventricles, but some do get through. This action causes the ventricles to beat faster, and a person can experience tachycardia.

Arterial fibrillation

blood test: measures the level of the protein B-type natriuretic peptide that is produced by the heart and blood vessels to help eliminate body fluids. The BNP has been shown to rise if one has angina or heart attack.


What substance is produced by the liver in response to infection and inflammation and can indicate the presence of heart disease?

C-reactive protein

blood test: produced in the liver in response to infection and inflammation. Low risk level for developing heart disease is below 1 mg/L; average risk level is 1 to 3 mg/L; and high risk is over 3 mg/L. May indicate heart disease in conjunction with other findings.

C-reactive protein

the use of radio waves and a strong magnetic field to provide remarkably clear and detailed pictures of the size and thickness of the chambers. The images can determine the extent of damage caused by a heart attack or progressive heart disease.

Cardiac MRI

involves insertion of a catheter, usually into the femoral artery or vein. The catheter is fed into the chamber of the heart. Dye is inserted and pictures are taken as the fluid moves through the chambers.

Cardiac catheterization

blood test: a protein normally only found in heart cells; released into the blood after a heart attack, usually within 8 to 12 hours. Patients are monitored at intervals during this period to see if the level of this protein is rising. Patients with elevated levels may have suffered heart damage.

Cardiac troponin T

Similar to heart failure, in the left side fluid accumulates in to the lungs causing pulmonary edema, in the right side the fluid builds up throughout the body

Congestive heart failure

From which artery does the heart directly receive its blood supply?


How does exercise affect cardiac output?

Heart rate increases, increases cardiac output

a portable, battery-operated ECG machine worn by the patient to record ECGs on tape over a period of 24 to 48 hours. At the end of the time period, the monitor is returned to the physician's office and the tape is read and evaluated.

Holter monitor

Blood (oxygenated) flows into the heart from the lungs by the pulmonary veins to the left atrium through the bicuspid (mitral) valve to the left ventricle through the aortic semilunar valve to the aorta to general circulation.

Left heart

a test done to evaluate the right and left ventricles. This scan is performed by taking a sample of the patient's blood and attaching a radioactive marker to red blood cells.

MUGA (multiple gated acquisition)

What condition can cause fatigue, palpitations, headache, chest pain, and anxiety?

Mitral valve prolapse

a specialized type of stress test. This test uses thallium or Cardiolite, radioactive substances that are injected into the bloodstream when the maximum level of exercise is reached.

Nuclear perfusion testing

refers to an arrhythmia disorder that occurs when an area of the heart known as an ectopic (abnormal place) pacemaker (not the SA node) sparks and stimulates a contraction of the myocardium.

Premature contractions

May be a result of a person having frequent strep throat infections during childhood, the antibodies that formed to help the child combat strep may attack the lining of the heart and the bicuspid valve

Rheumatic heart disease

Blood (deoxygenated) flows into the heart from the superior and inferior vena cava to the right atrium to the tricuspid valve to the right ventricle through the pulmonary semilunar valves to the right and left pulmonary arteries, which take blood to the lungs for oxygen.

Right heart

Each time the ventricles contract, blood leaves the _______ to go to the lungs, and blood leaves the left ventricle to go to the ______

Right ventricle, aorta

The inner lining of smooth tissue in the heart, covering the heart valves and lines the blood vessels, providing smooth transit for the flowing blood


is an invasive technique that is performed by placing an instrument in the esophagus to measure sound waves.

Transesophageal echocardiography

is the use of lasers to puncture holes in the heart muscle to improve blood flow.

Transmyocardial laser revascularization

the rhythm breaks down and muscle fibers contract at random, without coordination. This results in ineffective heart action and is a life-threatening condition.

Ventricular fibrillation

Severe chest pain that arises when the heart does not receive enough oxygen

angina pectoris

procedure to help open clogged vessels

angioplasty (balloon surgery)

Takes blood away from the left ventricle to the rest of the body


Which vessel takes oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the rest of the body?


Found at the orifice of the aorta, permits the blood to pass from the left ventricle into the aorta but not backwards

aortic semilunar valve

The term used to discuss any change or deviation from the normal rate or rhythm of the heart


A loss of elasticity and thickening of the wall


Abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity


Plaque buildup in the arterial walls


Bundle of fibers where impulse is sent for heart contractions

atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His)

Cells that control the heart muscle contractions located between the atria and ventricles

atrioventricular nodes

Located between the atria and ventricles

atrioventricular valves

Located between the left atrium and left ventricle, allows blood flow from the L atrium to the L ventricle and prevents backward flow

bicuspid valve

Carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells and carries the waste products away


The term used for slow heart rate (less than 60 beats per minute)


Total output of blood ejected from the heart per minute

cardiac output

Occurs when the ventricles of the heart are unable to contract effectively and blood pools in the heart. The left side causes dyspnea, the right side causes edema and ascites

heart failure

Organs of the circulatory system

heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, blood

Completely separates the blood to the right half and left half in the heart

interventricular septum

a combination of echocardiography and cardiac catheterizations. IVUS uses sound waves to produce an image of the coronary arteries and to see their condition

intravascular coronary ultrasound

What is the desirable level for low-density lipoprotein (LDL)?

less than 100mg/dl

Sound is heard first and is made by the tricuspid and bicuspid closing between the atria and ventricles

lubb (S1)

The sounds valves make when they close

lubb dupp sounds

Returns excess fluid from the tissues to the general circulation and is part of the cardiovascular system

lymph system

Which valve is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle?

mitral (bicuspid)

Condition in which the valve between the left atrium and left ventricle closes imperfectly

mitral valve prolapse

Indicates some defects in the valves of the heart


"Heart Attack" caused by a lack of blood supply to the myocardium

myocardial infarction

Inflammation of the heart muscle


Takes blood away from the right ventricle to the lungs for oxygen

pulmonary artery

Found at the orifice of the pulmonary arteries, allows blood to travel from the right ventricle into the right and left pulmonary arteries and then into the lungs

pulmonary semilunar valve

Brings oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium

pulmonary veins

Fibers that contract in the heart

purkinje fibers

The two upper chambers of the heart

right and left atrium

The two lower chambers of the heart

right and left ventricle

Cells that control the heart muscle contractions located at the opening of the superior vena cava into the right atrium

sinoatrial nodes (pacemaker)

Total output of blood ejected from the ventricles per minute

stroke volume

Large venous blood vessels that bring deoxygenated blood to the right atrium from all parts of the body

superior vena cava

Impulses from the ______system speeds up the heart

sympathetic nervous

The term used for rapid heart rate (more than 100 beats per minute)


Which of the following is referred to as "complete heart block"?

third degree block

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