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Many forced and free migrants practiced the religious beliefs of their homelands as a way of adapting to unfamiliar experiences and environments in their destination societies. Which of the following processes best supports the historical argument above?

African slaves in the Americas integrating African beliefs into their practice of Christianity

Which of the following best illustrates the argument described in the passage above?

Amerindians were killed in large numbers by diseases such as smallpox and measles.

Which of the following was an important continuity in the global economy from 1500 C.E. to 1700 C.E.?

Asian societies produced most of the world's manufactured goods

Which of the following evidence from the period would best support this historical reinterpretation?

European merchants transported only a fraction of the goods shipped globally

Which of the following most clearly differentiates the sixteenth century from the previous period in world history?

Extension of sugar production to the Americas

Which of the following is most likely to have influenced eighteenth-century population trends in both Europe and China?

Introduction of Western Hemisphere crops

Which of the following was a major long-term effect of Vasco da Gama's voyage to India in the late 1490s?

It led to the integration of European merchants into the Indian Ocean economy

Bolívar was describing the effects of which of the following economic policies?


In the excerpt, Bolivar expresses which of the following?

Outrage at the effects of mercantilist policies

Which of the following was the most important factor in enabling the Spanish to defeat the Aztec Empire?

The Spanish were able to form military alliances with other indigenous peoples who were enemies of the Aztecs

During the 17th century, one of the reasons Africans participated in the Atlantic slave trade was

The demand for weapons among African elites

Which of the following was a major motivation for European maritime expansion starting in the fifteenth century?

The desire to trade directly with Africans and Asians

All of the following pieces of evidence in the passage directly support the author's claim that the "pestilence" was "terrible" except

The disease led to the arrival of Dominican friars

Which of the following resulted from the arrival of western Europeans in India and China during the time period 1450 to 1750 ?

The establishment of small European enclaves in India and China

All of the following resulted from the growth of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa except

The exclusion of Africa from the emerging global market

Which of the following changes best justifies the claim that the late 1400s mark the beginning of a new period in world history?

The incorporation of the Americas into a broader global network of exchange

In the period 1500 to 1750, the population of the Portuguese colony of Brazil grew rapidly and became predominantly African. Which of the following best explains these demographic changes?

The increase in global demand for cash crops such as sugar

Which of the following describes the most important cause of the demographic changes associated with the Columbian Exchange?

The introduction of New World food crops to Afro-Eurasia and the spread of epidemic diseases to the Americas

Which of the following best exemplifies mercantilism as it was practiced in the Atlantic trading system by 1750 ?

The protection of European merchant companies by their respective governments

Which of the following accurately describes the function of the mit'a system in the Inca Empire?

To compel Inca subjects to work on various state projects for a fixed term each year

In the 3 centuries after Columbus' voyages, most of the people who came to the Western Hemisphere originated in which of the following regions?

Western Africa

Which of the following was a major environmental effect of the European establishment of plantation agriculture in the Americas during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

Widespread deforestation and depletion of soil nutrients

Between 1500 and 1800, Europeans were primarily interested in tropical colonies in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and in the Caribbean because

large profits could be made from products like sugar, coffee, and pepper

All of the following factors contributed to significant growth in worldwide population from 1750 through 1900 EXCEPT

new grain crops developed in the Green Revolution

The success of European powers in penetrating the Asian trading system by 1600 can best be explained by the

opening of rich silver mines in Peru and Mexico

In the period 1450—1750, which of the following, produced on large plantations by slave labor, were significant commodities in the growing world market?

Cash crops such as sugar and tobacco

Which of the following consequences of the Columbian Exchange most affected Amerindians in the sixteenth century?

Diseases caused pandemics

In the period 1550-1750, most of the world's ten largest cities were located in which of the following regions?

East Asia

Which of the following was a major similarity among European colonial empires in the Americas in the period 1450-1750 ?

Enslavement of African peoples and subjugation of Amerindians

During the period 1450 to 1750, which of the following commodities was most responsible for transforming the global economy?


Between 1450 and 1750, which of the following were produced on large plantations by slave labor for the world market?

Sugar and tobacco

The transfer of which of the following as part of the Columbian Exchange had the greatest effect on human migration patterns before 1800?


In the period 1450 to 1750, the intensification of connections between the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere had which of the following effects on religious practices?

Syncretic forms of religion such as Vodun developed

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