Chapter 14 Audiology and Hearing Loss

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acoustic neuroma

(disorders of the inner ear) auditory nerve tumor


(disorders of the inner ear) hearing loss resulting from _____ may be permanent or reversible


(disorders of the outer ear) a severe narrowing of the external canal, does not result in significant hearing loss unless earwax becomes trapped in the narrow opening


(disorders of the outer ear) refers to a small malformed pinna and by itself does not result in loss of hearing sensitivity


Acoustic immittance testing is a type of testing that results in a graph called a _______ which plots the compliance of the middle ear as a function of changes in air pressure within the ear canal. assists in identifying problems with the ear

nonorganic hearing loss

a term used to described the condition in which an individual portrays having a hearing loss when one does not exist or exaggerates the degree of a true organic impairment


activity limitation


present at birth

mixed hearing loss

the third type of hearing loss, is the simultaneous presence of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss

menieres disease

(disorders of the inner ear) another disorder that can produce hearing loss that is rather sudden in onset. caused by pressure resulting from build up of endolymph within the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear

Waardenburgs syndrome

(disorders of the inner ear) another genetic disorder characterized by mild to severe sensorineural hearing loss, pigmentary discoloration of the irises and hair and craniofacial malformation of the nasal area

auditory neuropathy (dyssynchrony)

(disorders of the inner ear) characterized by a lack of synchrony in the firing of auditory nerve fibers in response to sound in conjunction with normal outer hair cell function


(disorders of the inner ear) hearing loss due to inflammation of the fluids and layers of tissue covering the brain and it frequently leads to severe or profound hearing loss in young children and adults

Ushers syndrome

(disorders of the inner ear) is a genetic disorder characterized by sensorineural hearing loss ranging from severe to profound in degree and retinitis pigmentosa, a degenerative visual impairment that results in blindness and reduced peripheral vision

Alports syndrome

(disorders of the inner ear) is marked by sensorineural hearing loss and kidney disease


(disorders of the inner ear) ringing in the ears

aplasia (dysplasia)

(disorders of the inner ear) when hearing loss is due to the absence or malformation of the inner ear structures during embryonic development

Acute, chronic

(disorders of the middle ear) ______ otitis media is characterized by a rapid onset , with resolution within approximately 3 weeks. when it lasts longer than 8 weeks its called ______ otitis media

otitis media

(disorders of the middle ear) an inflammation of the mucous membrane linning the middle ear cavity. most frequently diagnosed disorder in the US in kids 15 and under


(disorders of the middle ear) if the fluid is sterile, the condition is classified as _______ otitis media


(disorders of the middle ear) is a disorder that primarily effects young adults (females) and can be linked to genetic factors. characterized by the resorption of healthy bone and subsequent formation of spongy bone in the vicinity of the stapes footplate


(disorders of the middle ear) is a tumor like mass composed of epithelial (skin) cells, keratin, and fat that migrates into the middle ear cavity, often through a perforated eardrum

purulent (suppurative)

(disorders of the middle ear) pus forms within the middle ear cavity as a direct result of the infection of the mucous membrane is a condition called ________ otitis media

otitis media with effusion

(disorders of the middle ear) the vacuum within the middle ear can lead to secretion of fluid, a condition referred to as ______ ______ ____ ______


(disorders of the outer ear) a disorder in which there is complete closure of the external auditory meatus, significant hearing loss is inevitable

semicircular canals, otolith system

(inner ear) the vestibular system is also comprised of bony and membranous sections and contains two important features called the _____ ______ and the _______ ______

tympanic membrane (eardrum)

(middle ear) a thin concave shaped structure that is highly elastic and responds like a stereo speaker, vibrating in response to sound waves that travel down the canal

oval window

(middle ear) a thin membrane that marks the entrance to the inner ear

ossicular chain (ossicles)

(middle ear) includes the malleus, incus and stapes


(middle ear) largest of the 3 bones and is structured in the fibrous layer of the eardrum

tympanic cavity (middle ear space)

(middle ear) this air filled cavity housed within the temporal bone of the skull is roughly cube shaped and lined with mucous membrane

external auditory meatus (canal)

(outer ear) an elliptical tube lined with skin that extends from the primary bowl-like depression associated with pinna, known as the concha, to the tympanic membrane(eardrum)

internal auditory meatus, cerebellopontine angle

The vestibulocochlear nerve is a highly organized bundle of nerve fibers that transverse through a bony canal called the _____ ______ ______, and once they exit the canal, the nerve join the brainstem at an angle (hint) in a region called the ______ _______. this marks the juncture of the peripheral and central auditory systems

basilar membrane

This membrane is narrower thinner and stiffer at the base, and wider, thicker and more flaccid at the apex, enabling it to respond differently to sounds that vary in terms of their component frequencies

central auditory processing disorders

Types of disorders that are characterized by an inability to efficiently and effectively use and interpret acoustic info, this is often reflected in problems associated with sound localization and lateralization, etc

personal adjustment

_________ ________ counseling is the process of assisting the client and family in dealing with emotional consequences of hearing loss


_________ counseling is when an audiologist explains the result of individual tests and might also present possible courses of treatment including amplifications and rehabilitation options, designed to facilitate spoken communication

auditory brainstem response

___________ _______ ________ measures the neuroelectric activityof the auditory nerve and structures in the lower brainstem

Deaf Community

a group who views deafness with a sense of pride that serves to unite its members and positively shape their sense of self-identity and self-concept


a loss of structure or function

sensorineural hearing loss

a second type of general hearing loss, results form the absence or malformation of, or damage to the structures of the inner ear, most notably the hair cells within the cochlea.

otoacoustic emissions

are a second type of electroacoustic measure that measures the integrity of the outer hair cells and are a powerful tool in differentiating disorders that are cochlear in origin from those that occur beyond the cochlea and differentiate disorders of the outer hair cells from the inner hair cells

vestibularcochlear (VIIIth nerve)

auditory nerve fibers that collectively form the acoustic branch of the _____

conditioned play audiometry (CPA)

behavioral assessment technique involves the use of toys such as blocks to engage a child in a listening game that the audiologist uses to obtain frequency specific results for each ear

visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA)

behavioral assessment technique used to assess behavioral responses to speech and frequency specific tones. more reliable than BOA and is less prone to problems related to habituation

outer ear

comprised of the pinna and the external auditory meatus

pure tone audiometry

considered to be one of the most fundamental behavioral tests


echo caused by reflected sound


function of the pinna that facilitates in determining where sound originates in space


hearing loss that occurs through the aging process is referred to as ______


how the amplitude of a sound is measured


if hearing loss occurred after speech and language skills developed


if hearing loss occurred before speech and language skills developed


impairment and disability may lead to participation restriction or..


is defined as the lowest (quietest) intensity level, measured in decibels, at which a person can just barely detect a given stimulus approximately 50% of the time

primary consequence

loss of loudness or audiobility is the ________ _________ of conductive hearing loss

tectorial membrane

membrane forming the roof of the organ of Corti is a gelantious, tongue shaped structure that is fixed at one end while the opposite end is free to move up and down in response to displacement of the surrounding fluid.


most behavorial tests are administered using a specialized piece of electronic equipment called an ______ which contains numerous controls that allow for selection, manipulation and presentation of various stimuli used to assess hearing.

conductive hearing loss

occcurs as a result of a deformation, malfunction or obstruction of the outer or middle ear


part of the inner ear that is responsible for providing auditory input to the central auditory system

vestibular system

part of the inner ear that is responsible for supplying information regrading balance and spatial orientation

tonotopically organized

set up in a way that a portion of the basilar membrane closest to the stapes responds best to high frequency sounds, and the portion nearest the apex (tip) of the cochlea responds best to low frequency sounds

hair cells, stereocilia

situated on the basilar membrane are thousands of tiny _____, which are considered sensory receptors of the auditory system. located on top of each cell are small hair like projections called ______

phonemic regression

some individuals with presbycusis experiencing difficulty understanding speech that is far greater than one would predict based on their degree of hearing loss

pure tones

sounds that contain energy only at a single frequency


technology such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, assistive listening devices that improve access to sounds by electronically increasing their intensity


the ability to detect the presence of sound through one's sense of hearing.


the ability to recognize and understand what they hear. not only can the listener detect a stimulus such as speech, they are able to identify the individual phonemes that make up words and sentences


the amplitude of a sound determines its...

frequency, hertz

the back and forth movements regularly repeat itself, resulting in a certain number of complete cycles during a specific period called the _____ of vibrations and is expressed in cycles per second, or ______


the discipline involved in "the prevention of and assessment of auditory, vestibular, and related impairments as well as the habilitation and maintenance of persons with these impairments"


the first type of electroacoustic measure that measures electrical responses arising from hair cells within the cochlea and the VIIIth nerve within the first 1.5 to 2 ms after stimulation


the inner labyrinth is composed if membranous material and contains a fluid called _____

behavioral observation audiometry (BOA)

the most basic form of behavioral assessment used with infants


the most outwardly visible structure of the auditory system and composed of flexible cartilage covered with skin; collects and funnels sound into the ear canal while also serving as a natural resonator

American Sign Language

the natural language of the Deaf that serves to foster group cohesion and identity.


the outer labyrinth is composed of bone and filled with a fluid called _____

Deaf Culture

those who identify with this share a common language call American Sign Language

air conduction, bone conduction

Auditory thresholds are established by delivering pure tones in two different ways; through ___ ________ and _____ _______

auditory evoked potentials

Electrophysiological tests record neuroelectric responses generated by the auditory system in response to acoustic simulation that are collectively called ________ __________ __________

organ of Corti

Running along the center of the membranous labyrinth is an intricate structure called the ______

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