chapter 14

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Kingdom developed among Fon or Aja peoples in 17th century; center at Abomey 70 miles from coast; under King Agaja expanded to control coastline and port of Whydah by 1727; accepted Western firearms and goods in return for African slaves.

Which areas of the Americas were slaves imported?

They were imported to North America's east coast, Mexico, and Cuba.

Why did Fur become a global commodity?

They provided warmth and conveyed status in colder parts of world, and the integration of North America and northern Asia (Siberia) made it increase in value in global trade. (Colder climates influenced by the Little Ice Age)

Tokugawa Shogunate

was a semi-feudal government of Japan in which one of the shoguns unified the country under his family's rule. They moved the capital to Edo, which now is called Tokyo. This family ruled from Edo 1868, when it was abolished during the Meiji Restoration.

What are the factors leading to Europe's involvement in Indian Ocean trade?

-Desire for tropical spices -Recovery from Europe's black death w/ pop. Growth = centers for international commerce. -Vasco Da Gamma's voyage to India -Improved maritime tech -desire to spread Christianity


A pre-colonial African state located in what is now modern day Angola. It was a powerful kingdom that long resisted Portuguese colonization attempts.

How long did it take for the slave trade to reach its peak? How many?

300 years for it to reach its peak between 1700-1850 because of plantation societies in the America's picked up pace in the 17th century, 1807 = decline in slavery, many died but 10 million survived.

Identify the elements of the Middle Passage...

Apart of the triangular trade, many died, close together in a ship (some evidence of bonding/ community)

Who were the participants in the Indian Ocean trade from 1450-1750?

Arabs, Indians, Chinese New players: Portuguese, Dutch, British, Spain

Why did Portugal develop a trading post empire?

Because they aimed to control commerce, not large pop.'s or territories, they did it by force instead of economic competition. -did not have large army but did have gunpowder tech

Identify Classical, Postclassical and Early Modern Slavery.

Classical= POW and women, but treated like family, educated them, farms and households (Greece and Rome) Postclassical= feudalism and serfdom, domestic slavery in Islam Early Modern=high slave trafficking in colonization, dehumanization, reproduced themselves

Similarities and Differences in West African societies (Kongo, Matamba and Dahomey)?

Dahomey and Kongo both provided opportunities to women now that there were less men, All of them had women in places of power, queen, part of the court, or lower level administrative positions.

What other destructive imports did Europeans bring to the New World?

Diseases, gun powder weapons/ conquest and alcohol (didn't exist in the same form that Natives had, it was stronger).

Kongo Empire

Emerged in 14th century along the mouth of the Congo River. Had a & centralized government allowed empire to grow. Traded with Portuguese.

How did European traders interact with Japan?

Europeans and their gunpowder were welcomed, missionary efforts went well but the Japanese weren't a fan of Christianity because it was so different than the culture already existing in Japan and then they got kicked out and kept the Dutch

How was European interaction in trade different in the Indian Ocean and in the Americas?

Europeans joined in already existing trade routes with the peoples and did not want to conquer the people while in the America's they created new trade routes and did conquer the people to do so.

What were the demographic changes to Africa and the Americas?

In America this added a new mix of people to their population while in Africa= decrease in male population.

How did the departure of so many African men affect African society?

Increase in demand for male labor and increase in need for women slaves = makes women more prominent in African Society.

Identify Indian Ocean Trade c.1750:

Luxury goods = falling out of favor for more basic needs that the people want or that stimulate economies more (silver and gold trade/mercantilism). Portuguese fall out of trade as Dutch and British and Spanish dominate.

Why was alcohol so destructive?

Natives had never been introduced to this intoxicating and addicting substance before, so they did not know how to handle its consequences (binge drinking, addiction, promiscuity, violence)

How did women gain important political roles during this slave trade Era

Poligamy = head wife control over other wives, could be on council, could be monarch rulers who was taken seriously by the Europeans, lineages became

Vasco da Gama

Portuguese explorer. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route.

Why did the Spanish take over the Philippines?

Spain realized they were far behind in Eastern trade, Philippines was close to China and the spice islands, it was inhabited by small and weak societies, also wanted to spread religion which followed their colonizing mission.

What was the role of Silver in Spain and Japan?

Spain's colony the Philippines was the destination for shipments of silver, which was mined form Bolivia, transported to Mexico, then shipped to Philippines, which was the first direct link between the America's and Asia. Japan was a major source of silver production and this bought them guns and created their unity and a slow in pop. Growth.

What was the impact of the social and environmental impact of the Spice and Fur trade?

Spice= major cash crop, = deforestation from growing cash crops, changed all the est. hierarchy's with he introduction of the Dutch and Britsih, disrupts gender roles with new influence of Christianity The fur trade enhanced men's social position as hunting was a traditionally male thing, and women had to process those furs meaning they did not make as many home goods that were made available by men in trade with Europeans. The fur trade also decreased fur animal population.

List the important developments of the Atlantic Slave Trade...

The Atlantic Slave Trade became identified with Africa and "blackness", negotiate for lowest price of slaves with different slave trading groups, trading gunpowder to these people for slaves which increased warfare,

Why was the unification of Tokugawa Japan significant?

The people of the newly unified Japan in Tokugawa began to see the Europeans as a threat to their unity and began to expel them from the country then they become isolated only trading with the dominate Dutch.

What were the causes of Portugal's decline in the Indian Ocean trade network?

They were overextended, rising states in Asia (Japan used the guns they traded to them, used them to unite Japan under Tokugawa and kicked out the Portuguese) actively persisted Portuguese commercial control, Europeans also gradually dominated them because of their effort to dominate European spice trade. Do not diversify what trade they take place in.

How were the Philippines turned into a Christian outpost?

This land gave them a hold against the Muslims who were gaining strength against the Spanish. Women's role decreased because in original Philippine culture they held great religious power as Christianity promoted the place of men over women.

Who are they and from where did African slaves originate?

Went to Spanish America, and Brazil, few went to North America because of "breeding" them, in South America = chattle slavery so imported a lot.

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