Chapter 14

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Which statement BEST describes the results of the presidential election of 1860?

B. Regional attitudes toward slavery decided the outcome.

Which of the following was a point made in the Dred Scott decision

B. slaves were property, even if they lived in a free territory

Senator John C. Calhoun would most likely agree with which of the following statements?

B. states' rights are more important than preserving the Union

Why did Brown mount his raid on Harper's Ferry?

B. to raise an army of African americans and lead them in a revolt

Southerners attacked Fort Sumter because they believed that

B. war was inevitable so it was better to start it on there own terms.

The ________ Party did not want the land gained in the Mexican-American War to allow slavery.

Free soil

The Compromise of 1850 allowed California to join the United States as a free state and passed a strict ________, which allowed escaped slaves in the North to be recaptured.

Fugitive slave act

Evaluate President Lincoln's actions toward the Confederate States of America in the months before the Civil War. Do you think Lincoln made the best possible decisions and that war was unavoidable? Or do you think he could have made different choices and avoided further conflict? Use specific examples to support your argument.

The question to be put to the documentary evidence presented in this problem is the question of Lincoln's role in the events which led in six weeks' time to war. In the ultimate sense, deep sectional forces had caused this conflict by creating antagonisms that potentially threatened war. But potentialities are not inevitabilities. They do not determine events; at most they may only determine the limits within which events occur. War crises have often existed without causing wars. Accordingly, the events which turned the war crisis of March into the war of April, 1861, deserve analysis as fully as do the underlying forces which caused the crisis.

Why were southerners opposed to the election of Abraham Lincoln?

southerners believed lincoln was an abolitionist and he would not protect their interest.

How did southerners react to the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

they thought lincoln was a abolitionist they felt betrayed by stephen douglas for refusing to grant legal protection for slavery.

candidate for the Senate who argued against the spread of slavery

A. Abraham Lincoln

California's request to join the union in 1850 would have

A. given free states an advantage over slave states

In 1850, slave trade was banned in ________.

Washington DC

abolitionist who led a raid on U.S. Army weapons stored at Harpers Ferry

John Brown

_______ suffered widespread violence as proslavery and antislavery settlers fought for control of the territory.


The ________ Act allowed settlers in the territories to decide whether to allow slavery.

Kansas nebraska

How did northerners react to the Compromise of 1850?

many northerners were angry about the fugitive slave law in the compromise and refused to enforce it.

Which of the following could be added to the time chart?

C. 1846-Wilmot Proviso proposes banning slavery in land gained in Mexico

California entered the Union as a free state in the

C. Compromise of 1850.

false or misleading information that is spread to further a cause

C. Propaganda

Who was Frederick Douglass?

C. a former slave who escaped and became an abolitionist.

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Abraham Lincoln

C. insisted that the territories be kept free from slavery.

How did the South react to Abraham Lincoln's election as President in 1860?

C. seven southern states seceded and formed the confederate states of america.

Which "dissatisfied fellow countrymen" did Lincoln refer to?

C. southerners whose states had seceded

The question of the admission of ________ to the Union as a free state led to the Compromise of 1850.


Which of the following was a result of the Wilmot Proviso?

D. All of the above

senator from South Carolina who opposed the Compromise of 1850

D. John C. Calhoun

Which of the following was not a direct cause of the Civil War?

D. Union troops attacked Confederate forts in South Carolina.

Which part of the compromise of 1850 shown in the diagram was most likely demanded by southern members of congress?

D. the Fugitive slave act

process that allows people in a territory or state to vote directly on issues rather than have their elected representatives decide

F. popular soversity

Northern reaction to John Brown's raid shocked and angered southern African Americans.


Stephen Douglas took a strong stand against slavery's expansion in the Lincoln-Douglas debates.


The goal of the new Federalist Party was to stop the spread of slavery into the western territories.


What were two events that fueled the debate over slavery between 1846 and 1850?

Mexican american war, California joining the union as a state.

Northerners supported John Brown.


Roger B. Taney was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote that Dred Scott was not a free man.


Explain how the Dred Scott decision widened the gap between the North and the South. In your opinion, was the Dred Scott decision one of the most important Supreme Court decisions in history? Give specifics to support your argument.

493 answer page. This inflamed tensions as the Northerners felt that the South were trying to expand slavery into the free states and were able to do so because they held the most power in the house of representatives and the supreme court had mainly southern judges. The South felt as though the North held power as there were more free states than slave states this affected the balance in the Senate as there were more free senators than slave senators.

Why did the admission of California alarm southerners?

A. it upset the balance b/w free and slave states in the senate

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